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Everything posted by Compendium

  1. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    I am Compendium I am a male from northern Australia I am joining this forum primarily to respond to a particular thread I found in a Google search, of someone speaking of their experiences with (what appears to be) self-initiation, by way of the knowledge offered by those such as golden dawn For the most part, there seem to be very few people or sources online who have a genuine understanding of what happens within initiation I was rather surprised to find someone on this forum with very specific understanding Enough to want to join, to speak with them I want to share some of my own understanding as an Illuminated initiate, in hope it may help them, or any others in future Whilst also expanding my own understanding, by correlating alternate paths of initiation others have experienced I may also, in future, post a thread sharing esoteric understanding, if there are any here interested in reading and knowing Thank you for providing this space for sharing Compendium
  2. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    But what defines "cannot be"? Where does the distinction lay? The concepts of "what" is unknowable ... and what unknowable "is", cannot itself be known. Because of the words definition Except by measuring it against, what is known, and what is yet to be known I was merely pointing out a funny "enigma" within our language. Similar to words like "Infinite" Self-redundant, recursive and pointless to consider Concepts, which by their own definition, are "anti-concepts"
  3. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    Yes If indeed, such concept can be known 👍
  4. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    The Sphinx is a symbol of ordered civilisation, such as “Government” The Sphinx riddle in Greek mythology of the word puzzle that Oedipus has to solve to become the King of Thebes, is an analogy for leaders chosen for their ability to solve problems and help the people In Egyptian mythology, the sphinx is said to symbolise the solar deity called “Horus of the Horizon” “Horus of the Horizon” is “Torus of perspective”. The sphere which brings forth directional perception, within which dimensional space can exist “Horus” is the personification, of what we would call today “Torus”, or what is detailed in the correctly translated Old Testament “Torah” It is no different to the Om symbol. Which is no different to the numbers, 1, 2, 3 Which is not different to any other TRINITY FREEMASONS Entered Initiate – Primary (Internal) Fellowcraft – Secondary (External) Master Mason – Gateway (Directional) CATHOLIC Father – Primary – Thought (External) Son – Secondary – Emotion (Internal) Holy Spirit – Gateway – Spirit (Directional) ROSICRUSCIAN Head – Thought Heart – Emotion Hara (Gut) – Action DAO Qi – Mind Shen – Heart Jing – Body TCM Upper Dantian Middle Dantian Lower Dantian BUDDHIST Thought Speech Action SUFI Head Heart Hand PHYSICS – ELEMENTS Gas – Sky Liquid – Sea Solid – Earth ASTRONOMY Earth – Brain / The Complex Venus – Veins / The Flow Mars – Muscle / The Flesh EGYPTIAN Akh – Arch Ba – Bear Ka – Carry ILLUMINATED (Un) The Eye – Mind / Sun / Sky (To) The Waters – Heart / Moon / Sea (The) The Hand – Body / Solar System / Earth All these things are merely application of 3 phase states of the torus One that can be applied at any level across the macrocosm/microcosm. To any torus, sphere or cell The sun in the sky, is no different to the mind in your head Your hand itself, with the the thumb centre, fingers surrounding, and palm between internal and external curvature Width, Depth and Height, are not possible until you have a sphere of influence, giving “direction”, to which these things can be applied 4th Dimension - Width 5th Dimension - Depth 6th Dimension - Height These are directional extensions (see image below) Without the 1st, 2nd and 3rd torus/sphere dimensions, to give concept of direction. There would be be nothing to “face” or “point” in those directions, in order to perceive or correlate width, depth, height There would be nothing for up, down, left, right, north, south, east or west to exist within All geometry, needs exist within a sphere. Or it could not exist All patterns of 4, are “relative” conceptual alignment Such is the SPHINX, sitting prone to the SPHERE (the torus, which allows the perception of its horizon. “Torus/Horus of the horizon”) 3 is balance within the sphere. Source 4 is balance upon the sphere. Subject 3 allows you align across all centres of influence (gravity) across the spheres in phase The light focused in the centre of your eyes, the same as the sun in the sky The light focused within the centre of the eyes of someone else, the same as the sun in the sky The light focused in the centre of your eyes, the same as the light focused in the eyes of someone else The hole in the centre of the galaxy, the same as the hole in your pupils The same as any gateway or conduit Within a deep meditation, I have passed through the eye of Sagittarius. The super-massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy, no different than passing through the pupil of an eye (interestingly enough, turning into a lion as I did) I traveled up a massive vortex spire, similar to what is