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Everything posted by Nahfets

  1. ---

    Put a piece of micropore tape on it.
  2. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    I hope your trip to Asia was worth it, now leave these poor people alone
  3. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    I never expressed anything other than there has been a ramp up of exploitation on nature, animals, workers, families and rights these past decades. Not me being higher. You want to make it look like I am some egomaniac and although I know I have weaknesses in my ego and insecurities I'm not what you try to make me out to be. It is not me that are avoiding the debate here, you wan''t for me to come down to a Earth, or whatever you call where you can use dirty tactics on me without me knowing. I have no need to hide myself, or what I stand for, yet still I have restraint of course. I am in no position to dictate what is right for everyone. I have seen a lot of scenarios where the corruption and falseness makes me sad because it could be so very different for all of us, so in that regards, maybe I have hoped and dreamed to big. As I browse through my intentions, wishes and prayers for Earth as a whole there is not much that speaks against any of this, of so it is something that is being played, but not by me that is. In regards to hurting people, the only thing I can say for certain is that in some of my attempts to clear up my baggage I've been somewhat recentful with certain cases where I've felt used and exploited. I have never ever said to hurt them, in any way, this is again stuff that get's twisted to make me appear as the bad guy. Look at who is twisting the strings in my communication to make me look bad again here, if you are curious as to learn what my stances are. The anger and recentment has mainly been caused by anger in myself, and also sadness that someone will steal my essense, and lie to me about it and keep taking away at it with me not knowing, while all my endevours avail to nothing due to this continous drag. In my case my valuesystem I would not allow for such low level kind of theft, so I was honestly kind of shocked to see how much my sexual energy and drive was played and used against me, before I could stand a chance to take countermeassures. I wanted to cut ties with all of this and start again where I would actually be capable of protecting myself and the people in the relations but not on their terms where I formed some kind of breeder with unknown burdens, just from stray thoughts and selfpleasing. So when the rules are not explained clearly from the start, and the consequences stack and possibilities shrink, then you have an unbalanced playingfield. If it's bad for me, for trying to make ammense for this by healing the relations, starting over and wishing them all the best while trying my own best to become the best healer and medicine man I can to help the growing amount of people suffering Today that can't get help, while still not being dismissive to engaging and reaching out. This is just the worst attempt to make me appear worse than I am. I have done bad things oh yes I have, but why all of a sudden when I'm reversing some of the exploitation on me, as well as my own on others, am I suddenly the bad guy? You don't understand, because someone has told you that you are someone, doesn't give you the right to take them up on the word for it, because it suits your needs here. First of the assumption of a debt needs to be clarified and looked deep into. Next the idea that one is the same as the other, is clever little way of reverting and distorting the message in some solipsistic maneuvre, yet still a falsum. Someone might have said it, but it doesn't mean it is so. Your idea of a clear and present danger appears to be somewhat subjective
  4. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Boasting about ability to not feel you are a dangerous being indeed. Mostly to yourself, but that have you yet to realize from what I can sense of your predictions about the outcome of this. No more drama, feel free to harass your own heart as mine is closed
  5. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    A lot of explaining to excuse your own mishappen in wordsalat. I see what you're upto, and by nature of that endaveur you won't succeed. Like trying to help a person that hates you, thus becomes an insult or worse like an attack. What you are showing here is that you think arguing until exhorstion means winning. "might is right" but there are other forces at play than strongarming people or keyboard warrioring away. I'm sure you are able to fool yourself at best, but from here you lack severely in signs of an accomplished cultivator. Trickster and blind thief. I am I, and you are you. This is the missing answer. The exact same mishmash of words and meaning was the case with the encounter in the forest. I see you, come not near!
  6. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Also having a lot of altruistic hopes and dreams of peace and a return of mankinds goldenage is not acting like a hero, but the moment I dare think a self-serving thought, it get's snatched and used heavily against me and many others. Do you call that having a hero's complex or are you really only defending un-hero like behavior right now. Is she going to fight the unravelling of the layers or are you? Don't make the assumption I don't understand how others get's bondaged into karma traps that long has them forget what they were in for and owing in the first place.
