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Posts posted by kakapo

  1. 5 hours ago, Maddie said:


    You didn't answer my question. Have you been diagnosed with bipolar disorder? If you don't mind sharing.


    When I was a child I used to make up all kinds of games of the imagination. 


    I have very vivid memories of being in 1st grade and on the playground. 


    We all agreed to to believe a rock was the triforce from Zelda, and we went around shooting each other with our magic swords. 


    I have had a few friends that never grew out of that stage. 


    One friend Sam,  told me his next spell was going to enable him to hollow out a mountain for an army of the undead. 


    Keep in mind Sam at this time was probably 24 years old.


    This sort of magical thinking is a game of the imagination,  just like when we were children and made up all kinds of things to play.


    These people obviously know they can't lift 10,000 pounds, or run faster than the speed of light and fight ancient naga demons.


    They absolutely know what reality is.


    It's just they enjoy roleplaying,  they are adults who enjoy making their real life into dungeons and dragons.


    I don't think they are manic at all,  just bored.

    • Like 1

  2. 4 hours ago, Neirong said:

    @Sleepy Bluejay @Mana conduit

    Even someone who has 1 week of practical experience in ANY semi-decent school/teaching/lineage will tell you that you don't move "Energy" with "Imagination". The only thing that can happen from such activity is clutter and blockage. The longer it is practiced the higher probability of getting issues. This is not a technique.

    You resemble kids who never once exercised physically or been to a gym, who decide to write guides on how to become bodybuilding world champion. Surely, you don't need gym or real training, you can just imagine yourself growing muscles. They practiced 1-6months so ofc they know better than anyone in the world.

    1. you are embarassing yourself publicly
    2. you are going to develop negative karma when someone tries your "techniques"

    5 years of daily training under the proper guidance is still considered "early beginner" in internal and ancient arts. You should only ever think of adjusting or changing practices after you pass 10-15 years experience landmark, after your achievements in the field have been recognized by someone credible, and know exactly what you are doing and why.

    But then real training is challenging, I have no doubts you would both fail repeatedly, and then give up.




    Flying faster than the speed of light.


    Visiting other galaxies.


    Injectable brain power mutation capsules.


    Eye lasers.


    Inter-dimensional portals to mega goddess harems.


    Killing 100,000 year old Naga demons.


    Automatic chi generator machines to refill the LDT.



    • Wow 1

  3. 2 hours ago, Summer said:

    Can you feel it?


    I don't know if its an ultra modern SIDDHI GET! I've unlocked (or if it even exists) but recently I noted that digital places have energy too. Just like buildings. You can feel a house where a lot of people argue, even when empty. Its walls are pointy. Same with internet it seems. It tells you who them mood is without even reading contents. You can feel it.

    Here is grumpy like cat that doesn't want to be bothered. Maybe that is the perfect image of high development though because cats is very spiritual animal because they live partly on astral plane.




    Not very friendly though which makes wonder "Why speak if you don't want to talk?". That is not very spiritually developed, no?





    I belong to a group of people which study a particular practice, many in our group have been members of this forum since the days of Ron Jeremy circa 2004


    We have seen things get to the point of being absolutely psychotic here on the forum. 


    In comparison the current vibe of the forum is very mild, and actually seems to be improving.


    Lot's of progress has been made to stop the trolls, and most members of my group are overjoyed we no longer have to listen to how awful, stupid and terrible we are on a daily basis.


    Stick around for a while and you'll see this place is definitely improving from what it used to be.

    • Like 3

  4. 26 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:


    well, every once in a while we get people who have played around witch chi/energy/whatever you wanna call it and fucked themselves up.


    "help, what do I do know."


    that's the reason that some practitioners worth their salt are critical ( to put it softly) about homegrown practice.




      Reveal hidden contents




    In the system I practice,  MCO is strictly forbidden, and yet for some reason we get a huge influx of people who know better and want to combine as many practices as possible to create some new system. 


    They wind up injuring themselves, or being institutionalized.


    Never do they accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions.


    Always they blame our practice, trying to convince others how dangerous it is.


    I have seen this happen over and over and over.


     If you don't give fire the respect it deserves and you play around with it, you'll be burned alive.


    • Like 2

  5. 8 hours ago, Sahaja said:

    The other day I was doing a seated  practice in the park and a gentleman in his 80s, originally from Hong Kong it turns out, randomly approached me and told me to insulate myself from the ground (bring a mat to sit on) or I will lose my yang qi. He seemed genuinely concerned for me. 


    This is the same view in the tradition I follow (I guess I was getting a friendly reminder!)


