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Posts posted by kakapo

  1. A song about the art of war using quotes from the book.




    In the midst of chaos, there’s opportunity/
    Keep intentions shrouded in the mystery/
    Know yourself and better know thy enemy/
    A thousand battles mean a thousand victories/
    Improvise, adapt, overcome/
    Until the battle’s won the fight has just begun/
    You gotta read the battlefield with insight/
    And know when you should and when not to fight/


    Verse 1

    Like water we adapt and flow with precision/
    In the shadows moving silent on a phantoms mission/
    I got the knowledge and the skill and the foresight/
    Illuminate the darkness, like a beacon in the night/
    We weave through the ranks with our presence undetected/
    We strike swift like the wind every move perfected/
    We know they weakness, they plans we gone intercept it/
    We outmaneuver, our dominance is uncontested/
    In the art of war, the mind must prevail/
    Study your opponent, every detail/
    Avoid what’s strong then attack what’s weak/
    Remember this wisdom and you will never know defeat.
    We on the battlefield, with a heart made of steel/
    Moving with precision our intentions stay concealed/
    Master of deception yea we bend and we sway
    Like chameleons in the game, we don't ever give it away/


    Verse 2

    Conserve your resources, gotta strike with precision/
    Calculated moves only, no indecision/
    Moving like the shadows and striking like lightning/
    We conquer all the battles, our tactics they frightening/
    We stealth and cunning, we make our incision/
    Alotta silent victories, no need for recognition/
    Divide and conquer, we break the opposition/
    Deception is the key, we create false positions/
    Rising like a phoenix, from ashes we soar/
    With every challenge faced, we ready for more/
    We plan all our moves and foresee all the future/
    Prepare for the storm, like zeus im the ruler/
    A dragon won’t die from the venom of a snake/
    So never fear your enemy just wait for their mistakes/
    A seed sown in darkness finds light within itself/
    In the end the mastermind plays the cards that he’s dealt/

  2. On 6/15/2023 at 3:35 PM, Saan said:

    On one hand, it is difficult to discern which masters or lineages are authentic and which might be considered cults.



    Simply ask the question which lineages or teachers can present good evidence  that is backed by scientists and medical doctors, and recorded on video.


    If they are a public lineage, actively trying to recruit, and cannot or will not provide such evidence my assumption would be it is because they are unable to provide it, and their practice doesn't do much if anything at all.


    Just my $0.02, your mileage may vary.


    • Like 1

  3. I use Mint Mobile $15.00 a month for unlimited talk, text, and 5GB of highspeed data. It has unlimited slower data which is fine for google maps and Spotify.


    I get my glasses from Zenni Optical, which is about 1/10th the cost of my optometrist.


    I use GoodRX for prescription medication discounts.


    I've switched my whole house to LED lights, and use rechargeable batteries.


    I use an ultra low flow shower head to reduce both water usage and electricity required to heat the water.


    I use an HD antenna, and a Roku box for tons of free TV and content.


    I use a crockpot to slow cook things while I work and have both a dinner and leftovers for lunch the next day, this is a super cheap and easy way to cook meals.


    I shop at goodwill for dress clothes.


    I use Aldi, and discount dent and ding grocery stores.


    I use a chest freezer to stock up on items on sale, bread and milk can be frozen without ruining their taste.


    I drive an older car, and keep it well maintained

    • Like 1

  4. Edit, I feel this thread has reached a threshold, it's been TUBAR,  Trolled Up Beyond All Recognition.


    Please delete this thread, or lock it and move it to the rabbit hole.  






    When I was a child I was told, you can't see your own brain.


    What if that was a lie?


    What if the ONLY thing you can see is your own brain?


    J. Krishnamurti  said The Observer is The Observed, the experiencer is the experience, the thinker is the thought.


    What if what we see around us is energy and information being exchanged inside the neural networks of our brain?


    What if these neural networks were arranged such that they observed themself?


    The idea of Cartesian theater there is a little man or homunculus which is watching a screen and projector of the world outside the skull.


    What if brain's job was to create a holographic experience, a useful fiction to help us navigate reality, and then be aware of that experience?


    An energetic and informatic feedback loop.


    In essence when you think you are looking at a computer screen, you are looking at the inside of your own mind.


    The map is not the territory, and a painting of a pipe is not a pipe.


    It's an abstraction.

