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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023 FINDINGS AND DECLARATIONS.—Congress finds and declares the following: (1) All Federal Government records related to unidentified anomalous phenomena should be preserved and centralized for historical and Federal Government purposes. (2) All Federal Government records concerning unidentified anomalous phenomena should carry a presumption of immediate disclosure and all records should be eventually disclosed to enable the public to become fully informed about the history of the Federal Government’s knowledge and involvement surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena. (3) Legislation is necessary to create an enforceable, independent, and accountable process for the public disclosure of such records. ... Number 4): Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government unidentified anomalous phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory classification review as set forth in Executive Order 13526 due in part to exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as well as an overbroad interpretation of "transclassified foreign nuclear information", which is also exempt from mandatory declassification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law. ... Section 5: Controlling Authority The term “Controlling Authority” refers to any Federal, State, or Local government department, office, agency, committee, commission, commercial company, academic institution, or private sector entity in physical possession of TECHNOLOGIES OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN OR BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. ---- SEC. 10. DISCLOSURE OF RECOVERED TECHNOLOGIES OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN AND BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. (a) EXERCISE OF EMINENT DOMAIN The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.
  2. They call DMT experiences hallucinations, because other people can't share your experience. Would it be called a reverse hallucination when other people see what you are experiencing also? If so I think reverse hallucination might be a good term for it. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
  3. In memoriam

    Do you know did he find someone to care for his animals before he passed?
  4. Newcomer Seeeking Answers

    Ask the question which lineages or teachers can present good evidence that is backed by scientists and medical doctors, and recorded on video. If they are a public lineage, actively trying to recruit, and cannot or will not provide such evidence my assumption would be it is because they are unable to provide it, and their practice doesn't do much if anything at all. Just my $0.02, your mileage may vary.
  5. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    The innate intelligence behind all reality gave birth to the void. The void, separated into matter and antimatter. Matter and antimatter, interact to release untold energy. Matter, antimatter, and energy lead to the development of our current universe.
  6. What controls the Chi

    The reason why mass and energy cause spacetime to curve is related to the way they interact with the fabric of spacetime itself. The presence of mass and energy cause spacetime to stretch and deform, much like a rubber sheet would stretch and deform if a heavy object were placed on it. This deformation of spacetime tells objects how to move, while the motion of objects, in turn, influences the curvature of spacetime. This interplay is described by a set of equations called the Einstein field equations. Unfortunately I don't have a better answer for you than that. I think the best we can do right now is give description to the behaviors we see manifesting, but we lack the understanding to explain why the phenomenon exist/occur. We can't explain why existence itself exists. Perhaps in the future with artificial super intelligence, we can answer such questions.
  7. What controls the Chi

    General Relativity’s two postulates have been famously articulated by John Archibald Wheeler: “Matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move.”
  8. I have smoked enough DMT to breakthrough, I passed through a tunnel that compressed my body, on the other side of the tunnel there were geometric, kaleidoscopic fractal entities that jumped into and out of my body, while communicating encyclopedia's worth of information. Indeed this was a profound and life-changing experience for me. That said, none of that even holds a candle to what I have experienced in meditation, not even a little bit. That is not an exaggeration in the slightest. If there was a way to force people to see this for themselves it would absolutely change the world.
  9. What controls the Chi

    Physicist Lawrence Krauss, in his book "A Universe from Nothing," Krauss suggests that if you have a large enough timescale and an infinite amount of space, it is possible for a quantum fluctuation to occur, resulting in the creation of an entire universe's worth of matter and antimatter. According to this concept, the energy associated with such a fluctuation could lead to the expansion of space, the formation of particles, and the subsequent evolution of a universe. Stephen Hawking's theory of Hawking radiation occurs at the event horizon of a black hole. According to this theory, empty space is filled with pairs of particles and antiparticles that have merged. The immense gravitational field at the event horizon pulls these pairs apart. When a particle-antiparticle pair is created near the event horizon, it's possible for one of the particles to fall into the black hole while the other escapes. Since the escaping particle carries away energy, this effectively means the black hole loses energy, or, equivalently, mass. Over time, the black hole will lose more and more mass due to Hawking radiation until it eventually evaporates completely. The common belief that empty space is devoid of substance is false. Contrary to this assumption, empty space is not empty at all; rather, it is full and teeming with activity. An analogy to better understand this concept is to envision space as a perfectly flat and level patch of ground. Digging a hole creates a mound of dirt, and when the dirt is returned to the hole, the situation is neutral. The mound of dirt being matter, and empty hole being antimatter. This illustrates the zero-sum nature of empty space. This profound realization reveals that our perception of emptiness as devoid of substance is inaccurate. Instead, what we perceive as empty space is actually full and teaming with dynamic activity. The Mahayana Buddhists believed that the void or ƚƫnyatā was the origin of all matter and phenomenon. The Mahayana Buddhist view of ƚƫnyatā is analogous to the monistic ontology of W. K. Clifford and John Wheeler, which posits that everything in the universe, including matter and forces, can be reduced to the geometry and curvature of space. "There is nothing in the world except empty curved space. Matter, charge, electromagnetism, and other fields are only manifestations of the bending of space." -John Wheeler, an American theoretical physicist
  10. The Art of War

