Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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About Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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    About as much as these guys:

    Yes, about as much as the... nvm. But the answer is no haha.
  3. Christianity

    It is just a playfull name apech, dont take it to serious
  4. change name request

    Much love
  5. Christianity

    @Thrice Daily I do not want to ignore you. As @blue eyed snake said, you seem genuine and passionate. But in order to respond to you, I need some help: what exactly do you want my input on?
  6. Christianity

    Lets take a look at four different societies. Three of them described in Graeber and Wengrows "dawn of everything," and one theory put forward in "12.000 med norsk historie." 1. Heroic societies: ("dawn of everything", chapter 8. "IN WHICH WE DESCRIBE HOW (WRITTEN) HISTORY, ANDPROBABLY (ORAL) EPIC TOO, BEGAN: WITH BIG COUNCILSIN THE CITIES, AND SMALL KINGDOMS IN THE HILLS") 2. Indus valley IN WHICH WE CONSIDER WHETHER THE INDUS CIVILIZATION WAS AN EXAMPLE OF CASTE BEFORE KINGSHIP 3. The Indigenous Critique: native Americans as a mirror to European society «I have spent six years reflecting on the state of European society and I still can't think of a single way they act that is not inhuman, and I genuinely think this can only be the case as long as you stick to your distinctions of 'mine' and 'thine'. To imagine one can live in the country of money and preserve one's soul is like imagining one could preserve one's life at the bottom of a lake.»Kondiaronk, Huron chief, 1600s So, all the above is from "the dawn of everything by Wengrow and Graeber. The central thesis is that there is no "state of nature." Societies are not predetermined to develop a certain way, they are built consciously and vary greatly. Truth be told, the book as attracted some criticism, but make up your own mind. 4. Scandianavian trust based societies Alright, now I am entering etnocentric and politically iucorrect territory. but fact is, the Scandinavian countries do have the highest amount of social trust of all nations on the plant. Sturla Ellingsvåg, who is a genetics and historian who have done research with Max Planc institute, David Reich lab at harward and Kristian Kristiansen at the university of Copenhagen (all this to say, he knows what he is talking about), put the high degree of trust down to genetic heritage from the Scandinavian hunter gatherers. There were simply no way to survive in an environment like Scandinavia with out it. Edit: continuation: it is also interresting how he argues for the Aesir being the indo euro invaders, vanir the early european farmers and jotuns the scandinavian hunter gatherers. The aesir are certainly a so called heroic society, the vanir asscociated with fertility and probally more egalitarian. edit two: ill refrain from making any value judgement. To me, they are all just different expressions of culture, each with their pros and cons. I do not want to be a slave in Mesopotamia, nor do I want to be invaded by the indo europeans. Allthough… the hunther gatherer life style strikes me as quite romantic.

    «Og den som sier disse ord, den er fisens ekte mor»
  8. Christianity

    To be blunt @Thrice Daily, I do not allways follow your train of thoughts.

    If not they beat it to death to cleanse IT of THEIR sins, I can't recall. How was it, @Daniel?

    @Daniel I smell some uncleared air here, may I reccomend leviticus 16 so that we once again can find peace within the community?
  11. Christianity

    But I do not want to be a dick here, but I do somehow feel like I am not making myself understood here. If you are truly convinced that there is one god and one god only, why bother how and who people are worship? Is it not a paradox?
  12. Christianity

    I mean, I agree, but why are they put together in the same book?
  13. Christianity

    This is how the wild hunt looks today. Possibly for the better:
  14. Christianity

    There is a poem written to this pic by Welhaven. Asgaardreien (road to Asgard), 1844. It is translated by AI, so much of the poetry is lost. But regardless, here you go:
  15. Christianity

    buuut I am in the process of doing so… Ive listened alot to Crawford in the past, he is an Expert on the norse. Anyhow, why dont sdress the question instead of reffering me to a podcast?