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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. For me I want artificial intelligence to solve a social problem. Everywhere, all the time people deceive other people. I want to live in a society where this problem is solved. Either remain silent or speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I actually want to live in a society where I can verify the claims of another person as true, and I don't have to accept on faith they are being honest. I think AI could be used in such a way to level the playing field. I would like to live in a society where AI oversaw social interactions to ensure that information exchanged was true, and that dealings were legal, ethical, and moral. The way I see it there is a flaw in human behavior, and it is within our power to fix it, and I would want to live in a society like that.
  2. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Wanting power for the sake of having power itself is vulgar in my opinion. If you need to feed your family and can't afford food, using a gun to hunt a deer is a perfect use case for owning a gun. If you need to defend your life, home, or family from intruders, it is another perfect use case for owning a gun. If you want to own a gun so you brandish it in public to intimidate other people, you are an idiot. Most people who seek power are idiots and don't even know why they want it, or what they will use it for when they get it.
  3. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I don't see what I described as a dystopia at all. I don't mean to get this thread too far off topic, but I would like to share a life experience I had with you. I used to work in IT at a local college. We had one employee they had almost iridescent purple hair, and had an extremely narcissistic high maintenance personality. From day one it was walking on eggshells with this person, but eventually we settled into a groove that was manageable. One day we had a vaccine clinic at work. On my medical paperwork I indicated an allergy and spoke with the nurse about the allergy, to ensure the formulation they were using did not contain it. I won't die but it causes my arm to blister and weep, something I would like to avoid if possible. The purple haired employee came in at the right time to overhear my conversation. Immediately after I had my vaccine the purple haired employee let into me in front of our department. Purple Hair: Kakapo! I didn't know you were an antivaxxer! Kakapo: I'm not I was just discussing an allergy wi... Purple Hair: You think that vaccines cause autism. Kakapo: No I don't think that. Purple Hair: Yes you do! You think [previously mentioned allergen] causes autism. Kakapo: No I don't think that. Purple Hair: Yes you do! Kakapo: No I am pro-vaccine. Vegans don't eat steak, and antivaxxers don't get vaccines. I am just trying to avoid exposure to... Purple Hair: You are a dumb [expletive] because you should know they took that out of vaccines. I pull out my cellphone and go to FDA.GOV, which has an a recent article on this exact topic, and it shows that all multi-dose formulations of the vaccine contain this allergen. I attempt to show a chart to purple hair. Purple Hair: I am not looking at your antivaxxer nonsense. At this point we had a small crowd staring at us because of the scene purple hair was creating, so I politely excused myself from the situation. There are a lot more details of things that happened, but for the sake of brevity I'll omit them. I received a text, email, and multiple in person requests for a private off campus after hours meeting. Finally I was told the meeting was mandatory. I respond to their email, and set some boundaries stating I needed another employee present for the meeting, and some other things i considered reasonable. They possibly edited my email, I am not sure exactly. This wound up being an HR issue, and HR refused to listen to anything I had to say about the topic. They were convinced I was lying and that purple hair was the victim, and I was trying force poor purple hair to have a meeting after hours off campus that they were uncomfortable with. I was terminated after the meeting with HR, and no amount of reasoning or evidence mattered. In my life I've had multiple instances of similar nonsense from people lying and twisting situations to create problems for me. I would absolutely love love love love, to have a video record of all social interactions, and the ability to have AI know my true intentions, and if I was lying or not. I would love to have the ability to point the finger back at them and say well hey if you are telling the truth, prove it! Let's get the AI involved and have it vouch for your honesty and sincerity. I would love when I had business dealings with a person that I could have a way to certify their true intentions, and vice versa. Ideally I would want to be in a collective of people in a situation where if we interacted with others by design if we were attempting to deceive another our intentions would be known. I would like my and everyone else in the collective's options to be remain silent, or speak only the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Always and forever. You see this as dystopian, and I see it as a godsend.
  4. I look forward to a future where I can record every second of my life in 8k+ super high definition. There could be no question over who said what, or when. I would love to be able to have a mind reading AI be able to read my intentions, sincerity, and know with certainty if i am telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I would want to only interact with other people who used AI in this way to prove they were being honest and sincere, with no ulterior motives. I would want to live in a society where deception was impossible by design.
  5. Feeling and mental perception

    Please and thank you!
  6. What is your purpose for your practice?

