Hi, this is Eric Fagundes from Sao Paulo Brazil, I'm acupuncturist, I have been study classical medical and philosophical texts as foundation to my clinical practices since I read an Elisabeth Rochat book translating chapter 8 of Neijing Lingshu. So, last year I started to learn classical chinese with her and with Peter Smith to a better comprehension of the texts.
I have a lot of Dao De Jing versions and reading Dao De Jing in Clear English of Jeff Pepper and Xiao Hui Wang, they use the forum as reference, so, that's why I'm here.
In advance, can someone help with line 11 of Laozi chapter 3, some versions use 知 "使夫1知者不敢為也" (https://ctext.org/dao-de-jing, https://www.daodejing.org/3.html) and others 智 "使夫智者不敢為也" (http://www.laozica.org/第3章不尚賢使民不爭/, https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/7337/pg7337.html). Although most of the translators translate it as knowledge, that is a possible translation for both characters, can some clarify why this difference in chinese versions?
Any reference that goes thru such analysis is also appreciated
Thanks a lot,