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Posts posted by kakapo

  1. 14 hours ago, Shadow_self said:


    In other words, you have that based on an anecdote someone else told you


    Glad we cleared it up...that was all I asked you


    No need to continue and try to deflect the point elsewhere


    To be clear we are talking about a more evolved being from Zeta-2 Reticuli,  they know a great deal more than some random human off the street does about this particular topic.


    While you may say that is just an appeal to authority, I feel it is justifiable in this instance.

    • Haha 1

  2. 2 hours ago, Shadow_self said:



    So no then...


    Interesting you dont hold yourself to the same standard as you hold others to


    Theres a point of reflection here for you


    I'll just have to assume my buddy knows what xe is talking about.


    I trust xyrs judgement, as xe is more evolved than anyone else I know of.

  3. On 7/28/2023 at 7:25 AM, Shadow_self said:


    Have you a measure of this, or any evidence that doesnt involve a nonverifiable verbal handmedown/personal testimony?






    My buddy from Zeta-2 Reticuli lent me his scouter, xe double checked the readings.


    Xe told me we are mostly just a bunch of empty containers, and the last full container they found was crucified several millennia ago.

    • Like 1

  4. Almost 100% of all humans that have ever lived, are currently living, and will ever live will never accomplish anything "spiritually" meaningful.


    Worldwide there are approximately 10 individuals who have accomplished something "spiritually" meaningful.


    For most people spiritual practices are a form of role play and entertainment, and do not provide any benefit to their lives except for a placebo effect.


    When people who are engaging in spiritual role play are confronted with this, they experience cognitive dissonance, and seek to destroy the person they perceive as the cause.


    This results in absolutely psychotic behavior both on an individual level, and on a group level. (e.g. lynch mobs)

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1

  5. 2:07:02
    um okay and I can't ask when you think this occurred if you believe we have crashed craft uh stated earlier do we
    have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft as I've stated publicly already in my
    news Nation interview biologics came with some of these recoveries yeah
    um were they I can or non-human biologics non-human and that was the assessment of
    people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program and was this
    documentary references video photos eyewitness like how would that be determined
    the specific documentation I would have to talk to you in a skiff about gotcha

  6. 14 hours ago, Nungali said:

    I hope our instigating 'whistle blower' has some evidence this time . It seems strange they would hold a hearing without expecting evidence , so I assume some will be presented .


    I am yet to be convinced that many things that previously came under the UFO banner are the same phenomena , I think there is a huge variety of things that have been collated together  and considered as parts of the same phenomena .


    For example ,  the 'abductee' accounts I have read are mostly when people are asleep or in an altered state ; they seem more like a  DRT experience . To me these are a very different from navy pilots chasing UAPs .  They might not be related at all . I like the new UAP tag as I suspect some of these sightings may be of a not understood  'phenomena' . UFO just means something was seen flying that can not be identified . We know from observation of movements that UAPs dont really 'fly' as such  , considering they can zip a round, vanish and reappear , go through water without leaving a wake  ....  IMO thats a 'phenomena' being recorded and not necessarily an 'object' .


    Evidence is a funny thing, they could have a grey alien testify too and people would claim it was CGI.


    No matter the type or quality of evidence some people will claim it is fake no matter what.

  7. Dear Mods,


    I do not envy your position, I am sure it is difficult.


    I am asking for a thread that violates the rules to please be locked.


    Thank you for all that you do,


    Per the site rule explained here:




    Can this thread which violates those rules be locked?  The thread which violates the rules is located here:




  8. 5 hours ago, Shadow_self said:



    Id say Bob Lazar  has to be the best source of information on this


    Heres a far lesser known tape he put together in the early days


    Very much worth the 40 mins of anyones time who is interested in the science behind this, and he ends with some of the general info


    Hers a cliff notes  of part 2 where Bob relays some of the information he was shown during his initial briefing for the project


    (This for those who cannot or dont want to watch the whole thing) 


    • Discussing the origin of the craft as Zeta Reticuli star system (Where Betty and Barney hill say the beings that abducted them came from.
    • In this case, the beings supposedly come from Reticuli 4 (1 day here  = 90 hours in earth time)
    • Beings weigh 25-50 pounds and 3-4 feet tall (hairless)
    • Visiting earth for a long time, and were able to produce photographic evidence that was over 10,000 years old
    • Exchange of hardware and information program in Nevada until 1979, when a "conflict" led to the programs termination
    • Beings left, but were to return at a date written in a format not understood
    • US Govt started the back-engineering program with this hardware and information
    • Aliens relayed information about how to manipulate the brain to anesthetize the human body without any physical contact from a remote source
    • Brain needs to be in a relaxed state, similar to hypnosis. If it is subject to any external simulation, the method is ineffective
    • They stated that man was the product of externally corrected evolution
    • Man as a species has been genetically altered 65 times
    • Refer to humans as "containers" but Bob is unaware what this means








    I want to believe Bob's story.


