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Everything posted by Nahfets

  1. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Thanks, this makes sense. I will keep doing shadowwork and I will continue to be heartfelt do caring acts towards people in need without sacrificing myself in the process.
  2. Body Focused Forms in Qigong

    This set is very physically demanding
  3. Lotus Nei Gong process; how long?

    You can do breath of fire / rapid fire in zhan zhuang this can bring about heat fast. Not to say this is the best and safest method at all, but fast it is. Don't do like me, as I started without any knowledge basically I had just seen a picture of the microcosmic orbit, and began visualizing qi up and down with the breath and some muscle locks while seated. This I did with breath of fire/rapid fire in between sets, and then stillness with inner smile to end the meditation. I would at least two sessions of 30min each Day and I'd say it took about a Week until heat began developing but it may differ from person to person and from technique to technique. Once or twice a Week I would do a breathwork set also to balance the body and sometimes the vibrations would be there in the dantien for Days after even. Then at some point I got so much heat my whole body would warm and my anal sphinxter would litterally burn if I tensed it just a little and I couldn't sleep even on sleeping meds I had so much energy all the time. I had to scale it down and this got to a point where I realized it was dangerous to mess with so much qi without knowing what to do, or having a teacher standby. I then got into Taoist Qigong and it helped me balance the energy much more and clear my meridians and have been practicing this almost everyday, with seated practice also and testicle breathing for vitality as well, but all in all a lot more safe and less intense. I still have heat in the dantien that increases and spread when I practice and vibrations too whenever I clear my belt meridian. I used addaptogen herbs on the side to stay focused, did weightlifting and jogging too a few times pr. Week and ate a lot of fresh organic fruits and veggies as this helps you build jing too. I can recommend Jerry Alan Johnson's work it is very extensive and his medical Qigong set's have been a lifesaver! This set is a great one to begin clearing your organsystem and meridians and even helps you clear your du and ren meridians and prepare it for micro cosmic orbiting. His video on Wuji posture is also worth noting as these movements work mostly when Wuji is upheld.
  4. I've heard from someone claiming inside sources told him 85% of all abductee's and close contacts are from Scottish/Celtic and Native American ancestry
  5. I like this one. They explain there are litterally swarming with helpful peaceful aliens and interdimensionals trying to help us, but CIA has deliberately tried to scare us from reaching out and utilizing the aid and connection they offer.
  6. The Global Scam

    Look at the players not the ball is my point. Don't fall for those always using the current existential dreads of the time, to divert attention. It is more smokescreens with hidden hands
  7. The Global Scam

    Don't bring up Hubbard then. They did this not I lol
  8. The Global Scam

    You got me, now sell copies of my book worldwide and funnel money back to me while I stay at my luxury yact and get payed handsomely to distinguish who of my female crew is most "clear" for me to deposit my jing to butthole. It's a hidden tek revealed to me by Xenu himself to avoid unwanted results of very nessecary fornication.
  9. Proper wuji stands and practicing the right bandhas (muscle-locks) meditation with focus points are crucial for LDT to develop. It will come if you meditate a lot but there are shortcuts to improve flow of qi and accumulation of it also. A good Qigong daily practice will help you clear blockages too and purify your energetiv system. I can recommend this guy and his taoist Qigong set ( See his video explaining Wuji also. It is recommended by me at least to using quickfire or breath of fire every Day as it is very effective and can even be parred with horsestands this is very potent so don't do these practices if you're sexually active wait 5 Days minimum before and after orgasm. A book I can recommen is Taoist Internal Alchemy, Neigong And Weigong Training it describes a lot of the exercises and purification and circulation techniques used to build a LDT. The Qigong set from the video is also explained in detail in the late pages of the book and can be helpful to read through as well but in general he explains a lot more in there than usual in Qigong videos so it is helpful in getting the exercises right. MCO meditation is also very benefital at clearing and activating the micro cosmic orbit and the book describes many techniques as how to facilitate this. Doing breathwork techniques is also a great way of releasing tension, waking up the body and scanning for blockages with breathholds after or in between the sets. A trick when doing breathwork is to focus on relaxing your perineum/prostate while at the same time focusing on the energy at the fengfu point opposite in the back of the head from the jingtang(third eye) If done with with a slight tilted perineum holding the dual point in between your relaxed prostate/fengfu will quickly achieve vibrations that otherwise can take some time achieving in breathwork sessions and you will want them to start and eminate from the LDT and move up to the middle burner and so forth.
  10. The Global Scam

