Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Posts posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. 3 hours ago, stirling said:


    Possibly the greatest spiritual text ive read. So short as well. 10/10.

    For me, this is the verse that captures it best, IMO:


    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the
    birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will
    precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you
    come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you
    who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
    poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    Qoute @Tommy


     And there is still some who believe this is life is all an illusion. This viewpoint comes from the belief that life is not permanent. And if it does not last then how can it be real?


    I belive life is an illusjon, but not for the same reason. I belive coinciousness is eternal, and that the material is a construct of the mental. But sure, this is just my personal belief.

    • Like 1

  2. So, in my understanding englightentment is something you can not achieve, any more then you can achieve a foot: you allready have it. It is the realisastion of oneness.


    In general, I think trying to put words to it only mudders the water. Still, I am curious, what does the term entail to you?

    • Like 1

  3. Can I ask you something? Why do you feel entitled to being viewed as special? I am talking about you as in individual and not you as in a jew. 


    and what do you hope to achieve with this thread? What is the topic here

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  4. 1 minute ago, Taoist Texts said:

    etymology is not a definition. a concrete example is.

    It kind of is tho. If the two doesnt match, it is «you» who redefined it. Not that it matters anyways, it is just a little silly to claim arabs cant grasp algebra

    • Thanks 1

  5. 19 minutes ago, Daniel said:


    This happens all the time, Cobie.  People like to attribute Jewish concepts and symbols to others which are assumed to be older than Judaism.  But, on closer examination, the texts that are referenced are not ancient at all.

    Can you show us the eldest example of the star of David (Shatkona) please? No need for an essay, just concrete evidence

  6. 3 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

    no, its a western one, because you did not define it;)

    Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but «we» very much did:


    Linguistic evidence has led scholars to reconstruct the concept of *h₂értus, denoting 'what is fitting, rightly ordered', and ultimately deriving from the verbal root *h₂er-, 'to fit'. Descendant cognates include Hittite āra('right, proper');[67] Sanskrit ṛta ('divine/cosmic law, force of truth, or order');[68][69] Avestanarəta- ('order'); Greek artús ('arrangement'), possibly arete ('excellence') via the root *h₂erh₁ ('please, satisfy');[70] Latin artus('joint'); Tocharian A ārtt- ('to praise, be pleased with'); Armenian ard ('ornament, shape'); Middle High German art ('innate feature, nature, fashion').[71]

    Interwoven with the root *h₂er- ('to fit') is the verbal root *dʰeh₁-, which means 'to put, lay down, establish', but also 'speak, say; bring back'.[72][36][71] The Greek thémis and the Sanskrit dhāman both derive from the PIE noun for the 'Law', *dʰeh₁-men-, literally 'that which is established'.[71] This notion of 'Law' includes an active principle, denoting an activity in obedience to the cosmic order *h₂értus, which in a social context is interpreted as a lawful conduct: in the Greek daughter culture, the titaness Themis personifies the cosmic order and the rules of lawful conduct which derived from it,[73] and the Vedic code of lawful conduct, the Dharma, can also be traced back to the PIE root *dʰeh₁-.[74] According to Martin L. West, the root *dʰeh₁- also denotes a divine or cosmic creation, as attested by the Hittite expression nēbis dēgan dāir ("established heaven (and) earth"), the Young Avestanformula kə huvāpå raocåscā dāt təmåscā?("What skilful artificer made the regions of light and dark?"), the name of the Vedic creator god Dhātr, and possibly by the Greek nymph Thetis, presented as a demiurgicalgoddess in Alcman's poetry.[36]

    Another root *yew(e)s- appears to be connected with ritualistic laws, as suggested by the Latin iūs ('law, right, justice, duty'), Avestan yaož-dā- ('make ritually pure'), and Sanskrit śáṃca yóśca ('health and happiness'), with a derived adjective *yusi(iy)os seen in Old Irish uisse ('just right, fitting') and possibly Old Church Slavonic istǔ ('actual, true').[71]

    Edit: If it is unclear how rta and karma relates:



    rita, in Indian religion and philosophy, the cosmic order mentioned in the Vedas, the ancient sacred scriptures of India. As Hinduism developed from the ancient Vedic religion, the concept of rita led to the doctrines of dharma (duty) and karma(accumulated effects of good and bad actions). Rita is the physical order of the universe, the order of the sacrifice, and the moral law of the world. Because of rita, the sun and moon pursue their daily journeys across the sky, and the seasons proceed in regular movement. Vedic religion features the belief that rita was guarded by Varuna, the god-sovereign, who was assisted by Mitra, the god of honour, and that the proper performance of sacrifices to the gods was necessary to guarantee its continuance. Violation (anrita) of the established order by incorrect or improper behaviour, even if unintentional, constituted sin and required careful expiation.

