Archaeoastronomer (Archi)

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Everything posted by Archaeoastronomer (Archi)

  1. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, With all due respect to Michael, i'm an archaeoastronomer, most astrologers use projected fixed stars, a system where all stars follow the apparent path of the Sun or the ecliptic, only in the last 20 years are astrologers slowly using parans again, there still rages debate over which method to use. If we all use the projected measure then all stars would be in a line following the Sun, which clearly doesn't happen, only stars like Regulus sit on the line. Parans are astronomy, being visible, to see the patterns then research on this is poor with astrologers, however it is the most ancient astrology that many do not research, it is down to how much research i can show that will give it street cred, which i will show in time. The debate with astrologers regarding projected measure or Paran can be seen below:- Many traditions steal from each other, i'm not saying these are the same groups or have the same standards, you mentioned world war, on a great deal of numerology and special days were attached. Firstly i will put an unrelated example below about the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony which was held at 08pm on 08/08/08 as 8 is associated with prosperity and confidence in Chinese culture, this will give you the idea of where i am going with intentional dates, link below:- Four years ago was centenary of "The Armistice of World War One", The Armistice was the first part of two designed to end W.W.1., the other was The Treaty of Versailles, so all armies set down arms at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month 1918, so could this be deliberate? Many soldiers died before The Armistice, so it would be controversial to think that the date and time was intentional! Eleven is a master number as many here will know by interest in metaphysical subjects:- The co-incidences keep coming, as Saint Martin of Tours is the Patron Saint of Soldiers, and his feast day is 11th November, obviously this date is very old in the church which is far older than W.W.1., link below:- America observes this as Veterans Day, in UK we call this Remembrance Day, link below:- The Germans were trying to surrender a month earlier than 11/11/1918, i will discuss this later with links! America didn't sign the Treaty of Versailles, they thought the terms were too harsh, which could lead to another war 20 years later, they were right! They signed a separate agreement with Germany, Link doesn't work properly, click on "Search for US-Germany Peace Treaty in other text", which should lead you to the document. Please read small print at top of document....."Came into force with exchange of ratification on 11/11/1921".–Germany_Peace_Treaty The Ottoman Empire mobilized for war and sent out fatwa's on 11/11/1914, although declared war on 14/11/1914, some members may feel that the date of declaring war could reasonable be date of the fatwa's It is interesting that some started war and others ended war on the same date, so stretches the odds of chance! In order to understand exactly what went wrong back in the summer of 1914, we need to look no further than examine the key alliances that happened between 1879 and 1907, ending with "The Triple Entente". In fact these treaties were alliances that the major nations signed in fear of each other declaring war, yet made all Europe vulnerable to a terrorist attack, bringing the major nations into an involuntary "Dance of Death", and a war that most did not want! Saint Vitus Day 1389 and "The Battle of Kosovo Poyle marks the beginning of the Serbian nation, the spirit of togetherness that saw the Serbian peoples unite against the Turkish invader. Obviously the date changes if valued by the Julian Calendar or the present Gregorian day method, however Saint Vitus Day or Vidovdan is 28th June, and there are grounds to speculate that 28th June 1914 may have been chosen as the trigger date of W.W.1. We have a juicy secret society involved in this called "The Black Hand!". More about Vidovdan and serbian beliefs on this national day are below:- Two bullets fired on a Sarajevo street on a sunny June morning in 1914 set in motion a series of events that shaped the world we live in today, W.W.1., W.W.2., the Cold War, and our difficulties in the Middle East all trace their origin to the gunshots that interrupted that summer day, 28th June 1914, Saint Vitus Day. The victims, Arch-duke Ferdinand, on his wedding anniversary, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his wife Sophie were shot by 19 year old Gavrilo Princip who burned with the fire of Slavic nationalism, he envisioned the death of the Arch-duke as the key that would unlock the shackles binding his people to the Austro_Hungarian Empire. He was well picked as most of the conspirators were dying from TB, therefore didn't mind being martyers, very clever Mr Dimitrijevic and the probably metaphysical Black Hand Society. Serbia figured prominently in the plot, providing the guns, ammunition and training that made the assassination possible, they may also have seen a symbolic connectionto the Battle of Kosovo Poyle, so in theory used that date for this auspicious event in history. Gavrilo Princip become an unwitting "Pied Piper", as this assassination precipitated the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war against Serbia and started the involuntary dance of death or Saint Vitus Dance of W.W.1. The Trigger for war was the assassination of Arch-duke Ferdinand on Saint Vitus Day, 28th June 1914, link below:- Most people regard 28th June 1919 as the auspicious date of surrender involving the second part for the end of war being the Treaty of Versailles, which just happens to be Saint Vitus Day, 28th June 1919. What a crazy world we live in! Tomorrow i will report on the "Black Hand", the motif was an arm carrying a flag with the skull and cross bones on it, a poison bottle, a dagger dripping blood and a fizzing bomb, true events can be stranger than fiction! i will show parans later.
