Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Posts posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. IMG_0555.thumb.jpeg.f5d583b60b8fed74e97c5502b32b6b74.jpeg


    On Reading and Writing

    Of all that is written I love only what a man has written with his blood. Write with blood, and you will experience that blood is spirit.

    It is not easily possible to understand the blood of another: I hate reading idlers. Whoever knows the reader will henceforth do nothing for the reader. Another century of readers–and the spirit itself will stink.

    That everyone may learn to read, in the long run corrupts not only writing but also thinking. Once the spirit was God, then he became man, and now even he becomes rabble.


  2. Interresting read, and in stark contrast to the indo european structure, where the PIE word for family consists of «to be born» and «house.» Father was also synonoumus with «head of the house,» and the children took the name of their fathers family. Free from the restrain of historium, we can finaly say that the forbidden science shows that indo-european males sometimes married outsiders, but women did not. And so they spread their hierarchial, patrichal and warring ways and semen. 


    But enough about that. I am wondering what you can tell about how aboriginals deal with things like tribal and teretorial disputes, family structure, leadership, people who get exiled… stuff like that.

    In general, hunter-gatherer societies are egalitarian, are they not? 



     According to moiety, everything is split in half. This includes you and your environment. Each half of these entities are a mirror of each other. To understand the whole universe, the two halves must come together to form a whole.

    Love it. Reminds me of the greeks take on soulmates. How Zeus spilt humanity in half, man and women, and ever since we have been searching reunite with our better half, become whole. 


    Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.



    edit, unrelated note:


    Just found it interresting that they could thrace this phrase so far back: 

    Most interestingly some phrases used in these ancient poems can be reconstructed by looking at the oldest available sources of Indo-European poetry, such as Homer and the Vedas:

    “imperishable fame,” *klewos dhgwhitom (kleu-, *dhgwhei-);  


    And lt is still burning ❤️‍🔥


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  3. On 18.10.2023 at 3:51 AM, Nungali said:


    " ...   True, we have gone over a great deal of the ground in various learned disquisitions of Gods, Angels, Elves, et hoc genus omne.

    But God with a capital “G” in the singular is a totally different pair of Blüchers.

    I find it hard to articulate why, but i somehow feel that god neccesarily would be singular, present in everything. Monist or pantheist if you like. Waves in the ocean.


    As for Your other posts, ill need some time. Most likley a lot of time. That was a lot of chapters, but thank you, ot might turn out to deepend my understanding of this thing we call excistence.

    • Like 1

  4. 30 minutes ago, Daniel said:

    Elohim is not always plural.  And that is the point.  It looks like a plurality, but it is infact singular.  This is the root of Judaism. That is the innovation brought by Judaism in that time and place. 

    Well, it is not what i have heard from different scholars… 

    This part is qoute strange as well:

    So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life is preserved.” 


    The best place to look is... in the beginning Genesis 1.  

    One would think one genesis would suffice, wouldnt you agree?

  5. 35 minutes ago, Nungali said:


    Have you encountered the Urantia Book ?


    I dont give it that much validity , but it does outline an interesting cosmology relating to some of those things .


    I am curious which Book of Enoch you are referring to , there is the old one ,  that didnt make it into the Bible , and there is an atrocious new age one,  'channeled' . 



    Im not sure witch version, i listened to it. But i must say the old testament have some fun bits in it. As charlie said on historiom, it must have been a pain edititing together… 

    I was going to qoute you solomons song, but the meaning was so different in Norwegian and english. Høysangen as its called, manage to be simpy, homoerotic and racist all at the same time, but it was probally lost in translation, as it is neither of those things in english. Or maybe it was done on purpose.

    I will take a look at Urantina.

    I have «the anatomy of God,» on Audible, making a very strong case that Yahwe was a man, but i have barley started it. But here scholarship (the author) is said to be very high level. The whole council of the gods thing also interrest me. I have heard (and i intend to mindlessy repeat) that the god for the sumerian cities where in fact their founder or king. But If it is true or not, i think you know better then me.

  6. i am qouting myself from another thread here, but i belive it is relevant:


    Have you read Nietzsche, or are you aware of his concept of unter/ubermench? I just started «thus spoke zarathustra,» but i am superfically familiar with his philosophy. I think it could be relevant for Your search of meaning and your view on ethics. Shame his repution has  been so besudled by the third reich.


  7. I am very much a westerner. I belive we are not as advanced as the hindu and oriental traditions on calming the mind. I think I would be better of to being tranquile, zen and "flowing:" 

    “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

    Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

    Any thoughts or adivice?

    • Like 1

  8. Let me throw in a little disclaimes as well. I am not, as you can tell, an expert. So apologies if I have wronged an tradition and I cant guarantee that all I have written is factual.


    Dyēus Phter: The Original Sky-Father - Starkey Comics

  9. So, this is a big one. In the western hemisphere, we have the indo-european deus pater (sky-father.) The latin word "deus" in terms have indo-european roots, meaning god or higher power. The Christian heavenly Father, pantheism, the unmoved mover... We also have evidence the greek athanatos, witch means gods and immortal. Thats how Ceasar and others could become gods (or more precisely, immortals).  Odin, the allfather, is simarily also often referred to the "kings" of the gods, and is believed to have been an historical king of 4th century Norway and Sweden. In germanic languages the word god comes from "got", witch again comes from the etnich group called goths. The name "goths" is again believed to mean something along of "the folk" or "tribe."

    The Semetic traditions of Islam and Judaism seem to have a concept of monotheistic, all powerful God who rules the world like a king. Lots and lots of native traditions (and some philosophies) sees the divine in forces of nature, spirits and animism. Ancient mid east also had the concept of "god kings" or "pharao," no?

    How the Eastern traditions conceptualize god I have absolutely no idea. I have asked two Chinese people about how they conceptualize god, but that seems to have been a mistake, as they got uncomfortable and didn't want to answer. I guess I'm lacking a little in cultural sensitivity.

    What do god(s), spirits, or "the divine" mean to you?

  10. 10 hours ago, Ajay0 said:


    That which is unconscious and egoic is self-destructive in the long run.



    Well, yess, but i will not sit down and meditate If i meet a hungry lion.


    Nor am going to call it stupid or egoic, or an npc.

  11. 12 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

    oh you see in this epic to be 'good' means slaughtering own cousins over a piece of real estate as commanded by a god, only to be murdered by own son. In that light they were neither stupid nor smart. They were NPCs.

    Why do you not want to take the text by it self? It is kind of the whole transformer debate, getting to caught up by the choice of Words instead of the overtall message… or as Daniel would say, the tree for the forrest

    • Thanks 1

  12. 1 hour ago, Taoist Texts said:

    its a fine question, nothing wrong with it

    of course i do.  as i do  with everything i see

    in the cat and mouse case i judge it to be bad. all men are either one or the other, but there is a secret not to be either one


    What is the «not either one?» To live by photosynthesis? And what does mice eat btw?