Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. astral projection

    I have done it twice. Apologies If its allready mentioned, but what I did, was making a habit of knocking on doors, walls etc. When the door didnt feel like a door, i knew I was dreaming, and could take controll.
  2. Privation Inoculum

    How could I forget the legend: «Thrilled to meet the famous thinker, Alexander asked if there was any favor he might do for him. To that, Diogenes replied: “Move a little to the right; you are blocking my sun.” Alexander then declared, “If I were not Alexander, then I should wish to be Diogenes.” This famous anecdote is known across the world.» Btw, what does the tittle mean?
  3. Privation Inoculum

    I know that I hung on a windy tree nine long nights, wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin, myself to myself, on that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run. No bread did they give me nor a drink from a horn, downwards I peered; I took up the runes, screaming I took them, then I fell back from there
  4. Jesus and Mohammad

    But thats just even sadder in my view, the idea that you are born «wrong» or deserving of punishment. edit: in fairness this is present in christianity as well, in the fall and the redemption arch. Original sin, no? The term in my language would translate to «inherited sin»  not a fan
  5. Origin of judaism

    I think you are in a better position to do that. Followers of the Torah, is that fair?
  6. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    One of the things I find intriguing about myths and religions, are how unbelivably old they are, and have been passed down for thouasands of thouasands of years. Homer recorded his epics in what, 900 bc? Yet versions of Oedipus can be found as far as way as the americas
 i love old stuff
  7. Privation Inoculum

    Not to much sir, but a little. On happiness: I have heard that we all have a baseline. Events can draw us down or lift us up, but only for a while; sooner or later we return to our «natural state.» I had a dream about this, now i wish i remember it. On spolitude or leaving the tribe: this one is pretty universal, I think. We have shamans going to the wildernes before returning, initiation/comming of age rituals, the koryos (indo-european in origin, but found in many decended cultures), monks, Jesus in the desert
 I am sure Nungalina knows of a million others. Interrestingly, depressed people aslo find a need for solitude (nedlesset to say: no medical advice here), and i have also heard that the dreadfull, sterile enviorment in hospitals are designed that way for a reason: because a low stimuli enviorment have a healing effect. So maybe it is a way to fine, or get in tune, with our true self (not the persona)? If we can live in bliss all the time? My western mind says no, day is defined by night, but then again, there certainly seem to be a few gems out there who are able to achieve both higher and longer periods of bliss.
  8. How do you practise?

    This thread seems like one that has allready been made, and If so, appologies. But what do your «practise» consist of? Do you follow a «faith?» Are you trying to reach a certain end point? Reading, meditation, yoga, walk in nature, journaling
 I think it goes without saying that there are no wrong answers, and I would love to hear from you and hopefully be inspired. 💃đŸ•ș
  9. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    @Apoostrophe are you familiar with (the reconstructed) proto-indo-european creation myth? from wiki: Cosmic sacrifice The first man Manu and his giant twin Yemo are crossing the cosmos, accompanied by a primordial cow. To create the world, Manu sacrifices his brother and, with the help of heavenly deities (the Sky-Father, the Storm-Godand the Divine Twins),[4][13] forges both the natural elements and human beings from his twin's remains.[14][5] Manu thus becomes the first priest after initiating sacrifice as the primordial condition for the world order. His deceased brother Yemo turns into the first king as social classes emerge from his anatomy (priesthood from his head, the warrior class from his breast and arms, and the commoners from his sexual organs and legs).[14] and then i add the old norse creation myth, just because i am a little etnocentric and i find it beautifull: (English bottom right)
  10. Unmasking thought viruses

    A metaphor, likening our mental strength or health with that of the bodies immune system. Like how you are quicker to anger with less sleep. Cure? Maybe not, but there Are strategies to become healthier, think more clearly. A minatour? No, something much worse: myself haha
  11. Unmasking thought viruses

    Thought Virus! That is the title of a Norwegian program I recently completed. It translates to "thought virus" and draws parallels between our mental immune system and the body's defenses. Just as our bodies can be infected, our minds can too, and similarly, it possesses a defense system that can be weakened or strengthened. During a typical day, 95% of us experience depressive or anxious thoughts, often due to our skill in imagining various outcomes. Consider a scenario where an attractive stranger looks at you – interpretations could be positive (intrigued), neutral, or negative. Some fear flying, yet statistically, you're twice as likely to win the lottery than crash on a flight. Flying for 6300 years straight? Statistically, you'd crash once! Think about drinking lemon juice – you probably get a bodily reaction, feeling it almost as vividly as if you were actually drinking it. Your mind can't distinguish between imagined and real experiences. Now, the "cure": Vitamin A(cceptance): Simply acknowledge the thought. Presence: Most problems reside in the past or future, not in the present. Similar to a plane crash, it probably isn't in the future either. This brings to mind meditation – once viewed as a specific practice, now seen as being present or engaged in what you're doing, anywhere, anytime. That odd shadow you see in bed may seem like a serial killer, but I dare say it probably isn't. There's no monster under the bed. The minatour Somethings are probally left unsaid, but i did DMT ones, and in during the trip i was inside my brain and was trying to navigate it like a labyrinth. It was not fun.
  12. Jesus and Mohammad

