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About WujitoTao

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  1. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Hi Infolad, You can see it as dangerous , i don't.. You 're all dealing with microcosmic orbit , kundalini awakening and stuff here and all these are not dangerous ? Why am i forbidden to talk about this subject ? that's crazy... I know that.. they are going down deep also and push their limit... What 's the goal here? bringing fear ? it's dangerous yes,... At last I'm not smart yes.. I know QI-gong more than 10 years, i freedive more than 6. SO we need to be 10 years experienced in something to start doing it ? ah ok.. i didn't know... PLease why you talk to me like a child, i'm 38 years old grown up... For sure I was doing it quite well yes. My pulse could be like one beat per 2 seconds or more. ANd i freedived 10 meters deep for 2 minutes . Where am i not respectful with my approach ? How do you know that ? Actual professional can be "charlatans" most of the time... as you said above. Anyway, thanks for you time.. i just don't know why this subject is so tabou... i expected more discussion and less tabou... being answered "it's impossible to lower the heartbeat " (which is totally false) or "it's dangerous to lower the heartbeat" (which i think is good personnally) wasn't my expectation....
  2. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    i already made it true before (like 5 or 7years ago) when i was doing breathing and breath holding exercises with deep relaxation, .. why being so ironic? i don't understand, it's not so extraordinary !... you are dealing with mco, kundalini, energy circulation and such and slowing heartbeat is like an impossible challenge... there's something i don't get here...
  3. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Not true.. Apneist are droping their heart rate to very very low levels... umberto pelizzari,.. Guillaume Nery, etc etc... Umberto pelizzari said that is heart rate like one beat every five or ten seconds, while being 100 meters down.. even buddhsit monk and such are doing it.. what about turtle/ hybernation breathing ?
  4. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    It seems to me the subject of this thread have slipped a little and I would like that you people focuss back on the main theme. I don't mean to be rude, but you people deals with energy , mco and such advanced esoteric things and when it comes to simple question as to how succeeding in slowing down the heart rate, the answer is not so clear. To summarize, the main answer is ; getting relaxed, not to focuss on the heart but on deep breathing insteadn and the LDT and such. The fact is that when we do a quick search on the internet we can find specific techniques on how to achieve it, like the one with the longer exhales. In fact, it is what everyone is advising on the web regarding lowering the heartrate, to have longer exhales than inhales. I would like to know what you guys think about it: if it actually works for you or not? Personnaly i haven't noticed a clear success by doing it, but maybe i need to do it longer or to practice more. Apneists tends to focuss and longer exhales for an another reason; it is in order not to hyperventilate. Also, having longer exhales mean that one needs to get his airflow more narrow while exhaling. I noticed a quite easy thing that i haven't see anyone to adress in my whole "carreer" an that i think is of utmost importance, is the following: breathing can be done using the face breathing orifice or not. I mean you can force the breathing using your mouth or your nose (in that case the mouth and the nose are making a sound) or otherwise you can breath more internally (like the air is sucked from the belly) and the mouth and the nose are not making any sound at all , but you can hear the sound coming from the belly instead. I think you know what i mean. In order to make your breath longer, it seems that you should choose the second option. So maybe, while inhaling, you use the first option and while exhaling you choose the second, in order to achieve the objective. What would be the best option in order to inhale the more oxygen possible ? i would think the first option. When you see apnesit taking air with their mouth, they do it forcing the air in , which looks like the first breathing option.
  5. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Depends on your age i guess, you can control it easily though. (the pc muscle technique) Besides, i don't really see the reasons why one should'nt do qi-gong after having sex.. I always have been aware of the energetic depletion caused by ejaculation though,.. but why is it like forbidden to practice breathing exercices or 8 pieces of brocades?... i don't see any contraindications. Maybe it's for really advanced practicionners that needs to feel the Qi , to perform a microcosmic orbit or to project QI? maybe they cannot feel it after having sex ? lol.. i don't know
  6. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Yes , in my case, that can be stress or angryness.. idon't see food with endocrins disruptors, as we (with my family) are really carefull about the quality of food we eat. But i 'm also really suspicious about COVID.. because i know that i caught it several times, and we shouldn't be wary about it.... it's like an elephant in the room and nobody 's lookign at it!... Anyway, you're right about non physical causes and i still believe angryness or irritability, can be a cause. Hypertyroïdia is driving people irritable but maybe it's irritability that caused hypertyroïdia in the first place, and hyperthyroïdia only makes it even worse.
