Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Posts posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. 7 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

    There is a poem written to this pic by Welhaven. Asgaardreien (road to Asgard), 1844. It is translated by AI, so much of the poetry is lost. But regardless, here you go:


    This is how the wild hunt looks today. Possibly for the better:

    Nyheter, jul | Sjeldent syn i Midtbygda i romjulen!

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    • Haha 1

  2. 48 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:



    I know Odin as Wodan, the wild hunter.

    somehow I don't think Christians could see this god as the same as their god.


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    you can zoom in wonderfully on the website of the museum




    There is a poem written to this pic by Welhaven. Asgaardreien (road to Asgard), 1844. It is translated by AI, so much of the poetry is lost. But regardless, here you go:


    **"Through the Air in the Night it travels
    a procession on foaming black horses.
    In stormy haste, the wild hordes are driving,
    they have only clouds as their foothold.
    It goes over dale, over field and heath,
    through darkness and storm; they heed it not.
    The wanderer throws himself in terror on the road.
    Hear the noise – it is the Asgard Ride!

    Thor, the strong one, with lifted hammer,
    stands high in his chariot, leading the band;
    he strikes his shield, and red flames
    illuminate the nocturnal procession with the blow.
    Then the horns sound, then there is noise
    of bells and clinking reins,
    then the swarm howls and the people listen
    with growing fear in their trembling huts.

    The Asgard Ride rides in formation
    in autumn and winter on harsh nights,
    but it travels most at Christmastime;
    then it holds a feast with trolls and giants,
    then it sweeps low over meadow and path
    and rushes past the noisy village –
    then beware, farmer, keep order and decorum;
    for the Asgard Ride is soon at your farm!

    When the beer brews in the timbered house
    and awakens the heathen Christmas customs,
    and the fire casts its glow from the hearth
    on swinging knives and wild glances,
    then a shudder often goes through the revelry;
    then the ride of the nocturnal hordes is heard,
    then the wall creaks, then the mug dances;
    for the Asgard Ride encircles the house.

    A wedding was held at Upper Flage
    for three holy Christmas days to the end.
    Among maidens, none matched the bride,
    and none among young men matched the groom.
    There was a splendor in the polished hall
    of covered tables and costly metal,
    there was a treasure that came to light,
    of copper on the walls and silver on the tables.

    And merrily drums and fiddles resounded,
    and the groom stepped his dance
    manfully; he led his bride among lads and girls –
    then the dance was light and strong!
    To the dancer's mighty leaps and hops
    the maiden whirled like a spinning top;
    then the noise and the music merged,
    then the hall roared with life and joy.

    On the third evening, when the beer was drunk
    throughout the holy feast by young and old,
    then the thirst in the party was well quenched,
    but the lads were drunk and heavy.
    Our bride wore her crown again;
    for now the toast would go around the table.
    And now the master of the kitchen took the word
    and demanded silence with a knock on the table.

    Then into the feasting crowd burst
    the widely feared Berserkers of Seim;
    their eyes rolled dark and wild,
    on their foreheads were marks of battle.
    They leapt across the hall’s floor –
    yes, it was the brothers Grim and Ulv!
    Grim, who had just been rejected by the bride,
    now came uninvited, and uncalled.

    The drowsy guests jumped up in fear
    and had little will to fight.
    Every staggering man who raised his fist
    was grabbed by the chest and thrown aside.
    The groom put down his cup,
    stepped on the bench and called for peace.
    But the brothers had already drawn their knives from their belts;
    it was the groom’s life they sought.

    Then the women gathered in a cluster
    and formed a guard around the besieged;
    behind tables and benches, piled in a heap,
    they stood trapped by the high seat.
    The oldest woman in their flock
    bared her graying locks,
    and gave the groom a son’s name,
    and took him on her lap and held him embraced.

    But the brothers ignored the women’s tenderness,
    they stormed forward over tables and benches
    and broke through the women’s flock with wildness –
    then there was no longer any thought of peace.
    They grabbed their victim and dragged him
    to the hall’s door and out through it.
    Then there was a raging fight in the yard,
    and the guests followed in wild disorder.

    They rushed out with torches and brands;
    for over the region darkness loomed.
    Then they saw the groom standing upright;
    now he was strengthened by the winter air.
    He used his knife for slashes and thrusts –
    so he gave back what the others offered.
    The three formed a dreadful bundle,
    and none of them would let go of the grip.

    Then Grim suddenly fell,
    and blood streamed widely from his chest.
    All the harder the other two wrestled
    and held each other in a tight grip.
    At last, the groom was thrown to the ground,
    and the knife was already at his throat,
    but Ulv hesitated and stood stunned,
    trembling and shaking like an aspen leaf.

    For through the air in the darkness whistled
    a howling procession on snorting horses;
    it rushed over the forest toward the bride's house,
    and wanted to visit the bloody feast.
    Then horns sounded, then there was noise
    of bells and clinking reins.
    Now it was near – it came over the heath –
    a scream was heard: It is the Asgard Ride!

    Then there was a storm between earth and sky,
    that cast terror into every heart;
    it whirled away in growing tumult,
    it beat with wings, it grabbed with arms.
    Then it was that Ulv was dragged by the hair,
    and hurled into the air and carried away,
    yes, carried over the forest, over the mountain top –
    he was never heard from again, he was nowhere to be found.

