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Everything posted by DoctorChi

  1. Trying to find the next level

    Hi guys, Im a doctor interested in qigong and been doing it for around 8 years(Im 24 btw), I dont do exercises anymore because I can move chi better by just laying down on my bed for around 30 min a day. I did this routine of laying down for atleast 6 months, but stopped and resumed it recently . To be honest I didnt find any benefit of doing it . I can make my testicles,hands and feet hurt by concentrating chi into it and I feel chi coming to my hand from my forearms without counsciously doing it when I focus on my hand. Been trying to fill my dantien by concentrating on it but since there arent many nerve ending at that place I cant feel if its working or not. But it may be because my focus is improving and I dont necessarily need to feel it . Also trying the MCU but it is even harder than dantien, I just feel a really small stream(if I can even call it a stream) the go straight down my belly but moves as a snake up my spine(I cant go straight for some reason) I wish I can find what I'm in search for here . Also, english isnt my first language, so go easy on my grammar