    I have read some before about possible interference and hybridazation of hominids but I'm not sure. Often it gets intermigled with religious texts and fanatism so I try to find as many sources as possible. It is very likely though, and I hear rumors of reptilians many places but also of trickster aliens masking as something and hoaxing humans in great detail from many cultures.
  11. The Global Scam

    Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Earth has had many cycles and beings higher than our current level of consciousness has been wiped off due to meteors and super volcanic eruptions many times over. The latest were a race of longskulled red haired mostly human like cousin of homo sapiens and they we're wiped away after the flood/meteor in Greenland melting the icecaps 12800 Years ago. They used, vibration, crystals, vortexes and pyramid shapes and some say many alien races too visited Earth in peace as well as they travelled the Universe but this is not proven yet. They spanded all over the Earth leaving behind pyramids not only in Egypt also Antarctica, China, etc. and the first pharoes of what people describe as ancient Egypt were red haired and longskulled and tried to reboot the previous world-spanding civilization. After the meteor struck three Years of winter and many Months of darkness followed and cannibalism got widespread and the races quickly lost a lot of their humanity. Because markers like round heads vs long heads became apparent it is hypothesized that roundheads hunted down longskulls, evident from the longskulls fleeing to Peru trying to avoid the witch hunt that soon became culture for the roundheads in many parts of the World. The Hypogeum of Malta also shows how thousands of longskulls were killed and buried underground in their own temple by supposedly roundskulls banding together to wipe away all traces of the previous race. Headbinding did take place due to other populations of roundskulls sought higher status by faking it, but real actual longskulled people have been found even with significantly larger skulls. A good source is Brian Foerster who is currently being surpressed by academia in a collective effort to stamp out the truth even though him and many specialist have used DNA testing and found very interesting finds. In the generations after the meteor different groups struggled to achieve dominion and cycles of wars broke out, with the rise of new empires and their subsequent fall. Some groups began sacrificing children and animals to please the supposedly sinister sky god and they suppressed spirituality while spreading false narratives about religious ideas and jealous of the stories of great spiritual achievements from the previous race, they sought to achieve powers by sacrificing innocents and barganing with off planet immortals that didn't want Earth to rise as a spiritual place again. Deleting history and supressing archeological finds became of the highest interest of these groups as narratives and religion became their new way of trying to conquer nations to enslave them. They used a mixture of usury, fake religion and brute force to wipe out any rebelion and stifle any spiritual groups still engaged with the ancient practice and spiritual beliefs. The Vatican deleted finds and supressed knowledge about the past even though their own sources told them about a previous civilization of a higher order, and zionists alongside Roman bloodlines have since infiltrated and taken control over the Worlds monitary system, press and entertainment as well as the Wests medical profession. They really don't want this knowledge about the mass killings of the peaceful longskulls to surface as well as blow the lid of their mindcontrol/religions. Therefore universities and media-companies have in them now self-censorship so anyone trying to talk about this get's censored by people themselves caring mostly about their careers while ignoring the shear amount