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About Zoya

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    Immortal In Progress

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  1. Dragon Qigong Video

    That's the point, I don't know if there will be conflict since in some talks in the site people seem to speak how you can't do "X style" together with "Y style". Right now I'm doing Baguazhang.At the beginning, but still...
  2. Dragon Qigong Video

    I found this video recently, haven't tried it yet. Reason why I'm asking.
  3. Without rodeo, are the exercises here legit? And are they safe to use as it is or should people that do certain qigong styles avoid this?
  4. Spotting a fake master

    If they speak more of what they're teaching: they're legit If they speak more of themselves: they're fake Glory hounds only mastered the art of self-flattery.
  5. I fear my comment may be seen as prejudiced, so as much as I would like to state my opinion, I'll have to abstain from that. I will say though, that it is easy to be satisfied with little when you're taught to only accept little.
  6. Tough Guy

    To me the phrase "tough guy" means someone(usually a man) that likes to posture himself as if he was stronger or braver, more than any around him, but in truth he would be the first one to fall and beg for mercy or flee when against someone or something that he considers to be a threat. There is a reason why the image of a "tough guy" usually is used for bullies and the stereotyped "macho man".
  7. Application of awareness

    I dance, act and sing.All at once or one at a time. I need constant awareness of my body, in it's entirety and specific parts of it(once at a time or all at the same time), I need to know where I am in the space, I need to be aware of the tempo of a music, etc. And while I'm doing all of those physical actions I am able to be aware of myself, just myself and nothing else.A time for me to connect with my innermost parts, form a bridge between the outisde and the inside. This is still a WIP but I can safely say "yes".
  8. N/A

    I gotta ask because I'm curious, but can anyone develop Siddhis or is this something that only people following a very specific tradition/faith/belief can actually do?
  9. From Fiction to Fact

    I had my doubts but I didn't want to guess incorrectly on the small chance it was real. You can see on her torso that there seems to be a multiplication of her torso as there is a line "in the middle" that should be the light from the background, and right after that we have a secon torso.You can also see it by checking the top of her belt.
  10. From Fiction to Fact

    Is this a real or AI made illustration?
  11. From Fiction to Fact

  12. From Fiction to Fact

    I'm not against paying. I'm against people who put a price tag on their services because most often than not those people tend to not meet halfway and do some demonstration of their skills so the buyer can be sure that they're legit and actually able to teach or do what they claim to be able to do. "I don't have a problem if people want to make wild claims, but I do when they start to put a price tag on things, specially when they have very little or nothing to show for it." Many things worth learning come for free, the best things in life come for free. Most people just don't realize it because they take free things for granted.
  13. From Fiction to Fact

    Learning, doing and seeing what works and what doesn't. If you mean "what means specifically" I said so in the beginning: " Qigong, Daoism and TCM " though I'm not against trying other ways but for now I'll stick to the traditional ones. If you meant something else with that question, you'll have to clarify what you meant.
  14. From Fiction to Fact

    I want to become an immortal through my effort, my own path. Not by doing a P2W scheme. If people have to ask, I don't think it's that evident.