  2. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, Your quote below:- " What if none of these people or groups used 'astrological magic' to those nefarious ends ..... but it was the astrological energy itself that caused their actions ? " This can happen but the odds to what i find are in favour of my thesis, electional astrology has been used in a high degree and can be found in clusters around the same historical part of history. So you know what the beliefs are regarding aligning the stars to Due North, South, East and West in straight lines from location i have left a link below regarding Parans (shortened). Parans are the oldest form of astrology. The are many legends about Sirius, one is that it creates heat. The rules are simple enough, the Sun moves one degree approx. a day along Eastern horizon with equates to 4 minutes of time, which is why i use one degree margins. There are 3 day starts and four directions therefore with each star it could be possible that 12 times in a year this is possible, but we are looking at two stars being Sirius and Alnilam which can double up on certain days at location, this can be both stars setting with the Sun with ancient Greek day marker, or it may be Alnilam on Nadir or IC and Sirius setting at Sunrise, being ancient Roman and Egyptian day marker, giving examples. In truth using both stars in the course of a year or 365 days it is possible for approx. 22 days that this can happen by chance, the odds are in my favour of electional astrology when i cluster events. I thought i would start with the Illuminati. P;ease scroll down link to 6 The Revival of the Order of the Illuminati in 1895, please note date of date of 12 March 1901 in Berlin and 19 November 1786 in Regensburg. The original Illuminati aligned to 1st May 1776 They originally aligned to Walpurgis_Night. Below is an astronomy graph of the Sun rising on 19 November 1786 in Regensburg, Germany, this is called the Sunrise day marker The above picture was the Sun rising in the East, the picture below is the same time but along Western horizon, so as the Sun rises both Alnilam and Sirius are setting, this is a very rare alignment, the tilt, axis and location of the Earth needs to be exactly right to horizons, which is probably intentional. In Mystical Orders Sirius and Belt of Orion have special meaning, but i need the help of masons to find out all the meaning The other date of interest regarding the Illuminati was 12 March 1901 in Berlin, Germany, Modern midnight day marker was chosen, you will see Sirius setting in the West, astronomy graph below, 00:00 for time means midnight:- As you like parables i thought i would include an Egyption story below:- Lets try a joke, if you wanted to get rid of a Pharaoh or a King of Egypt, what day would you choose? The ancient Egyptians used Sunrise as the start of the day, so we could use sunrise! The Ancient Egyptians used a calendar that is alleged started with Sirius rising with the Sun or being the Heliacal rising star, a lot of mystery schools believe this, and Isis is believed to be the Star Sirius. Nasser wanted to overthrow King Farouk in the Revolution of 1952, Government was in and still is in Cairo, so we could pick that location, so did Nasser pick the day by astrological observations? On that day and location, Sirius rose with the Sun along the horizon in the East, make up your own mind, indeed we don't have to go back too far to know that states used to employ astrologers to pick days for war! Astronomy graph below, it is accurate:-
  3. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Michael. Yes is is good to talk, i agree with you about rituals, however i feel that aligning Sirius or Alnilam does go back to Egypt, and probably was picked up during the early Hermetic Period, these days the world is awash with these type of alignments, by many different groups. Obviously by picking the day these alignments appear at location, the electional astrologer hopes that it will give good fortune to what they want, indeed W.W,1. is full of numerology and special day alignments, which didn't work as we had another world war within 20 years. This next date doesn't happen every year where modern midnight day marker was used for the start of the German Workers Party on 5th January 1919, where Jupiter and Sirius culminating at Due South although Jupiter is slightly out of one degree, but this doesn't happen again until 2002, as the orbit of Jupiter around the Sun takes 11.86 years.'_Party It is very long time that different groups have been aligning to Sirius, however the by-product of Sirius is heat, by becoming more brainy, we need energy, perhaps global warming? Not all thought that Sirius was beneficial, the ancient Romans thought it was the Gate keeper of hell. It wasn't my intention to smear those that follow a honest Hermetic tradition, i thought it obvious but i have created a little confusion.
