
Junior Bum
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About Spiritualnewbie

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Hi Cobie!!

    wanted to say that im sry again for opening my last topic on rather tired state. Guess it wasnt with the best state of mind!! Thank you for your replies!! :) hope you are well!!

    1. Cobie


      Hi Spiritual-person! You are doing great, painting and cultivating the virtues! I’m very well, happy days. :)

  2. Finding my spiritual Path

    Hello @Gerard!! Thank you for your reply!! THere are Qigong classes in the city, and i think there are Tai Chi classes as well... Went to 2 QIgong classes wich i enjoyed. But i imagined more myself studying the daoist theory and applying it to painting(do you still think the internal martail arts are a "must" ?) . Its difficult to have so many options sometimes!!
  3. Finding my spiritual Path

    Hello @Maddie!!! good question, im not so sure myself, but i think to live a less stressfull live and with more meaning. But its true, it may be a bit egoistical from my side to only look for happiness for myself. Its a good question... will reflect somewhat more on it. @Cobie that sounds like a great idea! Wont have time to do paint everyday, thats for sure. But thats "ok". As you precisely pointed , its the tibetan art that doesnt speak so much to me , but other parts; cultivating the virtues are parts that i like very much! Thank you both for replying!!!
  4. Finding my spiritual Path

    @ChiDragonTHank you for the quick replies!! Ok ok , so going alone seems to be "alright" @Cobie thanks for your reply! I enjoy going to the buddhist group... and the people there are really friendly. Its just that buddhist art is one that i dont like that much. (go to the buddhist primarly to "try" and practice the virtues like generosity and kindness) @Cobieforgot to mention that im also trying to practice compassion, its not easy. ( i shouldnt be posting while feeling tired !!) couldnt find a way to upload images here on the forum so i will post 2 links to my instagram. Lost the name of the painter of the orignal colored painting. The one in black and white is from Ma yuan! https://www.instagram.com/p/DBM-LFORLjC/ https://www.instagram.com/p/DBM-IRWRqNV/
  5. Finding my spiritual Path

    Dear all, for a long time im searching for my spiritual path, and i really like daoist paintings, ( painting them), really resonate with them. Also like tibetan buddhism ( second to daoism). Would like to take the daoist path to keep doing the paintings, but there is no daoist group in my city. But there is a buddhist group where I frequently go. Is it "ok" to go the daoist path alone?? Is in my situation recommended to do this, or is it preferable to go to a local group of a spirituality that i dont want thaat much..? Any advice is greatly appreciated. This forum is kind!
  6. hello!!!!!!

    thanks for welcoming me!!! :)!!! @Pak_Satrio @Cobie @ilumairen wish you the silence behind all things.
  7. Daoist paintings, can they be used as spiritual practice?

    thank you again Chidragon! And sry for the late reply again! dont overdo it with answering me wish you a relaxed day. Manuel @ChiDragon
  8. Daoist paintings, can they be used as spiritual practice?

    Hello! and thank you all 3!!!!!!!! thats the kind of answers I expected. (Sry for the late reply). Want to some Yoga everyday because I need the excercise, but I want to paint as a main spiritual practice. @ChiDragon My heart says your answer is very deep. Still dont understand it fully though. I will look for excercises to open the heart, but one thing I realized ( using my heart) Is that I look too much to be succesfull and not that much what I like to do. @CamelliaThanks! I bought a book called the tao of art, talking about the theory behind chinese paintings, once I have some spare money i will look for "The tao of watercolor" sound very intersting. I love to play, but dont know how to be playful in what I do. Steve, i cant read enough books, ( im a bit too theoretical, i hate it.) Same with "the tao of watercolor" Im gonna try to buy it once i read the book I already ordered. Thank you again :)! @steve
  9. Hello all, hope you are all relaxed. hope im posting this on the right forum. My question is, can daoist paintings be used as spiritual practice, watching them or even better, painting them?Like mantras in yoga or buddhism. I feel them to be very spiritual , but im very insecure and doubt a lot! Im no expert in chinese paintings, ( which I was) but one example is of zhang daqian (you can press at the painting to enlarge it) thank you and hope to read you soon. Manuel
  10. hello!!!!!!

    Hi all!! im happy to get to know this forum. My interest in daoist is mainly to paint daoist paintings and i have 1 question which i want to post in the correct forum. Nice to meet you all I hope we all get along well. Best wishes, Manuel