described as Mount Meru. Until I burst through into a semi-physical dimension, which glowed of a golden white light, different to any other I had ever seen A council of giant beings lined the inside walls where I entered. Bodies all made of luminous glowing light. Heads shining a light so brilliant, they shone like suns, impossible to look at They all seemed to be some type of avatars. Asleep, connected to forms of themselves, elsewhere. As I guess, I myself would have been asleep, before entering my avatar One awoke, and asked what I was doing back so early When they hugged me, I felt a warmth and love like family, but also a tremendous electrical like force, pulsating between their head and my own. Like polarised magnets, or orbs, which are not supposed to be as close to each other as they are when hugging This place felt familiar to me like home, while I was there. But also felt something like a dimensional laboratory I told them my friend I had returned to collect the turtle, to take it to Earth with me They did not seem to like the idea, but did not try to stop me. Only warned me “do not let it breed with anything else on Earth, because it lives for 15,000 – 20,000 years” This turtle seemed very different to the turtles in this world. It felt like something very ancient, sacred and beautiful Though, I did not get to see it. As I placed my hands into a large black hole to collect it, I was ripped back to Earth into my physical body My point is, that 3 allows you to go anywhere, across time, space and creation. And align with anything, or anyone Source, God, unity, or otherwise I have felt the solemn longing for home, standing on the bow of a viking vessel, sailing silently across the cold night waters of the most beautiful and calm fjord I have ever seen. Watching the moon and clouds in great detail. Watching a blue glowing bio-luminescence passing under the boat, with caution I have stood on the verge of breathtaking cliffs. Impossibly big, seemingly larger than anything we have in this world. In a world where the curvature of the horizon seemed immense compared to our own. Like I was on a much larger planet I have experienced deaths, real enough to now say I know what it feels like to be stabbed in the chest by a spear or sword. I tasted the steel in the back of my throat. Felt the feeling of weakness and panic, at being able to pull it from my body Waking up crying because I can still feel the physical pain and sadness of dying and having my life taken from me unfairly early. Pains which can take quite some time to subside after waking Real experiences, far removed from any dream I have ever experienced in my 30 years prior to being initiated I know what it is like to experience deaths, pains, joys, pleasure, lives and worlds, in places and times, other than in my own waking world These are just a couple of examples of many experiences like this The point being, that the “sphere” we see as “mind” is not limited to the seat of our physical body Nor to dimensional perception such as width, depth and height. Left and right, up and down It can be extended across all torus, spheres or cells It is fairly simple through meditation, to "collapse" your physical form into the sphere of mind, free from these dimension perceptions. So that your hands, arms, legs, feet and entire torso, feel as though they have been shrunk down into a small ball in the middle of your forehead Which is free to roam through time and space, without any limitations like width, depth, height, left, right, up, down, forward or reverse There is no need to "travel" within such structure. Within the orb of focus, you can phase directly anywhere, or within anyone, at any time. Easily and instantly Within such, things like distance and time, do not exist Within 4, you cannot do this. 4 aligns across the linear planes, to the structure and systems relative to the sphere. With your linear physical bodies and appendages, projecting "measure" such as distance and time It is reference within the physical. Which, as I stated before, has very little to do with the first 3 spheres In Illumination we see systems of 4 as within linear perspective, as limitation. Which usually only exist for the purposes of interaction and communication within the physical mediums They are, generally, not something which is supposed to be analysed. As to do such, is either as redundant, or recursively pointless, as reflecting upon a reflection I am not saying that systems and rules of 4 are not important, because of course to exist within this world, communicate and interact, they are incredibly important I am just saying that these systems are "subject" to the source, not of the source itself. And should not be considered in any way of the source itself Unless your intention is to cut yourself off from your own potential The concept of “you” that you referring to, where you shake your hand and look at it in space, means you are wired to perceive yourself (in mind) and the construct of your existence, as emanate and subject of a physical form (4, 5, 6) Which at its “conceptual” minimum, is 6th dimensional Though more precisely, “looking at your hand” or perceiving your physical form, as relative to construct or mind, is perception between the 60th to 69th dimensions (or degrees) What we refer to as "gravity" (for example) is the 36th dimension (or