Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. History If the trinity

    Please share
  2. The concept of God

    I find this intruging, care to expand? And also, you mentioned that satan is often seen as a twin in many traditions. What is the symbolism of this? Again i agree. Thats why i loved that hymn to Zeus. But what «natural law» is, is not that simple in my opinion. Do you have anysuggestion? Reading a little bit in Auraliues «meditation,» and he use worlds like all-nature, prime mover, universal logos and so on. Only read a little, but it is fascinating.
  3. Paganism

    bought this, sounds promising: «The return of Odin,» Richard Rudgley Summary:
  4. Paganism

    Check out creganford on YouTube, he is a true blessing. If you become a Patreon for like 2 pounds, something like that, you Get a lot benefists alwell. Highly reccomended.
  5. Paganism

    My fav subject in religious and mythologies as well. I just read that @Nungali have studied compative religion. Do you have any book reccomentions?
  6. Paganism

    Why not the pontic step? I know some aspects survived into the americas, but not at the scale it did in Eurasia, did it?
  7. Paganism

    Your intuistion is spot on;) I am so interrested that i have watched long, long ago, but ty!
  8. Paganism

    A little more controversial document/book is one past trough generations of frisians, before they delivered it to a library. The nazis were absolutley fascinered by it, so that is probally why it is so unlnown, tabboo today. it is called the orea Linda manuscript, and makes many refferences to their surprime, monotestic and trancendet deity called Ralda.
  9. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Well, i think i understand non-dualistisk, but ill have to agree with @Daniel, it is a weird way to put. Why not unitarian, monistic, «the one» or something like that?
  10. Paganism

    I Wonder If monotheism was acctually the default for Paganism. Reasons: Odin being named allfather, sol invictus cult, Cleanthes Hymn to Zeus (worth a read in my opinion) and so on. Zarathustra definetly deserves a mention. Then we have have plationism and his concept for the demiurge. Many often argue that monotheism is an jewish «invention,» I however, suspect that the jews got it from Zarathustra and greek tradition, and not the other way around. And then we have hinduism and buddhism with their «over soul» and none duality. We know that all these tradition predates Judaism, and that judaism as we know it only happened after hundrets og years of greek and persian occupation.
  11. The concept of God

    Hmm… leads me to question what is a «correct» amount of freedom, censorship and moderation, and how do we tell. My alarmbells goes off when somebody start talking on behalf of God.
  12. The concept of God

    Hmm.. i prefare ab explonation to a warning i think
  13. The concept of God

    What makes you say that? ______ On another note, i came by this hymn to Zeus, attributted to Cleanthes (331-231 bc). I think it is worth a read:
  14. The concept of God

    Are you familiar with Dunbars number? I really think the increased size and complexity of civilisation has opened the door for unspeakable evil, madness and detatchment, alienation and demonisation.
  15. The concept of God

  16. Who or what is the god of this world?

    To me, there is no system or religion or tradition that has monopoly on the truth. God, to me, is the creator, present in everything. I do not think he is to concered with Haram, homosexuality or the sabbath. I really like the Sol Invictus idea. 16. O Sun, sole traveller of the Heavens, controller of all, Surya, son of Prajapatiremove thy rays and gather up thy burning light. I behold thy glorious form; 1 am he, the Purusha within thee. (Isha upanishad) it is not that i belive god is the sun, but the imagery speaks to me.
  17. Unpopular Opinions

    I am happy scandinavia is one of the only, If not the only region that still call it jul (think it is derived from hjul, meaning wheel) and thereby perserving the winter solstice and nature worship aspect of christmas ❤️‍🔥
  18. Unpopular Opinions

    Buuuut… what is left of christmas with out the family feasting, gift giving, the winter vibes, alcohol and the great pagan three and the shaman flying on a reindeer driven sled?
  19. The concept of God

    Id think this is answer tbh. There can be no doubt that morality differs enourmosly from culture to culture. Seems the «preachers» of morality and self proclaimed spokesmen of «the one,» use it more to control, enrich themselves and demonize the «godless» and immoral tribe who happens to be their rivals. Evil done by a people far away from you doesnt seem to bother the them as much
  20. The concept of God

    You are right, i do not want to mess with it. But tbh i am not convinced of their literal existence, and also the term demon/devil/satan is a very loaded term, as you touch on. Lucifer means light bringer, does it not? Hell and Hades, the Eulers of the norse and greek underworld forexample, does not seem to have been viewed as evil (as far as i know). Same goes for Osiris. I do not see anything inherintley evil about knowledge, truth, freedom etc. as the older gods and myths seems to represent, allthough i would not like to rebel against «the most high.» It is a fine line, it seems. Edit, continuing: If we accept the concept of a creator, or God, then it follows that «evil» forces are a creation of him as well, does it not?
  21. Carl Jung on individuation

    Hm, i am not going to pretend i understand Anatta, because I do not. But non-dual (monist? Wholeness?) seems to to be what individuation is about, and not it opposite (but again, I have no understanding of the term Anatta.) Jung identified four elements of the psyche: ego (the conscious, who we think we are), the shadow (the unconscious parts we suppress), the persona (the social mask) and the self (all of the three combined). So, as I understand it, individuation is as you rightly say, coming to selfhood, and this is done (again, my understanding) by integrating all the elements in a healthy way and become whole. I don't think it is about "destroying" the persona or acting out every aspect of the shadow no matter what, but accepting and integrating them. At the moment I am reading "Thus spoke Zarathustra", and there is an interesting chapter called "The three metamorphoses." I think its a great piece of work, and only a page or two long, so ill include it in full in the spoiler below. Anyway, the first step is that of a camel: wandering dutifully in the desert with a heavy load, like a hard-working and conscientious servant (morals, traditions, rules etc. imposed on it by society). In the second stage, the camel transforms into a lion. The lion rejects the traditional limitations and values forced on it by the others, rebels against them, and destroys them. The third metamorphosis is from lion to child. I found this a little peculiar at first, having a child as the final stage, so to speak. But considering their innocence, joy and creativity, and their potential to grow and shape themselves and their surroundings, I think it makes perfect sense. Maybe it seems a little random, but I do believe that the camel, lion and the child can be seen as the persona, the destruction of it and finally, the integration, authenticity, and individuation of the child. Thus spoke Zarathustra: 1. The Three Metamorphoses Continuing on a subject I am even more clueless about, the occult and mysticism as many here seem to be into. These sort of themes, like looking inward, wandering in the desert (the abyss?), and becoming who you are/a better, more authentic version etc. are aspects you lot deal with, is it not? Interesting video and article for those who are curious (easy read): Edit: would you mind educating me on anatta/non-dual? My understanding of it, after a quick google search, made it seem like it is more about the destruction of the ego, and not the self? Edit 2: i really like the qoute from Jung in the first post, where he writer in-dividual. Never occured to me that the term individual meant individisble.
  22. The concept of God

    I am not following brother
  23. Carl Jung on individuation

    I am posting this qoute from Daniel here, because i am hoping we can Get some life in to this discussion: It is strange, dont you think, that we are not one entiry, If you know what i mean. As far as i understand, the two halves are who we naturally are, and the part of us we repress becaus of society. Ill qoute my self from another topic, because i belive it is relevant:
  24. Share music…

    and one for @Daniel: i love his acoustic versjons. Would you like to expand on why he is so important for you?
  25. Share music…

    that means something to you. I feel like music, as well as other forms for art, has an ability to speak to you on a level that words alone can not. Or maybe articulate an idea that you are not capable of articulating yet. Do not be shy, get it out there