Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    You know what, that question and the article was crazy interesting. I sat down for a good hour trying to give thoughtfull response, but in the end, I deleted it all because it was simply too big and my knowledge too limited. I think the Orient, continental Europe and the Anglo-sphere live in conceptually very different realities, and that it affects how we view the state, morals, and ideals. I would agree with you on "the idea that modern rights-based ethics is basically the inversion of virtue ethics." Both the organization of the state and the concepts of rights stem from views on "the state of nature," so we could have a discussion on that if you'd like. _________________________________________________ Brainfart: maybe the function of life is a better question then the meaning of life?
  2. My summary of bhagavad gita

    My only caution when reading these words would be: "Beware of a false summit. Keep going." What i would have given to see the true peak, truly understand god with a capital G. The highest of high. But i think my head will explode trying to get there. It seems impossible, at least trying to approach it with the intellect.
  3. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Hmm… i know that there are many different philosophical understanding of the will. My understanding, currently, is that will is «growing in to your potential and nature,» and not inherintley psychopathic, unless you are a psychopath.
  4. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

    It was absolutley amazing, loved it! Some of the stuff needs a second reading or better understanding in order to comprehend, but it was great. Thank you. I just postponed my appointment, so i will not be able to share the result in the immediate future, but im happy to continue our conversation on symbolism
  5. My summary of bhagavad gita

    That it contains symbolism, metaphors, is not black and white and is filled with philosophy. But if you would prefer to be killed by your nephew and abandoning your people, then… well, then i dont even now what to say.
  6. My summary of bhagavad gita

    I dont think we are getting any further. It is a story, and it has great depth. Let me reverse the question here: what does good, virtue, correct behavior, mean to you?
  7. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

    This maybe. Feels feminine with the northren lights, its my home and its beautifull beyond belief: Lyrics:
  8. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    @Nungali So the will can be said to be (at least partly) discovered (uncovered?) by inspiration (genius, muse), self knowledge, finding/making your imediate enviorment more harmonious and acting in accordance with your… what to call it… your deep felt sense of values? Synchronisity probally also deserves a mention/ And you seemed to be very ‘insisiting’ on useing the term nurturing, can you expand some on that? edit: i dont think you need to expand on nurturing, cambridge dictionary makes it clear:
  9. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

    Hmm… the divine. But also my tattoos are very «masculine» and i was thinking balancing it with something more femine and zen.. nurture and natur and harmony as welll, maybe… growth, flourishing… kvaharenah I also like that you mentioned water as a symbol for the unconcious. One of my tattoos are of Poseidon, the sea god, so getting a femine «counterpart,» or maybe «partner,» to that sounds great. Anima/animus. Also… i wouldnt mind it a little more sexy
  10. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

    I liked it yes. I interpeted it as spirit 🕊️ god 👁️ belzebuup 🐍, but considering Your respobse, i guess im wrong. What does it mean?
  11. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

    You posted this in another thread though, and its pretty sick:
  12. My summary of bhagavad gita

    You cant be virtous/benevolent/generous without wealth/power/influence/strength. Or rather, there is nothing noble about non-violence, unless you are capable of violence. Fighting for your cause/tribe, winning and showing your defeated nemesis mercy, however, is admirable. When it comes to ego and a tribal identity, i dont see anything inherintley bad in that. On the contrary, it brings people together, provides community, identity, culture… No doubt tribal conflicts have caused great evils. But in my corner of the world, a strong national identity has made us stronger, more trusting and willing to help each other. To be fair though, i probally live in what has historically been one of the worlds most homogeneus regions. As @Daniel said, there are meny level to identity, and you can zoom in and out.
  13. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

    Nature maybe? Nature is often asscociated with the mother. Maybe something like this
  14. Change name request

    Thank you @Trunk!
  15. Change name request

    Im not sure what i want, but mat is kind of wack… NaturaNaturans is nice. Could any moderator please help me with this? : ) it translates to «nature naturing» or «nature creating» for those wondering
  16. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    @Nungali I havent dug up your old posts, but i think i have a better understanding of true will. We, or anything, are not seperate from nature, right. Nature creates and destroys and transforms. The will is who we truly are, a being, and individuated part of an superorganism, and if we are free from external influences we will be/express ourselves fully and authentically. Just like how a flower flourishes if its left alone in its natural enviorment. What do you think?
  17. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Deus sive natura - God, or in other words, nature Spinoza
  18. Application of awareness