    Wouldnt «any pagan text» mean literally anything that is not in the bible or quran, witch is
 all the texts in the world minus the bible and quran?
  13. Jesus and Mohammad

    Wasnt what jews consider scripture
 just a bunch of texts put together by pagan greeks? Septuniga? and on the term pagan
 well, i am starting to love it just because it is used as a slur by people i do not want to asscociate with. But the real meaning of it is anyone who belives in polytheistic or etnic religions, is it not? If so, the irony is next level. My take, we would be better of without calling people gentiles or infidels.
  14. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    If youd like to, id love to hear more about this. I lack the knowledge of these various spiritual traditions, but much of what you say here ressonates with me
  15. Jesus and Mohammad

    The death of Baldur is prob my fav story tho.
  16. Jesus and Mohammad

  17. Unmasking thought viruses

    On the origin of the word memory, i present to you Mimir, the wisest being in all the realms: If interrested you could also take a look at Odins ravens, Hugin (minne, there is no exact english word for it but remind works) and Munin (thought).
  18. Unmasking thought viruses

    @Apoostrophe Thank you, my friend. For me, the main take away of the series was that 95% have these thoughts on a daily basis. In one way, not suprising, but it is «healing» to know that your human, all to human. Memory has its function, for sure. You made your intro post about rediscovering the child mind (is that a fair description?), and I think memory plays a cruicial role in that. It is that witch hinders you in becoming an infant, grounds you in a sense. Sadghuru i have only listened to on Joe Rogan. Likeable fellow, no doubt. He told a joke about god and science and earth, ill look it up later. You got anything in particular to reccomend from him? Again, on becoming whole, maybe this will interrest you:
  19. Unmasking thought viruses

    (might not be as relevant as it feels, but my mind works that ways, asscociations flows all over the place)
  20. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    Some gold written by a member of another forum, qouted with permission ofc. ———————————-
  21. Jesus and Mohammad

    And one thing @Daniel, when it comes to your disdain of pagans
 maybe turn that down abit before you complain about people not subscribing or even caring about judaism. Personally i prefer pagan texts like the upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Homer, the poetic Edda, Plato, the greek myths and even Harry Potter and LOTR to the Torah. And I am not alone, far from it. Shame so much of it was oral, and what was not, got burned by lunatics. But a lot lives on trough popular culture, and that is not out of fear or dogma, but out of love.
  22. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    Mania is not to different from genius. I remember you told me about the roots of that very term as well. But enough brown noseing haha
  23. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    I say it publically, you truly has a gift with words Nungali, it is a pleasure : )
  24. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    Regarding the male-centric (forgive me, language barrier) aspects of christianity, here are some fun (or not so fun) facts: pope (n.) "the Bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church," c. 1200, from Old English papa (9c.), from Church Latin papa "bishop, pope" (in classical Latin, "tutor"), from Greek papas "patriarch, bishop," originally "father" (see papa). papa (n.) "father," 1680s, from French papa, from Latin papa, originally a reduplicated child's word, similar to Greek pappa (vocative) "o father," pappas "father," pappos "grandfather." The native word is daddy; according to OED the first use of papa was in courtly speech, as a continental affectation, and it was not used by common folk until late 18c. paterfamilias (n.) "male head of a family or household," late 15c., from Latin pater familias "master of a house, head of a family," from pater "father" (see father (n.)) + familias, old genitive of familia"family" (see family). TLDR I think at this point it is just so deeply ingrained at us. Still tho, i doubt many view the father as «sky-daddy» edit: NGL, that pope derives from papa is hilarious to me
  25. Jesus and Mohammad

    I agree, lets end it here. There are 2,4 billion christians, a handfull rejects the trinity, but the trinity is at the very center of the faith. Anyway, you are right, to me it is just a book. Parts of it i see a wisdom litterature, other parts as insanity. I pick what i like as i would in a restaurant, or what choosing a movie on Netflix. Are there jews with a very sophisticated theology. Yes, absolutley, without a doubt. I would also like to apologies to you. I have been unfair and tiredness and anger has gotten the better of me. That said, it boils down to one thing: a doctrine, a faith, a book, can never capture reality or the whole truth, almost by definition. I hope you understand that for everyone who does not share Your faith, who said what in what line doesnt matter to them. Like, at all.