  7. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    You are busy, a little too busy from the moment I mentioned shadow-work. What are you hiding?
  8. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    I started practising Medical Qigong and Taoist Neigong and learned some cordcutting rites from there, this led me to begin seeing things clearly alongside my continual cultivation and introspection. This did offend a lot of elements in my life I could see. I later learned that I once thought of creating a tulpa, and an idea shone into my head that it should be comprimized of energy from my three dantiens, but then thought no this would be a dangerous idea. What I later learned was that certain people took the idea, pressed for it before, and put the idea of it comprising of the threee dantiens, to make it to use against me deliberately. By following the doctrine that what the tulpa does is for my sake, they would then be able to use it to milk so many areas and innocent groups while stealing from it while putting the karma unto me. This has led to a lot of the worst issues in my life and many's I have come to learn. It might have shards of my energies but it is entirely corrupted by the people who made it. And I punctuate MADE IT, because if it would only take so little to make such impact, I would have healed the entire world by now with thoughts alone. I will look into these suggestions, thanks a lot. ! I have supportive elements in my life that have human decensy still and even that friendly people like you chose to engage here, shows me that I'm not entirely lost.
  9. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Basically your idea of this, shines to a great deal as defending someone, some path or some kind of action with a lot of words and strenious arguing about nonsense basically. From all I've said a lot of tiptoing around the points have been done by you here. If you have your own source of income yet not soliciting your services, this sounds a bit contradictory or dubious to say the least. So you, Daniel don't offer services, just to clarify here. If transfering of karma to others can be attemped surely the reverse can be the case, or is that contradictory too in your opinion? Justifying making others into their own worst enemies doesn't mitigate the issues and consequences of it by calling yourself your own enemy either. Small things and acts like forcing out a tulpa from others with slight of hand, milking it and manipulating with dual-faced care, this is the kind of stuff that accounting for makes sense and thus the feverish arguing and backtracking all of a sudden shows it's face. There is always something that can be done, and once I've gotten to the bottom of this I will keep my energy, will and heart way more locked up than before as there are those that apparently spare no expense as to stear people away from their divine nature and take what is not theirs to take.
  10. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Interesting with the castor oil. Will try this definitely. Thanks! My schedule has been daily practice of Medical Qigong, and sitting practice with martial fire, MCO and stillness. Occationally also some breathwork the more intense kind to flush the system. I've also begun doing som Hun Yuan Qigong and sitting in prayer. Besides that I exercise and eat healthy with vegan foods mostly fresh alongside natural supplements.
  11. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    First thing ones destiny and life path is not fixed. It changes once you clear up your karmic issues and continue doing good deeds. What does change is ones attitude to relationships where others feed on your energy and thus not to blame or be angry about it, I'm just cutting ties with those who I'm not able to protect myself from when I'm close and who are actively using me to their own ends. This stuff happens, I don't know if you have ever pondered the ways of generational trauma and baggage? I'm not being hateful about it as I get it, I don't won't allow it nor allow myself to become as such. As I mentioned when I take responsibility for the things I've willingly or unwillingly let myself become a part of, other areas in my life becomes very clear and I begin seeing things clearly. I'm not victimizing myself, nor am I being overly aggressive about the areas in which I'm being played or attempted to at least. I feel deep shame on the contrary over areas in which I've hurt innocent beings, and if making immense for this, offends others, this tells me more to as what is going on inside them, not me. Hero now? Again projecting here, as I mentioned not exploiting lower beings as a part of my own value system, you need for it to be a part of some egoistic powertrip for it to suit your own actions. "The enemy" said like you know for certain who is the perpetrator, sounds a bit like someone is playing you as to soldier on onto areas you yourself don't know much about. This is not being dishonest just because I know from sources and experience how demonic influences appear to affect people, it doesn't mean I'm well-suited in black arts, come on now, you're are grasping here. Being boastful about doing harm to others? This is again severely projecting
  12. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Funny stuff! No need to conjure up anymore succubi at Mc'Donals no, they will just form a union and demand free porn and cheap alcohol to the people. But had a weird Night, had several terror attacks and felt some demonic presence very heavily in my whole body not like something I've felt before. I was reading in a book about Chinese magic yesterday and when I came to a page with some symbols on it, the entity started to twist and turn inside me. I then thought why not write them on the place on my torso where it is attaching. I did that and fell a sleep. Not long after a had terrible visions of some sinister being trying to manipulate it's way around my body and my body trying to cast it out so I was bent over like a reverse plank all exorcist style in cramps for a while. Definitely not a pleasant experience. I bought a jade bracelet and usually it doesn't do anything, but tonight it left marks whereever it touched my body so I have these round dimplets many places when I woke up, strange indeed.