degree) The first 9 dimensions are conceptual This means, there is no width, depth, height. There is no physical body, with no hand, no planet, nor physical form of any sort. Only concepts, within which geometric principles can be applied, through which such things can eventually come to exist All “negative form before zero” as you described, would again, be subject to a sphere of influence, before such dimensions could exist. Regardless of whether it could be perceived by us within our own spectrum Consideration of these things is the same as cancelling out sound waves. Redundant to form “Dark matter” and negative spectrum or dimension, are merely a type of gateway, through which a phased reality can be allowed to exist, persist and sustain itself. Through itself When I gave you this diagram, I was not being figurative about the correlations and universal alignment listed within it The black hole in the centre of the galaxy is not “like” the pupil of your eye. “It is” the pupil of your eye We exist in a phased reality The external body of the universe outside of us, is very literally the exact same one as the internal body, of the body you walk around in It merely exists in phase Considerations of negatives outside of this phase relationship between internal and external body, are irrelevant They, like concepts of God, are unknowable by design of the system But the system itself, is all knowable, from creation to decay We are merely a directional phase within the medium, experiencing cycles which shift through each other, limiting in perception to the spectrum of our particular sphere of influence, within it If we were able to look at the sky, and see into the relative spectrum or dimension of “space” and things like we call “dark matter', we would see flesh and blood Space would appear as a network of bloody entrails and tissue, with electrical pathways between it. Suns concentrating like neurons in the brain. Electrical pathways coursing between them, no different to those within the human brain What exists “negatively” is only an illusion of our directional perception, as beings native to the sphere of the Earth in which we were formed To those born on a different planetary system, with a different mathematical (geometric) configuration to our own system, we (and our world) could be completely invisible Theoretically, our worlds could even inhabit the same space, within different spectrum. Without one being aware of the other Like two people in the same town who have never met, and do not know each other exist The “reality” is, that we do not need to travel through space to find other inhabitable planets. All we need do is talk to another person. This is the same as visiting another planet We are all formed in much the same way, through exactly the same processes. So the perspective of things such as planet, stars, etc, appears the same. Even if we exist within our own world, we still exist within the common. It is just the alignment between these two that is tricky It could be that we are all be living on different planets, in much the same way we live in different houses, with different seats of physical perspective But whether or not we are, is irrelevant. The potential of our influence and alignment is the same regardless If indeed we do end up needing to physically travel through space, it will not need be in a craft designed to travel linearly across measurements of distance. It will be within an orb able to shift (phase) through to higher or lower spectrum of dimension Much like zooming out on a digital map, to then zoom in on somewhere on the other side of the world. Moving to the other side of the universe, instantaneously Except within the relation of our bodies physical structure, to the universe The “unity” that you speak of, in reality, is all we are Everything beyond this is an illusion of directional precept, allowing linear perception But every sphere is the same We stretch across the phase in transit of cycles, giving us the polarised, dual nature of things formed around a source which is passed through/within every sphere, at ever level The influence stretches from the largest spheres of the universe, to the smallest of cellular construct We exist in between the push/pull of the phase relationship between them Body <==> Bodies - Gravity Magnetism <==> Polarised Magnetism - Time Growth <==> Age The Freemason understanding of the concept of sacred utterance is a little off. Like many teachings they aligned to their order, it is based off of Illuminated understanding and processes, within various ancient mystery schools But as with what is described in the story of Hiram Abiff, those who properly understood the secrets were gone Meaning, many of the teachings of modern Freemasonry (as with certain religions) are based off the translations and understanding of those who never actually went through any type of genuine initiation. At least, not under the guidance of any that could be considered ascended In Illumination a sacred utterance is any word (usually within single syllable relation), which is phonetically pure to both the meaning of the word, and the symbol or number Within numbers, there is a very particular phonetic sequence, which is “sacred”, which is the EXACT meaning of the the sequence, as well as the symbols for the number, and the word used to convey