    I apologize in advance, since this is not directly helpfull for your question, but i got to admit: ive never really understood the deal with meditation… its basically just closing your eyes, is it not? I do that every night! Sure, sometimes i find it helpfull, when i need to «ground» myself, but all in all i think it is kind of boring, i dont have the dicipline for prolonged practice and i cant say it have given me much of value. What has it given you people? And do you belive it is possible to reach a state of complete silence/no inner voice?
  19. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    @kakapso i think that perspective (darwinism, gathering knowledge in order to deal with entropy) is perfectly valid. I do differ on some aspects tho. That we are wired to reproduce, doesnt automatically make it a virtue or a goal, so to speak. But by all means, reproduction is an essential part of life, and it do provide value. But i think im more on the «qaulity over qauntity» camp. This far, i reason that human (and plant and animal) flourishing is what i value the most, and therefor my personal answer to the «meaning of life.» Also, when we are talking about the universe, dying stars etc, that is so far out of our controll, understanding, capabilities and time that i dont bother thinking about it. It is not like we are going to do surgery to a dying star. But maybe im just overthinking. I mean, what is the purpose of a flower? Meaningless question, isnt it. edit: does a higher purpose need a belief in God in order to exist? Edit 2: adding a qoute here from a book i am about to start reading. «Etikk» by Spinoza. This is how it opens: After experience had taught me that all the things which regularly occur in ordinary life are empty and futile, and I saw that all the things which were the cause or object of my fear had nothing of good or bad in themselves, except insofar as [my] mind was moved by them, I resolved at last to try to find out whether there was anything which would be the true good, capable of communicating itself, and which alone would affect the mind, all others being rejected—whether there was something which, once found and acquired, would continuously give me the greatest joy, to eternity (TdIE 1). Edit 3: im only on page 8, foreword by Ragnar Næss, but it seems very relevant: He concludes that what can ensure truth, freedom, and happiness is a true starting point that can serve as the basis for further reflection. For "method is nothing but reflective knowledge, or an idea of an idea... a good method is the one that shows how thought can be guided in accordance with the standard provided by true idea."
  20. My summary of bhagavad gita

    I agree and support this. The problem however, is that if some ethnicities adopts a more peacefull and tolerant perspective, while others do not, they can be outcompetet by the more «egoic» one.
  21. Application of awareness

    (tbh i have barley skimmed this thread, but i think flow is the term/state you are searching for?)
  22. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    But If we sumarise some of the thread, it seems the concept of eudomnia/perfecting our nature/doing our duty/being us self are themes we agree upon? I am not sure this question is possible to answer, but it could be an interresting to take this one step further. Is there a purpose/function/higher meaning by achieving this? Lets illustrate: a hammer is used to hit nails. A good hammer does this effectivley. Lets say the nails purpose was to be used to hang up a piece of art. But is there a purpose of the art piece? (Speaking metaphoically ofc.)
  23. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Yes ive heard similar stories from the pasific islanders. They remember song that include stuff so foreign that they must be very old, in addition it helps navigating etc. You are right about bhagavad gita being a song. If im not mistaken, gita is sanskrit for song. If you look at much of the earliest epics youll also find that they often rhyme. "When they had sung the hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives" Matthew 26.30 this one is from 3th century greece. It is like a time machine. Same goes for nursey rhymes, sayings... Let me share with you my fav folk song: And this is the oldest written norse song we know about: The norse had «rap battles,» called flyting: Flyting or fliting (Classical Gaelic: immarbág) (Irish: iomarbháigh) (lit. "counter-boasting"),[3] is a contest consisting of the exchange of insults between two parties, often conducted in verse.[4] The Norse gods Freyja and Lokiflyte in an illustration (1895) by Lorenz Frølich Not to mention islam, that is almost entirely oral, is it not? Ive heard it claim that every muslim can recite the entire quran by the age of… very, very young. As you know, they also claim to have an unbroken chain back to the prophet, and If im not mistaken, its pretty well in tact?
  24. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    @Nungali i have a segment about that to in my journal, hope its entertaining and that im not boring you to death:
  25. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Good post. I agree with the Genius segment - true beauty is created out of inspiration, and god knows where that comes from. On finding your «will»… we have had a little convo about this on pm (skillset, inspiration, what gives you a sense of meaning etc.), but do you think you could expand on it? And please dont tell me to burry 50$ or sacrifice a goat, im not ready 🙏