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Posts posted by Nahfets

  1. 37 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    Totally agree. Otherwise it's like when my dad used to force me to apologize to my mom when I was a kid and I would say it but I didn't mean it lol.

    To some degree yes, but I also think it's more of a sign of people knowing about the powerdynamics beneath this and not supporting it. Usually these people are not homo-or transphobic at all but they do get the sense that this is being pushed to stifle their opinions on other matters as well as for the shady powers to divert attention and hide behind fake sympathy. Many get the sense that they're weaponizing tolerance which is kind of the opposite of what someone with compassion would do. 


    To go back to the example before it's like seing the pope dressed like a native and talking about respecting and preserving cultures all the while they're killing all the tribes, appropriating their medicines and stifling their free speech. 


    Here it's just the governments and coorperations who does this in the name of tolerance while they create a dynamic of supressing opinions and actual questions as to how we stop the systemic violence towards minority-groups. 


    It creates more hate on both sides of the line, and only brings suffering to the people. Suffering that should have gone to apply preassure on governments and coorperations as to do actual changing of the ways we act towards minorities be it in our own country or abroad where the West engages in endless wars. 


  2. 1 minute ago, Maddie said:


    Well that's quite the topic shift. 

    Perhaps I wen't a little overboard, but I meant to show why I believe there's a group of trans-people who find refuge in the wise simplicity of Daoism. The underlying conflictual spaces that seem to permeate this debate only seem to distance them further from actual healing is my guess. So I wanted to elaborate the reasons and show my understanding for exactly why many in the community don't like this whole pride-washing of politics and coorperations etc. (A different kind of green-washing)

  3. Interesting debate. 

    I don't agree with everything he says but here I believe Jordan Peterson is right when he pointed out that the Western powers, display narcisistic tendencies when stearing the debate towards gay/LBGT rights only and acting like they suddenly cares about minorities and rights.


    The Vatican did the same thing in Southamerica after conquering most of the continent through subtle religious colonialism.

    "You can have your shamandresses and dances ONE time each year, (carneval) and the rest of the time it's done for with all that nativeness and integral thinking about nature. 

    Today they attempt the same thing with pride Week/Month etc. "You can have you freedom, pleassures and right of expression for ONE Week/Month each Year, but then it's done with all that free speech, freedom of thinking and actual intellectual discourse about how to stop the violence. 


    Don't get me wrong I'm all for trans-rights and all that but I'm not very trustive of the people stearing the debate towards this issue that only deals with a select few less than 1 procent around here at least, while ignoring still the horrific things going on to all the others as well as the rest of the World often perpetuated by said same Western nations.

    But then they sort of claim that this is the war against ignorance because they then get a edge on other nations that doesn't have said values. 


    In this regard there is a lot of powerdynamics in this debate I believe few are even aware of but as I mentioned I'm not against transpeople in any way, I'm more about realizing who's actually diverting attention here,  just my 2 cents. 

    • Like 1

  4. I've been using healing herbal extracts and working with these medicines for a lot of years now and implementing those in my routines were a game changer for me to say the least. They helped me maintain my focus and become able to keep up an excercise regiment and don't get overwhelmed in social situations thus able to lead a mostly normal life. 

    On the other hand it didn't clear a lot of my emotional turbid qi that was locked inside of my system and even though I did sprinting, weightlifting, fasted and meditated (the basic Westernized mindfullness) it didn't really help me get passed those destructive energies in my system. 

    I had a nervous energy around me at all times, my voice was stressful to listen to even for myself, and I kept repeating certain selfdestructive tendencies. 


    I discovered medical qigong as well as the technique of the MCO after only a few sessions I felt better than I had for as long as I could remember. My voice was calm and came from a still deep place in my body even during stress. My body and energy felt light and I started to feel heat in my body arising which also activated my kidneys giving me energy beyond anything I could have achieved with medicines but it at the same time came from such a balanced state of being. My pace of walking became so light and joyious after a few sessions and I became able to look people in the eye with a big smile. Something I haven't really done for years. I would scan my body during the day using the MCO for blockages I would have gotten from subtle stress and clear them as soon as they arose rather than waiting for a good sleep to reset my nervous system or selfmedicate my way out of it. 


    The key is really in the correct wuji posture, slow and consicous movements of the subtle body alongside the movement, as well as applying stillness in equal amounts as you do cultivation. (for me at least) 

    I also coupled this with sessions of breath of fire and reverse breathing and it became way more powerful both the qigong as well as the stillness as energy would heat up move to my spine and all of that stuff. 


    For medical qigong this guy can't be recommended enough as he talks you through all of the movements and visualizations during the forms.


    He has sets of Hun Yuan, Yi Quan as well as Daoist Five Yin Qigong, all really powerful in of themselves. Parred with sitting meditation / cultivation some stillness this should be able to make a vast difference for ones practice. 

    • Like 1

  5. On 22.1.2023 at 3:54 AM, gekko said:



    Does anyone have any thoughts/advice?



    As mentioned proper low belly breathing is needed also applying correct wuji posture for the breathing and movements to align. It can be tricky at first and ofc. its not assured to work for everyone but once I understood the basics it really kicked of with the benefits.