of evidence. Bloodlines that controlled Rome in it's haydays are still pulling the strings as well as judeo-elements in which they have intermarried with and they are at war with Nordics now due to the altruistic force that have perforated the Scandinavian beliefs are a threat to their ideas of slavery and control. History is faked to a large degree and dumbing down of cultures are means of controlling and stealing from the populations. Multiculturalism is being promoted in countries they think have a chance of blowing the lid so they get swamped with traumatized immigrants from the oil-wars as to create internal disputes and keep them busy. 90% of the slavery and the slavetrade was controlled and profited by by Judeo populations back in the old America but this has been surpressed too by all media because exposing the dealings of this group threatens current mindcontrol tactics through movies and press. A simulation made by the US showed that the new generation would rebel through non-profit, open source, environmental antiprofit ideas between 2020 and 2030 so they instead deployed an old Roman tactic to divide this group. Back when they had conquered Latin-America and stolen the land and ressources from the native Americans they instead said: "Once each Year, you can have your fancy feather dresses, shaman dances and display of your culture in a celebrative carneval" As long as we supress your liberty, steal your ressources and demolish your religious ideas for the remaining of the Year." A weaponization of celebration and festivities. Now they do it with pride as a celebration heavily pushed and says: You can have your freedom of expression, hedonistic sexuality, and consumation of drugs (alcohol) " As long as we supress your freedom of speech, control your medicines for profit, and suppres all dissenting opinions and beliefs for the remaning of the Year. A weaponization of tolerance and festivities. These tactics are deployed sinisterly to divide the youth against eachother, control opinion by making people self censor and for politicians and corperate to "pridewash" their image in the same breath they greenwash themselves and push fake narratives. The world is indeed traumatized, and the people working in the shadows supressing Africa, Southamerica or the global south is getting desperate but people are waking up in a faster rate than expected so instead they try to poison and cull as many as they can. Some will refute these stories as those of a madman but I ensure you this is just the surface of prehistory. Nano spirals more than 100.000-300.000 Years old have been found while digging for gold in Russia and these are just a fraction of the OOPA'rs (out of place artifacts) found all over the World that is being surpressed by those engaging in smokescreens, control, narratives and slavery.
  12. Depends of what you describe as MCO. They also use the hands to guide qi through the MCO in Qigong practices to help clear the meridians in the Du and Ren channels. Later you can circulate, heat, vibration and yin qi but it doesn't exclude you from practicing and clearing it even though you haven't achieved these levels. It would be the same as saying you can't flex your perineum until yang qi activates the positive principle and you get an erection. Both are doable and benefitial in certain exercises.
  13. Things that fill the LDT with heat and vibration from my experience is breath of fire, MCO, testicle breathing, beating and drumming the qi, and breathwork. With meditating on the LDT you can get vibration fast if you i.e. in a seated position manage to relax your whole body on an outbreath while still sealing of the anal sphinxter which is a lot easier said than done. It requires hard focus to first do six directional breathing into the LDT and then relax while still sealing but you can practice and will then be able to fill the LDT faster and more efficient.
  14. Intrusive Thoughts vs Qigong

