Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. The odyessey taking place in scandinavia

    I just wondered If you read the article i posted above
  2. The odyessey taking place in scandinavia

    Did you scim the article?
  3. Christianity

    @Nungali look above, no red text in caps, just a friendly reminder šŸ„°
  4. The odyessey taking place in scandinavia

    Yeah it might be bull. Here is an article of anyone is interrested:
  5. why so serious?

    ā€œI would really allow myself to order the ranks of philosophers according to the rank of their laughter ā€“ right up to those who are capable of golden laughter. And assuming that the gods also practise philosophy, a fact which many conclusions have already driven me to ā€“ I donā€™t doubt that in the process they know how to laugh in a superhuman and new way ā€“ and at the expense of all serious things! Gods delight in making fun: even where sacred actions are concerned, it seems they cannot stop laughing.ā€ (Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil p. 294) he is the greatest philosophef IMO. Not that ive read many others. He liked buddhism, but ultimateley rejected it for being Life denying instead of Life affirming.
  6. why so serious?

    @Starkadr is Your name based on the mythical bard? Id love to learn more about him. On topic: im generally not very serious. I prefer chil people.
  7. Christianity

  8. Christianity

    Verse 3
  9. Any religion spread by force got nothing to offer

    Could question. So good I am unable to answer it.
  10. Christianity

    Norway yes. on christ, I am conflicted. I do not think we know anything Ā«on the actual guy.Ā» Forgive my bluntness. On the other hand, the gospel of Thomas is pure gold from stat to finish.
  11. Hollow earth

    Can anyone explain this to me? Is it related to Platos republic?
  12. Christianity

    Well, If you dont mind me going in to genetics, non-europeans are ill suited for the scandinavian climate. They get ill due to the lack of sunlight and have a lower body temprature.
  13. Christianity

    Me? To the aboriginal Australias? Far from it! @Nungaliis the man for that. If you refer to the sami, my aunt is one. On our 18th birthday, she gave each of my cousins and me a self made Ā«samiĀ» blanket and knife. It is beautifull: it sybolises how with shelter and a tool/weapon you can survive anything.
  14. Christianity

    Here you have (on of) the description of fimbulvintr (the great winter) If interrested:
  15. Christianity

    During the volcanic eruption on iceland somewhere in the 5th or 6th century, reffered to as fimbulvintr in norse myth, the sun didnt shine for three whole years. The population of scandinavia plumeted. Guess who came trough the catastrophy mostly in tact? The sami. edit: ƘdegĆ„rd is a very popular last name in Norway (Like that of Arsenals captain Martin ƘdegĆ„rd šŸ˜). This name has been traced to this very event. It translates to deserted farm.
  16. Christianity

    On colourā€¦ I heard something about the green, white and orange in the persian (and indian) flag had some esoteric meaning, cant remember tho? And do you know anything about the colours of my own as well as many other western flags, namley, red, white and blue?
  17. Christianity

    What is the question? How weird the dogma is?
  18. Any religion spread by force got nothing to offer does this qaulify?
  19. Christianity

    And then they suggest that their faith is somehow superior, that they saved you from barbarism. Its disgusting
  20. Any religion spread by force got nothing to offer

    Thing isā€¦ if you have something of valuesto offer, why do you have to force it upon people?
  21. Christianity

    To be honest I dont understand you.
  22. Hollow earth

    So it is not some sort of esoteric metaphor?
  23. Id like the ability to react with emotes in private messages

    The wisdom of the east
  24. How do you feel about that?
  25. The Downvote Feature!

    Yupp, that dogma has allready been pushed on way to many billions.