    Practicing near willow trees is supposed to be good for the digestion and to calm the mind. Different types of trees are supposed to connect with different organ systems in the body. 


    It’s the yin magnetic field of the earth that interacts with the electrically charged  yang qi in the body that is supposed to create the grounding. There are some practices that take advantage of this effect, like doing prostrations,  that can have benefits. So I think the topic has some complexity to it.  I do now wear shoes when I practice outside out of respect for the teachings. 


    If you lost yang chi being grounded to the earth, outdoor animals wouldn't be able to thrive like they do. 

    • Like 4

  6. 19 hours ago, Summer said:

    Is this true?


    Someone mentioned it. They said the very act of grounding drains any chi you have built. Apparently it works like lightning and must be kept circulating. Earthing = discharge = start again.


    I know that for Kundalini psychosis they actually do recommend grounding for that exact reason. Is it the same with qigong?


    Lots of people claim lots of things. 


    Don't take investment advice from a homeless person.


    In the school I study we are taught that we must sit on the earth during meditation and training to absorb yin chi, and if we are not grounded we cannot absorb it and cannot progress in the system.

    • Like 2

  7. On 1/16/2024 at 3:38 PM, S:C said:

    What is what? 

    Sense data interpreted by mind - subjective.

    Objectively it is not hot, only a sign of the body, that there is inflammation and trying to defeat outside or pathological bacterial or viral influences? What is it about TCM heat? Where does that come from?

    What of that is objective? 
    Why does this seem obvious to anyone but me?! Oh well… there’s @kakapo, at least someone.


    Please create a new thread, and I will be happy to explore this topic with you.


    Trying to do so here will drag this thread off topic.

    • Like 4

  8. So a weight lifter lifts weights, eats a good diet with lots of protein, and rests his body well.


    Over time he builds muscle. 


    How would you classify a system that is exactly like that, but that extracts energy from the environment to build a physical spirit which mirrors the body. 



  9. One person I knew very well decided to mix, and blend together multiple systems, and they wound up in a mental hospital, and later killed themselves. 


    This sort of thing isn't anything you want to play around with.


    If you don't give fire the respect it deserves and you play around with it, you'll be burned alive.


    If you are getting Kundalini, or Qigong psychosis, that means you are practicing wrong.


    Either the method itself is wrong, or you've changed the method and it's wrong.


    The system I follow specially you cannot do MCO, and if your energy begins to naturally move in a MCO, you must stop it or the energy gets stuck in the brain causing psychosis among other problems.


    Other fellow students that have tried to blend MCO with our practice have been seriously injured.


    This is something beyond what herbs and acupuncture can help with.

    • Wow 1

  10. It was an interesting start of the year.


    I and two other members of our group used vacation time to fly out to meet a person who lives in California.


    We were interested in this person because they seemed very intelligent, articulate, and they "claimed" if we could provide proof they would join our group and dedicate their life to training.


    We will call the other party John Doe.


    We met John in the lobby of the hotel we were staying at.


    John seemed like a fairly laid back guy.


    Previously we had asked John to review a waiver and non disclosure agreement and explained he

    could either sign or not, but we would not modify these agreements for him.


    We explained we would pay his attorney to review the documents at our expense, but not to invite us out for a demonstration if he would refuse to sign them.


    We split the cost of his attorney's fees between our group, so the cost was negligible.


    When we met we called for a traveling notary and paid for it ourselves, John paid nothing.


    John presented his ID to the notary, signed, and we collected the documents.


    Sam a member of my group went back to his hotel room and stored the documents.


    We all hopped in the rental car, and went to lunch.


    After lunch we had to run to run to a home depot, and then a walmart for supplies for the demonstration.


    John was with us and watched us purchase the materials first hand so he knew there was no funny business.


    It was around 3pm when we arrived at the site for the demonstration.


    John watched intensely.


    Wait! John said.


    I want to see that again.


    Alright I said.


    Again the demonstration was repeated.


    John came over and test it himself and was not able to replicate the demonstration.


    John looked baffled for a moment.


    Sam was wearing just a pair of swim trunks and nothing else, not even shoes.


    John got angry.


    It's in your shorts isn't it.


    That's how you are doing this!


    Sam said I can take the shorts off if you like and repeat the demonstration.


    In the waiver you signed there is a clause which states the demonstration may be done in the nude and you are ok with seeing nudity.


    Yes take off your shorts Sam, John demanded.


    Sam complied and repeated the demonstration naked.


    John screamed!


    It's one of you two isn't it, it's some some of at a distance trick huh?


