Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. What are you listening to?

  2. How to Get more deeply in to hinduism?

    I have read the bagavad gita as well someeee of the vedic texts. Isha upanishad in particular was the most enlightenting text i have every read (highly reccomend, only 18 verses). So, since my experience so far has les to a lot of growth, i feel, what would my fellow bums advice for an even greater understanding?
  3. Is there an east/west schism

    I think academica has become to fractualized and «intellectual» and that it is harmfull to our way of seing and understanding ourselves and the world we live in
  4. Is there an east/west schism

    @Mark Foote the fact that we (some of us) need science to prove the importance of lowering stress levels and good posture is evidence of how lost parts of the modern west has become
  5. What are you listening to?

  6. What are you listening to?

    @Nungali does any aboriginals you have contact with, tradition with singing their myths?
  7. I am looking for some inspiration. I often turn to enterainment or video games, but I dont find it very fufilling, so what do you like to do?
  8. What are you listening to?

    edit: scratch the second to last. The last one is the same song, but better qaulity. Might just be etnosentrism, but the male and female, Norwegian and swedish duet is hypnotic to me. In my ears, swedish is easily the most beautifull language on planet earth. I can add a version of their anthem aswell:
  9. Is there an east/west schism

    How so, do you think? For me, wisdom and science are two seperate fields, like intelligence and rationality and empathy for example.
  10. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    I think im in minoriry here, but for me, it means that (all) men (and women ofc. :)) has the divine spark within them and that God is present everywhere. I doubt the church would agree, but im curious to hear how you interpet it, considering that it it is the cornerstone of the faith. Is it heretical for me to interpet the Son, not only as Christ, but as humanity?
  11. Know thyself

    Thats why i added honesty with oneself. That might be the harderst out of all of them.
  12. Know thyself

    I think honesty is everything in the exploration of knowledge in general, and even more so in self knowledge. Honesty with Your self, with others, in your words, thoughts and action, and having the guts to express them clearly and authentically.
  13. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    I have not read the avestas, but how interresting is this, when you compare it to the first paragraph of John: 51 (108). Then he shall speak unto Spenta Ârmaiti 1, saying: ‘O Spenta Ârmaiti, this man do I deliver unto thee; this man deliver thou back unto me, against the mighty day of resurrection; deliver him back as one who knows the Gâthas, who p. 199 knows the Yasna, and the revealed law 1, a wise and clever man, who is the Word incarnate. @Nungali Might be able to provide some context?
  14. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    I have shared this before, but i think it is worth sharing: so you think enlightentment is becoming whole? A funny thing about at least germanic languages, is that health, holy, healing etc. all seem to derive from whole
  15. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    I agree @snowymountains 1. what is enlightentment? Must be more like a scale and not some state where all is butterflies and strawberries for eternity 2. no tradition/teachings/doctrine can, almost by definition, be complete
  16. Know thyself

    It is allways fascinating when different traditions share the same symbolism
  17. Know thyself

    So how do we coordinate them, or get to know, understand and master them? For socrates, the answer was knowledge
  18. Know thyself

  19. Know thyself

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am curious about self knowledge, not internett beefs
  20. Know thyself

    Know thyself people, know thyself… maybe im ignorant, but I dont see the red line here
  21. I hope I dont come of as arrogant here, that is really not my intention, but there are two things from another forum I am active in, that I thought might be worth implementing. Dont get me wrong, this is obviously 100% up to the staff, just wanted to share it. 1. an overview over trending threads. Would look something like this. Trending: 1. how do you meditate? 247 posts 2. X 3. Y … you get the point. 2. a thread where we can nominate the best threads or posts of the month, and then present them.
  22. Know thyself

    And will go on forever
  23. Know thyself

    Thought you might like this: The soul (245c–249d)edit He begins by briefly proving the immortality of the soul. A soul is always in motion and as a self-mover has no beginning. A self-mover is itself the source of everything else that moves. So, by the same token, it cannot be destroyed. Bodily objects moved from the outside have no soul, while those that move from within have a soul. Moving from within, all souls are self-movers, and hence their immortality is necessary.[Note 20] Then begins the famous chariot allegory. A soul, says Socrates, is like the "natural union of a team of winged horses and their charioteer". While the gods have two good horses, everyone else has a mixture: one is beautiful and good, while the other is neither.[Note 21]
  24. Is there an east/west schism

    Numbered fragmentsedit Different sources sometimes number many of these fragments of the expressions of Heraclitus differently. You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you. Couples are wholes and not wholes, what agrees disagrees, the concordant is discordant. From all things one and from one all things. Even sleepers are workers and collaborators on what goes on in the universe. Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony. Character is destiny. This is not to different from some eastern schools, is it?
  25. Greetings! Question about the Fall of man and infancy

    Edit: wrong thread