    It just bakes my brain looking at that senate.gov legislation. 


    Can you believe the words in the document?


    This is an actual law that may be passed.



    • Like 1

  9. I am not a huge fan of either Elon Musk or Eminem, but this is just amazing to me.


    He used uberduck to deepfake the vocals with Eminem's voice and it sounds 100x better that way, but unfortunately the RIAA took his videos offline that used synthetic deepfake vocals of the original artists.


    Almost 100% of the lyrics were generated by Jailbroken GPT-4 before OpenAI nerfed it.


    The future is unreal folks.




    those claims are true or not what I do
    know is that one of two things is
    happening here either we either they're
    telling the truth and that is something
    that obviously would be the biggest
    story in human history or we have people
    in really important positions of
    government who are crazy and who are out
    there making up stories and who are
    still in positions of importance either
    one is a big problem so we've got to
    figure out which one of these two it is

    • Thanks 1

  11. https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf


    Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023



     FINDINGS AND DECLARATIONS.—Congress finds and declares the following:


    (1) All Federal Government records related to  unidentified anomalous phenomena should be preserved and centralized for historical and Federal  Government purposes.


    (2) All Federal Government records concerning unidentified anomalous phenomena should carry a  presumption of immediate disclosure and all records  should be eventually disclosed to enable the public to  become fully informed about the history of the Federal Government’s knowledge and involvement surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena. 


    (3) Legislation is necessary to create an enforceable, independent, and accountable process for the public disclosure of such records.




    Number 4): Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government unidentified anomalous phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory classification review as set forth in Executive Order 13526 due in part to exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as well as an overbroad interpretation of "transclassified foreign nuclear information", which is also exempt from mandatory declassification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law.






    Section 5: Controlling Authority

    The term “Controlling Authority” refers to any Federal, State, or Local government department, office, agency, committee, commission, commercial company, academic institution, or private sector entity in physical possession of TECHNOLOGIES OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN OR BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE.






    The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  12. 41 minutes ago, Nungali said:


    Errrmmmm ..... he said  "  none of that even holds a candle to what I have experienced in meditation, not even a little bit."


    maybe that is why you have not "  had any of those sort of experiences in meditation."   .... and neither has kakapo had those sort of experiences in meditation alone . 


    Also .... if one knows what one is doing  




    if one knows what one is doing  


    you will not have experiences you have   from psychedelic drugs and meditations like you have from meditations alone  - and visa versa .



    They call DMT experiences hallucinations, because other people can't share your experience.


    Would it be called a reverse hallucination when other people see what you are experiencing also?


    If so I think reverse hallucination might be a good term for it.


    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

    • Like 1

  13. On 7/8/2023 at 4:50 PM, PestiferMundi said:

    Hello, I'm just some guy who is seeking answers to various questions before I begin training in anything. I'll probably be making a thread to ask specifically about this one later (in the appropriate sub-forum where it will get the most views) but I guess I'll mention my first question here anyways (it's a two part question):


    1. Which is the better and more complete Nei Gong training between these two?

    Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu by Wang LiPing


    Daoist Alchemy: Nei Gong & Wei Gong Training by Jerry Alan Johnson


    The book by Wang LiPing seems to have a more secure and known lineage (I know there is a 2nd edition of the book, but I'm going with the 1st edition). But the book by Jerry Alan Johnson looks a lot more detailed. So I'm kinda stuck.


    2. If there is a better and more complete training (in the form of a book), what is it?


    Ask the question which lineages or teachers can present good evidence  that is backed by scientists and medical doctors, and recorded on video.


    If they are a public lineage, actively trying to recruit, and cannot or will not provide such evidence my assumption would be it is because they are unable to provide it, and their practice doesn't do much if anything at all.


    Just my $0.02, your mileage may vary.