  4. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Satanists use the up-side-down Pentagram, which is a symbol of Phi. But the use of this has changed peoples perception of this, it was Eliphas Levi who said that this was unsavoury, this wasn't mentioned before this, therefore they now use it reverse.Éliphas_Lévi I think there is a pentagram outside the White House However i feel that is due to beliefs in Phi Duality comes out in many things and actions that wasn't the original meaning of symbols and astrology but fringe groups use them for their own purpose!
  5. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, I'm not sure how much leeway the OP has on this forum, but on most they can bring other factors into a thread within reason, i'm sure moderators will advise. Obviously there has been fighting between fringe groups unrelated to the main freemasonry body, the American Southern Region of Scottish Rite does seem to use Hermetic astrology magic but i haven't found that the Northern Jurisdiction does. Indeed there are groups that use hermetic philosophy and astrology magic who are fringe groups unrelated to the main body. I thought i would add a humerous poem:- "Wherever God erects a house of Prayer, The Devil always builds a chapel there, And twill be found upon examination, The latter has the largest congregation!" It goes with the story below:- On 06/06/06 the "Church of Satan" performed a Satanic Mass in Los Angeles, California, a news report is below:- The Date in Los Angeles of 06/06/06 was aligned by ancient Greek day marker being sunset of previous day for as the Sun set so did Sirius the Isis Star! Graph below:- However you loose some of the symbolism by looking at above chart, for on 5th and 6th June 2006 at location of Los Angeles the Sun sets between the Horns of Taurus, which you can see below:- Even if the general public doesn't believe in astrology magic, it still changes history. If you start a battle aligned the the stars, then it becomes like a football match, team A may win on 1 day but on another day team B could win, but by using the stars to determine the day, by the nature of numbers then a great deal of history may have been different. The hidden beliefs of mystics does change history.
  6. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Albert Pike, who was probably indirectly responsible for the death of President Lincoln is buried in the House of the Temple. So next i thought i would look at the House of the Temple, H.Q. of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction and home of the Supreme Council 33 degrees. link below:- There are three dates however two of them are the same date 4 years apart, therefore i will only be showing the earlier date as it would show the same alignment. On May 31st 1911 ground breaking took place, ancient Greek day marker was used, this means sunset before calendar date, so May 30th, you will see below that Sirius sets with the Sun at location:- The Cornerstone of The House of the Temple was laid on October 18th 1911, the building was finally finished on October 18th 1915 with a dedication, i will only show graph for earlier date as the later date would only show the same. Midnight day marker was used when Sirius was rising along eastern horizon at location, astronomy graph below:- So you see Nungali, there are implications thoughout history with astrology magic, perhaps you would like me to remain trivial in my approach, but i do have a serious side.
  7. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    I thought i would give a quote from a masonic source:- " 1861 Albert Pike travelled to Indian Territory and negotiated an alliance with Cherokee Chief Stand Watie. Prior to the beginning of hostilities, Pike helped Watie to become a Thirty-second Degree Scottish Rite Mason. Watie was also in the K.G.C., and he was later commissioned a colonel in command of the First Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles. In May 1864 Chief Watie was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the Confederate States Army making him the only Native American of this rank in the Confederate Army. Watie’s command was to serve under CSA officers Albert Pike, Benjamin McCulloch, Thomas Hindman, and Sterling Price. They fought in engagements in Indian Territory, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri." It is thought likely that Albert Pike was a member of "The Knights of the Golden Circle", but obviously i can't prove it, link below:- There are many people who are highly suspicious of his links with the Knights of the Golden Circle, as expressed by link below:- William Wilkes Booth was a member who assassinated President Lincoln, so if Albert Pike was also a high up member, he is also indirectly responsible, alleged astrology magic at actual time of the murder has Sirius on the horizon at location, a star that Albert Pike mentions! The only battle that really mentions Albert Pike, is The Battle of Pea Ridge that was near a town called Leetown, that no longer exists but the Latitude and Longitude was 36*N26. 94*W02', however Bentonville is 36*N22' 94W12' so is near enough for an astronomy fix, i mention this because i will be showing an astronomy chart at the end of thread. The Battle started on 7th March 1862, and Pike had his own troops made up of indigenous Americans, that he had trouble controlling, they scalped Union Soldiers, however it was Pikes responsibility, which ended his military career. There are many people who are highly suspicious of his links with the Knights of the Golden Circle, as expressed by link below:- Battle of Pea Ridge (March 7 –,moved south from central Missouri%2C driving Confederate forces Graph of the Battle of Pea Ridge below:- What you have to remember about Julius Caesar was that the Senate hated his girlfriend Cleopatra, who he had a son by called Caesarion, they thought he was going to declare himself a god, end democracy, and have Caesarion next in line to rule Rome! Cleopatra came from the Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty started by Alexander the Great, so wasn't an Egyptian Pharaoh, but she was fiercely patriotic and thought of herself as ISIS on Earth, so that sets the scene, first astronomy graph below, is sunset before Ides of March in Rome, which is ancient Greek day marker, in this case it is strange and could hold a message, especially as our "Golden Boy" Hermes or Mercury sets with the Sun, being the the one that gives a message from the gods! So 15th March 0044 BC, the Ides of March, is aligned to sunset opposite to the Roman way which is Sunrise which in this case is auspicious to the Message. As the Sun set Sirius was culminating, obviously Caesar was killed because of Cleopatra, she thought of herself as ISIS on Earth and the Isis star is Sirius! Cleopatra came from an ancient Greek dynasty so using Greek day start was a message that a Greek person was to blame for the assassination. I have no idea who the astrologer was who chose this day for his Senate masters, but what he wrote will stay in the Heavens forever and has become part of the Akashic Records! The message was "Nothing personal, just business, you were a great leader but had to be assassinated because of Cleopatra". Two graphs below showing sunset on 14th March 0044 BC being ancient Greek day marker for the 15th and then the culminating angle showing Sirius.
