Yes, Steve Gray is in Ecuador. I bought his Vimeo instruction package (super cheap and fantastic value). The energy is very powerful. However, beware, even an advanced practitioner such as myself had a powerful initial counter-reaction: 9 weeks of really bad sciatica and I broke a tooth. [Sorry my Brothers: "No Pain, No Gain" is a must sometimes]. I have streamlined his system into something where I get the energy and power in 30 seconds or less. Now the energy is just humming inside all the time. You'll sleep a lot less!
To answer your questions: Why did you pick Zhan Zhuang to practice? I put out some powerful prayers to the Universe for some new techniques that would really take me to a higher level - I prayed for quantum leaps. I got that right away doing Master Gray's techniques. Also, earlier, when I saw one of his videos on YouTube I could feel the power & energy. Intuitively I knew it would be powerful for me and my healing practice.
What else have you done for the 32 years? For 10 years I studied very intensely with Dr. Pillai (Sri Siva) - I am the only person he's initiated into the Tamil (South Indian) Siddha lineage which is all about helping people experience miracles and help them to heal their life! It's been an honor and humbling. I am recognized as master in the lineage. My Guru still appears to me in dreams and gives me attunements. After a spontaneous awakening 44 years ago, I worked solo with the Kundalini energy . For the past 10 years I have pared down Grand Master Chia's system to smaller, more digestible, and I believe, more Chi/power producing chunks. I also worked with magnetism, mesmerism & hypnosis - altogether I think that's the most potent cocktail for self-help and to help others. The past 7 years I have been doing alot of work with the Philosopher's Stone - both the inner alchemy & outer alchemy paths. If I may give some unsolicited advice: find a teacher do everything they tell you to do for a couple of years, then, explore other areas that you are intuitively drawn to. Combine all these techniques to create your personal alchemy to create a great life inner and outer. Keep going and let nothing or no one stop you!