Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. Your all time favorite books

    By Hesse ive read Siddharta and steppenwolf. Both very good, so might give journey tte a try. On another note, you guys familiar with Murakami. I like him quite a bit, how about you?
  2. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    So, according to Google these are the wise men of aboriginal cultures. Would you like to talk a little about them?
  3. Your all time favorite books

    Thus spoke zarathustra Der Steppenwolf (Hesse) Hunger (Hamsun)
  4. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    Why wont you share it then?
  5. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Can I ask what the purpose of these communities and the knowledge is?
  6. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    But @Daniel, why shouldnt he laugh? I sure enjoy to laugh
  7. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Go ahead
  8. Spirit / Soul

    @Nungali, If you feel «done» with the convo, it is no problem. But I reread my thread about the bhagavad gita, and I think my assumption is based on this: Of course, this is only a belief and not a proven fact, but I wanted to explain myself.
  9. Your all time favorite books

    So, lets see: 1. meditations by aurelius 2. Children of Ash and Elm Neil Price attempts to write about the norse from the perspective of the norse. Very refreshing considering how much church propaganda, romanticism, nazism and demonisation they have been subject to. 3. Bhagavad Gita I wrote a summary here: 4. embarresed to say so, but Harry Potter series. It literally was my childhood. Hope to hear about What books or texts has been special to you, and more importantly; why.
  10. What is your main take away from the journey of life?

    From the emperor (Aurelius) himself:
  11. We are all human, and the road can be both magical and soulbreaking. Briefly, what idea/experience/practise have given you tje most? Any advice to the younger crowd? Edit: mine would be the biggest clische of all time - be true to yourself and others.
  12. Spirit / Soul

    Thank you. Maybe this is telling of my intellectual honesty, but i prefer a little extra spice compared to much salt;)
  13. Spirit / Soul

    Made a note of it, on the «reader later» category. Seems like you reccomend them?
  14. What is your main take away from the journey of life?

    So true, so true: we all function differntly, and some communication styles can truly hurt others. But I belive it is possible to speak your mind in a manner that is not offensive to anyone. Or, maybe not anyone, but what can I say… cant please everybody. "To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing." Aristotle Any jewish parable you had in mind?
  15. What is your main take away from the journey of life?

    Ehm, not really, outside of the basic ones. Sure, dont tell a four year old that Santa is pure lulu, but generally; I consider straight speech moral, constructive and the best option. How about you?
  16. What is your main take away from the journey of life?

    According to Herodotus, Persian nobility taught their kids tree things: Ride well Shoot straight Speak the truth Metaphorically, I think it is solid advice.
  17. Spirit / Soul

    Cave and cosmos? Have not read, but sounds really intruiging.
  18. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    Do you know why it looks like justinian «the great» wants us all dead?
  19. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    I know why the high priests If Jerusalem are laughing, do you?
  20. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    But do you really..?
  21. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    Isnt that depicting the chinese Buddha?
  22. Spirit / Soul

    Right, I definetly think there is something there. That tradition and rituals can survive a lot, but maybe not a change in religion. Shame to say it, but when we are on to the sami: their shamans (if I may use that term) got activley persecuted, even burned. One of them admitted to just going trough the notions, with the past being reffered to as trummetiden - the time of the drum.
  23. Very unpopular opinions

    I listened. This I found very intruiging: This inscription of dhamma (dharma) has been engraved so that any sons or great-grandsons that I may have should not think of gaining new conquests… They should only consider conquest by dhamma to be a true conquest, and delight in dhamma should be their whole delight. intruiging doesnt do it justice. Extraordinary.
  24. Spirit / Soul

    Could the kalmyk mongols you mention have any relation to the huns? Reason for asking is a shift in material culture around the time of atilla, in witch the artifacts Are described as becomming more animistic or shamanic in nature.
  25. Spirit / Soul

    The empty text box happened automatically. Context: if the traits that makes us human, are different in degree or nature to that of animals. Instead of assuming what traits you think that is, ill let you speak your mind