  8. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    I do copy from my own work, because writing is hard because of severe disablement, but there isn't any copyright issues, images of the stars are alll my own work. I do have a lot to say over this period of history, and i will write one more section, before waiting for comments. Never forget that John's father was named Brutus, they all liked playing him in the theatre:- Probably Lincoln is best Remembered for two things:- A) The Emancipation Proclamation that become effective on 1st January 1863, using midnight day marker we find Sirius culminating on M.C. The Civil War where the most important battle was "The Battle of Gettysburg", that started on the 1st of July 1863, using midnight day marker, we find Sirius on the Nadir or I.C.
  9. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    I'm going to leave 2 links about The Assassination of Lincoln, please read carefully:- By reading both please note that John Wilkes Booth and fellow conspirators had a meeting to plan how to kidnap President Lincoln, this meeting was on 15th March 1865, no doubt he found the symbolism fitted his black humour being the IDES OF MARCH. He had planned to kidnap President Lincoln in Washington DC on 17th March 1865, but the attempt didn't happen, as Lincoln changed his plans. April 14th 1865 was Good Friday, so i feel that John Wilkes Booth thought the symbolism with assassination was auspicious, but he had only found out earlier in the day that Lincoln would be attending Fords Theatre! Finally this day wasn't aligned to a day marker, but the conspirators had planned simultaneous assassinations of Lincoln, Secretary of State, William Henry Steward and Vice President Andrew Johnson, all at the mysterious time of 10:15pm, perhaps not so mysterious! Firstly i will deal with the attempted kidnap of President Lincoln, that didn't happen in Washington DC as the President changed his plans for the evening of 17th March 1865. However Booth had chosen midnight day marker for Sirius the Isis star was setting in the West. Astronomy graph below showing that midnight day marker was picked for 17th March 1865 in Washington DC, with the failed kidnap attempt, Sirius the Isis star setting in the West 1. Booth initially planned to kidnap Lincoln. After meeting with Confederate spies in the summer of 1864, Booth spearheaded a plot to abduct Lincoln, bring him to the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, and use him as a bargaining chip to secure the release of rebel prisoners. On March 17, 1865, Booth and his fellow conspirators hid along a country road in Washington, D.C., intending to commandeer the presidential carriage that was scheduled to carry Lincoln to a matinee performance of a play at Campbell Hospital to benefit wounded soldiers. Lincoln, however, had a change of plans and never showed. Some of the co-conspirators abandoned the plot thereafter, and Booth soon had a change of plans as well. After the fall of Richmond and Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox, he decided to kill, rather than kidnap, Lincoln with help from the remaining co-conspirators. As Lincoln lay dying with a bullet in his skull at 10:15pm on Good Friday 14th April 1865 in Washington DC, if he could have given a reply to John Wilkes Booth, it may have been "Et Tu Brute",_Brute%3F Booth loved symbolism, which would have appealed to his black humour as an actor! Sirius was setting in the West at 10:15pm at location, thus President Lincoln was assassinated under similar alignments to Julius Caesar.
