Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Possibly the greatest spiritual text ive read. So short as well. 10/10. For me, this is the verse that captures it best, IMO: Qoute @Tommy I belive life is an illusjon, but not for the same reason. I belive coinciousness is eternal, and that the material is a construct of the mental. But sure, this is just my personal belief.
  2. Enlightenment - what is it?

    What term does east asians use for the concept?
  3. Psychotic behavior resulting from occult study.

    What is that? I like it
  4. Psychotic behavior resulting from occult study.

    allow me to share mine pets
  5. Psychotic behavior resulting from occult study.

    But my friend, cant help those you dont want help, my mother told me
  6. Psychotic behavior resulting from occult study.

    God from Godin wich comes from Odin, fairly common dog name where I live
  7. On esotericism: Why the secracy?

    And why tell people you have secret knowledge? Doesnt that defeat the purpose? Also, I often hear it talked about as western, is that the case? And when did Egypt become western?
  8. Axioms Against Cognitive Distortion

  9. Who or what is "satan"?

    Daniel, stop tagging me. In done. If you continue ill report a lot of Your posts. I basically never report, but this is madness
  10. Axioms Against Cognitive Distortion

    Can I ask you something? Why do you feel entitled to being viewed as special? I am talking about you as in individual and not you as in a jew. edit: and what do you hope to achieve with this thread? What is the topic here
  11. Axioms Against Cognitive Distortion

    Jesus Daniel this is acctually getting silly, I am not even mad but this is something else. Lets see where it goes
  12. Who or what is "satan"?

    Exhaustion. I am fairly straight forward by nature. When about does the pentagram show up in the record, and where?
  13. Very unpopular opinions

    It kind of is tho. If the two doesnt match, it is «you» who redefined it. Not that it matters anyways, it is just a little silly to claim arabs cant grasp algebra
  14. Who or what is "satan"?

    Is «friend in India» more authorative then britannica?
  15. Who or what is "satan"?

    Can you show us the eldest example of the star of David (Shatkona) please? No need for an essay, just concrete evidence
  16. Very unpopular opinions

    Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but «we» very much did: Edit: If it is unclear how rta and karma relates:
  17. Very unpopular opinions

    @Taoist Texts are you suggesting we are incapable of grasping cause and effect, or would you like to expand a bit? What you reap is what you sow
  18. Very unpopular opinions

    Etymology. Borrowed from Sanskrit कर्मन् (karman, “act, action, performance”), from the root कृ (kṛ, “to do, make”), from the Proto-Indo-European root *kʷer- (“to do, make, build”).
  19. Who or what is "satan"?

    😂 thats a qoute for the history books : )
  20. Jewish Plurality

    Btw Daniel, at this point im not really reading Your posts anymore, just skimming trough them for the laughs. It is interresting from an antropological standpoint
  21. Jewish Plurality

    Ive done two Edits in this thread. One was done one min after i posted it, the other the same minute… I hope the others here double check this so they can determine your integrity themself….
  22. Jewish Plurality

    «A wise man once said nothing at all»
  23. Jewish Plurality

    I really dont. It is just one faith out of maaaany. A relativley small one as well. Allthough ill admit that the etnic nature of it is foreign to me. Why do you keep tagging me If you think I hate you and just want to lecture me? ADOS? Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule? One step forward, two step back.
  24. Who or what is "satan"?

    @Daniel you still havent covered Job for us
  25. Who or what is "satan"?

    “ [in]… the Christian reformation of the Jewish concept of the Deity: the morally ambiguous Yahweh became an exclusively good God, while everything evil was united in the devil…. Thanks to the development of feeling-values, the splendor of the ‘light’ god has been enhanced beyond measure, but the darkness supposedly represented by the devil has localized itself in man. This strange development was precipitated chiefly by the fact that Christianity, terrified of Manichaean dualism, strove to preserve its monotheism by main force. But since the reality of darkness and evil could not be denied, there was no alternative but to make man responsible for it. Even the devil was largely, if not entirely abolished, … We think that the world of darkness has thus been abolished for good and all, and nobody realizes what a poisoning this is of man’s soul….[12]