Archaeoastronomer (Archi)

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Everything posted by Archaeoastronomer (Archi)

  1. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    More drawings below:-
  2. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    I find the work of Charles R. Henry interesting involving mirrored spheres and pyramids:-
  3. Electrostatic Propulsion?

    Hi Guys, I use mine to help with meditation, as i find it difficult and am in a wheel chair, as i have a broken spine, i also like negative ions. The negative side is that if you get too close to it, you can get zapped by static electric lightning bolts, ouch! LOL.
  4. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Lairg, Its origin The pentacle is one of the oldest known symbols and although it is impossible to trace its origins with 100% accuracy, it seems to come from ancient Egypt, where it was a representation of the supreme god Horus. Later, the followers of Pythagoras used it as a badge and password to identify themselves. Later, the master alchemists considered it a synthesis of a powerful symbolic form. It synthesizes the union of unequals and is considered a small-scale cosmos that combines masculine and feminine principles. pentacle is one of the oldest known,as a badge and password to identify themselves.
  5. Electrostatic Propulsion?

    Hi Nungali, I like electro-Magnetic machines, i have the Testla one below
  6. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    The symbol below does have a phi attribute:-
  7. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Sorry Lairg, I have a Zany sense of humour!
  8. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    The Logarithmic spiral is approx. the Golden Spiral, as quoted below:- " Special cases and approximations The golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral that grows outward by a factor of the golden ratio for every 90 degrees of rotation (polar slope angle about 17.03239 degrees). It can be approximated by a "Fibonacci spiral", made of a sequence of quarter circles with radii proportional to Fibonacci numbers. " It comes up in the Mandelbrot set, Cyclones, the arms of Spiral Galaxies, shells and many other things.
  9. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    As i like Lord of the rings this is called Sauron's Eye, evil cackle!
  10. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Lairg, One of the starting blocks of Sacred Geometry is the Versica Piscis, which does show in space, he is watching us LOL! God's eye nebula
  11. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Plato had something to say about the dodecahedron which is below, i wonder if he was right? "The dodecahedron expresses the principle of equality in all directions (that arises from the Monad, or sphere), as does all the Platonic solids. It is associated with Aether, Spirit, Consciousness, Quintessence, or the Heavens. Plato said of the dodecahedron, “There remained a fifth construction which God used for embroidering the constellations on the whole heaven.” From a small boy i have studied the Greek masters and the Golden Radio, Sacred Geometry was my first love, later another love was Archaeoastronomy, but i had to go to astrology school to learn all the myths and legends at the Faculty of Astrological Studies. So i only found something on my birth chart about 20 years ago, strangely, as i have nearly two pentacles on the aspect lines between heavenly bodies, my work on Phi seemed to show, LOL:-
  12. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Daniel, It isn't proven, but some scientists think that the Cosmos is a Dodecahedron:- At the other end of the spectrum, we have the report below:- As above as below!
  13. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Lairg, I found one of your quotes:- " In my experience, the logos/god of this solar system is a god of love, as is the logos of this galaxy. " Perhaps you are right, for if this is true, then its avatar is a Cardioid or heart shape, the symbol for love, LOL!
  14. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Before i broke my spine i was able to meditate on this and produced the drawing below, however i am a bit weird, i hope you like it:-
  15. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    To fit all aspects of 5th Elements, Harmonics and Mandelbrot Set into one shape, although the inner and outer circle is different, we can do this with an Envelope Cardioid, graph below:- Any questions?
  16. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Now we have to explore a CARDIOID or an ENVELOPE CARDIOID, but it does need the right amount of envelopes. If you scroll down link below to Envelope Cardioid you may get an epiphany moment, as the envelopes cut through the inner circle at ten points, which is what you need to fit in two opposite Pentacles 36 degree's apart:- You should get an Envelope Cardioid like below:- How to draw a fractal pentagon is below that is a image of Phi:- I'll continue later.
  17. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Lairg, But is Phi and the Golden Ratio/Fibonacci numbers related to the Mandelbrot Set? It is by method below, but i may be able to show a better way:- It is about making a double or mirror image, two opposite pentagrams that are opposite each other make a decagon, so we have to have a mirror image of the Golden Spiral to start with:-
  18. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Now the thumbprint of god or the mandelbrot set is a fractal that appears during breaking down numbers, however although it keeps showing it self in visual math, you cant get inside it appears as a black circle and heart or kidney bean shape:- Now look at the Mandelbrot Set shape below that also produces a heart:- You can watch a visual math interpretation below:-
  19. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Hi Lairg, This is complicated, and will take some time to show my work. Hi Nungali, i liked the pictures! About the humble Quintile i can only leave some poetry, however i don't know the author:- I am a ratio notice by few, a pyramid, a flower, in math and in you. A golden mediocrity in planets and space, Fibonicci's forty in my fifteenth place. Although quite small, i stretch to infinity, the ancient Greeks raised me up to divinity. Fraternities exploit me without knowing my meaning, some people maintain i have a mystical leaning! Where we can have a problem with a shape that all components fit together is The Golden Spiral, i'm looking for something that fits like a glove:- To give a clue to do this, i thought i would show an illusion, with orbit patterns between the Earth and Venus which is retrograde motion, it appears that if you put this on a graph it looks like the orbit shows a pentacle and a heart, links below:- Keep this in your mind, as i move on to the Mandelbrot Set, i'll continue later.
  20. Post your stories of encounters with the supernatural!