    When the noise quieted at the place of terror,
    Grim lay crumpled from the death struggle,
    but the groom was led over the snow,
    and placed on the bench in the guest room.
    His head swayed, his blood flowed,
    he hovered for a time between life and death;
    but he was cared for and well treated,
    by spring he had recovered from it all.

    Now he sits bent and deeply aged,
    and can gather his kin around the hearth,
    now he often sits with tales in the company
    and shortens the time for young and old.
    So it was the latest Christmas Eve,
    when the youth shouted: "Tell, tell!"
    Then his eyes flamed, then he looked back,
    then he conjured up his wedding days."**


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  3. 2 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

    @Paradoxal and @NaturaNaturans , you should listen to the podcast Apech posted recently here. I finished listening to it today. It is very impartial and confirms many points. Good Luck with it and if you don't listen it will be a shame. You obviously have a lot of missplaced animosity. You do get some things right, as I did.


    But like me before I listened to the podcast, you are labouring under the illusion of an incomplete picture of history.


    Listen to the podcast, I double dare you.


    I look forward to speaking more when you are up to speed with this thread... 

    buuut I am in the process of doing so… Ive listened alot to Crawford in the past, he is an Expert on the norse. Anyhow, why dont sdress the question instead of reffering me to a podcast?

    • Like 1

  4. 2 minutes ago, Paradoxal said:

    Except there is! Abrahamic religion claims that the god worshiped by whichever sect you're a part of is the only "true" god, while actively demonizing any other potential god figure. 

    Essentially, the very existence of any religion other than a *single* monotheistic religion has the potential to disprove said monotheistic religion. Because this is an existential threat, monotheistic religions will inevitably try to wipe all other religions out (as can be seen by history). It is a closed-minded philosophy by nature. 

    Good post.


    but on this in particular, I find it a little strange. If they truly belive there is only one God, and not that their god is the only true one, why bother percecuting pagans? Wouldnt an Odinist by definition be worshipping the very same deity If they truly belive there was only one, single God?

  5. 3 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

    Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.  ~George Carlin  Gods how I miss that man's insight and fearlessness with observation and word smithing.


    As for fact checking bothering you slightly... what's wrong with calling out lies when noticed?

    Lies should absolutley be pointed Out! My issue is that it might turn into cencorship: a way of silencing everyone who dont follow the narrative of who ever runs this world.

    • Thanks 1

  6. Just now, Nungali said:


    Probably  .  Sikiran exists in many forms , traditionally its a village foot fighting system where they continually flog each other with fast complex kicks  , full contact .  The version I did had devolved to a 'karate' form , but it still retained some unusual kicks , the instructor (Filipino  ) had remarkable speed, flexibility in the hips  and reflexes  .

    Yeah, and If skilled enough you could survive an encounter with a person with a knife?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Nungali said:



    I hope you got the deeper part of the joke .


    Plenty of youtubes showing 'gun defense '    where the offender sticks the barrel into someone's back or stands within arms reach  and they 'jitsu' them  ... riiiight !


    I was visiting a dojo a while back, they had weapons on the wall including plastic hand guns . me ; " You are not teaching people deference against guns are you ? "  he said he was , since no one else was around   he goes " Pick one up and I will show you ."  Okay dude   :rolleyes:


    So I take one up, walk away from him turn and point the 'gun'  "Give me your wallet ."   He takes it out and  in hand offers it .


    "No no , put it on the floor and kick it over here ."  he does . I squat, keeping aim and eye on him and pick it up and pocket it . And he  smirked ;  " Its just my going out wallet , only got a 20 and no cards in it . "   I amide the gun at his kneecap and said 'Bang ! " thats for being a smart arse  !     .... and I hope you dont teach your kids to give lip to the guy with the gun ! "

    I did boxing, as ive mentioned before. Some people at the gym there, practiced kali sakaran (self defence). Never tried it my self thou, but is it legitimate?

  8. 2 hours ago, Cobie said:

    I think it was a big loss to the forum that Awaken had to be banned for being so rude. I did value some of her info, and also that she was from Taiwan (if I remember well). I’d hate the forum to be only Westerners.


    Certainly. I am no doubt a child of the west, but one of the reasons I sm here is to get a better understanding of the eastern mind. IMO, that can only be learned from easterners.

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  9. As it seems to, a few people operate on an higher level and have contact with entitites that people like me do not. Is that a fair statement? If so, is it possible to describe how this manifests?


    follow up: the last few months ive felt 

    quite strong mentally. Once in a while tho, I fall back to weakness for a period of time. Any advice on how to stay consistently strong?

  10. The Nordic Bronze Age maintained close trade links with Mycenaean Greece, with whom it shares several striking similarities.[10][11][3][12]Some cultural similarities between the Nordic Bronze Age, the Sintashta/Andronovo cultureand peoples of the Rigveda have also been detected.[a][13] The Nordic Bronze Age region included part of northern Germany,[14] and some scholars also include sites in what is now Estonia, Finland and Pomerania as part of its cultural sphere.[15][16]

    The people of the Nordic Bronze Age were actively engaged in the export of amber, and imported metals in return, becoming expert metalworkers. With respect to the number and density of metal deposits, the Nordic Bronze Age became the richest culture in Europe during its existence.[17][18][19]

  11. Let me be clear: I am not saying it is a fact. But we do know a few things: oral epics and bards were common alltrough pagan Europe, there was extendive contact between myceanian greece and the nordic Bronze age, and they had several striking similarities. Finally, there are a lot of details that truly fit the north atlantic way better than the mediteranian.