Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Everything posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Fair enough, in terms of IQ i think you are fairly sharp
  2. "Non-dual" misnomer

  3. Difference between monism and pantheism

    Maybe academics are too found of terms 🤔
  4. Difference between monism and pantheism

    These are schools of thoughts that appeal to me. Thing is, that they seem very similar, if not straight out identical to me. Both seems based on the idea that ALL is god. Am i wrong? Could someone clarify? edit: they seem somewhat similar to aninism and daoism too? Hope I dont come off as an idiot, just curious.
  5. "Non-dual" misnomer

    The duality of man
  6. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Good night my non-dual friends
  7. the lords prayer

    Haha well it is fun. Good, good, was basically why I was asking. Related terms pop up in many languages, with meanings such as truth, fitting, excelence, order, law.. Wonder how far it goes back. I find the concept attractive. Sure. Not to much, other than that these two, waring classes of gods, or higher beings, is a strikingly reaccuring theme. Latin, norse, greek, iranian, vedic… I have a suspicion that whoever the good guys are reflects the dominant people in the area. Kind of like mesopitanian city states destroying each others temple in war..
  8. the lords prayer

    Do we know more about this? I have wondered why the devas and asuras are flipped in their respective culture. Is it the same concept as olympians vs titans, or Aesir vs. Vanir?
  9. the lords prayer

    I see words like justice, truth, order and rightfullness is used a lot. I wonder, was the avestan term arta?
  10. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Hm, partly, but I also belive we should have one foot in the unknown.
  11. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    I agree with you. It is the fall from Eden. What do you think of this: It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is only because they only know their own side of the question Mill
  12. Stories vs. facts

  13. Stories vs. facts

    I have a strong sense that stories work much better then facts, when it comes to getting your point accross and foster understanding. I struggle to put into words. Curious If you agree or disagree, and if so, why?
  14. Stories vs. facts

    «Let him who as ears, hear»
  15. Enlightenment - what is it?

    So, in my understanding englightentment is something you can not achieve, any more then you can achieve a foot: you allready have it. It is the realisastion of oneness. In general, I think trying to put words to it only mudders the water. Still, I am curious, what does the term entail to you?
  16. Phone addiction

    Im certain im not alone on this. Anyone got some advice?
  17. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Gnosis 😁 @Tommy I dont think anyone has the right to do that on a topic like this. I am interrested in your own interpertation of the term. You go on to talk about the allegory of the cave. I found that interresting. Would you like to expand on it?
  18. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Do you think such a state is even theoretically possible? I belive strongly, that as a human, both delusions, illusions and emotion are unexcapable. In a way, even colour is a «delusion,» it only exists in our minds.
  19. Enlightenment - what is it?

    I think it is exactly the opposite. Perhaps we have different understandings of the term. I refer to 'life force/awareness/soul' or something similar. My belief in its eternity and fundamentality is based on the idea that we don't understand how something non-conscious can become conscious. By definition, we cannot be 'not aware,' and we know it's possible to 'create' seemingly physical things in our minds, such as hallucinations.
  20. Phone addiction

    I acctually might 😂
  21. Psychotic behavior resulting from occult study.

  22. Who or what is "satan"?

    Yeah Id say betrayal as well. Loads of emotions really, great art
  23. Who or what is "satan"?

    Take a look at the eyes of Lusifer in this amazing painting: