Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Posts posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. edit: scratch the second to last. The last one is the same song, but better qaulity. Might just be etnosentrism, but the male and female, Norwegian and swedish duet is hypnotic to me. In my ears, swedish is easily the most beautifull language on planet earth. I can add a version of their anthem aswell:




    • Like 2

  2. 1 hour ago, Mark Foote said:

    I've been working under the assumption that Western science will one day help to explain the wisdom teachings of the world.  

    How so, do you think? For me, wisdom and science are two seperate fields, like intelligence and rationality and empathy for example.

    • Like 1

  3. I think honesty is everything in the exploration of knowledge in general, and even more so in self knowledge. Honesty with Your self, with others, in your words, thoughts and action, and having the guts to express them clearly and authentically.

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  4. I have not read the avestas, but how interresting is this, when you compare it to the first paragraph of John:


    51 (108). Then he shall speak unto Spenta Ârmaiti 1, saying: ‘O Spenta Ârmaiti, this man do I deliver unto thee; this man deliver thou back unto me, against the mighty day of resurrection; deliver him back as one who knows the Gâthas, who

    p. 199

    knows the Yasna, and the revealed law 1, a wise and clever man, who is the Word incarnate.


    @Nungali Might be able to provide some context?

  5. 10 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    A very accessible and reasonable definition I like


    C.G. Jung - "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular."

    I have shared this before, but i think it is worth sharing: 

    so you think enlightentment is becoming whole? A funny thing about at least germanic languages, is that health, holy, healing etc. all seem to derive from whole


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  6. 18 hours ago, Cobie said:


    cf “yin & yang”



    萬 物 負 陰 而 抱 陽 wàn wù fù yīn ér bào yáng - All turned their backs on the yin, and embraced the yang; 

    中 氣 以 為 和 zhōng qì yǐ wéi hé - the two primordial essences blended, creates harmony. (DDJ Ch 42)



    It is allways fascinating when different traditions share the same symbolism

    • Like 1

  7. 19 hours ago, Nungali said:





    " The Black and the White are harnessed to his car ."

    So how do we coordinate them, or get to know, understand and master them? For socrates, the answer was knowledge

  8. 17 hours ago, Nungali said:

    Yes, it is the first requisite to philosophy and initiation .








    Thought you might like this:



    The soul (245c–249d)edit

    He begins by briefly proving the immortality of the soul. A soul is always in motion and as a self-mover has no beginning. A self-mover is itself the source of everything else that moves. So, by the same token, it cannot be destroyed. Bodily objects moved from the outside have no soul, while those that move from within have a soul. Moving from within, all souls are self-movers, and hence their immortality is necessary.[Note 20]

    Then begins the famous chariot allegory. A soul, says Socrates, is like the "natural union of a team of winged horses and their charioteer". While the gods have two good horses, everyone else has a mixture: one is beautiful and good, while the other is neither.[Note 21]



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  9. 5 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

    Again, I have no clue what I am talking about, but I see daoism as akin to some ancient European thought, like that of Heraclitus, the logos and Aurelius.


    Numbered fragmentsedit

    Different sources sometimes number many of these fragments of the expressions of Heraclitus differently.
    220px-RiverWampool%28SimonLedingham%29Se You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you. 220px-Taijitu_polarity.PNG Couples are wholes and not wholes, what agrees disagrees, the concordant is discordant. From all things one and from one all things. 220px-Heraclitus_in_Thomas_Stanley_Histo Even sleepers are workers and collaborators on what goes on in the universe. 220px-Ancient_version_of_the_Taijitu_by_ Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony. 220px-Brocken-tanzawa.JPG Character is destiny.


    This is not to different from some eastern schools, is it?

    • Wow 1

  10. 9 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    East is more open minded in these matters 

    Possibly. Do you think they are more open minded to European thought as well?


    I dont want to come of as a bigot, I dont mean this in a derogotory way at all, but I think westerners might be a little more logical in their thoughts. It has it downside tho, in extreme sceptisism, materialism etc.

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  11. 11 hours ago, dwai said:

    The conditioning is different between western and traditional eastern societies.

    I agree, in what areas have you noticed it?


    It’s often difficult to tell the difference in modern times, with rampant urbanization and cultural assimilation (predominantly from west to east) - colonialism has a big role to play in that process.  

    True, and the harm it has done to cultural diversity is a real shame. So many native traditions completly destroyed, and many others changed for good. I also think it has harmed European culture, spirituality and ethics in fact, as the capitalist and industrialation has somewhat divorced us from our roots and tradition in favour for the machine


    11 hours ago, dwai said:

    But there is also a resurgence of traditional eastern views as the trauma of colonialism begins to recede from generational memory.
    Good, looking forward to it


    Ancient civilizations like India (dharma) and china

    I am far from an expert, but indian tradition does not feel so alien to me, but chinese does to be completly honest. My favorite texts are bhagavad gita and isha upanishad. I have not read a lot of eastern works though, so maybe it will become clearer if i put in the work. 

    Again, I have no clue what I am talking about, but I see daoism as akin to some ancient European thought, like that of Heraclitus, the logos and Aurelius.



    (a more nuanced understanding is needed - how Chinese communism actually reclaimed confucian perspective) are reclaiming their roots , and will in the next 30-50 years become the predominant worldviews (given that 2/3s of the world population is in that region of Asia). 

    • Like 1

  12. Just now, Keith108 said:

    Interesting, sorry to hear about the adhd. I like to use the word rhythm, instead of boredom. If a rhythm can be found, like a heart beat, or the sun coming up everyday, then there is no boredom. For sure, it’s different for everyone. 🙏

    I understand, I get in that zone sometimes, and you are absolutley right: it is wonderfull, healing and no boredom anywhere.

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