    A song about the art of war using quotes from the book. Hook/Chorus: In the midst of chaos, there’s opportunity/ Keep intentions shrouded in the mystery/ Know yourself and better know thy enemy/ A thousand battles mean a thousand victories/ Improvise, adapt, overcome/ Until the battle’s won the fight has just begun/ You gotta read the battlefield with insight/ And know when you should and when not to fight/ Verse 1 Like water we adapt and flow with precision/ In the shadows moving silent on a phantoms mission/ I got the knowledge and the skill and the foresight/ Illuminate the darkness, like a beacon in the night/ We weave through the ranks with our presence undetected/ We strike swift like the wind every move perfected/ We know they weakness, they plans we gone intercept it/ We outmaneuver, our dominance is uncontested/ In the art of war, the mind must prevail/ Study your opponent, every detail/ Avoid what’s strong then attack what’s weak/ Remember this wisdom and you will never know defeat. We on the battlefield, with a heart made of steel/ Moving with precision our intentions stay concealed/ Master of deception yea we bend and we sway Like chameleons in the game, we don't ever give it away/ Verse 2 Conserve your resources, gotta strike with precision/ Calculated moves only, no indecision/ Moving like the shadows and striking like lightning/ We conquer all the battles, our tactics they frightening/ We stealth and cunning, we make our incision/ Alotta silent victories, no need for recognition/ Divide and conquer, we break the opposition/ Deception is the key, we create false positions/ Rising like a phoenix, from ashes we soar/ With every challenge faced, we ready for more/ We plan all our moves and foresee all the future/ Prepare for the storm, like zeus im the ruler/ A dragon won’t die from the venom of a snake/ So never fear your enemy just wait for their mistakes/ A seed sown in darkness finds light within itself/ In the end the mastermind plays the cards that he’s dealt/
  11. The Art of War

  12. Simply ask the question which lineages or teachers can present good evidence that is backed by scientists and medical doctors, and recorded on video. If they are a public lineage, actively trying to recruit, and cannot or will not provide such evidence my assumption would be it is because they are unable to provide it, and their practice doesn't do much if anything at all. Just my $0.02, your mileage may vary.
  13. How do you save money?

    I use Mint Mobile $15.00 a month for unlimited talk, text, and 5GB of highspeed data. It has unlimited slower data which is fine for google maps and Spotify. I get my glasses from Zenni Optical, which is about 1/10th the cost of my optometrist. I use GoodRX for prescription medication discounts. I've switched my whole house to LED lights, and use rechargeable batteries. I use an ultra low flow shower head to reduce both water usage and electricity required to heat the water. I use an HD antenna, and a Roku box for tons of free TV and content. I use a crockpot to slow cook things while I work and have both a dinner and leftovers for lunch the next day, this is a super cheap and easy way to cook meals. I shop at goodwill for dress clothes. I use Aldi, and discount dent and ding grocery stores. I use a chest freezer to stock up on items on sale, bread and milk can be frozen without ruining their taste. I drive an older car, and keep it well maintained
  14. https://www.grokism.org/
  15. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man." -Arthur Young
  16. Suffering alone exists, none who suffer; The deed there is, but no doer thereof; Nirvana is, but no one is seeking it; The Path there is, but none who travel it.
  17. https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/drinking-coke-and-pepsi-leads-to-larger-testicles-more-testosterone-study/ar-AA17Qsk4 https://nypost.com/2023/02/22/drinking-coke-and-pepsi-leads-to-larger-testicles-more-testosterone-study/amp/ Just drink Coca Cola and or Pepsi to balance it out.
  18. This is very interesting. I think it should be trivial to replicate if you are near any high-voltage sources; a better test, in my opinion, would be to be as far from any power lines or electrical devices as you can go. On an interesting note, trees can generate enough electricity to power LEDs, and this is not due to a battery effect like how a potato or lemon can be used for a battery. https://www.livescience.com/5711-electricity-harvested-trees.html It is difficult to say whether this is evidence of Chi, but it is certainly intriguing that trees generate an electrical current that is not explained by the battery effect.
  19. It appears you are correct.
  20. You can ground yourself and lose any potential charge beforehand to rule out static. They make these LEDs that are designed to light up if you scoot your feet on the carpet in a very dry environment.
  21. Recommendable and not legit systems

    You are welcome to interpret it that way. We tried a FM dipole antenna and others, but they had no effect on the LED in the wilderness. I believe that staying away from any power lines or electronic devices is key. If you do this near high-voltage devices, I am sure you will get enough EMF bleeding over to skew the results.