  13. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    I have and I'm trying to protect them from this mess I'm in because as soon as I ask for guidance and help from the divine demons around me try to snatch them I can litterally hear and see them trying to. I just need to balance my cleaning up my karma with cultivation so I don't get dragged down into their attempts to get me to bet and go along with their mindgames and become like them, more addicted to negative energy. I have spent time trying to help the guides back to their space as they were tried to become binded by some of the lower beings here. As is to say I have been surrounded by these parasites for a long time now but they have ramped up their game, when I finally noticed them for real. Exciting though as this will help me grow stronger than them in collective so I will really need to stick to my self protective work and cultivational praxis.
  14. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    The question is why would people be against me cleaning up my karmic baggage and stopping the senseless exploitation of lower beings, if not because they themselves have been profiting on such behavior from my side? To help people grow sometimes one needs to address the dark sides too. My blackest magic have been done when I was unaware and emotionally out of reach. It is often so, that demonic influences suddenly appear when you begin cultivating because then you will be able to pay back your debt and thus free yourself from karmic bondage. Things to ponder on your side
  15. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Interesting reading from a book: Chinese Black Magic An Exposé THE “FAMILIAR SPIRITS” OF THE WU OR SAI KONG In ancient times, the traditions of the wu or sai kong tended to be restricted to within the family. Hence, the secrets of the practices and powers of the wu or sai kong tended to be passed down and inherited by their descendants. One of the things associated with the wu or sai kong and which often gives the wu or sai kong much power and feared reputation, is the spirits. Spirits by nature cannot die, or are at least much longer lived than their human associates. When the wu or sai kong dies, the spirits associated with him usually seek out a family member to associate with. Through this, the spirits tend to stay long with the family down the generations. They are known as “familiar spirits” ; that is, spirits associated with the family. Not all family members of the deceased wu or sai kong may wish to accommodate the spirits. There are cases where the Spirits, thwarted in their wishes to be associated with particular members of the family, would harass the members until they consentedto accommodate them. The bond between the spirits and the original wu or sai kong is the strongest. As the spirits pass down through the generations, the relationships between the spirits and the new wu or sa i kong may become strained, as it usually is the case, due to negligence or misunderstanding of the original arrangements. Thus, spirits have been known to punish the new wu or sai kong. The age-old saying that a wu or sai kong is ill-fated could be due to this degeneration of the bonds between the new wu or sai kong and the spirits, the later taking out their disagreements and exacting revenge upon their human associates. It is said that if the wu or sai kong has no one to pass his familiar spirits to, he could be liable to suffer an agonizing death. Apparently, 26The Wu, Shaman Or Magician? it is the duty of the wu or sai kong to ensure a smooth succession to some suitable human being. The wu or sai kong would be punished for any negligence in this respect.
  16. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Blaming is also a way for me to draw up lines of what I will allow myself to be a part of again and what is simply not something I will allow to happen either for me or for others. Before I have been doing a lot of wreckless stuff which means I am taking responsibility for the karma it has brought on. On the other hand being honest and taking responsibility for these things, leads me to see very clearly also where I have been manipulated, cheated and lied to. These things are healthy for me, not being in an illusion of fake comfort while other use me to to their dirty work because they themselves hate the shadowwork. I get it now, it sucks big time but it is needed. There are good magicians, good spirits and reverse there are dark magicians and bad spirits. My desire to do magic actually funnily enough originated first from a desire to help, then a desire to help myself from the bloodsucking entity that I somehow attracted. I work my ass off trying to learn Medical Qigong Therapy and combining this with lightwork and herbal medicinal knowledge as I realized the former way I was trying to help was not working really as hoped. You can project all you want about desires and blamegames but the truth is more complex than that. I have litterally hoards of entities trying to attach to me because I've been so selfweak and blindsighted from not believing in this kind of thing. Toughening up my energy and expelling these things is needed, and if this offends certain elements in my life so be it. I will not allow myself to be a part of any more sinister ploys against others nor let myself be taken advantage of. This is sort of the thing if you haven't noticed.
