
Junior Bum
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About C11

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Thanks for the advice! I like the idea to just focus on moving my body in a mindful, healthy way to start with. And then see where it gets me when my mind gets more relaxed.
  2. Hi, For starters: I'm a newbie. My apologies if I don't use the correct words or terminology. I've read a lot on this forum, but, to be honest, the amount of information and discussion between different paths is overwhelming. I'm currently 35 years old and I had a pretty rough life with different mental challenges. I was never hospitalized, but had plenty of therapy for depression, trauma, anxiety and 2 periodes of psychosis. At the moment, I'm actually doing pretty well. I'm not the happiest person on earth, but it's not a depression anymore and the psychosis is a long time ago. I have not taken any psychiatric medication for the last year. Anxiety and trauma will always be a part of my life, but I can handle that. A big part of me getting better was using different practices to relaxe and to get more out of my head. Meditation, yoga and following Qi Gong videos on youtube were a really big part of that. Because they gave me so much benefits, I want to examine these things further now and take it more serious. However, there seems to be a lot of warnings on the internet about for example doing Qi Gong when you have a history of mental issues. There are lots of horror stories about Qi deviations or kundalini awakenings gone wrong. But I don't know how serious I have to take these warnings... So, I would like to ask the people on here what their stance on this is?
  3. Hello

    Hi! After reading on this forum it is finally time to register. I discovered this magical place after searching for a lot of life questions. I've gone through different mental health issues and it forced me to pause my life, take a breath and take a good look around at the world I was used to see and be a part of. After survived my mental health problems, I now realize I need to take a different approach in this life, but the information is overwhelming. I hope to find some interesting, useful and motivating stuff on here to help me guide me in my further life.