  10. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, Thank you for your reply, i enjoyed it. I think you want to talk about serious matters rather than be trivial, there are many hermetic mystics that aspire to purely meek philosophy, top of this is not engaging in war, slavery or killing, however some engage and use hermetic astrology that doesn't conform to ethics. so i will tell a story...... The video below i find spine tingling, because Sam Seymour was the last man alive to witness a sad auspicious event in history on par with the assassination of Julius Caesar. The program was called "I have a Secret", and must have been on tv in the early 1960's as he was 96 at the time! The American Civil War was awful, it put brother against brother and secret society against secret society. I have some observations about the Assassination of President Lincoln, by John Wilkes Booth that probably involves a fringe group called The Knights of the Golden Circle, Booth was probably a member:- Edwin Booth, his brother was in favour of the policies of Lincoln, so you can see how it broke up the family by link below:- I have to say that i felt sorry for Edwin Booth who never really recovered from his brothers action, he was a great Shakespearean actor. I tend to have black humour, so i hope he didn't play in Macbeth too often, and would have had enough nightmares regarding his brother! John Wilkes Booth is reported to have said Sic Semper Tyrannis when he shot President Lincoln in the skull! John Wilkes Booth wrote in his diary that he shouted "Sic semper tyrannis" after shooting U.S. President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, in part because of the association with the assassination of Caesar.[9] Strangely by coincidence Edwin Booth probably saved Abe Lincoln's son from death just before his brother murdered Lincoln, he fell underneath a moving train, and Edwin helped him out! The Knights of the Golden Circle were established on 4th July 1854, that John Wilkes Booth was likely a member. Quote from link below:- Perhaps the best documentation as to the power and influence of the Knights of the Golden Circle during the Civil War is The Private Journal and Diary of John H. Surratt, The Conspirator which was written by John Harrison Surratt and later edited by Dion Haco and published by Frederic A. Brady of New York in 1866. In this journal, Surratt goes into great detail when describing how he was introduced to the K.G.C. in the summer of 1860 by another Knight, John Wilkes Booth, and inducted into this mysterious organization on July 2, 1860, at a castle in Baltimore, Maryland. Surratt describes the elaborate and secret induction ceremony and its rituals and tells that cabinet members, congressmen, judges, actors, and other politicians were in attendance. Maybe the most significant revelation of Surratt's diary is that the Knights of the Golden Circle began plotting to kidnap Abraham Lincoln in 1860, before Lincoln was even inaugurated in 1861, and continued throughout the Civil War, resulting in President Lincoln's assassination by fellow Knight Booth on April 14, 1865. By approx. 1800, Alnilam wasn't rising with the Sun in Philadelphia on 4th July by one degree margin it was on the move due to axial precession, so we find it in Lexington, Kentucky as this is a latitude alignment that was also showing up by this time in Washington DC. Therefore we have a Hermetic alignment by ancient Egyptian day start being sunrise, rising with Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star in Lexington, Kentucky, graph by paran below:-
  11. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, I remember reading about Crowley calling up the demon Choronzon, it must have been an awful shock coming face to face, i bet the poor demon was never the same again. Just humour! I'm not setting out the rituals, but how Aleister Crowley used astrology magic, so he waited for days when Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star, or Sirius the Isis star was on a Cardinal Point, being Due South, North, East or West. this was done on one of three points of the day being ancient Greek day marker being sunset prevoius to date, the Florentine Calendar would explain:- Sunrise being ancient Egyptian day marker, and after 1582 when the Gregorian Calendar was used, we now use midnight as the start of the day. Crowley used Hermetic astrology and if he was invoking a powerful demon, he would use Sirius and Alnilam and Hermes/Mercury the Messenger of the Gods and master of magic. I thought i would start with when he called up the demon Choronzon, quote below:- "The ritual for crossing the Abyss took place on December 6, 1909, outside the town of Bou Saada. Crowley and Neuberg walked out into the desert until they found a valley that had a suitable floor of fine sand. They formed a circle of rocks, drew around it a magic circle, and then drew a magic triangle. The Demon would be invoked into the triangle. The circle would protect Neuberg, who would sit within it, armed with a magical knife and a notebook for recording what happened. Crowley intended to enter the triangle, a dangerous act for a magician. He thus became perhaps the first magician in the Western magical tradition to offer his own body ritually as a vehicle for manifestation of a Demon. Before the start of the ritual, Neuberg took an oath that he would defend the magic circle “with thoughts and words and deeds” and would use the knife to attack anything that entered it, even Crowley." So the Date is 6 December 1909 near Bou Saada in Algeria. Egyptian sunrise day marker was chosen, the Sun rose with Mercury within 2 degree's and Antares is near, while Sirius was setting in the West, a very powerful invoke, but he needed it if he messed with Choronzon, graph below:-
