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Everything posted by Nahfets

  1. Decrease sexual energy

    You are right but I'm not agreeing to comparing the subtle energy vampirism that happens between lower functional humans to what is going on with the subversive groups who works in cahoots with these demons to sexualize and prey upon the people on Earth. In ancient times these creatures got sent far far away, now they run rampant and are symbiotic with certain demonic worthshippers I don't dare name here due to the shear smokescreens and lies that have been intertwined into our culture these past centuries.
  2. Decrease sexual energy

    Bacopa extract (brahmi) lowers sexual arousal, tongkat ali extract (pasak bumi) increases arousal. Also if you know any tricks to banish or get rid of a succubus they'd be welcome. I actually saw the one taunting me in an OBE as it thought I was about to start masturbation, it was black figure and felt very not friendly let me say that, dripping with the blackest ooze all over climbing the walls like a demon when it realized I spotted it and was astral projecting. Had to fight it to get back into my body. And it felt like it could affect even my dreams but also able to manipulate me psychologically and definitely not felt like a friend or passively evil. A very corrupt energy at the least.
  3. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    If anything is proff that big energy is one big scam it is the fact that they could easily setup hydrolysis hydrogen generating plant's on major vulcanic islands using the heat from the bedrock/vulcano to fuel cargo ships sailing on the routes CO2 free . This is the kind of joke that someone is laughing at albe it not I
  4. Vegetarianism

    I said all of Earth wasn't covered in tundra. You replied NO temperatures went down. I said this doesn't mean this happened then you blame me for making a strawman because you again tried to backtrack on your arguments. I said civilization is much older and were much more compassionate than now many of which I presume like you see the spiritual liniages in India and China today, were most like also vegan or vegetarian. One can only guess though, but refuting the evidence from all over the world from long skulls to meteor impact just makes you sound foolish really. No the crater is not that old carbon dating in layers around shows nanodiamonds from around 12800 Years ago, the new one they found might be older hard to say but the one we're discussing is not that old. You're dragging this on into the embarrassing
  5. Vegetarianism

    You still refute the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs then alongside your fellow creationist as this is the kind of arguments they used to shun the new science back then too? Because temperatures went down 12.800 Years ago it doesn't mean all of Earth was made into a tundra, listen to what you actually wrote. This amount of ignorance this subject has brought up, is just too much for me to spend my energy dealing with. The evidence is there, time will tell. The asteroid is called Agpalilik in Greenlandic
  6. Vegetarianism

    You call it a hypothesis, we have the actual meteor on display in my hometown and our scientist has used lidar alongside NASA to uncover the crater beneath the ice. It is not a hypothesis it is scientific quackery and denial that is rampant in big academia today my friend.. Not only this they have shunned and ignored the people doing actual science and DNA screening on the longskulls because it doesn't suit their paradigm and most of them are afraid of their own precious careers to have a shread of decency. And no all of the planet wasn't covered in climates like the tundras why would you think that. Iceacges don't mean all continents and places are cold it just means expansion of the polar sheets
  7. Vegetarianism

    Civilization is much older than we're taught. it rebooted after the meteor struck 12.800 Years ago and after that the longskulls started to become hunted and murdered in most areas where they settled although they did manage to start some of their civilization again in places like egypt but most got lost so it was a shadow of what it used to be. This is just a fraction of the story of course much more are coming to light still. Even some pointing to advanced civilization dating back 100.000-300.000 Years ago even. We know very little about these periods and the cataclysms that shaped how we live today, but acting like reindeer hearders and goatherders were the source of our knowledge and history is ignorant of our actual past.
  8. Vegetarianism

