
Junior Bum
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About amosharari

  • Rank
    Dao Bum

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  1. Hello from a NewComer

    Hello, I'm happy i found you! I thought the only thing i needed (beside spending good time with my best teachers Lau-Tzu and Chuang Tzu) was a recommendation re. Chuang Tzu's translation (after reading Thomas Merton a few times and peeking into Burton Watson and Brook Ziporyn). I then discovered (a month ago) the new much-more-than-a-translation, by Christopher Tricker, The Cicada & the Bird. I'm reading/studying it now and am happy. Furthermore, I feel i don't need anything else (including the Tao-Te-Ching)... I'm going to Wudang Mountain, China (for a month) this autumn and beside Google Translate and my Chinese learning app, this e-book (my best friend/teacher) is definitely going with me! (...I'm 73, a former paratrooper and airline pilot...)