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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. 0

    Lots of people claim lots of things. Don't take investment advice from a homeless person. In the school I study we are taught that we must sit on the earth during meditation and training to absorb yin chi, and if we are not grounded we cannot absorb it and cannot progress in the system.
  2. Spotless at Batgap

    Please create a new thread, and I will be happy to explore this topic with you. Trying to do so here will drag this thread off topic.
  3. I am blown away by the congress people's comments after the inspector general of the intelligence community briefed them on this topic. The link above is worth watching.
  4. https://twitter.com/UFOB_/status/1746144076385132829
  5. Types of paths

    So a weight lifter lifts weights, eats a good diet with lots of protein, and rests his body well. Over time he builds muscle. How would you classify a system that is exactly like that, but that extracts energy from the environment to build a physical spirit which mirrors the body.
  6. How To Cure Kundalini Psychosis [A Guide]

    One person I knew very well decided to mix, and blend together multiple systems, and they wound up in a mental hospital, and later killed themselves. This sort of thing isn't anything you want to play around with. If you don't give fire the respect it deserves and you play around with it, you'll be burned alive. If you are getting Kundalini, or Qigong psychosis, that means you are practicing wrong. Either the method itself is wrong, or you've changed the method and it's wrong. The system I follow specially you cannot do MCO, and if your energy begins to naturally move in a MCO, you must stop it or the energy gets stuck in the brain causing psychosis among other problems. Other fellow students that have tried to blend MCO with our practice have been seriously injured. This is something beyond what herbs and acupuncture can help with.
  7. This is possibly fictional in nature, but interesting to consider. Researchers placed a group of five monkey's in large enclosure. In the enclosure was a step ladder and at the top of the ladder was a bunch of bananas. Whenever a monkey would try to climb the ladder, it would trigger a system to spray all the monkeys with freezing cold water. Once all 5 monkey's learned not to climb the ladder, they removed one trained monkey, and replaced it with a new monkey that had not received the cold water treatment. They removed the automatic cold water spraying system. When the new monkey went for the ladder, the other 4 monkeys grabbed and beat him. Each time he tried he was beaten, until he learned not to climb the ladder. The researchers then replaced each monkey until none of the remaining monkeys had ever been blasted with cold water. Replacing a monkey again, the new generation of monkeys actively prevented the new monkey from going near the ladder. The new generation of monkey's only had social conditioning but no direct knowledge of why they couldn't climb the ladder. While this story might not be true, it is still an interesting idea to consider. What sorts of social norms might we follow that have no connection to reality? What sub optimal actions might we take because that is what society expects of us? What things does the group consensus dictate that might be false?
  8. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    I think your question reads like this: What is the purpose of a knife? Some people may use a knife for cutting up ingredients and cooking. Some people may use a knife for self defense. Some people may use a knife for surgery to save a life, or treat an ailment. It really depends who you are asking, and in what context you are doing the asking. In some traditions the LDT is used to store Yang Chi for later use. There are thousands of schools of thought as to the purpose of the LDT is. My advice to you would be first to clearly define what you are trying to achieve, and then look for schools that can offer you good hard objective evidence they do that, and then ask them what the actual purpose of the LDT is. If you take everyone's opinion as equally valid without regard to evidence, then you will be lost in nothing but static. You need a way to separate the signal from the noise.
  9. Spiritual Hygiene

    You gotta fine argument, Better back them facts up
  10. Spiritual Hygiene

    He's also a great rapper!
  11. Spiritual Hygiene

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juvenal Decimus Junius Juvenalis (Latin: [ˈdɛkɪmʊs ˈjuːniʊs jʊwɛˈnaːlɪs]), known in English as Juvenal (/ˈdʒuːvənəl/ JOO-vən-əl), was a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century CE.
  12. Spiritual Hygiene

    vītam impendere vērō Stake life upon truth. -Juvenal
  13. Spiritual Hygiene

    Hi Daniel, Since you have my email, you are more than welcome to email me and we can discuss this in private. Unfortunately per the site rules I can't discuss this on this forum, even in a DM.
  14. Spiritual Hygiene

    Spiritual hygiene to me, means not filling your head with false nonsense, and not wasting your life with fake practices. Demanding good hard objective evidence, and only listening to teachers and systems that can provide that.
  15. I am not sure if you are supposed to be able to edit their posts that may be a bug. You are able to delete their posts I believe if I am not mistaken. They should not be able to delete your posts.
  16. Hi ChiDragon, I personally asked for a PPD so I could post a topic and prevent trolls from being trolls. If it's your PPD you should be able to delete people who are heckling you in it. They can create a new topic and say what they want in the general forum if they disagree with you. The option to delete posts in the PPD is taken away, that would be a very bad thing in my opinion.
  17. Hopefully we can all live in the environment we want in the future.
  18. grave disappointments

    I think he is saying he traveled a lot and saw that scenario in the locations mentioned.
  19. Sorry i meant no direct interaction. I would like the AI to act as a filter for me.
  20. You certainly are welcome to see things that way. Con artists are a thing, and most people never notice they were deceived until after they lost their money. I want to live in a society where I can have an AI guardian. To be honest I would like to be as independent as possible, producing all my own food, energy, etc. I would prefer not to interact with other people, let my AI act as a liaison or intermediary. I would prefer to live in a collective with other people, and we could use AI to verify that all communications were the truth. Our society is overrun with lies and deception. I think it would be amazing if I could prove via technology what I was claiming was true. I think it would be amazing if this technology was so common place that anyone else could use it. I wouldn't want to deal with people who refused to prove their honesty. You see this as dystopian, I see it as necessary to correct some fundamental flaws in our society, and psychology and perhaps genetics.
  21. grave disappointments

    Sure if you want a personal example. The company I work for loses tons of money because our procedures state we have to provide a secure access code to anyone who calls in and claims to be someone they aren't. So long as they can answer 5 questions correctly, by protocol and procedure we have to provide a secure access code to a scammer, leading to all kinds of problems for them, for us, for everyone. We lose a lot of money as a result of this. The solution is super simple. Force them to update their phone number on file in person, so we can verify their identification, and then they can get a secure access code sent to their new phone number. Upper management sent out an email asking how can we stop hemorrhaging money, reduce risk, and mitigate losses. I was like umm... we can stop providing secure access codes. The utility of a secure access code is that only a customer's phone can get it, and if we hand them out it defeats the purpose and we might as well not even use them. I was met with complete and total apathy. The situation is completely and totally insane, but we'll keep on doing it. There are many more situations like this talking about specific problems we face as a species, and no one cares about anything more than whats for dinner and whats on TV. The apathy is so painful to me.
  22. Certain people may have such a Siddhhi, I don't think it's something most people have. I do not have such a Siddhi.
  23. grave disappointments

    There are so many very very very important issues, and almost no one anywhere cares about them. As a society all most people care about is being entertained, till they wind up in a nursing home.