  7. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Hmm.. When i used to have advanced practice of Qi-gong, i used to have really deep breathing and also breathhold (like 2 to 3mn breathhold). At that time, i remember that my heartrate was droping and had a really soft, steady and slow heartbeat. I don't see that as a really advanced practice, Every serious qi-gong (or pretends to be) practicionner should be able to get into a state af deep relaxation with a very slow heartbeat. I know what you mean about freediving ( we must have a buddy and so on). the fact is that you do not always have a buddy that can follow you 10meters deep.. i only practice it occasionnally and am really aware of all the things to know , don't worry. Regarding, hypertyhroïdia, my so-called "specialist" cannot give me the causes of it, it is auto-immune and that's it... she also doesn't know about phytotherapy at all and when i said to her that i stopped the pills and was taking Lycupus Europeaus, she asked me what is that thing ?? Can you imagine ? A specialist that even doesn't know about the first herb that is acting against hyperthyroïdia !... AT first i already haven't had a strong confidence in conventional medecine, but now,... I think i'll search another doctor.. Thanks for you replies, much appreciated, will read the others throuhgout the day, Have a Good day
  8. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Thank you for your answer Infolad, There's also this interesting quote from the page link i pasted above: Equally, while a deep, vigorous in-breath will strongly stimulate the SNS, if we make our inhalation long, slow, quiet and deep (to the lower abdomen) we moderate this with PSNS activation (yin within yang). And while a slow, releasing exhalation will strongly stimulate the PSNS, if we exhale more vigorously and noisily, for example when lifting a weight or making a martial strike, then we increase SNS within PSNS (yang within yin). When i focuss on my heart, it speeds up Lol.. it depends i guess also of the state of mind. What would be your best technique/procedure to slow your heart rate at will ? As you mentionned that the heartrate slows on the exhale, i assume that you would do with longer exhale than inhale? i focuss on this because i'm also interested in that field of reducing heartrate and oxygen consumption as i like to freedive when i'm in holidays at the sea.. ahah This guy made me thought about that exhaling longer than inhaling : (he can breath hold like more than 9 minutes) I didn't get what is the matther with that thing called "Vibrating the palm", what's that ?
  9. I would recommend legit Master as Dr Yang Jwing Ming, he has done an extraordinary work with his DVD's of the theory and the practice of Qi-gong. Regarding your concerne about building QI. I think building is the same as Storing no ? WHy do you see a difference here ? Some says you build(or store) first and then you can lead the chi in the body.. From my point of vue, in order to "feel" the chi, you must do quite a long period of diligent practice.. i remember when i could feel it but anyway, you are not sure whether it is your imagination more than a real thing. As far as i remember, Master Yang J. M., advised not to separate the two phases. When you store the QI to an abundant level, it then becomes more dangerous to make it circulate by doing mistakes. He then advise to practice the circulation even with a small amount of QI. Of course at first you should learn how to "feel" it.
  10. Beautiful pagan music

    Paganism refer to the religions (Odinism, Druidism, Helenism..) of Europe prior to Christianism expansion (with swords most of the time...)
  11. Chi Dragon is right. Young or not, there's nothing wrong doing some breathing techniques and such.. Even some YiJing Jin like Master Shi Heng Yi (check on youtube) : You can do also Martial Arts or Boxing, this is very good and should be done when young.
  12. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    If you ask my endocrinologist (so called "specialist" here in france), she will say that it's almost impossible to know the causes.. this is an auto-immune illness so that's it.. when i ask her about Covid (which i had quite often..) or even 5G,... it's like i am from another planet.. We shouldn't even talk about Covid now;. .. it has completely disapeared like a magic and it of course shouldn't have influences or consequences... Anyway. Regardless of the causes, I personally think that i should get back on strenghtening my immune system personnaly and internally. What 's better than qi-gong or internal/energetic exercices in order to to it ? But you 're right i should keep on trying to figure out what are the causes. (i think it is due to Covid personnally) I also focuss on phytotherapy which i believe to be better , smoother than chimical pills brought by health Industry .
  13. Right technique to lower the heart rate

    Hi, thank you for your answer, who is infolad ? Maybe we can just share here, because it can also be interesting to others ?