  14. On 8/24/2018 at 3:22 PM, dawei said:

    David Hinton 2002


    Way gave birth to one,
    and one gave birth to two.
    Two gave birth to three,
    and three gave birth to the ten thousand things.
    Then the ten thousand things shouldered yin and embraced yang,
    blending ch'i to establish harmony.
    People all hate scraping by orphaned, destitute, ill-fated, but true dukes and emperors call themselves just that.
    Some things gain by loss, and some lose by gain.
    I only teach
    what the people teach:
    Tyranny and force never come to a natural end.
    I've taken the people as my schoolmaster.

    Chad Hansen 2009


    A guide generates 'one.' 
    'One' generates 'two.' 
    'Two' generates 'three.' 
    'Three' generates the ten-thousand natural kinds. 
    The ten-thousand natural kinds bear Yin and embrace Yang. 
    Blend the life-forces and deem-make 'harmony.' 
    What humans revile 
    is specifically 'orphan,' 'lonely' and 'impoverished.' 
    Yet Kings and Dukes deem them as titles. 
    Hence among natural kinds: sometimes you diminish it and it increases. 
    Sometime you increase it and it diminishes. 
    What humans teach, 
    I also teach. 
    Those who force issues don't get their death. 
    I'm on the point of deeming this 'the father of teaching.' 


    Moss Roberts 2001


    The number one of the Way was born.
    A duad from this monad formed.
    The duad next a triad made;
    The triad bred the myriad,
    Each holding The number one of the Way was born.
    A duad from this monad formed.
    The duad next a triad made;
    The triad bred the myriad,
    Each holding yang
    And held by yin,
    Whose powers’ balanced interaction
    Brings all ten thousand to fruition.
    By the names men most of all abhor –
    “Orphaned,” “wanting,” “destitute” –
    Kings and lords make themselves known.
    For in this world
    Those who take less shall have more,
    Those given more shall have less.
    These words men have taught
    And so shall I teach:
    “Who lives by might never do die right”,
    These my authority, my guiding light.

    Lok Sang Ho 2002


    The Dao gives birth to the One.
    The One gives birth to the Two(yin and yang).
    The Two give birth to the Three(heaven, earth, and man)74.
    The Three give birth to all things as we know them.
    All living things bear the female nature
    And espouse the male nature.
    In interacting with each other
     these two natures result in a new harmony.
    It is well known that people generally hate
     to be lonely, widowed, or under-provided.
    Yet kings and people who wield power
     call themselves lonely, widowed, or under-provided.
    Things may benefit people through imposing losses on them,
    And may hurt them through bestowing apparent benefits.
    I teach the same kind of people that others teach75.
    But by a single maxim that I teach, that
    “Those who use sheer force to make their ways
    Will not die a good death”
    I should become the teacher of all teachers. 

    Gu Zhengku 1993


    The Tao begets the One;
    The One consists of Two in opposition (the Yin and Yang);
    The Two begets the Three;
    The Three begets all things of the world.
    All things connote the Yin and Yang.
    The Yin and Yang keep acting upon each other
    And thus things keep changing and unifying themselves.
    Words like "the solitary", "the few" and "the unkind"
    Are usually detested by people,
    Yet lords and kings use them to call themselves.
    That is why
    A thing is sometimes added to when being reduced,
    Or is reduced when being added to.
    So I teach what I am taught:
    "The violent will not come to a good end."
    This I will take as the first lesson when I teach.

    Lin Yutang 1948


    Out of Tao, One is born; 
    Out of One, Two; 
    Out of Two, Three; 
    Out of Three, the created universe. 
    The created universe carries the yin at its back 
       and the yang in front; 
    Through the union of the pervading principles it 
       reaches harmony.

    To be "orphaned," "lonely" and "unworthy" is what men hate most. 
       Yet the princes and dukes call themselves by such names. 
    For sometimes things are benefited by being taken away from, 
    And suffer by being added to.

    Others have taught this maxim, 
    Which I shall teach also: 
    "The violent man shall die a violent death." 
    This I shall regard as my spiritual teacher.

    Flowing Hands 1987


    The Dao begot one,
    one gave birth and then there was two.
    Two begot three.
    And so the Ten Thousand Things were formed.
    The Ten Thousand Things each contain Yin and Yang.
    They are in harmony by having both of these forces.
    From this, the forces are divided still;
    for the Male has more Yang and the Female has more Yin.
    So they are different.
    By coming together, they beget another life.
    So the Ten Thousand Things depend on these forces.
    When the forces are upset and out of balance,
    so the Earth and the Ten Thousand Things will suffer.
    Know the balance and all will be well. 


