Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. Who or what is "satan"?

    Sure maddie, but id like to hear Your thoughts, please.
  2. Who or what is "satan"?

    Who is an evil spirit. The king of evil spirits, even. The advisary of God, or good. My argument has been that «satan» is a lable we put on much we dont like. He is barley mentioned in the bible, so a lot of the lore around him is non-biblical, folk belief. If you disagree, thats fine, but id like it If you flesh it Out more. Looking forward to Daniels take from a jewish perspective as well.
  3. Who or what is "satan"?

    Isnt that pretty much the same?
  4. Who or what is "satan"?

    And the cat can kill a mouse
  5. Who or what is "satan"?

    But that is kind of the issue.. for me at least, saying «dont go there, there are ghosts there,» does not cut it. I am even open to the possibility of spirits, but..
  6. Who or what is "satan"?

    Maybe, but how do you suggest we discuss it based on someones experience on the astral plane?
  7. Who or what is "satan"?

    I feel pretty confident we are talking about it in a Christian or jewish context. He is barley mentioned in the bible. His names means advisary. Mentioned tree times in OT. In NT he seems to become a force of his own, «the god of this world.»
  8. Who or what is "satan"?

    Haha youre right. My thoughts related to the tendacy to demonize. Beelzepub means lord of shit and was probally the god of the philistines. Greek daimon and english demon has very different conotations. Point is that things that were common, even good, has been changed or morphed into something satanic. And what is satan If not evil personofied?
  9. Who or what is "satan"?

    Just a little curiousity. St. Lucia is celebrated at 13th desember in Italy, and in… scandinavia, seemingly lacking elsewhere in Europe. Lucia comes from latin lux, meaning light. In the Julian calender, the 13th desember was belived to be the darkest night of the year. Legends of women going around checking If people have preparer for christmas, and either showering them with gifts or punishing them If they fail to do so, are found all across Europe (frau holda, lussi, baba yaga). Notice the similarity between Lussi and Lucia btw. She takes one of two forms: either demonic, ugly, devil like, child eating witch, or a friendly women dressed in white carrying a light.
  10. Who or what is "satan"?

    Apperantly both hex and witch (and wicca) stems from PIE *weik, meaning to change or bend. Not until christianity came along did it become something demonic, it seems. At least not to the same degree. Female healers and virgins and seers seems to have been a custom troughout pagan Europe. 2 numbers 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
  11. Who or what is "satan"?

    But it is curious how this: became this:
  12. Who or what is "satan"?

    Mhm Ive heard similar claims. There is also the reccuring pattern of demonizing the out groups deity. But im curious. God is often discussed, satan not so much. Maybe my cultural background gives me a perception of satan that does not correspond to the jewish perspective. Maybe the binary good/bad is more nuanced. What on earth is going on in Job for instance? I think if I had to define a «devil» figure, it would represent chaos, the unnatural. Entropy.
  13. Who or what is "satan"?

    Sure. The problem is that I dont find any objectivity in good and evil, I find it arbitrary. Does not mean that I dont operate with the concepts, but thats all there is, imo. From the perspective of a… tuna, rape isnt wrong, right. But go ahead and tell me what you think. Who is satan? And why is satan?
  14. Transgender Q&A

    Why is there so strikingly many trans people in Thailand compared to the rest of the world?
  15. Your world view

    Agnostisism, atheism, monotheism, pantheism, polytheism, animister etc. What do you consider most likley/reasonable, and why? I lean towards monism/pantheism, all is one and there we are all individuated aspects of the divine. I like the hindu creation myth: In the beginning, there was only the eternal, infinite, and all-encompassing Brahman. From this infinite expanse, Brahma, the creator, emerged. Alone and immersed in his solitude, Brahma desired to create the universe. To fulfill his desire and dispel his loneliness, Brahma split himself into two, creating the first male and female beings. From his right side, he created the male, and from his left side, the female. The male became Manu, the progenitor of mankind, and the female became Shatarupa, the mother of all living beings. Together, Manu and Shatarupa began the process of creation, giving birth to the first humans and all living creatures. Thus, the universe emerged from the union of the divine pair, formed from the very essence of Brahma himself.
  16. Who or what is "satan"?

    this is Varg Vigernes. He is a satanist and a murderer. He burned down one of Norways iconic stav-churchers. This one: its a replica of one made in 1170, build in pagan temple style, so kind of ironic.
  17. Who or what is "satan"?

    (Sorry, couldnt resist)
  18. Who or what is "satan"?

    Oh there are loads of them. Well, not really, but literally every village has that one dude who looks like a serial killer, hates everything Christian and worships the old gods. Not that the old gods are any more satanic then OT god tho
  19. Your world view

    Why does god, as you labled all powerfull and benevolent, dislike parts of his own creation?
  20. Your world view

    Yes, but isnt it a contradiction that the devil )or satan If you wish) is an aspect of god?
  21. Your all time favorite books

  22. Your world view

    But @Daniel, doesnt jews belive in good and evil, satan and the bottom less pit? How is this compatable with with everything stemming from God?
  23. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    I mean, If you are going to kill me, at least give me the honor of telling me Your secrets first 🧙‍♂️
  24. Your all time favorite books

    Hmmm… everyone is free to write what they like, but initially I was thinking about books or texts that means a lot to you, personally
  25. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Fascinating, plain and simple. So the aboriginals has to a large degree managed to old on to their way of Life and tradition? I was under the perception that only a very few and very remote people managed that. But good on them!