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Everything posted by terry

  1. will a hungry shark fall for this!

    There are a lot less sharks around the islands these days than there used to be. My toothy shepsky puppy (already 70 lbs) I wanted to name "shark" but then if I called her at the beach everyone would run out of the water. Used to be a place called "sharks hole" on kauai's windward side people dove for sharks. It was down current from an old fish canning factory and the sharks liked it still, it was murky and there were prey. But that was the nineties. Maybe the divers feed them and they are still there. There was an annual festival at mahukona in kohala back in the fifties and even sixties where they would throw a bleeding cow into the bay and people would gather to luau and watch the action as the sharks ripped the cow to shreds. Good fun! We don't do it anymore. Cows too expensive and not enough sharks. Though the cowboys offered my wife five steers for my puppy, she is a beauty. The dog, that is. Nowadays longline finners get most of them I think.
  2. will a hungry shark fall for this!

    you have had so much experience with sharks that you can detect subtle differences between friendly curious and hungry sharks? lol... there aren't any friendly or curious sharks, they are way too stupid (or too smart)... if you can see them they are not dangerous, at least not in hawaiian waters they don't hunt during the day and prefer murky water and blood smells I have actually confronted sharks in the ocean...divers do not look or smell like prey and are generally safe, it's surfers and swimmers that are slightly at risk due to shark stupidity and reflexes...never actually heard of a diver getting bit in 35 years here...spear fisherman and free divers may carry shark repellent and bang sticks, but never hardly use them...sharks might steal your catch but that's all... new a man once had fingers bit off by a moray eel...used to be a karate instructor on kauai...eel was in his creel after his catch and he stuck his hand in and got bit, accidental on both sides...
  3. Current Events Discussion

    hey climate change! earth the new venus we're all going die
  4. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    the enemy within... lol there is no god but god qur'an surah 95 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1. By the fig and the olive. 2. And Mount Sinai. 3. And this safe land. 4. We created man in the best design. 5. Then reduced him to the lowest of the low. 6. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds; for them is a reward without end. 7. So why do you still reject the religion? 8. Is God not the Wisest of the wise?
  5. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    everybody has a hungry heart... My wife and I have been together since we were 19 and that's over 50 years, I won't say how many over. It was a double wedding in the commune on whisky creek, had a keg of beer. The other couple is still together too, though perhaps the wonder is we're all still alive. We blew up our tvs, threw away our romance novels and moved to the country. Should have kept her barefoot and pregnant...
  6. How did they reach the i-ching images?

    fools rush in... 14:21 The yi jing, your great wealth, is your big wagon. You can cast hexagrams any way you like. I use license plates on the freeway, random number generators of any sort, clouds and tea leaves. Rocks and foam. Nine in the third place means: A prince offers it to the Son of Heaven. A petty man cannot do this. The yi expects you to be a prince. Do not use the oracle for personal gain. The prince - your higher self, you as microcosm, the order of the universe writ small - contemplates the son of heaven, the human race, man as macrocosm and image of the divine. Thus the superior man curbs evil and furthers good, And thereby obeys the benevolent will of heaven. Possession in great measure. Supreme success. It really isn’t about how many coins you use to elicit a reading. Nor is it about your question unless it is cosmic. It is about you being a prince. You are an ugly duckling, a lion raised in a sheepcote, a gazelle penned up in a stable. What is born of heaven feels related to what is above. What is born of earth feels related to what is below. Each follows its kind. We're all related. THE JUDGMENT BITING THROUGH has success. It is favorable to let justice be administered. Things become correct of themselves when contemplated.
  7. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I would willingly be slave to one like that.
  8. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I remember those days...used to write letters...then dial up bulletin boards painstakingly typing in quotes... camping was difficult...did it anyway... tell her she's living in the past and needs a mental plunger...but first write it in a book...
  9. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    "When he to whom one speaks does not understand, and he who speaks himself does not understand, that is metaphysics." -Voltaire
  10. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    books are so quaint, like listening to the radio, or talking on the phone...writing checks... like the belters say on the expanse, what a waste to boost so much mass for a megabyte of data...only rich inners would think of it... I laugh every time I see talking heads with bookcases full behind their heads...
  11. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    mighty casey has struck out...
  12. How did they reach the i-ching images?