  12. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    I thought you may be interested in thread below where my avatar is archaeoastronomer, but i leave another link where my avatar is monk, it is abaut a set of plays Crowley put on in 1910 called "The Rites of Eleusis" and we examine the beliefs in astrology energy that he may have used. It may have a warning pop up, but doesn't have a virus:-
  13. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, Yes i do have a zany sense of humour, and sometimes write amusing thread sections that you find trivial, however this is balanced with astonomy study with 2,000 years of some dark history. Obviously i applaud Hermetic philosophy, however there are duality being two opposing factions, where some are using this tradition but not on a spiritual path, who use the same type of astrology magic. I'm not a prude over sexual magic as long as it consensual, i know i'm going to get heated exchanges regarding what i say below, I have never been a member of a secret esoteric order either, but have been a member of the Ghost Club and The College of Psychic Studies in London:- I have never signed secret oaths I'm fascinated by Aleister Crowley, but it doesn't mean i like him, i have most of his books and the tarot cards:- I have never tried out magic, however i have studied it in theory. I am open minded, and not a prude, however i am a male Suffragette, and find how Crowley treated women under his spell, awful:- Please note quotes below are on Wikipedia and open to younger readers about Leah Hirsig who come from Switzerland:- "Crowley wrote one of his most confronting poems, "Leah Sublime" (which has been called "alarmingly obscene"), in her honour. In Leah, Crowley found an ideal magical partner. He called her vagina "the Hirsig patent vacuum-pump". " "After Raoul Loveday died from drinking contaminated water at CefalĂą, Mary Butts reported in one of her journals about Hirsig of an unsuccessful attempt to induce a he-goat to copulate with her at the Abbey of Thelema, emulating an ancient pagan ritual (an account corroborated by Crowley himself in an unpublished passage in one of his diaries).[2]" She later returned to America to become a school teacher?????? I'm all for you being a Thothie, but there are good and bad secret societies that use astrology magic, and i would be aware of what is being written in the sky and how they use that power in the Akashic Records. Near where i used to live there was a mental hospital, where one of his wives had lived, obviously she was driven to drink and had mental problems over Aleister Crowley, although he was no. 73 in poll below:- Poll 100 Greatest Britons. Sir Winston Churchill%3B,Arthur Wellesley%2C 1st Duke of Wellington%3B Margaret Thatcher "Once at its peak, the hospital started to slowly fall down. By the 1970s, the number of patients had been reduced to 1,500. Then in 1989, it was finally decided that the hospital was to be closed for good. Infamous inmates that were institutionalized at Friern Hospital include Jack the Ripper suspect Aaron Kosminski from 1891, and from 1911 the wife of occultist Aleister Crowley." Although brilliant, Crowley had his flaws, but moving on, The Hell Fire Club was very interesting and although we can't say Franklin was a member, he visited the club when he was in England:-
  14. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Quote:- The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn created its first organizational body (termed “temple”) on March 1, 1888 with the signing of its official charter. This body was “Isis-Urania Temple No. 3.” The charter states that Isis-Urania Temple No. 3 of the Order of the G.D. in the Outer was chartered to be run by three named individuals as its chiefs. These chiefs were the ruling officers of the temple and acted as triumvirate of equals in that role. actually the temple was at 17 Fitzroy Street, London. Secret societies day mark, this can be by ancient Greek day marker, being sunset previous to date, modern midnight or ancient Egyptian day marker being sunrise, then align to Due East, West, North or South It is very apt that the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn chose sunrise Egyptian day marker, while True North or Nadir, pointed to the center star of the Belt of Orion called Alnilam associated with Osiris:- A lot of characters were named after the stars as shown on link below:-
  15. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    J.K. Rowling before becoming an author was a researcher for Amnesty International, many of the characters in real life fought for human rights in very difficult times in 1888 that it is highly likely Rowling knew about, then being a communist wasn't such a dirty word as it hadn't been tested as in USSR, but these people during this period helped human rights. With all this in mind, perhaps Emmeline Vance was modeled on Emmeline Pankhurst Could Fabian Prewett be a code for the Fabian Society? Beatrice Webb was one of the leading lights of the Fabian Society, however her maiden name was POTTER. J.K. Rowling was an astrologer before she wrote books, although only for her friends as a present, so she would know star names like Sirus Black, Orion Black or Regulus Black all named after the stars:- Orion Black was named after the Constellation of Orion. Regulus Black was named after a Royal Persian star, leader of the angles of the Earth, and alpha star of Leo.