  17. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    No it is purely a realization of being too naive and afraid of conflict during most of my life to realize people around me was taking advantage of me a lot. Blaming is defending such behavior continuing to feed on others to do the dirty work for you so you can hide in the grass...
  18. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    So far this thing has engrained itself pretty good, feeding off of my ren mai very clearly when I try to clear it and circulate the MCO. Building up tension in my stomach and organs and trying to push up air in my exophagous and distort my voice too it is quite annoying. I've been diving deep into magic, banishing, cord cutting rites and bought a whole lot of crystals, incense and stuff like that. It seems my lifepath is throwing me into the deep end of old shitty karma and remnants of toxic people I didn't manage to protect myself enough from. In that way I will also be able to help others from curses like this when I manage to clear it, so in that way it is maybe what is needed. Beforehand I would try to help people with lots of herbal medicines, useful exercises and just plain advice as to how to change their issues. It could be the world is turning darker so what is needed is not the soft approach but the hardline demonslaying protective magician style approach. Who knows, good things might come of this but I'm ofc still open to any suggestions if any of you have walked this path before and extracted entities from yours or others bodies etc.
  19. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Thanks but I'm alright, no need to complicate things further.
  20. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    So... The thing is still attached to my left side beneath my heart, twisting and turning when ever I circulate or increase Qi flow inside the body. So far I've been doing a lot of inwards searching forn issues that might have been the source of this curse and have found A LOT of shitty stuff I've been doing, or unwillingly let myself become a part of or just plain been naive and afraid of taking up the conflict. In that regard, the curse is a blessing as I would have never had dived so deep into my past to see what I have been doing wrong if it was not the constant treat of an outside force lurking on my heart like some sort of hungry wolf. Either way I'm positive I will overcome this adversity and mountain of karma I need to begin facing. A lesson so far worth sharing is do good deeds, expect nothing in return, always think twice about your own motives as well as if your adversaries might be bluffing and faking to bait you into using your own energy against yourself. Because I can see how the small things get's bundled into major attacks on you when you're not paying attention so cultivate calmness and compassion and don't strain yourself into stress as this leaves you vulnerable to these attacks from behind.
  21. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    I'm trying to work through my things but I have a lot of unprocessed stuff going on so it is hard to tell what is what and who is who in this whole mess right now.
  22. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    I was wrong I was attacked by something other than what I thought
  23. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Definitely not a normal woman from what I've encountered. I will keep cultivating and try to transform this into positive qi somehow but it is definitely weird having a lump of evil qi twisting and turning whenever I raise and circulate my qi. I recently started observing white energetic mist / fog around me when practicing also indoors don't know if this is related
  24. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    I layed down my hands, and sent positive energy into the ground as a thanks for last time I was out in that place grounding doing Qigong. I talked with some of the tree's expressed my grattitude for the forest, and then she appeared. I didn't pick anything. She was one of those yes. Compounding a lot of misunderstandings into a direct attack.
  25. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    My sense was that she was being driven by something other than herself alone. She appeared to be looking for someone lost, mixing her thoughts of me and this person in between her expression, and latching on to every stray thought of confusion I got from this. And she said it with the most false, pretentious and hidden evil like way it made me creep inside and I rarely get this feeling towards people who may be ridden with turbid qi. Also appearing like that in the middle of nowhere was so strange, I couldn't even look at her she was just eminating evil energy I should just have ran with the sight if it. I now feel like this energy is trying to move into my heart and cause a heartattack .