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Posts posted by Jannski

  1. 36 minutes ago, Miffymog said:


    There used to be a time when Terry would recommend that when you are learning FPCK, if it is your first type of qi gong or internal martial art, it’s best just to focus on it alone for the first couple of years while your energy body becomes used to the new energy flows that FPCK induces.


    However, if you were already a Tai Chi practitioner, then as long as your FPCK session is at a different time of day to your Tai Chi practice, then you can do both, ie practice Tai Chi while learning FPCK.


    This approach has changed a little bit where he now says it is fine to learn both FPCK and another internal art at the same time, as long as the sessions are separated by a little bit of time in the same day.


    I just do FPCK, but I do add joint loosening, back stretching, tendon stretching and kua opening to my practice.


    However, I know that other FPCK practitioners have combined learning FPCK with other various energy and internal martial arts with out any problem, so in short, it should be okay.



    Thank you very much for that reply :) 


    And just to add on a little extra question: Would that also apply to a different system like Hatha Yoga ? I did a routine for the last couple of months consisting of asanas and pranayama and i really like to at least incorporate the sun salutation and some firebreath (pranayama) to cleanse the energy channels. Still im kinda new to the inner arts so i thought i better ask. 

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  2. Hello :)


    I was wondering if its ok to combine the FPCK with the daoist system of da xuan by serge augier im learning at the moment or better to just go with one of them ?


    Im first and foremost trying to heal body mind and soul.


    Thank you

  3. Hi there


    Im here to improve my health and find back to a routine and stable practice after many years of adventures around the world and not caring for body mind and soul. 


    I used to practice seven star mantis kung fu under grandmaster lee kam wing starting when i was 5/6 until i was 16 and then ventured off into other things and explose myself and the world.


    Now that im 34 i come back to it all but feel a deeper calling to the inner arts and also wanting to establish good health and a safe foundation to continue my path im here for.


    I spent time in India the last months learning true hatha & kundalini yoga and studying tantric literature. I feel it helps me to have a good and solid system to build up my body and energy body again and cleanse myself from toxins and energetic/emotional baggage that has been accumulated since i left home when i was 16.


    Yet  i feel more connected and called to the way of the dao and inner cultivation such as qigong/ neigong as well as tai ji. 


    I will start to train with a student of Serge Augier in his Da Xuan system next week and see how that feels. I also got curious about "Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Chi Kung" since i read about it here on DaoBums but i can only find the hardcover dvd online. Anyone knows if or where i could get the digital version to download ? I dont have a dvd player nor a television. 


    I also checked out Jerry Alan Johnson for Taiji and found some students where i live that teach his system.


    Either way thats about me and my slow steps back into a healthier and more grounded life building myself up again after experiencing an energetic breakdown/burnout many years ago after an intense rebirth breathing session that opened too many traumas and things at once. Some called it premature kundalini awakening others called it chi deviation or chi sickness. Either way something got stuck, went the wrong way and im suffering many weird symptoms since 8 years to this day due to this. One physical/energetic symptom being a tinnitus or humming on especially my right ear and fatigue, intense dreams and bad sleep and energetic sensitivity. Feels like i burned myself energetically. 


    Thats how i started to look into microcosmic orbit and qi gong again. Getting Chinese medicine acupuncture treatments now as well. Trying to heal.


    If anyone has further recommendation or any comments im always open to hear them. Thanks for reading and see you around.


    If anyone has a lead concerning the flying phoenix healing chi kung material it would be deeply appreciated. I would love to obtain it and start practicing it.



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