    There are several angles we can approach this argument from. 1. Difference between intentional and unintentional harm: Vegans don't demand products that inherently involve violence (i.e. there are ways to source vegan foods without violence and exploitation, while non-vegans foods absolutely must involve violence and exploitation in some way). 2. Veganism minimises crop deaths: While vegans absolutely should acknowledge that their lifestyles do cause harm, the solution to the practical solution to the problem of animals dying in crop harvesting is not to consume a diet that requires around 10 times more crops (due to the crops used to raised livestock) and maximises land usage, and then on top of that support the largest act of systematic oppression and violence in the history of this planet (2 billion animals murdered every single week via the meat, dairy, egg, leather, wool, and fish industries). There are also a lot of myths that go around that suggest vegans are actually responsible for more animal deaths than meat eaters. The Flaming Vegan debunks this myth excellently, using credible resources, in an article you can read here. 3. The farms of the world are run by non-vegans: Anything to do with farming, currently, will have some form of harm involved, because of this Carnist food system we live under. If vegans ran the farms of the world, which will happen if we strive towards a vegan world, such practices as pesticide use and shooting "pests" will be eliminated entirely. 4. A certain amount of harm will inevitably be caused in order to maintain civilisation: Unfortunately, whatever we do as humans to build an even half-decent and functioning society, there will ultimately be some collateral damage as a result of that. For example, we support the construction industry, despite the fact this causes guaranteed deaths every year. Essentially, telling a vegan their actions are as bad as a non-vegan's because of crop deaths, would be like telling someone who lives in a house that their actions are as bad as someone who pays a hitman to murder people, simply because construction is extremely dangerous results in guaranteed deaths every single year.
  9. Vegetarianism

    Interesting how sustainability and preservation of nature and leaving a better planet for the next generations are left out of the argument. I'm not claiming moral superiority on the contrary, I know these things are a process on planatery levels. On the other hand my patience for listening to the same sinister groups keep fabricating new arguments to arm the hoards of people who are not willing to change their behavior for the planet nor for the animals, has dried up. And I'm addressing the arguments made and also trying to point to this being a major discussion on a global level about preserving the planet actually, and it's getting pretty dim tbh when you look at the imprints right now.
  10. Vegetarianism

    Actually most religions back in the day supported veganism or vegetarianism tbh. although most of which has been watered down. You're being rather defensive and claiming that I act cultish now, when pointing out the obvious thing that people who call themselves animal lovers and refute to stop harming animals and acts aggressive at vegans just for doing their thing, is about unconscious shame and cognitive dissonance. Because it is, and has nothing to do with the millions of compassionate vegans and vegetarians around the world that have fought for animal rights and environmental issues for a long time now. Dismissing their points just because you've met some radical vegans is again just pointing to your own need to keep up your logical fallacy. You are really acting very childish now and lowering the bar for engaging is this discussion by a degree which I will not partake in as my point in refuting the wishful thinking and poor arguments have been made now for further readers of the thread to make up their own minds, not based on the meat industry's propaganda you are regurgitating.
  11. Vegetarianism

    I used to get sick too but then I realized that I needed to learn about medicines. Most Eastern liniages made a big deal of making elixirs and Ayurvedic blends for engaging in the inner arts as this would help their system adapt and heal while they were putting in the work of increasing vibration and learning the techniques. Our medicinal profession has been compromised in most of the West though, so we're not being told about how to do this, and doctors even in my country are often warning about supplements that are not harmful at all, while ignoring the countless issues from interactions and organ failure from their own medications. This is also why I've made the thread about using healing medicines as I know many have been kept in the dark about these things. This is an interesting video on how deep the corruption runs:
  12. Vegetarianism

