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About Dedicated

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Hey, At least you these strong reactions make you know you're still alive. You have a couple of things to heal and process here. But the drama is over, so take a breath. Energy moved. Perhaps it's like to spin wool. With experience comes smooth movement of energy. But learn what assists you to feel happy and relaxed. Time will tell what works
  2. Finding my spiritual Path

    My view is that he is a beautiful person with an astute mind. But I'm not inspired to the point of goosebumps
  3. Finding my spiritual Path

    Nietzsche's ok, I studied him at Uni. But no
  4. Finding my spiritual Path

    It can be problematic. In the Art of Happiness the Dalai Lama suggests sticking to the path you're familiar with because they all lead most of the way and the rest is up to us
  5. Fortune favours the bold
  6. Why bother with morality and ethics?

    To avoid being morally boring.
  7. The lion in coat of arms

    The lion can be a symbol to represent heart. My surname crest has a lion
  8. Experience is what is needed

    The beauty only reveals itself experientially
  9. The Construction of Judaism

    My research has led to an interesting revelation. I will casually look into a loose timeline for events that took place in antiquity. We need to approach cleaning up our understanding of History in a patient, open and mildly methodical manner. I was looking into stories of Inanna and Gilgamesh from different angles for multiple reasons. And what shook out was the old testament is a collation of oral stories and our sense of old testament timeline is way out. It's just on my list of areas of exploration, but one I was thinking of just the other day. On a different note, one thing I adore about the history of Jewish culture is the fact that these people walked for forty years forming customs alive today. To understand the beauty of their culture is a blessing.
  10. Any religion spread by force got nothing to offer

    I would put it as people who don't understand the religion they're pushing
  11. Higher level of conciousness

    Perhaps these entities are distractions?
  12. Dear Buddhists, I have a question

    We are unified by suffering. The middle path helps reduce suffering. Siddhartha experienced both opulence and asceticism, and while meditating heard a music teacher instruct his pupil to not have the string of the instrument too tight or too slack which was a revelation. An other way to look at your musing is, we all need to eat to avoid suffering hunger, so why not turn this necessity into a shared joy.
  13. Receiving acupuncture is passive, spiritual practice is active
  14. Asking for testimony about Neidan

    I have experienced the phenomenon, but decades ago. I sincerely encourage you. Once you have you want to
  15. Where are all the martial artists at?

    My Brother is a Black Belt teacher in Yet Chang Do. We have both studied others. But that's a core foundation for us