  16. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    As the leaves fell during the Autumn of Terror 1888, when Jack the Ripper lurked in the shadows, an 18 year old diminutive male arrived from India in London, he was very lonely and had come to study law....his mother told him not to eat meat as he was vegetarian. He was directed to one of few vegetarian restaurants in London, the people that he would meet there would change his whole life philosophy....his name was Gandhi. If i said that the Vegetarian Society was esoteric now, you would laugh, but when you go back to the 19th Century, the society did attract mystics following Pythagoras, who was vegetarian.
  17. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    So the most influential writer regarding J.K. Rowling was E. Nesbit, but if you scroll down link below to "Known or Alleged Members" you will find E. Nesbit Mentioned! Perhaps the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn inspired J.K. Rowling with the "Order of the Phoenix". Y.B. Yeats was a member, but he was also a member of the Ghost Club that i belonged to when i was a junior investigator regarding The Enfield Poltergeist LOL. J.K. Rowling had many influences. I don't think that Rowling will ever admit to real life influences for fear of hurting the Labour Party and Fabian Society, in 2008 she donated ÂŁ1,000,000 to them. Perhaps Arthur Weasley was modeled on Arthur Waite or A.E. Waite? Please remember the vegetarian element in the Fabian Society that diners mixed together, so could Sturgis Podmore be Frank Podmore, who was a founding member of the Fabian Society, like E. Nesbit, he was also a member of the Society of Psychical Research
  18. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, I'm sure you have studied hermetic philosophy, and as you say there are dual factors that are unconnected. sometimes there are stories hidden in childrens books. The Material that i write below is approx. 85% my own work, i hope you enjoy it. In J.K. Rowling's books about Harry Potter, there seems to be a real non-fiction characters hidden in. the fiction stories, the names are changed slightly, some examples below:- Could Cassandra Vablatsky be Helena Blavatsky? Could Elphias Doge be Eliphas Levi?Éliphas_Lévi It would be really fun if Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody was modeled on Aleister Crowley I'm just getting going on this subject but i think J.K.Rowling's Inspiration came from London in approx. 1888, it is true that writers get their inspiration from many sources, i used know, slightly, Micheal Ward, who found a code in the Narnia Books regarding symbolism with astrological signs that is fascinating, link below:- My non-fiction story involves many politicians of the era plus the genesis of the UK Labour Party, and truth is stranger than fiction! The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien was fantastic, but he was a member of the "Inklings", so was C.S.Lewis, but there were other members that these two gained inspiration from, please click on Owen Barfield on link below, who was very interested in mystical matters including Anthruposophy. Please click on Charles Williams on link below that had been a member of "The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, which is more than enough inspiration for "The Fellowship of the Ring". Further more the secret doorway to Moria looks very masonic:- You can read about Gandhi's visit to the vegetarian restaurant in Farringdon Street, London on link below:- You will see that he met Helena Blavatsky but a lot of early socialist politicians used to visit the restaurant also, so it was a curious selection of diners, a lot of the Fabian Society ate there as well as many mystics, so many topics were discussed across the table! Esoteric organizations usually mark the day of forming with one of two stars, Sirius, the Isis star or the center star of the Belt of Orion which is associated the Osiris, this is done by start of day, by Sunset previous to date being ancient Greek day marker, by modern midnight, or Sunrise being ancient Egyptian or Roman day start. Then the four directions are used, being Due East or West being the horizon at location, and Due South being the culminating angle, or the opposite being Due North being the Nadir in the Northern Hemisphere. The Vegetarian Society were formed on the 30th September 1847 in Ramsgate UK, so i have to show astronomy graph in two parts as the society chose sunrise at location while Sirius was culminating at Due South. Quote:- " The Vegetarian Society The business manager of Alcott House, William Oldham, responded to the letter by organising a conference at the school on Thursday July 8, 1847, to bring together those who might be interested in forming a society. The Salford Bible Christians were represented by James Simpson. A second meeting was held on September 30, 1847, at Northwood Villa, home of the Hydropathic Institute in Ramsgate. Joseph Brotherton, MP for Salford, was invited to chair the historic meeting, and the Vegetarian Society was born, following a unanimously passed resolution. 150 members were soon enrolled. Below you will see that Sirius was culminating at Due South at location when Sun was rising, these alignments are used by esoteric hermetic mystics to mark their work:- I know i'm being a bit long in explaining but i have to set the scene before i mention any other characters in the Harry Potter Books that may have been inspired by real people, please scroll down link below to "The Story of the Treasure Seekers", Rowling's mentions E.Nesbit and says "I think i identify with E. Nesbit more than any other writer" E.Nesbit was a co-founder of the Fabian Society, a forerunner of the UK Labour Party, but surely the writer of "The Railway Children" wasn't a mystic? I will leave you thinkig about if E.Nesbit was a mystic for a while LOL.