    There was a woman Police Constable that was called to 284 Green St. Enfield, who saw a chair move across the room, she explains this below:-
  21. Hi Everyone, i'm a newbie!

    I thought i would add and paste from my own work, the spinal injury makes writing difficult:- I think that those that align Sirius and Alnilam feel it is heaven, where souls go to, or is where god lives. They align events to get good fortune in their actions, whether this works or not is highly controversial! Probably the best way to explain this is the action of President Eisenhower who approved the Motto of "In God We Trust" for the United States on 30th July 1956 in Washington DC. Quote "Federal government On July 30, 1956, the 84th Congress passed a joint resolution "declaring 'IN GOD WE TRUST' the national motto of the United States."[70] The resolution passed both the House and the Senate unanimously and without debate.[71][72][e] It replaced E pluribus unum, which had existed before as a de facto official motto.[6] The United States Code at 36 U.S.C. § 302, now states: "'In God we trust' is the national motto." The resolution was reaffirmed in 2006, on the 50th anniversary of its adoption, by the Senate,[73] and in 2011 by the House of Representatives, in a 396 to 9 vote.[74][75] In 2000, the House additionally encouraged to publicly display the motto.[76][77]" The House of Representatives features the motto above the rostrum of the Speaker, which was carved in the wall in December 1962.[78] The heliacal rising of Sirius is very auspicious, it is thought that the ancient Egyptian calendar started on this day, so perhaps we all follow Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, but didn't know it!
  22. Hi Everyone, i'm a newbie!

    My first post. I'm an archaeoastronomer, so i study how ancient people had beliefs in the stars:- I have interest in the para-normal, and before i broke my spine was a member of the Ghost Club, a long time ago. I look forward to debate on this forum.
  23. Hi Everyone, i'm a newbie!

    Hi Nungali, I watch the skies everywhere, but i live in the north at approx area of G.M.T. The coin is interesting as it shows esoteric knowledge, why not mint it in 2000 when the millennium took place? Actually we celebrated the Millennium on the wrong year, the calendar we follow now is the Gregorian Calendar which stopped the errors of the Julian Calendar, but the Julian calendar calculated without year zero, it went from 1BC to 1AD, so the real Millennium was 2001. There are dualistic followers of hermetism for in 2001 new year in the coptic calendar was 11th September, but that is a thread for another day, Ooops!
  24. Post your stories of encounters with the supernatural!

    Newspaper reports about the Enfield poltergeist below:- The Enfield Haunting was my first case, i had some jurisdiction as i lived in Enfield. The link below is a tape recording that i verify is 11 year old Janet Hodgson speaking in a very bassy male voice, that i still find disturbing:- I have to be careful regarding my observations with Janet aged 11 who spoke in a gruff male bassy voice. Could it have been a hoax? When adult women are trained for a deep singing voice, it is possible, please listen to female Mongolian throat singers on link below, however i did learn as much as i could from Janet, there wasn't any singing training, my thoughts were for a child to shout and speak in a deep male voice, which she did for more than an hour at a time would have damaged a young girls throat, which surprisingly did not happen.
  25. Hi Everyone, i'm a newbie!

    Some events are at actual time, but sunrise, sunset or modern midnight are used to align stars. The inauguration of the commonwealth of Australia, or Federation of Australia was held on 1st January 1901 in Sydney Australia. It was marked at location by Sirius Isis culminating which is interestng at midnight as it is the place where it gets to it's highest point before going down to set, this is called the Medium Coeli or M.C. and is a special place to align to in beliefs to draw down powers. The Place to see this in the southerm hemisphere is due or true north, it is the opposite to the northern hemisphere being due south. events of the day, shown below:- You can see Sirius culminating on graph below:- By sunrise it shows the sun rising while Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star is setting:- Also the ceremony started at noon, therefore at 12pm Sirius would be on the Nadir or I.C. the opposite to midnight, to get all these alignments taking place in Sydney means the location was carefully thought out and picked to have the alignments, my thought are they are probably hermetic alignments. HMS Sirius is part of Australian history.