Mana conduit

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Everything posted by Mana conduit

  1. I was VERY reckless with my practice and I'm fine heck I'm better. Plus there is no permanent injury from this type of training you just need to rest till recovered
  2. Hey you seem to be smart wanna talk on discord or IG just gimme your id I got two other people constantly experimenting and training so having another member would be nice and helpful
  3. Check out This will teach you how to view people's energy even from online and let's you see bad spirits as well
  4. Bro it's no use arguing just check my aura and tell him how powerful it is
  5. Can you see my aura then tell me what you see
  6. All mo pai powers are weak I want to tank a nuke and I've been practicing less than a month with my newly developed "proper" technique but I've been doing a lot of trial and error to find the perfect strengthening technique for a year or so and this is the one that ended up working the audio file was given by someone to me and after verifying it with remote viewing it was positive so I played it and I felt my energy strength increase though I had to train to use that strength though both me and my friends train like this and we made great progress our strength almost doubles right now after each training though we have to rest for half a week in between training but our goal is to make a training system that guarantees results for all the 25% of people on earth who have souls
  7. But I got many remote viewers to view my energy and they said it improves exponentially with my training even though my training is only 20 mins every two to three days my "experiment" is seeing how fast an untrained person grows you cannot be harmed if you do my instructions properly. Plus the powers you gain the traditional way are weak so that is a sign that we must innovate
  8. My whole techniques and the audio file you can take credit if you want I just want people to know about this it's the least you could do as I after all saved you decades of laborous training
  9. I hope a mod pins this post as I literally got the exploit to chi powers here but negative entities instill fear in people of my practice if you saw for yourself how the energy of my video worked you should also do my training technique and check out purple energy on YouTube he has training techniques yes but his Livestreams are where you can find a lot of VERIFIABLE information if you practice remote viewing anyway I'm glad you chose the smart path of the exploiter all I ask is that you share my methods with EVERYONE
  10. Read my previous posts for context and for training to be superhuman Listen the audio file is silent there are no hypnosis shit or bad frequencies just positive embedded energy you can mute it play it in the background idc it'll do the same thing another thing is that this was made from another person named purple energy (great lives btw check him out) on YouTubes video for energy strength but my friend refined it to this which is SOOO much better although I probably should explain how it works. You see the energy from the audio expands then compresses your energy body therefore increasing the quality of your energy but there are problems with using an audio like this One it has to be played from beginning to end in one sitting otherwise your enlarged energy body will attract negative entities Two we might have refined the audio a tad too much for beginners so you may feel fried after it but don't worry if you feel like it's too much just imagine a dial and set the strength to whatever you are comfy with. Three don't be lazy and stop training do my training WITH this as you need to train yourself to use energy strength. Anyway just wanted to clear misconceptions oh also check purple energy on YouTube he talks about the nature of reality on YouTube Livestreams and has great energy techniques. Mods check out this audio and please tell me if you all think this is malicious
  11. Can you post it for me I'm kinda unfamiliar with dao bums I just wanted to help people with an exploit I found but people here don't believe in exploits and would rather take decades to get results while it took me less than a month But I'm glad you understand if all people practiced the basic skill of remote viewing and saw my energy they would immediately believe me as my energy is so strong thanks to my training
  12. I don't do this for fame I do it to help and for experimenting my technique worked with friends but we were energy trained before trying this so we want to see how the general (non or shit trained) public reacts to this.
  13. I never heard about burning but if you feel the energy is too much for you just imagine a dial and set the energy to whichever you can handle and take a rest from the audio if you feel like your energy is being fried maybe a couple days after the first listening but soon you'll get used to it and you'll be able to listen when you want
  14. Bro I genuinely almost doubled my PR on lateral raises in a week thanks to this it is actually crazy ( though I did the technique for months before even working out)
  15. Congratulations you almost fucked yourself the energy of the video works by expanding your energy body then compressing it so by playing it for seconds you kept your energy body big while not compressing it congrats 👏👏 if you don't finish the audio demons are more likely to target you the same ones that make all the others think I'm sketchy so chop chop play the rest of it even in the background is fine btw I didn't make this my friend did he's the resident "cook" for these things I only shared it because it MASSIVELY boosted my gains my Friend used the YouTube channel purple energys energy strength video after btw remote viewing it and seeing the energy was positive so he just refined it to the point when my audio file is so much better that it's ridiculous ok
  16. Have you even tried it to see if it's evil the reason I call it a cheat is that it multiplies your progress but you still need to train plus just mute the file it'll still work on you if muted.
  17. Ok the audio file has no sound it's is just embedded energy instructions and only amps your training progress but anyway tell me how much I should lift for you to believe me
  18. You can mute the audio if you want as long as it's playing in the background it will work as the energy is embedded in the file itself and what I did actually worked for me so yeah maybe your slow methods are just shit listen I'm trying to tank a nuke I don have time to sit 4 hours a day for ten years
  19. Dude I got people to remote view me before and after the technique and the all said that my energy with the technique is exponentially stronger but you know what have it your way once I lateral raise 500kg with one arm I'll be back here
  20. Good news I found a way to put the cheat I can now lift 32 kilos in lateral raise I'm 85 kilos though I'm very fat if i wasn't fat I'd be 68 kilos. Here is the cheat tell me how you feel after listening to it
  21. Apparently energy can be embedded in video or audio format so play this fully to increase your energy strength and do the techniques I detailed in my earlier posts along with this to increase physical strength to superhuman levels anyway here is the cheat listen once a day or more or less depending on if your body tells you to or not.
  22. Bro my technique is ACTUALLY simple it just needs a lot of energy strength which can be easily gained with a cheat code I have in an audio file which I can't share here because I can't use Google drive docs so I asked people to dm me on IG so they can find the cheat code
  23. It's the second technique in my last post that's it it's very simple and how nobody else has found out about it truly baffles and I mean REALLY baffles me it's very simple I even have a cheat code audio file which I can't upload for some reason as dao bums doesn't accept Google drive docs so just dm me on IG for the cheat code I talk about in my last post