  19. Post your stories of encounters with the supernatural!

    It wasn't easy joining the Ghost Club in 1977, in fact new members were by invitation, and scrutinized by senior members, it was very easy to get "Black Balled". It must of been reading about a friend's obituary that focused my mind about events that happened over 45 years ago, and nearly dying with a broken spine, which tends to make you write about your life, for many years it wasn't something i wanted to remember, it still gives me the chills! It was a few years ago i noticed Guy Lyon Playfair had died, i hadn't contacted him in years, but i was involved with him all those years ago. Although i was a junior paranormal investigator, i was more attached to Maurice Grosse, as we both lived in Enfield, he died in 2006, so it seems i'm one of few investigators left being an eye witness to strange events that started in autumn 1977 in a council house, being 284 Green Street, Enfield, Middlesex, a suburb of London. Both Maurice Grosse and Guy Lyon Playfair were members of the Ghost Club and the Society of Psychical Research (SPR). I was only a member of the Ghost Club in 1977, the obituary is on link below:-
  20. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, Ben Franklin was a freemason, most follow the legend of Hiram Abiff, generally this section of masons don't use astrology magic:- However the esoteric freemasons follow the Legend that they originated in Egypt, and the Regius Poem listed below:- Part of this is below:- Furthermore yet that ordained he, Master called so should he be; So that he were most worshipped, Then should he be so called; But masons should never one another call, Within the craft amongst them all, Neither subject nor servant, my dear brother, Though he be not so perfect as is another; Each shall call other fellows by cuthe, (friendship) Because they come of ladies’ birth. On this manner, through good wit of geometry, Began first the craft of masonry; The clerk Euclid on this wise it found, This craft of geometry in Egypt land. In Egypt he taught it full wide, In divers lands on every side; Many years afterwards, I understand, Ere that the craft came into this land. This craft came into England, as I you say, In time of good King Athelstane’s day; He made then both hall and even bower, And high temples of great honour, To disport him in both day and night, And to worship his God with all his might. This good lord loved this craft full well, And purposed to strengthen it every del, (part) For divers faults that in the craft he found; He sent about into the land It looks likely that Ben Franklin belonged to a group that believed in the Regius Poem. He was involved with the Declaration of Independence:- American Declaration of Independence, being on 4th July 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ancient Egyptian Sun rise day marker chosen, Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star was the heliacal rising star. Astronomical graph showing this below:-
  21. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Nungali, I'm very interested in Ben Franklin and his drawings, he was interested in astrology as he produced "Poor Richards Almamack":- I will write later i have a hospital appointment.'s_Almanack
  22. Bad Luck?

    Hi Mithras, Illness can come when young, but you expect failing health when old,. When you are old you can think all your experience is wasted on the young, who go out to make their own mistakes, a bit like the questions of the Sphinx. What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon and 3 legs at sunset? Be happy with simple pleasures and enjoy being a philosopher.
  23. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Phi equation can be Φ = 5 ^ .5 * .5 + .5 Measurements can be in plain sight in structures. " The aluminum tip is placed on the top of the Washington Monument. It was the tallest building in the world upon its completion in 1884, standing 555 feet, 5.125 inches "
  24. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Thank you Lairg, I found that interesting, the brain is a fascinating, especially with those that have a split-brain, quote from link below:- " Gazzaniga and Sperry's split-brain research is now legendary. One of their child participants, Paul S., had a fully functional language center in both hemispheres. This allowed the researchers to question each side of the brain. When they asked the right side what their patient wanted to be when he grew up, he replied, "an automobile racer." When they posed the same question to the left, however, he responded, "a draftsman." Another patient pulled down his pants with the left hand and back up with the right in a continuing struggle. On a different occasion, this same patient's left hand made an attempt to strike the unsuspecting wife as the right hand grabbed the villainous limp to stop it. " Having a broken spine means i have trouble meditating, i like negative ions, i found that the electro-magnetic Tesla device below helped me, however it does spit static lightning bolts at you ha ha! It wouldn't suit everyone but it helps my meditation.
  25. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Obviously there are people that build structures relating to Phi, the Pentagon is the most famous as it is so obvious, being 5 storeys tall 5 deep, with 10 sections.