  7. 2 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

    when we are done building, the process of building no longer exists because it stops. the house is a different matter altogether because the process of laying a brick is different from the brick laying in place.   Karma is an eastern concept thats why no westerner can quite grasp it. mostly because they  reason in western ideas of results and sins. Those have nothing to do with karma, only the human thought does.

    no, its a western one, because you did not define it;)


    Ya'll prolly  mighty anxious to finally  enlighten youseself  what real (meaning eastern) karma is.  Here youse go:

    fàng xià tú dāo , lì dì chéng fó
    lay down butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot

    Etymology. Borrowed from Sanskrit कर्मन् (karman, “act, action, performance”), from the root कृ (kṛ, “to do, make”), from the Proto-Indo-European root *kʷer- (“to do, make, build”).

  8. 30 minutes ago, Daniel said:

    FYI:  I saw your edits.

    Ive done two Edits in this thread. One was done one min after i posted it, the other the same minute… I hope the others here double check this so they can determine your integrity themself….

  9. 20 minutes ago, Daniel said:


    I don''t think you hate me.  That's not what I said.  Lecture you?  Well, the answer is because I posted a thread with a riddle and you seemed put-off by engaging with riddle as beneficial intellectual pursuit.  And this is not the first time you have beeen reluctant to engage in conversation preferring to be told tthe answer.  So, that leaves really only two options:


    1)  limit my conversations with you to matters which are superficial and boring

    2)  explain in detail, at risk, of it becoming a school teacher lecture. 


    I'm not trying to lecture you, but, there's few options if the content is deep, meaningful, and detailed.


    Ultimately you seem to have misconceptions about Judaism and life in general.  I think you would do well to shed those misconceptions and open your mind to the alterative possibilites.  Opening the mind to alteratives is one of my specialities.



    Apologies, I was rushing, as I am now.  I have a morning meeting starting soon.


    A.D.O.S.  - African Descendants Of Slaves


      Reveal hidden contents







    It's a dance, that's for sure.


    Dude, what did you think of the song?  It's great isn't it?  What you're missing in your comprehension of Judaism is the magnitude and the implications.  That's the point.  Whatever it is you're thinking about Judaism do you want it to be correct?  Or do you need a false version of Judaism to validate whatever else you're going thru right now?

    «A wise man once said nothing at all»

    • Like 1

  10. 49 minutes ago, Daniel said:

    But it's impossible to share these ideas with individuals who are, forgive me, stuck in a mindset which requires seeing Judaism as the root cause of the world's problems.

    I really dont. It is just one faith out of maaaany. A relativley small one as well. Allthough ill admit that the etnic nature of it is foreign to me. Why do you keep tagging me If you think I hate you and just want to lecture me?


    ADOS? Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule?


    12 hours ago, Nungali said:


    It was nice of Daniel to give you proof of Jewish  henotheism  and show that Judaism  isnt monotheism



    One step forward, two step back.

    • Like 1

  11. “ [in]… the Christian reformation of the Jewish concept of the Deity: the morally ambiguous Yahweh became an exclusively good God, while everything evil was united in the devil…. Thanks to the development of feeling-values, the splendor of the ‘light’ god has been enhanced beyond measure, but the darkness supposedly represented by the devil has localized itself in man. This strange development was precipitated chiefly by the fact that Christianity, terrified of Manichaean dualism, strove to preserve its monotheism by main force. But since the reality of darkness and evil could not be denied, there was no alternative but to make man responsible for it. Even the devil was largely, if not entirely abolished, … We think that the world of darkness has thus been abolished for good and all, and nobody realizes what a poisoning this is of man’s soul….[12]