    The innate intelligence behind all reality gave birth to the void.


    The void, separated into matter and antimatter.


    Matter and antimatter, interact to release untold energy.


    Matter, antimatter, and energy lead to the development of our current universe.

    • Like 1

  15. 12 hours ago, Lairg said:


    Why is space curved?




    The reason why mass and energy cause spacetime to curve is related to the way they interact with the fabric of spacetime itself. The presence of mass and energy cause spacetime to stretch and deform, much like a rubber sheet would stretch and deform if a heavy object were placed on it. This deformation of spacetime tells objects how to move, while the motion of objects, in turn, influences the curvature of spacetime. This interplay is described by a set of equations called the Einstein field equations.


    Unfortunately I don't have a better answer for you than that.


    I think the best we can do right now is give description to the behaviors we see manifesting, but we lack the understanding to explain why the phenomenon exist/occur.


    We can't explain why existence itself exists.


    Perhaps in the future with artificial super intelligence, we can answer such questions.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Lairg said:


    Why is space curved?





    General Relativity’s two postulates have been famously articulated by John Archibald Wheeler:

        “Matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move.”


  17. On 7/10/2023 at 1:02 AM, Ajay0 said:

    In this article, Ram Dass ( Richard Alpert) described an experience he had when the enlightened Neem Karoli swallowed all his drugs in one go ...







    I have smoked enough DMT to breakthrough, I passed through a tunnel that compressed my body, on the other side of the tunnel there were geometric, kaleidoscopic fractal entities that jumped into and out of my body, while communicating encyclopedia's worth of information.


    Indeed this was a profound and life-changing experience for me.


    That said, none of that even holds a candle to what I have experienced in meditation, not even a little bit.


    That is not an exaggeration in the slightest.


    If there was a way to force people to see this for themselves it would absolutely change the world.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  18. 4 hours ago, dawei said:


    At some point, is the pesky problem of 'something from nothing'... to be deal with.  Laws of physics don't allow it.. but a video game might...  Are we seeing what is really there.. or here ?


    I essentially agree with your,  De is the efficacy when Zi Ran aligns (without intent) with Wu Wei..., as we have talked it for years... but their potential ultimately comes from somewhere. 


    I went back to 'view' the big bang origin... because we have to know what was before it... Is it a first bang or oscillating universe.. or a wizard behind a curtain, etc...  I'm rather comfortable to talk from the potential stage of the unfolding as what is before that is not so comfortable. 





    Physicist Lawrence Krauss, in his book "A Universe from Nothing," Krauss suggests that if you have a large enough timescale and an infinite amount of space, it is possible for a quantum fluctuation to occur, resulting in the creation of an entire universe's worth of matter and antimatter. According to this concept, the energy associated with such a fluctuation could lead to the expansion of space, the formation of particles, and the subsequent evolution of a universe.


    Stephen Hawking's theory of Hawking radiation occurs at the event horizon of a black hole. According to this theory, empty space is filled with pairs of particles and antiparticles that have merged. The immense gravitational field at the event horizon pulls these pairs apart. When a particle-antiparticle pair is created near the event horizon, it's possible for one of the particles to fall into the black hole while the other escapes. Since the escaping particle carries away energy, this effectively means the black hole loses energy, or, equivalently, mass. Over time, the black hole will lose more and more mass due to Hawking radiation until it eventually evaporates completely. 


    The common belief that empty space is devoid of substance is false. Contrary to this assumption, empty space is not empty at all; rather, it is full and teeming with activity.


    An analogy to better understand this concept is to envision space as a perfectly flat and level patch of ground. Digging a hole creates a mound of dirt, and when the dirt is returned to the hole, the situation is neutral. The mound of dirt being matter, and empty hole being antimatter. This illustrates the zero-sum nature of empty space.


    This profound realization reveals that our perception of emptiness as devoid of substance is inaccurate. Instead, what we perceive as empty space is actually full and teaming with dynamic activity.


    The Mahayana Buddhists believed that the void or Śūnyatā was the origin of all matter and phenomenon.


    The Mahayana Buddhist view of Śūnyatā is analogous to the monistic ontology of W. K. Clifford and John Wheeler, which posits that everything in the universe, including matter and forces, can be reduced to the geometry and curvature of space.


    "There is nothing in the world except empty curved space. Matter, charge, electromagnetism, and other fields are only manifestations of the bending of space." -John Wheeler, an American theoretical physicist