    You are grasping. Being perfect in one sweep is not the objective, just like cultivation it is about gradually returning to compassion and reducing ones imprint of suffering. You call it vegan propaganda while you refuse to acknowledge that big agro and the industry is probably the one who are most actively doing propaganda in this field and subject of discussion. All the major spiritual liniages talks about not eating meat and reducing suffering but hey I suppose they are all wrong because a few studies that haven't been able to reproduce shows that plants are just just animals. They are not. Using chemicals to show a chemical reaction in plants doesn't show a nervoussystem or noiceptor reactivity on the contrary it is showing that plants react to chemicals like fungi or minerals only in a more intricate system. You are saying you are refusing to debate this issue without coming from a perspective of some sort of omniscient entity that does no harm, as a justification of ignoring the suffering taking place in the foodchain right now. If you really care so much about plants and their feelings you should go vegan as more plants are being used to farm and feed animals than to produce the vegans food. But the argument you're using only applies to others I suppose? Then you resort to showing one instance of a cow resting being shocked and kicking while ignoring the pleatora of contrary evidence proving my point that animals are loving creatures who love us way more than we deserve. Being on a pseudo peadestal of ethics is projection as people get defensive when you actually propose that we should be more compassionate both for the animals but also for the climate. When you really disect the discussion you find that most unreasonable anger and moral highground is being taken from the standpoint you're defending actually. Most vegans aren't angry and full of feelings of moral superiority but is very constructive in their critisisms and proposals, but then the industry and people full of anger and shame find that one vegan who is radical and uses them as an example as to why they should ignore all vegans. It is a very old dynamic when things change, and draws many parallels to the discussions had when slavery was about to become outlawed when you really know history Here's a clip showing how they even protect us at any given instant too.
  13. Vegetarianism

    First of all the amount of animals killed are far greater from meat eaters due to not only the farm animals themselves but also the major devastation from fields grown to feed the animals. This you seem to avoid addressing while going at vegans killing insects while it's actually meat eaters who are the ones responsible for most of the insect killing. The reason this is still in effect is because people use such mental gymnastics to avoid tackling the issue of both reducing suffering as well as reducing climate impact of the food. How much fresh water do you think is used on crops versus farmed animals plus the food they consume? Industry survives like evil does because good men and women do nothing. I'm not judgemental here, although your arguments like calling it militant vegans are bordering on projections and I do know that this is a process of hightening the vibration of the planet as a whole. All the while there's no going about it, the way we treat animals who only wan't to befriend us at any given circumstance is mirrored by our own fates in the longrun so this is just as much an issue of healing for all of us not only saving the animals. Plants have feelings too is just again blaming me for your own guilt again, plant's are very little sentient maybe but there is something called symbiotic relationship and predatory relationship and what we're perpetuating right now i beyond predatory. Plants have different strategies as to help us with medicines and useful nutrients if you really wan't to get nerdy about it read this: Plants are different to animals. Plants aren't sentient - they have no brain, no nerves, no central nervous system, and they have no ability to feel 'pain' or react in a conscious way. Plants can react to vibrations and chemical stimulus, but this isn't a conscious act, it's autonomic. However, we do know that birds, mammals and fish have well-developed nervous systems and pain receptors. Like us, they show pleasure and pain and they present comparable evidence of fear and well-being. Animals cry out in pain, they nurse wounded body parts, and they seek to avoid those who have hurt them in the past. Veganism is about doing the least harm. it's a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation to animals. And if you do genuinely care about plants, realise that it still takes around 4lbs to 16lbs of plants to make just 1lb of meat, so vegans still consume less plants overall anyway.
  14. Vegetarianism

    And I respectfully disagree. This is about the lessor of two evils and a slow progression towards sustainability. Not about waving a magic wand and pretending to be perfectly ethically superior. Or on the contrary going for arguments against the reasonable standpoint that we should create as little suffering as possible. Acknowledging the suffering from farm animals and big agricultural devastation here many feel guilt and shame and the thought of being the one to break a family cycle of depending on meat, is for many too much. Thus this argument that planting a field kills more which is the same as saying just give up there's no ethical way of doing it, appeals as a shelter for the guilt of not being in compassion and fighting for the rights of other sentient beings. There's tons of projects trying to spread bio-dynamic and organic way of planting in coorperation with nature alongside the insects etc. This is being made by the same people who tried to reason with the establishment in the 60's-80's about environmental issues. Again people are diverting blame and going for the lower hanging fruit of critique the perfection instead of actually being productive about it and trying to come up with solutions and helping out the billions of beings caught in slavery and daily hell. This is not coming from a position of moral highground this is just pointing out that this is not a cycle that is helping out humanity in any ways it only sees to further our own destruction. Edit: Also the farmland used intensively to produce fodder to the farmed animals is way out of proportion compared to the land that would be used to produce the same amount of plantbased food. Ergo this approach kills substantially more animals and also creates way more suffering for the enclosed animals too. Stuff like vitamin b6 and b12 can be easily produced from yeast and aminoacids is super easy and cheap to produce largescale also.
  15. Vegetarianism

