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About kakapo

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    Dao Bum

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  1. You are not wrong, I feel he aggressively talked about aliens. His ban was justifiable. That said people make mistakes, and it's been 4 years. I've seen people behave far worse than he ever has, and never be banned or even suspended for it. I can only say I know him personally and he's a decent person.
  2. Ming Men

  3. Greetings

  4. If I recall correctly he was spamming things about Aliens, and they banned him for that. I don't think he was calling anyone names or anything, but I could be wrong.
  5. Not that I am aware of no.
  6. You are the collective conversation 100 billion cells are having, exchanging energy and information across an organic internet. Everything you can see is purely energy and information being exchanged in this internet. There is only the experience of you occurring.
  7. Looking for an old member

    He changed his name to Gendao. If you believe he is an upstanding person please ask for him to be unbanned here: https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/56008-request-for-gendao-to-be-unbanned-after-4-years/
  8. https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/50819-a-whole-mess-of-bans-stuff/ Gendao is very sorry for the problems he caused discussing aliens. It has been more than 4 years since he was banned. He is asking if he could please be allowed back on the forum. Thank you for your consideration.
  9. You ever notice how messing with the dopamine system makes people crazy? People get coked up, think they are bulletproof and can do anything without consequence. People who get manic have the same problem. So here is my take having known many magick users personally. Role playing games are a way to stimulate your dopamine system, triggering a reward response. Roleplaying games are status simulators. As your make-believe character gets more wealth, money, property, fame, power, status, etc. This triggers a reward response in your dopamine reward feedback system. Magick is just role-playing where you blend fantasy and reality. Many of the magick users I've met convince themselves they are super powerful and have fun performing rituals, and drawing sigils, and seals, and chanting spells, and all kinds of other nonsense. This gives them a dopamine hit, and if they ride that manic wave it destabilizes their psyche and further affects their dopamine reward response feedback system. Pretty soon they can't sleep, and they are hyper-fixated on the next ritual, or spell, or whatever and how that is going to let them achieve whatever, they are practically vibrating with manic energy. The problem becomes, what goes up, must come down. Fly too high and burn the wing. Magick is very popular for the reasons described above to people with addictive personalities. My advice: Don't get excited, keep your heart calm. True power comes from being totally stoic and hyper focused on one goal. This manic energy is fool's gold to the occult seeker. Keep your heart calm, never get excited. There is an unbelievable amount of power to be gained from pure focus, and stoic calm. It is best to ground oneself in evidence. Ask yourself: Is there any objective evidence that this (whatever it is) can do anything that can be objectively measured? Realize that each second is a literal grain of sand falling down through your hourglass. Each second you waste is a second you can never get back. Are you wasting your life pursuing practices, and things which yield no objective results? If so, stop doing that. Focus only on things which can generate results you can objectively quantify and measure. Focus on what matters most to you. Work to achieve your goals. Ignore all other distractions. You can achieve anything, but you cannot achieve everything.
  10. Looking for an old member

    I know him personally, he is a great guy. Unfortunately his account was swept up in a wave of bans. I am not sure he can come back to this forum, unless the administration is willing to lift the ban on his account. If you would like me to send him a message, I am in contact with him. Feel free to send me a DM.
  11. I had to open the capsule of Bacillus Coagulans into a jar of milk, cover it with the lid, and shake it up till mixed and let it sit out 10 to 12 hours to ferment. This takes a small dose, and allows it to grow into a megadose.
  12. I would like to offer you some help. As you probably already know C. Diff is a spore forming bacteria meaning that if you use antibiotics to treat it, it forms spores to wait out the antibiotics. C. Diff also produces toxins which are so potent many people have died from them. Most people on earth already have C. Diff in their GI tract, but they have enough good bacteria that out competes the C. Diff, and it never becomes a problem. The fecal transplant you are referring to helps re-introduce species that can out compete and out populate C. Diff. and fix the problem for most people. Years ago I had an infection that was monstrous. They put me on every class of antibiotic and then some. I swallowed the spider to catch the fly as it were. I cured one infection, but in turn caused a C. Diff infection. For about 3 years I was having to drink a large glass of homemade kefir 3x a day to help combat it. If I stopped the Kefir treatment the C. Diff would return. This is because the probiotics in the Kefir were transitory and did not colonize the GI tract well. Through research I discovered a bacteria, a beneficial spore forming bacteria which can colonize the GI tract, and can out compete C. Diff Bacillus Coagulans. So I made a kefir using Bacillus Coagulans, letting the milk sit out for 10 hours to ferment. I would empty a capsule into a jar of milk and place a lid on it. I drank this every day for a few months and it cured my C. Diff infection I struggled with for years. The brand I used was THORNE Bacillus Coagulans. I hope this helps you cure your C. Diff.
  13. On esotericism: Why the secracy?

    I have seen instructions of the system I study, edited. People removed the most important parts. People removed the most important precautions you must take. People added new things which are not compatible. People market this as the real deal, and post it online everywhere. People then get hurt. People blame the system I study as the cause of their ailments. The problem becomes people who don't understand and want to blend together everything they have learned into something new, and then re transmit the knowledge to others without understanding what they are teaching. It is necessary to screen people to make sure you don't end up sharing information with someone who is like that.