    The stretching releases tension in the muscles which can be good if you tense up and unconsciously store turbid qi in certain body parts. This is very normal and exercise and stretching helps release this. You could also do a channel dretching with your hands like shown in this video 2 minutes into it: Sometimes intruding entities or the likes feed of off negative energy such as projection, anger, blame and anxiety and will often go to lenghts to ensure that their target don't evolve past these emotions that act as a doorway for them to drain energy or use part of you for their benefits. So staying calm, observing your thoughts and backtracking what thought lead to this can be a great help. Using a broad strategy often tends to help the most, i.e. using diet, exercise, stretching, meditation, supplements, visualization and prayer as this will stack up and prevent you from slipping into these lower vibrational thoughts. Some supplements that would help could be: Bacopa, polygala, rhodiola, ashwagandha. Use extracts not raw powder and give it a Week to kick in.
  15. New Age Translations

    New Age Translations ā€œ1: To 'hold space' for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown. 2: I'm in transition = I'm unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some trim work for me, or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings! 3: I'm processing a lot of downloads from the Universe = I smoked too much DMT and canā€™t afford therapy. By pretending that my fragile brain is a sacred record keeper, I receive validation for speaking gibberish. 4: I'm a light worker/empath = I am depressed and unstable and take zero responsibility for my own self-destructive tendencies, and need to focus on condescending your dark shit to avoid my own. (PS: I'll diagnose you as a narcissist) 5: I am a Reiki Master= I crave human contact, And this makes me feel less insecure than Tinder. I can cross personal physical boundaries with ease if I so choose, depending on what my client looks like, or I can think about random things while getting paid handsomely to hold my hands awkwardly over someoneā€™s body. 6: You have an amazing Aura = I would love to bang you. 7: I am writing a travel blog = I don't want to go home, I no longer fit in: I never have. I don't know where I will end up, but Iā€™d like to get paid to figure it out. 8: I'm not looking for a relationship/ only deep soul connections = I have commitment issues and fear of intimacy so I collect partners with compatible insecurities. I understand you will head off to Thailand soon anyways. ā€œBread-crumbing my love keeps me safeā€ is my mantra, while I dip my dick like a candlestick in every shanti ratchet priestess in town. 9: Inner Goddess within workshops = An understanding of daddy Issues and a way to overdevelop the masculine side to protect the little girl within. Helping participants to surrender to the bias that all men are shit ( all of this for a nominal fee). The level 2 masterclass will teach you how to galactivate your manā€™s scrotum chakra enough to make him forget that you pay for bullshit workshops with his harvest money. 10: A guru = Someone who has overstepped the threshold of self-development into supreme egotism and found a niche market. Carries a flute and has a name you cant pronounce (though his drivers license says Steve) and chants words he doesnā€™t understand. But interesting tattoos...right? 11: A shaman = see above. 12: Iā€™m going natural: = My lifeā€™s a mess, and my apartment looks worse than most festivalgrounds, so I will pretend that sporting a monobrow or not showering or shaving is my conscious choice, and not just to randomly make people ask me or uncomfortable, so I can get triggered and pretend, getting mad, is not a relief from focusing on the clusterfuck of daily habits I canā€™t seem to get a grip on. 13: Worshipping the Beloved = Classic scenario where a cluster B personality type convinces you at a festival that you are their twin flame, lost for centuries in the ether. If you have never been loved by your primary caregivers, this is paradise on earth as your fear of abandonment gets spanked with a mala on the magical, mystery tour of self-deception. 14: In the flow = I never commit to anything, especially plans to do anything with anyone, so that I can completely flake out and not take any responsibility for it; ie I didnā€™t pay my phone bill this month. 15: Co-creating a retreat/gathering = my borderline personality friends and I have exhausted all other means of making an honest income, and have decided instead to use our social media clout (aka naked buttcheeks) to radically overcharge a too-large group of saps for 2-14 days of mediocre vegan food, awkward group encounters, and real-world-style sexual politics. 16: Substance Free Event = Powder drugs are fine but if you bring alcohol, weā€™ll judge the shit out of you. Tobaccoā€™s cool if you snort it and call it "ceremony" or roll your own. 17: Cacao-ceremony = By speaking gibberish like ā€œtheobromine is a heartopening molecule, and itā€™s actually pronounced ā€˜karkauwā€ I get to experience the joy of pretending I know jack about plant-medicine, without the responsibility of actually guiding people on mindaltering substances. I will need for you to do ecstatic dances and loud groaning to make it appear as if someone is actually getting high. Also please buy my very sacred unique cacao, totes it's not full of cadmium and lead. 18: Speaking My Truth = I reserve the right to be an asshole in this conversation and you must honor it, regardless how deep my delusion may be. Iā€™ll probably use this phrase every time I donā€™t want to be called out for my phony bullshit, because itā€™s all perspective man. I didn't write this, but copy-pasted it from a copy-pasted person and you will probably copy-paste it from me because it is brilliant.ā€
  16. New Age Translations

    I'm sure it would spout an existential crisis or two, some of them might need one to develop further, so you'd kinda be doing them a favor, right?
  17. Wim Hof hemorrhoids

    I know the feeling, sometimes we hit a wall and it can seem hopeless but usually that is right about here we're just about to break through into some new and better so something inside us either fights back or we experience the last resistance of this like it is something impenetrable. Even though something very good can be just around the corner. There are many techniques that doesn't require taixi or breathholding that can really benefit you greatly. Even though you don't have many ressources there is still a lot of very good information to be found
  18. Wim Hof hemorrhoids

    There's many great ressources like Jerry Alan Johsons Daoist Internal Alchemy, Neigong And Weigong Training. In there you'll find instructions for many kinds of meditations, as well as cultivations from Daoist Five Yin to the dragon meditations where you open your meridians etc. Can't recommend it enough, for learning these techniques but ofc. it can be dangerous without a teacher, but being broke myself I tend also tend to scout YT and books for sources too.
  19. Wim Hof hemorrhoids