within language A sequence, which tells the story of creation 1 – Un 2 – To 3 – The “Un to the” as a process, can be related to thought, emerging from your mind “Un to the” as a process, can be related to a God bringing forth creation “Un to the” as a process, can be related to the big bang, forming the universe “Un to the” as a process, can be reltaed to the sun, shining its light forward to promote life “Un to the” as a process, can be philosophy. It can be psychology. It can be religion. It can be spirituality. It can be medicine. t can be the astronomy. It can be astrology. It can be physics. It can be biology. It can be geometry. It can be mathematics It can be the basis of any conceptual reality It is the process of “creation” itself Which is the primary sequence we call “numbers” But, it can also be formative to “decay”. Which is the secondary sequence we call “letters/words” (Hiram Abiff - “Decay apparently”) This is what makes it sacred “Un to the” relating to “1, 2, 3” is geometrically perfect, as a process across both internal and external manifested spheres There is a very specific sequence from 1 – 12. Which are the dimensions of first perspective concept One that I will not give publicly. But which very specifically, and undeniably, tells a story of creation And there are versions of this sequence, that are relative to any of the “aspects” within that creation, or individual perception of source They are phonetic keys, within language. Connecting the limiting “decay” system of letters and words, to the unlimited “creation” system of numbers NUMBER = CREATION LETTERS = DECAY Like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone Record yourself saying the name “Arthur” and play it backwards. It will still say Arthur, regardless of if you play it backwards or forwards The limitation within language (particularly "English") is what the story of the sword in the stone is about Pull your intention within creation, from within the limitation of the applied layers of decay above it? You will earn the right to rule England, and its language This is another type of “sacred” phonetic key. One which cannot be limited by the algorithm of connective language It is the same reason I refuse to use full stops at the ends of paragraphing And why I write in concise verse structure In Illumination, we spend many years studying language, to free ourselves from its limitations. Down to understanding the meaning of the individual symbols we use for our numbers and letters We study things like semiotics, phonetics, morphology, phonology and syntax to a degree that very few people in this world ever will We break down all possibly combinations of a words formation and phonetics, correlating it not only forwards, but backwards Looking for phonetic matches in words, with the same meaning read backwards as forwards. To find algorithmic "keys" within the language These keys can give you tremendous insight into people and their use of language, which they do not know they are giving you. That most would be helpless to prevent "showing you", even if they were aware of it This is a major part of how we re-wire our brains to think in both directions cyclically, instead of linearly For years we read everything, both backwards and forwards. Words backwards, sentence forwards. Whole sentence backwards. Words forwards, sentence backwards. Cutting not only the sentence to pieces to pieces, but the individual words within them, to form sometimes hundreds of “alternate algorithm” meanings and translations One simple three word sentence, can be broken down in hundreds, if not thousands of hidden meanings and messages. Especially when you start using alternate phonetics It is a rather painful process to go through. As once you have trained your brain to start recognising the patterns fluidly to a significant extent, the world begins to bombard you with “messages” constantly To the point of madness, in public places where you are surrounded by atmospheric input Like the world realises you can “see and hear” it, and suddenly decides it want to tell you everything, about everything, all at once These patterns are not “chaos” as many believe them to be. It simply feels that way, while your brain is being impossibly overloaded It simply takes many years of training your brain, to see them and forget them, taking only the important things you need to see from the overload of possibilities. It is a process of alignment, that feels like having your mind destroyed. Excruciating painful, both mentally and physically. Until you adjust to the new pathways and blood flow in your brain But this alignment, aligns you within much more than just patterns of numbers and language It aligns you within those around you as well You will hear a stranger say something in passing to their friend, which is relevant to the exact thing you were thinking of at the time A woman at the shopping centre, telling her friend “don't forget cereal for Sam”. Which is my name Reminding me, just as I was about to leave the supermarket, that I also needed to get cereal Cereal, which ended up being the exact same cereal she was buying for her Sam Much like the friend of yours ringing with a pain in their back, exactly like mine. Just after you read my post (mine in in my back, under the right should blade, extending down behind the ribs) This