    Mental gymnastics this argument. Do you really think that a biodiverse grown field of organic grains creates less suffering from the few insects that die while harvesting? We're not talking big agro's way of growing shit now, we're talking proper soil managment and actual organic fields with flowers grown on the side of each field to help with biodiversity excatly for the insects. These things are being done in many places, often by vegans who have been calling for compassion and sustainability for decades even before it got so hyped. People like to avoid the shame of contributing to factory farming, this is nothing new, but do go ahead and watch the trailer for Dominion here: the full movie is also free on YT. Using arguments such as farming kills insects and thus factory farming is even stevens is just delusional when you know what is actually going on. You can't apply perfectionism to all vegans as an excuse for dismissing their objective. (You're still killing a bunch of bugs thus veganism is debunked) it's sort of not the argument we should expect from grownups really.
  16. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Stop looking start practicing
  17. Trans and Taosim

    This is sorta where we're at, and yet told to stop worrying about it.
  18. Trans and Taosim

    This is very well put. And exactly the black rights movement has too been exploited to the same means as to keep the divide and maintain status quo. Look at what kind of hiphop music is pushed now a days, materilistic and sexualized content which only become shown in the statistics as to who buys more useless crap and still feels like shit. You guessed it black youths. Manufacturing anger is a good way of putting it as people are guided to keep the smokescreen up for these people to hide their dealings under as well as keep perpetuating the surpressing of vulnerable groups. Often themselves
  19. Trans and Taosim

  20. Trans and Taosim

    It is a political move that makes sure the population stays divided instead of applying pressure on the rulers at be. They pride themselves with borrowed/stolen feathers of tolerance while their objective is really about turning people against eachother so no real social movements will spout. Social movements that otherwise try to end the systemic violence towards minorities through poverty traps, or wars on nations due to oil and geopolitics. They did the same in Southamerica to stifle first nation rioting and now they're doing it again to divert attention and divide the public and try to dominate what constitutes tolerance and freedom in the mind of the next generation. I sincerely feel sorry for the people who's issue has been highjacked by these people for their dirty games this should not be allowed in any way is sort of my point and clearly it's working to manifest the dichotomy of American politics in the minds of youth all around the world at the moment who yell at eachother instead of mobilize their efforts to reform the system. We're seing these meassures because they had expectations that riots will form if they don't manipulate this group:
  21. Trans and Taosim

    To some degree yes, but I also think it's more of a sign of people knowing about the powerdynamics beneath this and not supporting it. Usually these people are not homo-or transphobic at all but they do get the sense that this is being pushed to stifle their opinions on other matters as well as for the shady powers to divert attention and hide behind fake sympathy. Many get the sense that they're weaponizing tolerance which is kind of the opposite of what someone with compassion would do. To go back to the example before it's like seing the pope dressed like a native and talking about respecting and preserving cultures all the while they're killing all the tribes, appropriating their medicines and stifling their free speech. Here it's just the governments and coorperations who does this in the name of tolerance while they create a dynamic of supressing opinions and actual questions as to how we stop the systemic violence towards minority-groups. It creates more hate on both sides of the line, and only brings suffering to the people. Suffering that should have gone to apply preassure on governments and coorperations as to do actual changing of the ways we act towards minorities be it in our own country or abroad where the West engages in endless wars.
  22. Trans and Taosim

    Perhaps I wen't a little overboard, but I meant to show why I believe there's a group of trans-people who find refuge in the wise simplicity of Daoism. The underlying conflictual spaces that seem to permeate this debate only seem to distance them further from actual healing is my guess. So I wanted to elaborate the reasons and show my understanding for exactly why many in the community don't like this whole pride-washing of politics and coorperations etc. (A different kind of green-washing)