    Ok I got to admit that headline got to me. I thought, either Wim Hof was starting to sport alarmingly large hemorrhoids on his instruction videos and people were worried, or someone was sqeezing a bit too hard trying to achieve that tummo heat. Either way I do sympathize with it, hemorrhoids sucks. Have you tried tilting forward your perineum and closing your anal sphincter gently, while breath holding, this might help you lock in those muscles that can help prevent this from happening. Also not breathing in too fully before holding so the pressure isn't that great on your lower abdomen
  20. Some people inherit trauma's through the family or some other constellation where they can end up showing social cues that instigate the negative interaction from the opposite sex also so bear in mind people mentioning this might also be in need of some assistence. Like if a woman told you she kept attracting violent boyfriends, you would most likely show compassion here not instantly judge her. Traumatized women often tend to discuss how to manipulate and take advantage of men in the hidden and most traumatized men tend to ignore the suffering of women or create a culture where women get's taken advantage of like you see in certain very wealthy circles in most nations. I tend to hold men at a high standard of how they treat women and I like how this woman on YT does the same for women. (JustPearlyThings) as a lot of modern women have come under a delusion trickled down from the abusive cultures on top about how to treat men today and those paying for this is often not the men who created the culture nor the trauma that gets triggered to push such behavior, Often we get highjacked to push certain agendas and views without even realizing due to the need for top powers to project their own misery and faults downward onto the lower classes, and it happens through media and the prestige economy. This is a dynamic that mirrors a lot of the issues from within the constellation of the opposite sex, so when cultures go into such turmoil it get's difficult to stay on top of things mentally and emotionally and many get's taken advantage of on either side right now really.
  21. Sexual desire and intercourse complicates things from an energetic point of view. So does overly fixating on it I agree. This is something that might help you understand Women as a collective feminine carries trauma just like men does, so when they spot you with sparkly eyes and a calm deminor something in them longs for the compassionate masculine often in the form of a fartherly love and guidance. Because this has been lacking in most traumatized cultures, then women, from a lack of love and care, will instead try to survive on the only other form of attention they get which is often males sexual or negative shadows attention. This means the second your loving compassion tweaks into feelings of desire for the women you encounter they adapt into a more negative kind of interaction. Not because they themselves are negative, but because of their trauma of not being exposed to positive masculine love and guidance. So always cultivate the connection to your heart and notice when you slip into sexual desire. Actually you'll be able to mentally formulate or envision: I'm sorry I didn't wan't to sexual approach you and I'm still learning, but you caught my eye because your hair is very pretty etc. as a genuine compliment. Like a mantra you use to reprogram your own hearts "evil fire" back into a more loving qi. This humble energy they will sense if it is sincere and the relation will turn back into loving compassion from both parts. The same thing goes for men who haven't experienced a healthy motherly love, they too will tend to adapt to survive from negative female drives for wealth, beauty, brutality etc. which they use to mask their wounds. When they sense a woman deeply humble or hurt they too grow above their trauma, and will protect her in an instant. This is at least my experience from living in a large city with a lot of traumatized people with all of the misunderstandings making it hard to stay centered without having a strong heart connection.
  22. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Doesn't matter if you subscribe or not this is an issue and there's even threads on it in here documenting peoples issues with this and most liniages in the East warns about it for a reason because they too have witnessed these things. New people who might get hurt should know this in my opinion. Most today also don't believe in succubusses although many old texts refer to them and if you practice enough to astral project go take a look and see for yourself. Also you should be able to meditate while staying grounded where ever you are, but now people live in houses and wear shoes, so things aren't always that simple as that. There's deep wisdom in the old Taoist manuals they knew the ups and downs of it.
  23. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    From my experience it would be best to wait at least three Days, as I once had issues with nightly emmisions and what felt like a haunting energy as I tried to stay celibate, and I forgot about the emission in the morning and practiced. I felt a pain in my stomach area when ever I usually felt warmth or vibration. I think mild Qigong exercises are fine but, horsestands, MCO, quick fire and reverse breathing should at least have a three if not more Days recuperation time. The reason why 8 brocades are prohibited is due to horsestands is closing your glutes like a energy lock (bandha) which increases the filling of the dantien. This is why older Taoist manuals describes using a wooden block for sitting as it will force you to tighten your anal sphincter more closely. I heard it has to do with an energetic membrane that shuts between your LDT and your testicles after orgasm to heal for a while, but if you fill your LDT after this the membrane might rupture as the flow is obstructed. I felt the pain for a few Days but it went away and no crazy gas also so I hope it wasn't damaged but I for sure protect myself at Night now and it seems to work as it stopped.
  24. Decrease sexual energy

    Also a ruptured dantien is not unlikely if you practice a lot of Taoist training and keep on bating