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About AbrelosOjos
Dao Bum
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Starting from scratch after taking a 2 year hiatus from magick, practical occult “stuff” and most importantly energy work. Luckily I have forgotten most of what I have previously learned- though some concepts seemed to die hard. I’m not quite sure where to begin in my training, other than stillness and a few techs from Daoist Neigong for Women. Thank you!
Personally, I would just like to move on from all this, heal, expand my repertoire of knowledge and find a proper teacher. The road has been a little rocky, but slowly I’m remembering who I am and why I’m here. There has been an abundance of wonderfully helpful advice in this thread (and entire forum) which I’ve taken into great consideration and have begun to implement. Much Thanks to everyone! I also appreciate maintaining forum rules, etiquette and decorum. I’m open to speaking privately on some matters, especially if past forum members need to make contact in order to vent or facilitate healing, but as previously mentioned, my main goal is to move on with my life in positive way, using tried and true methods. As Freeform mentioned it’s best to just drop it and focus on other avenues for now. Apart from delving deep into mundane activities, I recognize my energetic system is a little messed up and I don’t want compounding issues or becoming fodder. I’m not really sure how to “fix” what is wrong, so I’m simply chilling and observing. But, I definitely need to fix a few things, that is 100% certain. Thanks again, I hope everyone has a lovely day.
I’m sorry I wasn’t clear on the “made up nonsense” at some point last year we were discouraged from using any of the old LMP (lonemanpai) system. He had created a new system to replace all others we called it The Akasha, with the mythos based of off the idea that Earth is not a globe per se and we are under the dome or “firmament.” At this time a lot there was a lot of gnostic lore (and later Christian lore as well*) being infused with STG’s personal mythos as well. The Akasha techs mostly comprised of connecting to the firmament and using torrid shaped funnels aimed at causing our Kundalini to rupture. during this time sexual energies were being stirred up, V-AC13 would offer up “astral services” to the men on the forum during these frenzies. There is a lot more involved in the new system and I’m omitting some details, but we were using new astral temples and specific new curriculum techniques, I’m not sure I see the point to going that deep into the inner workings, though. I personally consider the new Akasha system to be nonsense. Towards the end of my stay on the forum Stg stated that being close to him was just enough and that cultivation was pointless. He alluded to granting immortality and that it was something that could be taken away from you as well. Which is a complete flip from his prior “do the work yourself” attitude. Yes, The skyhorse engregore was his creation, he stated that this egregore is in the process of consuming all other lineages. He stated the Skyhorse egregore has consumed all Goetic entities as well. Stg and/or V-Ac13 alluded to him being a sort of Jesus figure many times on the forum. Just before leaving there was a post the ladies made about them being facets of the 3 Maria’s. Regarding pacts, yes, he stated several times that he did in fact make a pact with Belial and he was trying to get out it. I’m unaware of any other pacts he may have made with any other supernatural entities. I have to confirm with the others, but, I believe there was a thread about how to make certain pacts with entities at some point. As previously stated, something was definitely wrong and yes much has changed regarding the teachings of Stg. To the best of my knowledge Stg did not “die” on any of these occasions, no. V-AC13 would state that “he has left us” “he is gone” ….or “is fading” and needs “our yin,” etc. We would all preform group rituals to help bring him back “home,” send yin, or do some other directive. Though I will recognize that STG’s physical appearance has deteriorated in the last few years, losing a substantial amount of muscle mass. The atmosphere was such that you couldn’t question his health or anything really. Most people wanted a ticket on the “Crystal ship.” Any questions about his health or appearance was pre-addressed and attributed to attaining his Rainbow Body. Regarding the ET’ and siddhis, etc. I don’t have a sufficient answer for you. I’m still trying to remain level headed about what happened as a whole. I’m afraid all the horrible bits over shadow anything positive or enlightening I could possibly grok at the moment.
I agree that a break or reset is needed and required to rebuild my foundation. Yet, I’m hungry for real knowledge and feel this race against time. I have been focusing on more mundane activities like dance, “weigong” and interior design. These activities are fun and enriching, but they are not as fulfilling as Internal Alchemy and esoteric studies/practices. Yes, now would be a great time for an intervention from an attained master, I agree. However, until that moment occurs, I have to put the work in myself or just chill out for a little bit thanks Freeform! Your words are very helpful.
I won’t address the question regarding “The Horns” as it’s not clear if it was in reference to physical horns growing out of STG’s forehead or the tech in where we placed sword fingers on our foreheads in order to facilitate “piercing the veil” whilst running around the forest (or backyard). Good grief. What silliness.
