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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. ---

    Today I learned: TacoBell is bad for my chi.
  2. Edit, I feel this thread has reached a threshold, it's been TUBAR, Trolled Up Beyond All Recognition. Please delete this thread, or lock it and move it to the rabbit hole. When I was a child I was told, you can't see your own brain. What if that was a lie? What if the ONLY thing you can see is your own brain? J. Krishnamurti said The Observer is The Observed, the experiencer is the experience, the thinker is the thought. What if what we see around us is energy and information being exchanged inside the neural networks of our brain? What if these neural networks were arranged such that they observed themself? The idea of Cartesian theater there is a little man or homunculus which is watching a screen and projector of the world outside the skull. What if brain's job was to create a holographic experience, a useful fiction to help us navigate reality, and then be aware of that experience? An energetic and informatic feedback loop. In essence when you think you are looking at a computer screen, you are looking at the inside of your own mind. The map is not the territory, and a painting of a pipe is not a pipe. It's an abstraction.
  3. In the event I am banned please email me to continue our conversation.
  4. Daniel, again you are making this out to be my choice. If I had my choice I would talk to you openly here till you were satisfied. In my group's private forum, we mirror a lot of past posts in the event they are deleted, for archival purposes. It's clear to see that historically at least they do not tolerate the type of discussion you are wanting to have. I want to respond to you, I don't feel that I have to any possible choice to do so but in private here, via email , or on an external forum. I've given you all the options I know of.
  5. You are free to do as you wish, I can't keep posting here and have to self moderate. I feel like already this has reached the level I will probably be suspended already, even though I have done my best to remain respectful to you and to encourage you to take this private.
  6. I've done my best to finish our discussion in private, if you have more questions or concerns I will be happy to continue it there with you for as long as I can, or via email if I can't.
  7. Hi Daniel, I went ahead and I sent you my email address. Seeing as the mods may be getting involved I think the most likely outcome is you get a pat on the back and I get suspended or banned for telling you to please talk with me in private to prevent problems multiple times. If I am unable to respond to you here on the forum, feel free to email me, or respond on the private forum I created earlier. Peace and chicken grease.
  8. I was asked a question I could not answer per the forum rules, and I pointed to the rule. Nothing more and nothing less. The only reason I even pointed to the rule specifically is because knowing Daniel's behavior we would have had 30 replies with him arguing about it.
  9. Last friend of mine in my group who did that got banned, another group member mentioned they banned the wrong person and they were then banned too. So no I don't think I will do that.
  10. You get the mods to come here and tell me we can continue exactly as we have been for these previous 9 pages, for the next 10,000 pages,and 100,000 replies (without fear of suspension or ban, or thread locking under any circumstance), and I will resume public conversation with you.
  11. Has that ever been the case in the past with threads that went to 100 pages?
  12. You were a mod at one time no? In your opinion would it be kosher to basically copy and repost the previous 9 pages of nonsense for 100 more pages, 1000? Daniel seems sincere in his believe we can have such a 1000 page conversation repeating the same things over and over in public and the mod team is going to be ok with that. I don't think they will be. I think people will be suspended and the thread locked, long before we get to 1000 pages. What do you think?
  13. Tell you what Daniel go ask the mods if we can discuss this here even if it takes 1,000,000,000,000 posts, 1, 000,000,000 pages and takes 100 years, of circular arguing. If they come here and give their explicit permission to allow such a thing I will be happy to have this discussion with you in public here.
  14. I am not going to attempt further public conversation with you. It's clear to me my options are self moderate or get suspended and banned. We can chat in private if you wish, or we can talk in public on the forum I created.
  15. Hopefully Pak will set you straight on this one, our mutual friend Shadow_self is on a long forced vacation for exactly the type of behavior I am describing. https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/54386-shadow_self/ My hope is you and I can self moderate and keep this private or off forum to prevent any problems. Seems completely reasonable to me.
  16. Pak could you chime in and let him know I can't have a 10,000 page circular argument without the mods locking the thread and suspending me and him? You understand that's exactly what will happen right? He seems to think that can't or won't happen here. See his post above this one.
  17. What are you afraid of? The behavior you are desiring me to engage in with you will lead to me being suspended and or banned. That is to say long argumentative circular forum posts and threads that reach tens of thousands of replies. I've explained multiple times I have no problem with a public discussion with you, but that it's not going to fly in public here on this particular forum.. I created a public forum, so we could keep the discussion public without disturbing the locals or the moderators here, but you were not interested. The only choice remaining is private discussion. If you prefer public discussion we can use the external forum I created.
  18. Hi Daniel, As seems to be normal with you, everything I wrote was completely misunderstood and you are arguing about something else entirely. At this point I am seriously beginning to question the situation here. If a person had a disability which caused them to grossly misunderstood 100% of everything that everyone said all the time, then such a person could not possibly function in society. I can't imagine this could possibly be the case with you, and suspect you are just behaving this way to create conflict for your own entertainment. I will continue to respond in private until we have this mess worked out.
  19. Please be patient and check the external forum for a response.
  20. I am not allowed to comment further on this, but will address it on the public forum I linked to you previously. I cannot even have this discussion in private with you here on this forum per the rules.
  21. Please go to to the "Forum and Tech Support" section, and read the 4th pinned post (from top to bottom). Per the rule established there I am not allowed to answer your question.