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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. kakapo said: "In reality there is no such thing as color, shape, texture, smell, sound, or any of that. " Daniel said: "I simply disagree with this." Daniel said: "(In reality there is no such thing as color, shape, texture, smell, sound, or any of that.)" is false. " https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/that-dress-isnt-blue-or-gold-because-color-doesnt-exist “A color only exists in your head,” says neuroscientist Beau Lotto. “There’s such a thing as light. There’s such a thing as energy. There’s no such thing as color.” https://www.askamathematician.com/2012/06/q-do-colors-exist/ Physicist: Colors exist in very much the same way that art and love exist. They can be perceived, and other people will generally understand you if you talk about them, but they don’t really exist in an “out in the world” kind of way.
  2. In this context what I was attempting to do is explain why I didn't understand helpfuldemon's words, my example given wasn't intended to actually mean anything of significance, other than to show why this was non sequitur. @silent thunder I think we agree. In reality there is no such thing as color, shape, texture, smell, sound, or any of that. Such abstractions are only mental constructs and lack any inherent reality. @Daniel "everything is subjective, everything is in the mind" That isn't my position. Our experience and our qualia are simulations of the reality external to us. Our brain takes sensory inputs and feeds it into a holodeck, which is what we see the virtual holodeck. If you take a hallucinogens the simulation you experience is distorted. If we were perceiving actual reality this wouldn't be possible. It is not my position that some objective reality does not exist, but rather we see a very limited and crude simulation or interpretation of it. In Plato's cave the men chained to the wall believed the shadows on the wall to be reality. What if the cave was your skull?
  3. I don't understand the meaning of your words, at least not in this context. Statement: The paint is red. Question: To what end? Answer: There is no end, it's just an observation of the color of the paint.
  4. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/06/ex-intel-official-government-hiding-alien-tech.html
  5. https://phys.org/news/2023-08-visualizing-mysterious-quantum-entanglement-photons.html
  6. Ancient Masters

    If you master the teachings here is what you will get: 1. Better visualization skills and memory. 2. OBE, lucid dreaming, astral projection.
  7. Ancient Masters

    I am curious if you found an extremely talented individual, who took your courses and made 100 on every exam, and they dedicated the next 20 years of their life to these teachings, what abilities would they gain as a result of that dedication?
  8. From Fiction to Fact

    I am curious if you found an extremely talented individual, who took your courses and made 100 on every exam, and they dedicated the next 20 years of their life to these teachings, what abilities would they gain as a result of that dedication?
  9. From Fiction to Fact

    He used to claim he could fly faster than the speed of light, shoot lasers from his eyes, open portals to dimensions. He talked about injecting magical drugs directly into his brain, having electric to qi converters to autofill his LDT, and all kinds of other grandiose stuff. Maybe he's had a few years to calm down a bit?
  10. From Fiction to Fact

    Unsure, last I heard he was looking for people to build inter-dimensional portal devices, so they must still be in whichever dimension he left them.
  11. popular opinions

    I think crossing the event horizon of a supermassive black hole or a being at ground zero for 50 megaton thermonuclear bomb would probably end badly even for a hsien.
  12. From Fiction to Fact

    Running https://ancientmasters.org/ if I recall correctly.
  13. popular opinions

    Most people die with a husk of a spirit, however we each have the potential to grow our spirit just as acorn has the potential to grow into a tree. An immortal is one who has gone from an acorn to a great oak tree during their lifetime.
  14. From Fiction to Fact

    Please disregard, I deleted that portion of my post.
  15. Follow nature

    Imagine what a tree does. It absorbs sunlight, and captures it's energy and uses it to pull carbon out of the air, and fuse it with hydrogen from water to form carbohydrates and hydrocarbons. Most of the weight of a tree comes from carbon it pulls out of the air, not from elements it extracts from the soil. Imagine if humans could build a physical spirit in a similar manner to how a tree grows. Imagine if spiritual development wasn't metaphorical but literal.
  16. From Fiction to Fact

    The first step is learning how to separate the wheat from the chaff. You are going to be inundated with chaff especially in online forums. Always remember garbage in, garbage out (G.I.G.O.), it's an old concept from programming. It means if you feed the computer bogus information, it can't magically turn that into the correct answers you are looking for. Also remember that getting the consensus opinion from 10,000 crazy people, doesn't mean there is any validity to it. Just because a lot of people adhere to a certain belief or opinion, that doesn't give make it more "valid". I am sure if you look hard enough you can find testimony from people in Scientology who can tell you how it's benefited them and how the story about Xenu chaining aliens volcano's and dropping hydrogen bombs on them was literally true. The placebo effect is real, and the human mind seems to have an infinite capacity for delusion and self deception. You also have to acknowledge that a lot of people who post in communities like this are here for the LARP aspect. They won't tell you that as it breaks character but it's true. There have been people here who claim to be able to shoot lasers from their eyes, have harems of college girls in another dimension, and fly faster than the speed of light. When people asked for evidence of such claims, it only enraged them. Not everyone in a public forum is firing on all cylinders, so be careful trusting the person you are speaking with is of sound mind.
  17. From Fiction to Fact

    I think that being mentally hygienic should be your top priority. What I mean by that is that you need to be very careful not to believe things, or trust people's claims without evidence to substantiate them. If there is no evidence, assume there is a good reason for there being no evidence. Only listen to teachers, and invest time into systems for which there is compelling evidence and ignore everything else. If evidence arises in the future to support a teacher or system you previously ignored, then reevaluate at that time and not a second before. I think everyone, when they are younger, catches the Chuunibyou syndrome at least to some degree. This leads down a dangerous path of magical thinking. "OOH I can just read this book about magic spells and then I fly if I just get the spell right!" "If I read all these old grimoires and combine their teachings I can make something new and more powerful!" You have to understand that there are millions of lunatics and liars out there who have no abilities and their insane ramblings will never lead you where you want to be, no matter if they have over 9,000 5-star reviews on Amazon. You have to remember that being a popular teacher in the spiritual scene isn't necessarily a good thing, as most of the adherents of the spiritual community are not firing on all cylinders themselves. “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.” ― Lao Tsu, Tao Teh Ching “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” ― Buddha Remember the map is not the territory, and if you build maps on the advice on random crazy homeless people you met at the bus stop, then your map isn't going to reflect reality very well. The idea here is to make your map of reality reflect actual reality as best as is possible, and that requires building a map with correct information, and identifying and excluding false information. It really doesn't matter what a million crazy people think, or which teacher they "believe" in this week. What matters is evidence, and if they can't offer you that, you shouldn't devote your life to it. If you are as serious as your post claims, then you should realize just how important having the correct information is when planning and just how disastrous false information can be. Just my $0.02.
  18. https://nypost.com/2021/06/19/tic-tac-ufo-seen-by-navy-pilot-now-spotted-over-england/ In a 2017 interview, Fravor, who was on a routine training mission about 60 to 100 miles off the coast between San Diego and Ensenada, Mexico, described his initial sighting as a “white Tic Tac, about the same size as a Hornet, 40 feet long with no wings… Just hanging close to the water.” The object didn’t create rotor wash — air turbulence caused by helicopter blades — and mirrored the pilots’ movements as they got closer, then disappeared altogether.
  19. These videos come from a FLIR cam on an F18 hornet, one of the people who testified before congress was present and witnessed this event. These objects have unlimited loiter time, have no visible exhaust even on thermal, and can hover, then shoot to 21,000 MPH instantly. https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena 25 June 2021 "Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings."