Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. Thoughts

    What are they, then?
  2. How do you personally meditate?

    Im not big into meditation and mindfullness, allthough i see its value. I heard a definition of it once, that i quite liked: «paying attention to attention.»
  3. Carl Jung on individuation

    I have now edited the title and added a few qoutes from his other works, because i belive a general discussion on individuation might be more rewarding. ________________________________ Just thought this video was worth sharing. Hope you found value in it if you gave it a go. ______________________________________ “. . .when all is said and done, our own existence is an experiment of nature, an attempt at a new synthesis.” “Individuation means becoming an “in-dividual,” and, in so far as “individuality” embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could therefore translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” “If you sum up what people tell you about their experiences [on the path of individuation], you can formulate it this way: They came to themselves, they could accept themselves, they were able to become reconciled to themselves, and thus were reconciled to adverse circumstances and events.” “[W]isdom begins only when one takes things as they are. . .So it is a healing attitude when one can agree with the facts as they are. . .only then can we thrive.” All qoutes are from Jung. It is derived from this article, where the writer delves deeper in to the topic:
  4. An abrahamic sub-forum

    Hhaah, i think you can feel veeery safe that islamists dont discuss these things with disbelievers. But If you you wish we could discuss wheter chicken is Haram or halal, or what the almighty really meant when i said strike your women.
  5. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    That i dont think Europe would resemble India even If it stayed pagan. I do not think monotheistic belief systems are inherintley better. Or, they they are better at one thing: control. But before i accuse you of something you might not mean, do you belive pagan societies tend to do worse then monotheistic once, based on faith?
  6. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    I dont think that is a valid argument. India is really, really diverse. Lets compare 1th century rome to 1th century Judea, where would you rather live? Persia before or after muslim conquest? It is not like euros where neanderthals before christ and saints after.
  7. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    @wandelaar not sure If it is of interrest to you, but i have a qouted a few pagan texts in this thread.
  8. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    Yes, Aurelius. Thank you for the suggestions, ill make a note of it
  9. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    Welll, my nation is lutheran (and now atheist), and was among the last to fall under the roman chatolic church. Broke away at first posible moment aswell… but i must say, i have a very positive view of the christians ive met. If you wonder what lutheranism is, it is basically that the relationship between you and god is between you and him exclusivley. No dogma, no need for a priest or a church or a bible. Christian means follower of Christ, and in my view, he seems like a chill dude.
  10. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    Hmm i would love to see how Europe had turned Out If it stayed pagan. Not a very representative perspective of course, but i just started reading meditations, and i must say, he has more wisdom then any living euro today.
  11. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    Who have you read, and what did you like and dislike? I havent read any of them.
  12. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    Lets take a look at mithraism for example. Mithra is first mentioned in the vedas 1400bc. This link shows the enourmos amount and range of «temples» dedicaited to him. They are found in Ireland, Germany, Italy, Hungart, Russia, Iraq, Persia… you know it. Now, lets compare Mithra to Jesus. Because of ladyens and limited knowledge i will make use of chatgdp: Quite convincing, dont you think?
  13. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    Hmmm i would say i disagree. I am not sure i am qaulified to disagree, but i will do so none the less. By the definition of from wiki, pagan seems to synonymous with the jewish concept of gentiles. I dont think it is, however. I would never call an animist a pagan, for example. Nor would i call a buddhist one. When i think about Paganism, i think about the indo-europeans traditions: Celtic, germanic, slavic, roman, greek, hindu and more. They share a great deal in common in terms of their Panthéons, «cosmic law/nature worship,» fire symbolism, rituals, magic, sacred beverages, warrior/honor-ethos etc. i might be wrong, but this is my understanding, and i am open for alternative perspectives.
  14. A thread for beautifull myths/anekdotes/poems etc

    The Dark Night of the Soul Credit to @Apech for introducing me to it. I relate strongly to it, witch is the reason for my background picture (on my profile), the hand of God: So close but yet so far. ———- I have shared this before, but i like it a lot. The Three Metamorphoses (Thus spoke Zarathustra, Nietzche)
  15. A thread for beautifull myths/anekdotes/poems etc

    Share whatever art, qoutes, scripture, music and so on as you feel like. The key is that it speaks to you. It is allways nice if you write a sentence or two on how you interpet it and what it means to you. So, to be completly honest, i intend this thread to «document» beautifull writings i have encountered, but by all means: feel free to share stories meaningfull to you aswell: Greeks on love: Cleanthes - hymn to Zeus (early seconds century bc) The myth of Narcissius, reminagined by Oscar Wilde and recounted in «The alchemist»: Odins «mystic initation, Runatal 139-149: Odin: Death of Balder/Balders dream, poetic Edda So, some context before i continue. You can think of him as some sort of norse Jesus or Apollo. Beloved, beautifull, heart of gold etc. He was also asscociated with spring. His death marks sets in fimbulvintr, a winter lasting three season and marks the beginnibg of the end: ragnarok/twiligt of the Gods. I find it quite poetic. If we see Balder as the personified good, being killed shot by a blind man with an arrow tippes with an mistietoe, a plant so ignificanr that that Fraya overlooked it, kills the ideal man asscociated with spring, witch sets in a tree season long winter. So thats how the world end, the ideal killed by his blind half-brother, tricked by the envious Loki (the tricster). Just as a fun fact, the blind god who shot Balder, is named Hothr, and is who the GoT character is based on. Fimbulsvintr, Voluspa: (Just as a side note, this is belived to have been a real event. An islandic, volnaic erruoprion took place in 550, witch blocked the sun for a significant period. I think this correspond well with the migration she as well? Ragnarok (Translated by Jackson Crawford(Völuspá Stanzas 43-56).)
  16. A thread for beautifull myths/anekdotes/poems etc

    I could probally post a lot more, but this wall of text is allready long enough. To long, some might say. If you have any thoughts on the texts, or would like to share some aswell, that would be appreicates.
  17. Sumer: the "black-headed" vs. the "red-faced"

    I think this desereves a «bump»
  18. An abrahamic sub-forum

    Hmm… i am struggling finding the balance between the «fighter,» and «saint» archetype. I know that there are aspects of life id like to improve, but i dont want to wage a civil war against myself either.
  19. An abrahamic sub-forum

    You got that pondus haha
  20. An abrahamic sub-forum

    You seem to be an admin, am i wrong? Is there no possibility for a poll? And again, it was only an impulsive suggestion from my part, it is really not that important to me
  21. An abrahamic sub-forum

    Thank you
  22. An abrahamic sub-forum

    Why dont we make a poll, so the admins can get a sense for the demand? 🤨 for no and ❤️ for yes or something.
  23. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I thought eastern traditions was about semen retention and abstinence. But i an shamefully(lessy?) ignorant, as ive probally demonstrated.
  24. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Whats your motivation to get Out of bed? Whats your higher aim? Do you belive its a universal answer to this? Why do good instead of bad? Ill kick of the discussion with two of my favorite qoutes: “I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” ― Joseph Campbell “No one imagines that a symphony is supposed to improve as it goes along, or that the whole object of playing is to reach the finale. The point of music is discovered in every moment of playing and listening to it. It is the same, I feel, with the greater part of our lives, and if we are unduly absorbed in improving them we may forget altogether to live them.” ― Alan Watts
  25. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    lets see If the symbolism is gets clearer this time. And dont snob Out on me about reading the book. I can read english academic texts, but fiction, no chance. I think it is because when i read fiction, my mind is in «relaxed mode» and i need it in my native tongue. i have a copy of the alchemist aswell, maybe i should give it a go