    I can reccommend this guys most popular videos on the movements as well as the wuji posture. 


    • Like 1

  6. 11 hours ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:


    I don't know what he achieved except create a long running energy equivalent of a Ponzi scheme masquerading as an esoteric "lineage".  The person mentioned above also thought that SOTG had achieved some great synthesis of East and West, that it was not should be evident from some o the posts above where both of the former women members talk about the "vampireism" that was part of the teachings and its fundamentally exploitative nature:



     First of all this comment you're refering to was made before this thread was made I had no idea of these things and find it distasteful that you're insinuating that I did. I never mention anything about synthetis and what ever you're on about here, now you're clearly rambling.

    I used to read a lot of his stuff on this forum before and got the idea that he wanted to make all of his teachings free and was targeted by other liniages etc. Stuff I can now see is totally BS but when the only source was from in here and the mythos he spread around clearweb then I had no idea of where I should have know about this. 

    I watched a lot of his videos displaying everything from golden light to spirits and white light smoke this was for me rare to find people who go out on a limb to show. If I knew half of what was written in here i would never have said such things. 

    I get that everyone is paranoid about new users in here being members trying to recruit etc. but dude take a look at my post history, do I look like someone right out of this place?

    The former members can confirm that I wasn't on the forum too, and the fact that he acted the way he did to women and neglected the men I would have ran in an instant. 


  7. 3 minutes ago, zanshin said:

    Perhaps this is meant to be silly and amusing, but I feel like it trivializes the experience of those who are trying to process genuine trauma and being brave in documenting it to help others from experiencing the same. I noticed you’re on the thread pumping Straybird’s new forum. 


    This is not meant to be offensive to either of the parts I mearly hoped to take some of the seriousness out it. Maybe too soon, I do find we need to laugh about sects and cults so we don't allow ourselves to become so serious about our practice that we therefore fall for such things. I sincerely feel for those who got hurt in this, and I also feel for SaToGo and those caught in spiritual battle or paranoia or maybe a bit of both. 

    I'm not affiliated with this group though I don't know what you're insinuating, but actually I didn't know things became so twisted in there which came as quite a shock. 

    Although there's indeed sinister groups present on this planet atm doing horrible things. Things that he seemed to be aware of, I didn't know a lot of the other stuff that played out and hope to see those who suffered this to come into healing and a healthy practice again, have no doubts about that. 

    • Like 1

  8. 11 hours ago, Straybird said:

    If anyone of his friends or followers would be interested in a mass ritual to help send his spirit make it to wherever it desires to be,  please comment, and help organize.  I think this would be appropriate and something he would appreciate if he were still alive.

    I'm interested in helping in any regards here. I didn't know him nor was active on his boards but he has made a huge impact on me for sure. Seeing the stuff he achieved, it is not safe to assume anything at this point I agree. 

    • Confused 1

  9. 10 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

    Does anyone understand what awaken is saying. I know he is translating the traditional Taoist doctrine. Which like Greek to everybody.  LOL.

    I believe with void and conscious state he means that your thoughts occupy the energy of the void when you use your mind even the slightest. For cultivation in the void your mind needs to be still and not stir the waters there directing void energy. 

    With the conscious state you can force qi and light through exercises and movement while having a noisy mind but the finer cultivation only begins taking place after you quite the mind completely and allow the void to produce divine fire. 

  10. Apparently I did some kundalini-yoga and meditations and now my ass and spine is on fire daily and someone took my minds quantum-remote and put it on shuffle.  


    My house is also haunted with tiny lights that emit smoke and I can't even have a wank by myself anymore as I feel judged and get shocks up my spine messing with my john. 

    I also keep on getting these annoying revelations about my life and how to improve myself. No one told me this would be like this, I just tried to hit on this yoga chick and did her practices apparently for too long. 

    I then met some flaky people who tried to heal me with cacao-ceremony and how it's pronounced (khakhaaauw) but this basically tasted like crap, did nothing and felt like boofing a jug  of water would have worked better. 

    Also shitty foods make me sick so I'm forced to eat organic plantbased and focus on not aggrevating my daily ass-fires. 

    I used to like smoke weed and sleep chill, but now I keep getting these cryptic lucid dreams where I try to sneak in some action with some dream-tail as I can't have a wank irl, but then an old guy materializes and hit me on the balls with his cane and I wake up with more scotumpains and blueballs. 

    Even going out and having drinks makes my ass flare up, and trying to hit on girls I instantly get visions of the old man and feeling like he is about to flick my balls with his cane if I pursue.

    I met with this psychic master I was told, and she was all like "that is so great for you omg! you're awakening and healing" like jada jada I just wan't my old life back with a reasonably temperate prostate and no one haunting me giving me visions and guidance.

    I tried to get her number as I thought maybe it would cancel out my sex-jinx if she was psychic too, but she got super weird about it. Saying I should respect my journey and stop focusing on desires and all that horsecrap. Easy to say, like her ass isn't even being burned like that. 0/5 stars would not reccommend this at all.


    I'm just messing with you guys, I'm perfectly fine (mostly) but thought I wanted to make a welcome-post worthy of this forum. 


    Humbled to be here though and look forward to continuing this inspiring journey with you guys. 


    • Haha 13