Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. The concept of God

    @Nungali If i have my feet on the ground? Kind of, kind of not. I am a lot more open, but struggeling making sense of reality with out my old framework. And if i try to comprehend it all, it becomes overwhelming. Feet on the ground, eyes to the skies, warm heart, cold mind
  2. Whats your purpose/meaning or life? It is comming. Privacy is gone. Hope everyone else is eqaully crazy. ———— Back to topic, the meaning of life. Somehow it manages to be the most stupid, important and impossible question at the same time. But even If there is no meaning, no right or wrong, i guess i should listen to my inner voice, try to be present and grow in to my potential.
  3. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Would you mind elaborating?
  4. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Apologies, you are right. What intented to wrote was natural. Ill edit it in now.... no that doesn't work. What I am trying to get across: I do not see an obvious difference between any form of organic intelligence, and the man made (AI) seems intelligent enough to fool us already. If we are going to to question if it is intelligent, we might as well start questioning each other. Cogito ergo sum.
  5. The concept of God

    I have read a few of those and like it. But there are a lot of texts, anyone In particular you like/would recommend? hmm.. the result is debatable. Mhm, I can agree. And that again is almost synonymous with nature, unless we subscribe to the banal view that humans are separate from it. In one way the word God is almost by definition unfathomable. But we could think about it as the union of sky-father and mother earth, and us as their offspring. Gen 8-38:40 Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother’s wife, and perform your duty as a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother’s wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also.
  6. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I sometimes wonder why we call it artificial intelligence because I don't see what is artificial about it. There can be no doubt that most of us have read, watched, or listened to artificial (not made by humans) content. And then we look at what we would consider "lower life" is capable of: There can be little doubt that thing is conscious. And then we have this: The world is alive, no doubt. In English I see you use both the terms awareness and consciousness, while in my language we only have one word for both concepts. Are they different?
  7. My summary of bhagavad gita

    This is kind of interresting. How there is no mention of evil, but instead ignorancr, as If bad deeds are a result of lack of knowledge or understanding.
  8. The concept of God

    I feel there is some paradox in saying, as i have, that god is (in) everything and everything is a part of God. It makes logically sense, i think, but at the same time it redifines god as nature.
  9. The dark night of the soul - eckhart Tolle

    Nietzche on the camel, lion and child, from thus spoke Zarathustra:
  10. The dark night of the soul - eckhart Tolle

    @Mark Foote I should almost definetly find some kind of practice. Sitting, meditating, yoga, fasting. But i dont know, has not worked to well for me useally, and i also feel very much as a «child of Europe,» if that makes any sense what so ever. I think what i am trying to say is that it feels alien to me. But working for someone i dont like and studying something that feels lifeless and spending x hours daily on the phone is not very regarding either Parts of me wants to move to a somewhat removed family farm of ours, but it kind of feels like resigning life. @liminal_luke Improving yours and yours surroundings is certainly a healthy perspective. @Nungali I hope i made it clear that these are not my words, but Eckarts. I think you are right that the tribal people do not struggle with this. But well… the machinery keeps on rolling. GDP must grow, no matter the cost!! @Daniel you seemed to disagree with the post, or at least the solution, so i wondered what your alternative was
  11. Share music…

  12. The dark night of the soul - eckhart Tolle

    What is Your «answer» to it?
  13. Paganism

    The eternal flame 🔥 The kvahrna part was also insightfull. Finally haha
  14. Paganism

    Grazie, a little treasure of texts there
  15. The concept of God

    Religion of the Gods: Ritual, Paradox, and Reflexivity Kimberley Christine Patton
  16. 0

    Many people here seems to be «searching» and «seeking unity/understanding etc.» Just a comment: i think an interresting addition to this thread, is If people add what led to it, what you took away from it and what the next step was, like Nungali over here. My experience, after i landed, was a deep need to understand reality, build a new map. Trough convo with a certain someone, it seems to me, that the next step is following the heart, inspiration, Genius, will… «do what you want the law to be…» something like that, isnt that what you say? Is this what you call «the abyss» or «thelema» btw? Or maybe «the fool?» «beyond good and evil,» Once again dear to be naked with no shame, and reclaim paradise? ______________________________________ WHY ODIN IS ONE-EYED My interpertation was that he has one eye, because the other is looking inwards. Fascinating how all he seems is wisdom, he travels the realms on an Eight legged horse, had two ravens who saw for him and two wolfs as well, all for an incurable search for knowledge. What news from the gods? What news from the elves? All Jotunheim is roaring, the Aesir are in counsel, and the dwarves, creatures of the mountains, tremble by their doors of stone. Have you learned enough yet, Allfather? Surt comes from the south with a bright light in his hand, yes, the sun shines upon the sword in his grasp. The mountains collapse, the trolls fall, men walk the road to Hel, and the skies divide above What news from the gods? What news from the elves? All Jotunheim is roaring, the Aesir are in counsel, and the dwarves, creatures of the mountains, tremble by their doors of stone. Have you learned enough yet, Allfather? Surt comes from the south with a bright light in his hand, yes, the sun shines upon the sword in his grasp. The mountains collapse, the trolls fall, men walk the road to Hel, and the skies divide above URL Link text Insert into post
  17. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

  18. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

    Alright, so i have an apointment this wednesday. I allready have, lets see, six tattoos. They are of mythologicaø themes, a qoute, ceasar and two warriors. Orignially i was thinking to add to it with something like this (attatchment). But after some delibaration, i think it would be good to balance it Out with more «femine» tattoos. Any suggestions?
  19. 0

    One thing i find funny about «the skeptic types,» is that they talk about how there is zero evidence for the paranormal, but if you tell them you have experienced it, they refer you to a psychiratist.
  20. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Segment from thus spoke Zarathustra:
  21. 0

    How deep is the rabbit hole/journey?
  22. Unpopular Opinions

    Thats not unpopular, its pure gold. But id like If you could clarify this: To love fully destroys you. In a positive or negative sense? And id also add that compasion is only a weakness if it is unbalanced/unwise/with out the power, courage and knowledge to act it out
  23. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    On Reading and Writing Of all that is written I love only what a man has written with his blood. Write with blood, and you will experience that blood is spirit. It is not easily possible to understand the blood of another: I hate reading idlers. Whoever knows the reader will henceforth do nothing for the reader. Another century of readers–and the spirit itself will stink. That everyone may learn to read, in the long run corrupts not only writing but also thinking. Once the spirit was God, then he became man, and now even he becomes rabble.
  24. The 'Yin and Yang' in advanced 'primitive' society .

    Interresting read, and in stark contrast to the indo european structure, where the PIE word for family consists of «to be born» and «house.» Father was also synonoumus with «head of the house,» and the children took the name of their fathers family. Free from the restrain of historium, we can finaly say that the forbidden science shows that indo-european males sometimes married outsiders, but women did not. And so they spread their hierarchial, patrichal and warring ways and semen. But enough about that. I am wondering what you can tell about how aboriginals deal with things like tribal and teretorial disputes, family structure, leadership, people who get exiled… stuff like that. In general, hunter-gatherer societies are egalitarian, are they not? Love it. Reminds me of the greeks take on soulmates. How Zeus spilt humanity in half, man and women, and ever since we have been searching reunite with our better half, become whole. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Aristotle edit, unrelated note:
  25. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    In a way, that is kind of his point;)