Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Posts posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. I am posting this qoute from Daniel here, because i am hoping we can Get some life in to this discussion:


    The following song choice was inspired by the recent thread started on individualization, specifically the passage of Carl Jung read by Alan Watts, but there are also elements of it that link up with the Hopsin song that was posted above, "Fly".




    "Tether" asks a simple question.


    "Can we bring it together?"
    "Can we call from the mountain to the valley below?"
    "Can we make it better?
    "Do we tether the hawk, do we tether the dove?"


    Accepting these opposing forces, from the mountain above to the valley below... accepting them for the purpose of releasing them, not tethering them, strongly resonates with me.  While at the same time, if they are both accepted and released as a pair they will moderate each other naturally.  One becomes the other in an infinite glorious dance.  This, imo, is precisely what Jung was describing in the passage which was posted. 



     ... Open your eyes, open your mind, and fly ...



    ... it is this that makes possible the reunion of the waring halves ...



    ... do we tether the hawk? ...

    ... do we tether the dove? ...


    ... do we leave it unanswered? ...

    ... open your mind? and fly? ...


    ... the reunion of the waring halves?  ...


    ... walking a tightrope? ...

    ... bridging the gap? ...


    ... bring it together? ...

    ... do we tether? ...


    It is strange, dont you think, that we are not one entiry, If you know what i mean.


    As far as i understand, the two halves are who we naturally are, and the part of us we repress becaus of society.


    Ill qoute my self from another topic, because i belive it is relevant:



    At the moment, i am «working» on being completly authentic. Autheniticity in words, action and honesty. I think a lot of earlier stress/struggeling was a result of believing and trying to be someone i am not. I thought i knew who i am, but seems like that was how other people thought i should be instead. The result was a constant fight against myself and a lack of purpose.



  2. 16 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

    I think it was based on nietzches and heidegger, and something called perspectivism.

    Show mercy @Nungali, but ChatGPT can bring a more precise perspective here:


    Perspectivism is a philosophical view that stems from the belief that all perceptions, interpretations, and perspectives are subjective. Rooted in the idea that there is no single objective viewpoint, it suggests that different perspectives can provide different insights, each with its own validity. This concept is often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher.

    In Nietzsche's philosophy, perspectivism posits that knowledge is always from a particular perspective and that there are many possible conceptual schemes, or perspectives, in which judgment of truth or value can be made. This contrasts with the notion of an absolute, objective truth. Nietzsche argued that realities are interpretive constructs, arising from a particular perspective.

    This view is influential in various fields, including in the study of ethics, epistemology, and the philosophy of science. It encourages an understanding that different perspectives can lead to different insights and truths, depending on the context and the interpretive framework of the observer. Perspectivism challenges the idea of universal truths and emphasizes the importance of context in shaping understanding and knowledge.


  3. So, we have been talking about God. And then we have the devil. I havent offered him a thought, but does 

    anyone else belive in the satan?

    And is the biblical satan our old friends Lucifer/pan/dioniousys/prometeus and the OT god.. the demiurge?

    Apologies @Daniel, i dont take any of this stuff literally, but from an historical, Christian/gnostic perspective?



    also, a lot here, myself included, seem to view God as present in everything (the universe/nature)… but is he also outside it?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Neirong said:

    :blink: 2+2 = ?

    We are living in one world, not in two separate worlds, where you have computers, video calls and other technology in one and "spirituality" in another.

    The only reason people don't have abilities is because they are lazy or dumb. Imagine an ape grabs a smartphone, but has no idea how to turn it on, how to charge it, and so on.

    There are hundreds of abilities we can develop as species, which normal (untrained) individual does not have. It takes time, It takes effort.

    You can see energy fields (more that regular visible spectrum), you can develop internal screen and watch movies on it or review memories of the past, you can even space travel by accelerating your energy body e.t.c.

    Some (in fact, most modern people) would say that your reality is so out of touch with the objective Reality, that there is no evidence for it and that it is possibly psychosis. It could be. I am not in that camp myself, buuuut… i dont think your argument (im not even sure what it is) is very convincing.
    I to had experience where i saw colors around me that seemed to represent various forces or auroas or whatever, that others around did not percieve. It felt very meaningful, and it was just as real as anything other i experience….

    BUT i can not say conclusivley that it was not madness (by that i mean, a break with Reality).

    • Like 1

  5. 1 minute ago, Nungali said:

    You have cabinS ?  Tell us about them / it .

    Made it sound more special then it is. Thing is, Norway is basically the same size as germany/italy/uk etc, but with 10-20times less population. So a lot of space, every native family has at least one, maybe two. And then you inheiret a farm or maybe a small summer house, and yeah, quickly accumilates. But it is nice. 


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  6. I listened to a philospher yesterday. Cant recall his name right now unfortunatley, but ill do If it comes back. I think it was based on nietzches and heidegger, and something called perspectivism. Basically, Reality with capital r doesnt exist, and even if it did, we would never be able to see it. So we got to «choose» and be able to switch between different paradimes (ideally), depending on how usefull it is. 
    Was a great talk for me as, as ive recently struggled with a destruction of my old, life long perfection of reality (lower case r) and has been struggling building a new one. But maybe i dont have to build, but can pick and choose and adapt instead.

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  7. So, first ill let ChatGPT define the term:



    ESP, or Extrasensory Perception, refers to the claimed ability to obtain information without the use of the known five senses. It is often considered a part of parapsychology. Types of ESP include telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (gaining information about distant or unseen objects), and precognition (foreknowledge of events). While some people believe in the existence of ESP, it remains a controversial and scientifically unproven concept. Most scientific studies have not found credible evidence to support ESP, and it is often regarded as pseudoscience.

