Chang dao ling

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About Chang dao ling

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Wang Liping Contact

    Yes, his biography is awesome
  2. Dhammakya meditation
  3. Dhammakya meditation

    It's very easy practice. You just gentle concentrate on 2 finger width above navel. You can also visualise a bright ball or just concentrate it's up to you. I observed two benefits first my patience is very much improved. My second is i experience deep tranquility while practicing this meditation. Note: you can practice this meditation with or without visualization i practiced without visualization
  4. Dhammakya meditation Check this website you will get all information about this meditation technique. I don't know if this technique is suitable for you. But you can try. For me this is the best meditation technique i experience deep nothingness while practicing this meditation
  5. Wang Liping Contact

    He taught neigong not qigong. Why your not interested in his system? Or your not interested in his teaching style?
  6. Wang Liping Contact Rudi taught neigong check this website. Zhou is Rudi's teacher
  7. Wang Liping Contact

    Check this website
  8. Wang Liping Contact

    I think authentic neigong and lotusneigong are best for you bro. Forgot about Wang liping.
  9. Wang Liping Contact

    Check this website
  10. Wang Liping Contact

    Sinai , why don't you try authenticneigong or lotusneigong?
  11. Guru siyag's siddha yoga

    Wow. I don't know about mahayoga lineage. Thanks for the information. Which system you are practicing?
  12. Five immortal temple

    Hi fellow bums, I found amazing website to learn neidan and much more
  13. Guru siyag's siddha yoga

    Yes. Are you interested in this system?
  14. Free energy transmission and UDT meditation

    Yes. One of the disadvantage of this system you have to practice only this system. So if you are serious about this system you have to abandon other systems.