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Everything posted by Kojiro

  1. Introduction - SigmaTropic

    This shikantaza practice sounds very interesting. I have little experience in meditation, but definetily I would like to know more about it!
  2. Am I being led towards a path?

    western medicine is little more than a profitable business right now. If you want to learn how the body works or how it can heal itself you can read the hygienists, a very valuable western tradition that studied the body and how to cure it without pills. You can read Henry Lindlahr, John Tilden, Herbert Shelton, Russell Trall, etc. You can learn a lot with them.
  3. Healing the wounded child within

    this is very interesting, thanks for sharing. It means to me that mindfulness is the key to understand and heal ourselves from our traumas. Awareness of the bad feelings that we have, and not rejection of them, as a way to appease them, or at least as a first step towards inner peace. The problem with many people is that they try to pretend these bad feelings in themselves or in others do not exist. I guess it is easier for many to deceive themselves and hide from the ugly truths. This is the opposite of what should be done.
  4. Hello everybody!

    Hi all! I am a new member of this forum. For the last weeks I have been reading and enjoying the forum, and today I've made the decision to participate as an active member. I hope we can all learn together, respecting the different paths everybody must chose for themselves. In the past I was a yoga and qi gong practitioner, and although I still like these arts, now I am more interested in fasting or intermittent fasting as an internal cultivation technique, as this has proved so far to me the strongest strategy for self development and improvement. But I am thoroughly open to new challenges and paths that I can find here.
  5. Hello everybody!

    I will check that. Maybe just meditation can mix well too, because after all fasting is an internal rest, a pause for the digestive system and other internal organs. Maybe meditation is also a kind of mental and physical rest, so it can add up
  6. Hello everybody!

    maybe I am asking a stupid question, but is there any system that mixes well with intermitent fasting, adding to its benefits?