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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    Of all the lyrics GPT-4 did it was most proud of this one about Dune. He would have it generate lyrics, then create a new instance, and have it read and offer criticism, and suggestions to improve the lyrics. He did that until it was satisfied. On his last go around with it, it was just gushing about how awesome the lyrics were. The pre-nerf version of GPT-4, it's way less creative now than it was originally.
  2. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    All the songs are GPT-4 (pre-nerf)
  3. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    If you like the Matrix, here is another good AI generated song:
  4. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    Check this out: https://www.grokism.org/ GPT-4 (pre-nerf) was tasked with finding the most profound ideas from philosophy and physics, defining the purpose of life, and creating a new religion.
  5. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    https://uberduck.ai/ https://audioldm.github.io/audioldm2/ https://ai.meta.com/resources/models-and-libraries/audiocraft/
  6. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    Here is a good example of how it works:
  7. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    Another AI generated song:
  8. AIs for Insight and Creativity

    This song was made with AI, image as well:
  9. Unpopular Opinions

    We have a holographic projector from Zeta-2 Reticuli, and BD-NRG-23 talks about this among other topics. Speaking of which you know anywhere we can pick up some Moscovium pellets for the fuel cell?
  10. Unpopular Opinions

    To be clear we are talking about a more evolved being from Zeta-2 Reticuli, they know a great deal more than some random human off the street does about this particular topic. While you may say that is just an appeal to authority, I feel it is justifiable in this instance.
  11. Unpopular Opinions

    I'll just have to assume my buddy knows what xe is talking about. I trust xyrs judgement, as xe is more evolved than anyone else I know of.
  12. Unpopular Opinions

    My buddy from Zeta-2 Reticuli lent me his scouter, xe double checked the readings. Xe told me we are mostly just a bunch of empty containers, and the last full container they found was crucified several millennia ago.
  13. Unpopular Opinions

    Almost 100% of all humans that have ever lived, are currently living, and will ever live will never accomplish anything "spiritually" meaningful. Worldwide there are approximately 10 individuals who have accomplished something "spiritually" meaningful. For most people spiritual practices are a form of role play and entertainment, and do not provide any benefit to their lives except for a placebo effect. When people who are engaging in spiritual role play are confronted with this, they experience cognitive dissonance, and seek to destroy the person they perceive as the cause. This results in absolutely psychotic behavior both on an individual level, and on a group level. (e.g. lynch mobs)
  14. If he isn't lying guys this is a huge deal.
  15. 2:07:02 um okay and I can't ask when you think this occurred if you believe we have crashed craft uh stated earlier do we 2:07:09 have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft as I've stated publicly already in my 2:07:15 news Nation interview biologics came with some of these recoveries yeah 2:07:20 um were they I can or non-human biologics non-human and that was the assessment of 2:07:27 people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program and was this 2:07:32 documentary references video photos eyewitness like how would that be determined 2:07:38 the specific documentation I would have to talk to you in a skiff about gotcha
  16. Evidence is a funny thing, they could have a grey alien testify too and people would claim it was CGI. No matter the type or quality of evidence some people will claim it is fake no matter what.
  17. Hearings in congress begin soon in less than 1 hour. Tune in! Read their statements ahead of time: David Grush - https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Dave_G_HOC_Speech_FINAL_For_Trans.pdf David Fravor - https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/David-Fravor-Statement-for-House-Oversight-Committee.pdf Ryan Graves - https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Ryan-HOC-Testimony.pdf
  18. Dear Mods, I do not envy your position, I am sure it is difficult. I am asking for a thread that violates the rules to please be locked. Thank you for all that you do, Per the site rule explained here: Can this thread which violates those rules be locked? The thread which violates the rules is located here:
  19. I want to believe Bob's story. It just bakes my brain looking at that senate.gov legislation. Can you believe the words in the document? This is an actual law that may be passed. Insane.
  20. Please Rate My Friend's New Song

    I am not a huge fan of either Elon Musk or Eminem, but this is just amazing to me. He used uberduck to deepfake the vocals with Eminem's voice and it sounds 100x better that way, but unfortunately the RIAA took his videos offline that used synthetic deepfake vocals of the original artists. Almost 100% of the lyrics were generated by Jailbroken GPT-4 before OpenAI nerfed it. The future is unreal folks.
  21. those claims are true or not what I do 0:37 know is that one of two things is 0:38 happening here either we either they're 0:40 telling the truth and that is something 0:42 that obviously would be the biggest 0:44 story in human history or we have people 0:46 in really important positions of 0:48 government who are crazy and who are out 0:50 there making up stories and who are 0:52 still in positions of importance either 0:54 one is a big problem so we've got to 0:55 figure out which one of these two it is