    We left the camera rolling on the tripod.


    We both backed up about 400 feet.


    Sam did the demonstration again.


    John grabbed our camera and smashed it.


    We both got our cellphones and started recording.


    Sam got dressed, and we looked at John.


    Sam grabbed our now destroyed camera, and shook his head.


    John was livid.


    So how does this trick work huh!


    It's not a trick John, I said calmly.


    Yeah that's what all you ****ing cults say.


    We aren't a cult John.


    You asked for a demonstration, and you got one, plain and simple.


    ****ing cult members trying to pull the wool over my eyes!


    You can't fool me with your BS.


    Alright John, I said.


    Do you want us to give you a ride back into town, or do you want to call an Uber?


    Get ****ed!! John said and started walking.


    We get back to the hotel room and pack up our stuff and decide to stay somewhere else based on John's mental break down.


    We move across town about 20 minutes to another suite, I order a pizza.


    We are sitting in the lobby talking about the day.


    John calls my cellphone.


    I want the contracts back I revoke my consent.


    I am sorry John you can't do that.


    I will ****ing sue you *** *** cult


    I block John's number.


    An email comes through from John threatening to sue, and accusing us of all sorts of nonsense.


    I block his email.


    Trying to lighten up the mood, I ask Sam and our other member if they want to go swimming.


    We had a good time despite the events of the afternoon.


    The next morning we take a look at the camera, it's gone.


    How much to replace? I ask


    Sam and Mike pull up the model on amazon, it's selling for about $1000.00


    I pull out my amex, and say get the extended warranty so we don't have to put up with this nonsense next time Sam.


    More often than not it's like this.


    People react violently to having their worldview and paradigms changed by force.


    Several thousand dollars gone, a week of vacation from work, gone.


    All to get spit on our faces.


    No good deed goes unpunished.

    • Wow 2

  11. This is possibly fictional in nature, but interesting to consider.


    Researchers placed a group of five monkey's in large enclosure. 


    In the enclosure was a step ladder and at the top of the ladder was a bunch of bananas.


    Whenever a monkey would try to climb the ladder, it would trigger a system to spray all the monkeys with freezing cold water. 


    Once all 5 monkey's learned not to climb the ladder, they removed one trained monkey, and replaced it with a new monkey that had not received the cold water treatment.


    They removed the automatic cold water spraying system.


    When the new monkey went for the ladder, the other 4 monkeys grabbed and beat him.


    Each time he tried he was beaten, until he learned not to climb the ladder.


    The researchers then replaced each monkey until none of the remaining monkeys had ever been blasted with cold water.


    Replacing a monkey again,  the new generation of monkeys actively prevented the new monkey from going near the ladder.


    The new generation of monkey's only had social conditioning but no direct knowledge of why they couldn't climb the ladder.


    While this story might not be true, it is still an interesting idea to consider.


    What sorts of social norms might we follow that have no connection to reality?


    What sub optimal actions might we take because that is what society expects of us?


    What things does the group consensus dictate that might be false?


    • Like 1

  12. On 12/16/2023 at 11:50 AM, HumanElectric said:

    Everyone has their own opinions as to what the purpose of the dantian is, or if it even exists. What is your opinion of the dantian? If you can back up your claims with reliable data, even better!


    I’ll go first though, in my opinion, it’s main purpose is to store excess qi. It’s secondary purpose is to provide one with vitality, that can be accessed in times of individual want or subconscious need. 


    Side note* This thread is only intended to start light-hearted conversation, that we all may be able to learn from. Let’s keep things on a positive note.


    I think your question reads like this:


    What is the purpose of a knife?


    Some people may use a knife for cutting up ingredients and cooking.


    Some people may use a knife for self defense.


    Some people may use a knife for surgery to save a life, or treat an ailment.


    It really depends who you are asking, and in what context you are doing the asking.


    In some traditions the LDT is used to store Yang Chi for later use.


    There are thousands of schools of thought as to the purpose of the LDT is.


    My advice to you would be first to clearly define what you are trying to achieve, and then look for schools that can offer you good hard objective evidence they do that, and then ask them what the actual purpose of the LDT is.


    If you take everyone's opinion as equally valid without regard to evidence, then you will be lost in nothing but static.  You need a way to separate the signal from the noise.

    • Like 1

  13. 10 minutes ago, Cobie said:

    I severely dislike the term ‘meat world’. It is so disrespectful of our wonderful bodies, without whom we wouldn’t even be here! And also it seems so dual in conception (the meat body versus the online mind).




    • Haha 1