Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

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Posts posted by Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

  1. 1 minute ago, Nungali said:

    I do all that because I want to because it makes  ME feel good .  because it fulfills MY purpose .

    Sure, but that is redefining selfishness to the point of being meaningless. Everyone are like that 

    • Like 1

  2. 26 minutes ago, 心神 ~ said:


    I honestly don't know much about it from the artist's perspective. I read that he was a philosopher and theosophist deeply influenced by Russian symbolism, which emphasizes the spiritual through art. He's said to be well known in Russia for his efforts in art preservation.


    He credited much of his work and inspiration to his wife, saying, "Together we created, and not without reason is it said that the work should bear two names - a masculine and feminine."


    I found this interpretation of the painting online:


    "Mother of the World is one of his [Roerich's] most optimistic pictures, because her very meaning implies the end of the Dark Era and the beginning of the Light.


    On the throne from the mountains sits the Great Mother, which is that single feminine principle, which was called differently in different religions, but never forgetting. The Empress is the lasso of Tarot, symbolizing the mother. Virgin Mary is the Christian reflection of the mother.


    Many pagan, ancient religions revered not a single creator, but a single goddess, who at the dawn of time gave birth to the world. It is this ancient archetype of the mother who gives, protects and embodies the Great Mother. Her face is hidden under the hood, but the lower part, visible to the viewer, impassive and similar in color to bronze, is lit up, which indicates the imminent onset of a happy, bright age and the upcoming discovery of knowledge.


    The tunic of her free waves falls down, symbolizing order and harmony in everything that surrounds Mother. Behind her, in heaven, the Seven Elders and Three Mages are constellations, and between them rises in radiance and glory, just above Mother’s head, the morning star, which also portends joy for all.


    Around the mountains serving the Mother as the throne, a river flows, symbolizing the endless river of life, nourishing itself. The fish swimming in it are people, their fates, seeking themselves in an endless stream."


    Well, thats my New background pic for my phone for sure. Breathtaking and great story 

    • Like 1

  3. 2 minutes ago, Nungali said:


    You forgot to make a cross over him and throw Holy Water in his face .


    Wait !  better not  do the water thing ....


    Apec :   " Arrrghhhh  !  It burns  .....   "

    wasnt babtism from the greek mysteries?

    • Thanks 1

  4. 1 minute ago, Nungali said:



    Anyone been 'struck' in  LTD  ?    :D


    We both have 'bits' of the other .  Some would say I am 'compassionate and caring ' , thats the  Cancerian side ; love cooking and feeding people  .... a happy full tummy on others makes ME feel good   ( and , at work I used to have an ability to know what others needed to eat  for them to feel good, on a particular day .  Sometimes they would ask me what they should eat  :)  ... and I would make a diagnosis and 'prescription' ).  Also my work in hospital , geriatrics , postmortem *


    And you , Blue Eyes , aint exactly a 'dumb bunny' ya know .   ( Sometimes I think she actually gets what I am saying !     :D  ) 


    Of course, I am also a hard arse  to wingers  who dont have it tough but think they do  .... but I am used to working with those that are really having difficulty  (in the hospital, in refugee re location - some ex-torture victims , etc ) so I dont have much sympathy unwarranted complainers .


    I do have it for kids though .   And to answer the question , no I dont have kids . But I didnt want to get into that as I have 'had; a few times , others kids .  It seemed that if I had my own my opinions would be more compassionate ?


    Dont start that up on me .


    As I will get into a rant about crap fathers that I had to step up for and take their role as they where pathetic 'not-men' , and give the kids some support attention nurturing and love ... so me 'seeing things differently  if I was  parent' will not fly with me .  I do acknowledge the difference though .... I dont do long term 24 / 7  with them .  But to me , that can make a person less receptive and tolerant to them .




    * some might not consider that 'care' ... but it is . I have a friend  who does it too , recently she was commenting on the difficulty many local Aboriginal people have, how many of them are dying , how much grief is in their community , etc .  Someone asked how she knew that ;  " I go and pick up their  bodies , I wash them and make them look nice , I stand beside  their relatives when they view the bodies , I cry and lament with them ... I help them through all the paperwork and bullshit afterwards ."



    And somehow you still call yourself selfish… thats not how experience you at least, on the contrary 

    • Downvote 1

  5. 3 minutes ago, Apech said:

    Everything was lovely till the Christians turned up:



    Well, they had their way of Life. I am not sure if being turned in to slaves, tortured til they accepted christ and seing their cities burned down made their Life any better

  6. In scandinavia we only have one species, the gaupe. IMG_3246.thumb.jpeg.15f577c7e5ad8c497429dfeba51e3dee.jpeg


    i read about the asiatic lion yesterday. Now it is limited to a resovar in gujarat, but historically it existed all the way to greece. Alexander the great hunted one in his youth. Here is an assyrian depiction of it (600bc):



    The lion is also used on a whole lot of coat of arns in northern Europe. Problem is, most northren europeans have never seen one, so when the swedish king ordered one, they made it like this:




    Here is a jaguar high on dmt: 

    and here is a man facing a lion with toilet paper:


    • Like 2

  7. Let me Ask you the same question, what are Your thoughts on lutheranism?


    Lutheranism advocates a doctrine of justification "by Grace alone through faith alone on the basis of Scripture alone", the doctrine that scripture is the final authority on all matters of faith. This contrasts with the belief of the Roman Catholic Church, defined at the Council of Trent, which contends that final authority comes from both Scripture and tradition.[3]


    @Thrice Daily

  8. Just now, Thrice Daily said:

    I'm more into the Christians than the church itself. They say its the human souls that make the mystical body of Christ, not the church, does that make sense? It seems Christians are the only ones standing up to the Lies and Hypocrisy in our times. Tucker Carlson, RFK, Patrick Bet David, Chris Cuomo, Candice Owens, even Russel Brand. The people they try to cancel and that get many death threats, They have my endorsement, those standing up to big food, big pharma, and the military industrial complex etc these are the brave ones. I'm not into Gates and Comilla and Cheney , I think these are more in toe with what you are saying, trying to rewrite truth and push death and destruction, not modern Christians, right here right now...

    Yes, that makes sense. I have no issue with Christ. I have an issue with those who pretend to speak for him.