    So yeah, remote viewing, manifestation, Sheldrakes morphic ressonance, telepathy etc. 


    From what i have gathered, there has been some solid research showing that these phenonema are real. I also do not like the term super natural (defying the laws of nature?), as i belive they are a part of the «natural laws.» Probally because my personal world view is that it is all mind, and i reject a mechanistic/newtonian world view. 

    Whats your take, my dear bums?

  8. On 9.11.2023 at 10:40 PM, Nungali said:

    Some times I think I should build another smaller cabin for people that want a 'mountain retreat ' .


    You would have to pay money , but that would relieve you from what I have to do in my mountain ' retreat'  :


    Store wood for winter heating and cooking , repair the chainsaw,   fill the back up water tanks,  repair the pump . cut the grass so you dont get overgrown and infested with tics, leeches spiders and snakes , repair the mower, buy fuel,  find a way to repel mosquitoes so you dont get any of the nasty diseases they carry here ,  build the shelter/ guest cabin , maintain the veggie garden ....


    ... or just live in the mountains in your own 'retreat'

    Id join in a heart beat. Buuut somehow i got a feeling that one of my cabins is better suited for a mountain retreat than yours. But i guess the vast land of the aussies has a lot of geographic variations



    edit: looking at Your latest post i see you have it all set up, so nvm the above statement

  9. At the moment, i am «working» on being completly authentic. Autheniticity in words, action and honesty. I think a lot of earlier stress/struggeling was a result of believing and trying to be someone i am not. I thought i knew who i am, but seems like that was how other people thought i should be instead. The result was a constant fight against myself and a lack of purpose.

    • Like 2

  10. I have now edited the title and added a few qoutes from his other works, because i belive a general discussion on individuation might be more rewarding.

    Just thought this video was worth sharing.

    Hope you found value in it if you gave it a go.


    “. . .when all is said and done, our own existence is an experiment of nature, an attempt at a new synthesis.”

    “Individuation means becoming an “in-dividual,” and, in so far as “individuality” embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could therefore translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” 

    “If you sum up what people tell you about their experiences [on the path of individuation], you can formulate it this way: They came to themselves, they could accept themselves, they were able to become reconciled to themselves, and thus were reconciled to adverse circumstances and events.”

    “[W]isdom begins only when one takes things as they are. . .So it is a healing attitude when one can agree with the facts as they are. . .only then can we thrive.”

    All qoutes are from Jung. It is derived from this article, where the writer delves deeper in to the topic:



    • Like 4

  11. 14 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    I've thought/hoped that the best way to God was through silence.  

    Often the opposite of a great truth is another great truth. So maybe there are paths in awe and exuberance.


    What does silence mean to you? Feels strange to say, but the concept is somewhat foreign to me. Same goes with «nothingness» and «emptiness.»


    That said, i do belive wisdom is more about «forgetting» the programming and returning to the source, in lack of a better word

  12. So, i made this thread after a strong feeling of peace and unity. When the sensation ended, i fell a deep longing to return.

    My old world view was shattered, and i tried to construct a new one. I was not able to. I fell in to nihilism, believing there is no purpose and no one got the answer. It has been depressing to be honest.

    Many say the meaning of life is to find your own meaning. But how is that possible? 
    i am reading Thus spoke Zarathustra at the moment. I love it so far. I think it might contain the answers i am desperatley searching for (the road Out of the desert), and think i will male a thread about it when im finished.

    Tagging @Nungaliand @Daniel to see If they have anything to add.

  13. I see quite a lot of you are jewish, witch is ofc perf fine… but it is allowed to bring politics in? If youd forgive me, i cant help but sympathize with the palestinians, considering their treatment and oppression, and i am also worried that the actions of Netanyahus goverment might lead to an enourmos rise in anti-semittism, and that the geo-politics of the situation might bring all Israelis with them to the abyss. Sadly, i am worried it is to late allready. 

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  14. Ill share this, not because i like the song that much (a little old fashioned for my taste), but because of the lyrcis/meaning of the song, as well as the countless time I've heard It played live at family gatherings. Lyrics in spoiler.



    Erik Bye's "Så lenge skuta kan gå" is a well-known Norwegian song. While the direct translation may not capture the full depth and poetic nature of the original lyrics, I can provide a general translation to convey the song's essence:

    As long as the ship can go, As long as the heart can beat, As long as the sun sparkles on the blue waves, Even if it's just for a day or two, Stay contented nonetheless, For there are many who never see a glimmer of light.

    Who has said that you came into the world, To experience sunshine and happiness on your journey? To be invited beneath the glow of stars, To be rushed into a shelter, To get a kiss or two in a swirling dance.

    Who has said that you should have the privilege of hearing and sight, To hear the sound of the waves, and be able to sing? And who has promised you the finest menu, Or to swing like a bird atop the waves?

    With the engines humming, And if your watch is long, Remember the bell will soon toll for you.

    Embrace your job with joy, even if it's tough, For soon you'll rest for eternity. Yet, nothing stops you from being cheerful and spirited, So belt out a truly spirited seafaring waltz.

    It's a tremendous fortune that you're alive, my friend, With opportunities ahead, If resources run low, embark on the sea once more, With the wind of adventures caressing your face.

    Complete your tasks with flair, Land somewhere, And maybe snatch a kiss or two in a dizzying dance.

    Please note this is a general translation and might not convey the exact sentiments of the original Norwegian lyrics. The song itself emphasizes the importance of perseverance and finding joy in life despite its challenges.


    Feels a little weird to throw out a song from a kids show, but I think its a touching song tbh:


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