    • Like 1

  5. 16 hours ago, wandelaar said:

    I have managed to light up a blue LED (but not a red LED) by connecting one pin to the ground and by grabbing the other pin. If you want to do this yourself you must perform this experiment in pitch darkness, otherwise the faint glow of the LED will be invisible. You also have to pay attention to view the LED from the right angle, otherwise you won't see anything. However by alternately touching and not touching the LED, you can clearly see that it turns on and off. I have done this in my own living room, and that was what I planned to do. Further experiments outdoors will have to be done by others. Also I haven't got the equipment to make a video of the experiment, but it would be nice if someone else would do that. I haven't done any kind of cultivation or chi stuff beforehand so I suppose that anyone with some perseverance and a rudimentary knowledge of electronics could replicate the same results.


    I don't consider my own results as anything paranormal or mysterious because any normal western house contains lots of household electronics so there will always be EM-waves that can be picked up by the human body as an antenna. But I didn't succeed in getting a LED to light up brightly, so that might still be something chi-related. On the other hand there might also exist very efficient LED's that would have lighted up brightly in my experiment. I just don't know.   


    This is very interesting.

    I think it should be trivial to replicate if you are near any high-voltage sources; a better test, in my opinion, would be to be as far from any power lines or electrical devices as you can go.

    On an interesting note, trees can generate enough electricity to power LEDs, and this is not due to a battery effect like how a potato or lemon can be used for a battery.



    It is difficult to say whether this is evidence of Chi, but it is certainly intriguing that trees generate an electrical current that is not explained by the battery effect.

  6. 39 minutes ago, wandelaar said:

    Suppose there is no hidden device. Then if the electrical power is generated inside the body grounding the body at the feet, touching one terminal of the LED with a hand and connecting the other terminal of the LED to the ground should only be helpful in lighting up the LED. So it seems that the electrical power is reaching the body from somewhere else, and would simply be drained away into the ground when you try to do the demonstration grounded. This suggests that the body is acting as some sort of receiver.


    You are welcome to interpret it that way.


    We tried a FM dipole antenna and others, but they had no effect on the LED in the wilderness.

    I believe that staying away from any power lines or electronic devices is key.

    If you do this near high-voltage devices, I am sure you will get enough EMF bleeding over to skew the results.

  7. 7 minutes ago, wandelaar said:

    Can you or someone in your group also light a LED when grounded?


    For the demonstration to work, the only thing grounding the body is one of the terminals of the LED.

    The other terminal of the LED touches the grounding rod.

    If the demonstration is done barefoot, etc., it does not work.


    I am sure John could probably do this demonstration barefoot, however.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  8. 32 minutes ago, wandelaar said:

    I like to focus only on the lighting up of LEDs here, and the question of whether this is possible by using the human body as an antenna. The video's in the OP point out that it is possible by using an ordinary metal antenna, so the first thing I plan to do is to replicate that. This might take some time because I also have other things to do besides experimenting and posting on TDB, and some electronic components might have to be ordered. After that I will see if my own body can take the place of the antenna.


    Doing experiments in remote places will have to be done by others. I don't want to investigate everything, and I want to keep it simple and doable for myself.


    At the very least, you'll need to be as far away from a power line as you can be.


  9. 18 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    Thanks for the clarification. Do you feel a big difference when you practice grounded vs ungrounded?


    I've only ever meditated and trained while grounded.


    I can tell you I don't sleep as well though without being grounded.




    • Like 1

  10. 1 hour ago, wandelaar said:

    Is it possible to light up a LED by using your body as an antenna? Apparently this is claimed by some skeptics as an explanation for the electric Chi phenomenon where a LED is lit up by simply holding it without any further equipment.  Now I did a quick internet search and found the following two video's that suggests that the skeptical explanation might hold some truth. Further investigations needs to be done however, so please consider this as a starting post only.





    Some ideas for you

    Testing should be done in as remote a place as is possible, far away from power lines or devices.

    Bring antennas and pieces of metal to test.

    Buy LEDs with the lowest forward voltage you can find.

    If you would like to test this yourself, the parts are all very cheap.

    Our demonstration involves a grounding rod, an LED, and nothing more, so keep it simple.

    Please report your results back to us.

  11. 3 hours ago, wandelaar said:


    They may or may not have been commercially available back then, but I think an electronics hobbyist would have been able to build one himself even then.


    To the best of my knowledge, these devices hit the market in the early 2000s.





    Overview: Ionization technologies have been in use for air purification since around 2000 when Sharper Image released the Ionic Breeze air purifier. Early versions of ion generating devices used plasma tubes to energize air flowing over the plasma, breaking the water vapor molecules into hydroxyl radicals, ozone, and other reactive oxygen species (ROS). The problem with these early models was the purposeful or incidental production of ozone, a respiratory irritant.