    When using coins I use "the three coin method" where heads is 2 and tails is 3, giving 6 7 8 or 9 on each cast of three coins. There could be a problem here with what the buddha calls addiction to rites and rituals. I don't generally bother with questions either, at least not entirely verbal ones. I find the yi reflects what is significant to me at the time rather than what I think is significant. Questions are a veil. The three fundamental taoist virtues are innocence, sincerity and spontaneity. The yi is a cultivating tool, a spade or trowel. To prepare the ground for growing these flowers of culture. With this tool reality itself may be dismantled, revealed, discovered. A nonverbal language to describe reality in its essences, and grasp it entire. Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire, Would not we shatter it to bits -- and then Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire! the rubaiyat of omar khayyam - quatrain 88 - 11th century
  13. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I LAUGH AS I SLAY When God loves people He afflicts them. If they endure with fortitude, He chooses them. If they are grateful, He elects them. Some men and women are grateful to God for His wrathfulness and some for His graciousness. Both are good, for gratitude is the antidote for all occasions, changing wrath into grace. The wise and complete servant is grateful for harsh treatment, both publicly and in private, for with the voice of gratitude comes the inspiration to give more. Even if God sends them to the lowest reaches of Hell, through gratitude God’s purpose is advanced. Outward complaining is a reflection of inward complaining to God. Mohammed said, “I laugh as I slay.” That means, “My laughter in the face of attackers slays their anger and hatred.” Laughter, here, is gratitude in place of complaining. Runi - Fihi Ma Fihi - Discourse 48
  14. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    it'd like they say abput the sixties, you know: if you remember the sixties, you weren't there.
  15. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I'm the quotingest quoter you ever saw... I'm just warming up but I don't quote them as authorities it has to do with the nature of freedom... you don't make people free by getting them to follow... you can't set them free when they are free already... and people hate to be woken up... we're left with jokes and stories... to share...
  16. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    well at least you'll show some sense of humor... lol
  17. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    too right bra Put Your Lights On Santana Hey now all you sinners Put your lights on Put your lights on Hey now all you lovers Put your lights on Put your lights on Hey now all you killers Put your lights on Put your lights on Hey now all you children Leave your lights on Better leave your lights on 'Cause there's a monster living under my bed Whispering in my ear There's an angel with a hand on my head She says I've got nothing to fear There's a darkness really deep in my soul I still got a purpose to serve So let your lights shine Deep into my home God don't let me lose my nerve Don't let me lose my nerve Hey now, hey now, hey now Wo-oh hey now, hey now Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now Hey now all you sinners Put your lights on Put your lights on Hey now, all you children Leave your lights on You better leave your lights on Because there's a monster living under my bed Whispering in my ear There's an angel with a hand on my head She says I've got nothing to fear She says la ilaha ilallah hey la la You shine like stars la ilaha ilallah hey la la You shine like stars And fade away
  18. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    Would you ask an expert how to laugh, or cry, or make love? If you were given detailed instructions, would they help? You can give a plant water, sun, manure and space, but it grows all by itself.
  19. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I took acid like 500 times, or maybe 1000, does that count?
  20. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    There is nothing outside of the self, an assertion central to the work of ibn arabi, the quintessential sufi. let me repeat this: and now you are claiming that when Sufis speak of the Beloved there is no feeling of connection with anything outside the self . yes indeed...any sufi worth his salt would have to agree... the self is subsumed in god...god alone is real... I could quote authorities but then I would be giving in to your bias...
  21. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I suggest that no one is any sort of authority. If you meet the buddha, kill the buddha. If you meet the patriarchs, kill the patriarchs. If you meet your parents, kill your parents. Laughing a lot is important. Serious. Really. (lol)
  22. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    So god tells adam and eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge because the fruit will kill them. The snake waits until god has his back turned, and tells adam and eve "god lied to you." He told them the fruit would not kill them, but make them like god, and that god didn't want them to be like him so he made the fruit forbidden. Adam knew that the snake spoke true, that god had lied, and was confused. So he ate of the tree. God confronted him, "why did you disobey me." This is where eve comes in. Adam says, "she made me do it." Eve says, "It wasn't me, it was the snake's fault." And ever since people have hate snakes.
  23. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I was thinking of a dog and its master. My dog licks my face and brings me her ball to play fetch. Our relationship is one of love and companionship between beings who have great respect for each other. We share an enthusiasm for life.
  24. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    If I don't pull you out.