I’d like to express my gratitude to all that have viewed and commented in this thread. Special thanks going out to ZYD and his contribution, most notably the cleansing ritual and information on parasitic egregores/lineages, it’s greatly appreciated. I’d just like to stress that it was both men and women who have been subjected to terrible practices on stg’s forum/lineage, the men were taken advantage of as well. Nahfets comment was distasteful, yet, the content of his joke, many of those things actually happened. Using menstrual blood, shocks to the huiyin, etc. It was alarming to read a joke comprised of our experiences, though he may not have have realized many of those things happened and were encouraged. Luckily, I’m a person who can laugh at the absurdity of it all. Upon greater reflection I teeter from laughing at the situation to being completely mortified, to experiencing great shame, then I feel nothing, desiring to move on with my studies and life. My only goal with this thread was to shed light on Stg’s lineage and hopefully prevent further turmoil, pain and a screwed up energetic system. There was a private message sent to me asking about Jadeqi and what I thought it “was.” I don’t know what is or was, but I believe Stg was influenced by a few texts, likely only on the periphery of the concept or just a misinterpretation. The notion of “fluorescent green” is noted in a few texts, “Foundations of Internal Alchemy The Taoist Practice of Neidan” translated by Fabrizio Pregadio notes the Secret Text of Green Florescence (Qinghua biwen ) as does Awakening to Reality. A quick google search coincidentally brings me back to this forum in where ZYD and others offered their great insight to this topic. In this thread a member mentions the “Green Florescence” is a reference to The Immortal of the Green Florescence, perhaps the entity that gave/inspired Zhang Boudan’s teachings. It’s worth noting that The Hulk is a godform used by Stg (yes, I’m cringing at the absurdity of this whilst typing). I believe Stg simply appropriated the concept to fit his narrative and practice. I hope this provides some insight on “Jadeqi” in the style of Stg.
I understand why this thread has been hidden upon further review, but I also feel it’s extremely important to have this information somewhat public as sonofthegods/Tommy has hunted for prospective students on this forum. Thank you.
I am also a former female member who left the “forum” at the same time as ASimpleLeaf. I use quotes because STG indicated to me several times to “stop calling it a forum” or “it’s not a forum.” So, if it’s not a forum what is it exactly? The answer: it’s a battery farm. STG basically created his own internal alchemy system by perverting ancient ones, or simply making up non-sense and creating an egregore (which was often feared upon here on The Daobums) that functioned as a loosh farm. If you’re well versed in Thebean, you may view this pact on the lonemanpai.com background wallpaper, the script is visible. STG would isolate and pay special attention to the women on the forum. I would speak with him daily off forum, often for hours during our “slot” the other females had their own discussion allotted windows as well. STG would also encourage me to design rituals and rites with the intent to ramp up sexual energy on TIP (the immortal path), all forums being mostly comprised of men. This was the same function the V-AC13 fiction served- to drum up drama with the intent to stir up traffic, worry, or sexual energies among the members. The drama was UNREAL, became annoying, hindered learning and fostered many other reactions from various members. This group of women (V-AC13 fiction) also served to cement Sotg's personal mythos into the psyches of all of us. We were discouraged from seeking any information outside of that which he or ultimately V had not issued. His way was the only “true” way. I will not get into the specifics of what exactly happened to me on a personal level, but I will shed some light on being STG’s student. STG explicitly warned us many times in many videos and chats that his system would destroy your life, “your wife will leave you,” “family disown you,” etc. I always believed this would occur because I had special access to a true immortal - from the words he said, to the ET’s (shaktipats) he issued, and the personal Siddhis he “gave” to me would initiate a transformation from within and my (former family) would or could not ever understand the “new me.” The destruction he caused, however, was the result of the shitty system he devised, his purpose (which I still don’t believe he even fully comprehends) is to destroy. His only purpose on this timeline (all timelines lol) is to take what is good and beautiful and transmute it into something gross and perverted- to steal pieces of you for himself. STG and Co. has ruined countless lives and “fed” on countless people, to his own admission 1000’s of people have walked through the doors of the various “forums” he created over the years. We always shunned and laughed at “those fools” who left or were banned, often times privately hoping to the gods that we would never personally receive the ban hammer. We never ever reached out to those who left and blocked everyone that did. I know there a many former members on this forum and I find this thread eerily quiet, though I understand why and it’s ok. I’m not sure if STG was always this terrible. Something awful has happened to him, likely psychosis from brain trauma, something going awry with his internal alchemy and his multitude pacts with various entities, most notably Belial. I truly believe with all my heart that I’m a cult survivor. I mean, we even had a sub group called WitchKult lol. I have similar ptsd pathology other cult survivors endure and my own personal journey on The Path has only now begun. I have a lot of work ahead- correcting my energetic system and trusting people again. But, I have learned more about Internal Alchemy in the past 2 months than I ever had working with STG that is certain. The day after I left TIP I had become privy to a very poignant last message from another former Soror. I wish I saw that message sooner, as I felt she was speaking to me directly. To summarize what she said: Not only do you need an Iron-Mind when entering the realm of “Sotg,” you also need an Iron-heart. Don’t despair as STG can never take from you that which you do not know. (She said it better) (edit to comply with forum rules)
May I repost omitting those details?
Hi, coming from a closed system in where I was taught incorrectly Seeking true knowledge limited gatekeeping and to rectify some wrongs. having trust issues with groups, but I think this is where I need to be. Back to basics starting at the foundation - Breath work open to dialogue, learning and mentorship thank you a bunch…