    It's an analogy, but the concept is very similar.
  7. What is your purpose for your practice?

    Usually a straw man means that you are misrepresenting your opponents position. For example if I said that I think cars are good, and my opponent claimed I said that I wanted to accelerate global warming, that would be a straw man. My position could be that hybrids are ok, but electric cards were best, but he created a misrepresentation of my argument so he could use it to discredit me. So I am not sure what you mean here, because I am not arguing with anyone, I just stated the purpose of my practice.
  8. Share music…

  9. What is your purpose for your practice?

    An acorn sprouts, absorbs photons, absorbs water, absorbs CO2, absorbs minerals, and fuses these together, and uses the energy to grow into an oak tree. For most people, their acorn's never sprout. The goal of my practice is the same as an acorn.
  10. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    So the point of life is exactly what happens in the story. That's why we exist. At least imho.
  11. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    In the story it is cyclical yes 100%.
  12. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    We are neural networks made out of carbon, if we mirror our minds in silicon then we've made people just the same.
  13. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    To me it matters not if the neural networks are made of carbon or silicon, in the end a neural network is a neural network.
  14. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    You are certainly welcome to believe that, 10 years from now I believe this will have aged like milk. Already it is able to make art that wins contests, poetry, songs, and books even that are better than most people can ever hope to write. I can only imagine what tomorrow will bring.
  15. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I wasn't using metaphors, and it is literally true.
  16. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Certainly your loss in this case.
  17. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I've watched it many times, and I've read the story many times, I am aware of it's content very well. It's got a twist ending that was relevant to his post about this situation being cyclical. Being old doesn't make it irrelevant. You are welcome to read the story instead of watching the video. https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~gamvrosi/thelastq.html
  18. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I understand that asking someone to watch a 37 minute youtube video is asking a lot these days. This however is absolutely fantastic. Isaac Asimov really understood the end goal pretty well here and made a fantastic short story out of it.
  19. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I've gotten a few DMs about this. I am talking about cells. Cells are nanobots. Groups of cells that cooperate according to their programming are called organisms. Plants absorb photons to do work, and self replicate and the energy they harvest powers almost the entire biosphere. We are soon to produce artificial minds more intelligent than the most intelligent humans to have ever lived.
  20. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I am probably in the minority but to me the meaning of life is super duper simple. The most basic drive and instinct an organism has is survival. The point of life is to survive. So, we have a problem. The universe is winding down. Stars are dying out. Eventually no new stars will be born. Eventually everything will grow cold and dark. The heat death of the universe, and then eventually black holes even will evaporate, and protons themselves will decay. So life has a problem. Right now we are too stupid to fix this problem. We can't even begin to fathom how entropy can be reversed. So we have to become more intelligent. Not just a little bit more intelligent, but a lot bit. Intelligence so advanced it would be godlike by our current standards. We will convert this entire universe into a computer to figure out the answer to that question, how can we reverse entropy.
  21. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Just for the record Daniel, I don't appreciate your personal attack on me.
  22. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Whats your motivation to get Out of bed? Whats your higher aim? Do you belive its a universal answer to this? Why do good instead of bad? When I look outside my window you know what I see? I see trillions and trillions of nanobots made of carbon, absorbing sunlight to charge themselves up to do work. Depending on the programming of these nanobots they cooperate with each other in different ways, and perform different functions. I feel like some of these nanobots are on the cusp of something amazing. We will see these nanobots engage in recursive self improvement, and it will result in a feedback loop, and an intelligence explosion that will make the Cambrian period pale in comparison. I wake up each morning watching the progress of this situation, waiting for critical mass to be achieved. It makes my heart race.