type of alignment is constant, once you train your brain to recognise the patterns The more you recognise the patterns, the stronger, more pronounced and noticeable these alignments within the world become I will see a snake slithering across the road as a leave my friends house. Two days later (on the 3rd night) I will see one slithering opposite to this on the road outside my house, as I am arriving home Things that happen on one side, then happen exactly the same (or near identical) on the other side Apparently, this is part in parcel of becoming a centre of gravity within a logos. Things around you begin to gravitate within balanced internal/external cycles I will not go too deep into this, other than to say it is part of what I was originally speaking about, when I came to find helpfuldemon, about needing to isolate during initiation I sometimes find myself actively having to ensure I do not inadvertently influence someone to my alignment Making them want to give me something, or act in a way they would not normally act, because of their interactions with me Then, to your question about concentrating on my affliction … I never said my affliction was a problem I genuinely appreciate your help with it, and you are right, that it is something similar to what people describe as a hydra … Something particularly unpleasant to feel, emerging out of your face (mouth and nose), as well as your rear-end, in the middle of the night Something which feels like an invisible octopus curling its tentacles around your face and thighs, and there is nothing you can do about it I would, of course, love for it to be finally over, which is why I am grateful to any of your suggestions on what could speed along the process But I do not see it as a problem More as a necessary process. Something I must endure, until it finishes its purpose in realigning me across dimensions Its purpose is to seek out and triggers pain (mind), fear (heart) and impurities (body) within me A process, during which I am polarised across the medium Within this, if you resist it, you are only resisting a mirror of yourself it applies to you helpfuldemon seemed to me, to have a very, very deep understanding of what happens when you are “aligned” in such a way, polarised to fight a version of yourself Which says to me they are genuine initiate. Yet, I do not understand why their guardians did not give them very particular and relevant keys they needed towards the understanding they have It is almost like taking someone out into the cold rain, where you know they are going to be miserable. Then leaving them there Which is why I came to share some of what I know I have only ever encountered one other person online, who has been through this process, before I read his thread on levels of initiation If I manage to complete my purge, the "hydra" will have pulled everything it needs to from all spheres of my form, and it will leave me And I will carry a light in this world, that very few people ever achieve As I said before, I am hoping the end is Easter this year, which will mark the end of the 12th year 12 years since I met the woman with the blood-red hair, where the water meet. The woman who I await to return, that I call “soul-mate”. Loved for 12 years, without any contact I'll either succeed in beating the affliction, or it will kill me I am not really worried either way (though I would obviously prefer the primer, to the latter) I only mentioned the affliction, to explain why it takes me some time to read through things and respond Thanks again for your help. I do appreciate it Hopefully, I've given you something helpful in return
  5. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    Wow, @Nungali Finished reading the first post It is very well written, thank you for sharing Some of this diverges fairly significantly from what we are taught in Illumination though We are taught that 3 is the sphere or centre of influence (torus / torah) It has nothing to do with height, width, depth, or any type of triangle Because geometry cannot exist, nor be perceived, without a sphere of influence within which it can first exist If you were in space, which way would be up/down, which way would be left/right? For these things to exist there must first be a sphere/torus/cell: 1 - Primary - Focus 2 - Secondary - Perspective 3 - Gateway - Direction There are phonetic keys within language aligned to this understanding, sometimes referred to as "Sacred utterances" by those such as the Freemasons, which help align a deeper understanding of the meaning and layering of the primary sequence (numbers) I can give you the first 3 of these, for the sphere of influence, but not the rest of the numbers Reason being, that when these utterances are said in order, they are a very specific and powerful key to this world. One which must be worked out, and earned by the individual themselves. In order to be understood One that can take hundreds, if not thousands of revisions, over many years to get right The first three phonetic keys for the sphere are: 1 - Un 2 - To 3 - The Notice how the phonetics for the numbers, and the associated words, align and are nearly identical? You will also notice that the meaning of these words, aligns perfectly the principles of what those numbers are supposed to represent They also form a spoken "key" when said in order: "Unto the" One which continues out through every individual number, as I mentioned a moment ago The longer the key sequence, the more powerful and "connected" it is (Extension from this, 11, 12 and 13, can be considered, as a layer, "And, Too, Thee", specifying a layer of dimensional "relation" to the primary individual. In Arcana, this can be viewed subjectively as relation to "Jack, Queen and King" (if you wish to give up your sovereignty by appointing such illusory titles). This is why the number 13 is often considered "Unlucky", because it is the first number in the dimensional (perception) sequence, after the primary 12 layers of the individual themselves, that relates to a secondary individual or position Meaning, that the favour (or luck) is considered to point to someone else, other than yourself) 4, 5 and 6, are relation to the sphere This is when triangulation first becomes possible, as directional positioning upon the sphere of influence becomes possible The reason that 3 and 4 are considered to be seamless considerations to each other, is that they are relative within face connection 3 is the sphere itself 4 is relation to the sphere 4, 5 and 6, relate things such as what we call "Height, Width, Depth" 4 - East / West - Force - Rotation/Spin 5 - North / South - Field - Meridian/Gravity 6 - Elevation - Size - Depth/Centre Four - Force Five - Field Six - Size See the phonetic relation in these (these are example "keys", not the precise keys I said I could not give) It is very literally what the symbols we use for these numbers mean In directional sense 4, is internalised (centripetal) force 5, is externalised (centrifugal) force --- Within Illumination, we do not consider "Fire" to be an element We are taught there are 3 "element" base: GAS LIQUID SOLID Within the exchange between these elements, across the liquid bridge. There are two transitory states ELECTRICITY FIRE Electricity is POTENTIAL It is rapid contraction of GAS to SOLID Fire is ANGLE It is the rapid expansion of SOLID to GAS Within things like Christianity, these are described as: ALPHA & OMEGA Or CHI-RHO ANGLE / ALPHA = FIRE POTENTIAL / OMEGA = ELECTRICITY Both are opposites of water. One sitting upon each side Fire is slowed by water Electricity is accelerated by water GAS = ELECTRICITY- LIQUID = FIRE SOLID 1, 3, 5 - Harmonic intervals If you unravel the vortices within water, you get electricity. Just a little water, can make great deal of electricity If you condense the vortices, at different intervals along their north and south poles, you can use water to form any of the elements of the periodic table, using the O macrocosm sphere On the other side to this process, fire strips the magnetic bonding promoted within these states, by forcing the elements being burned, outside of their macrocosm state, back to the atmospheric constant --- The next part that is very different to Illumination, is the consideration of mind being subject to the 3rd place Mind is never anywhere but first Without it, there would be nothing to consider with You would have no worker going to work, no supervisor, no tasks to be set, done or failed The problem is, that people confuse the source of mind, with the reflection that is used to convey it as concept "Mind" is the source (1), which comes forth (2), to reflect upon itself in balance, knowing and understanding (3) This, collectively, is consciousness "Thought", is nothing more than the "flight" of this process "Thor" with his winged helm, for the higher dimensions, and hammer for the lower "Thoth" with his bird head, for the higher dimensions, and his writings for the lower "decay" dimensions (book of the dead) "Theos" within the Christian tradition, that which is cast forth, the Father, said to reside in the sky above Thor, Thoth, Theos, are all the same, and they all mean "Thought" These personifications convey the difference between the "flight" of our conscious, and the seat of it, which is "mind" Within the Egyptian mysteries, Illuminated initiates are taught that ⵙ is mind. With Ankh meaning "Intelligence", the same as "Annunaki" in Sumerian Today, like most Egyptian, Sumerian, Norse and other teachings (including the Hebrew and Greek writings the Bible was translated from) ⵙ has been mistranslated, due to the fact that those who translated the texts, did not understand the concepts and wisdom they were translating ⵙ is said to mean both "Ra" or "Sun". When in reality it means "Mind" But the accepted translations are not exactly "wrong", they just do not understand a simple concept that was common knowledge amongst those such as the Sumerians, Norse and Egyptians. In that there is no difference between the sun in the sky, and your conscious mind When you look up at the sun, you are looking at the external version of your own mind Not something which is "like" it, or works "similar" to it. It is very literally your mind This is the meaning of the "All-seeing eye". That the seat of your conscious mind within the triangulation of your external body, is the sun in the sky Not just your mind. All of our minds One for the many Many for the one For this reason the "All-seeing eye" came to mean, that "All are welcome, under this banner", because our minds and life, are all of the same sun and source. Something far removed from what people believe it to mean today In Illumination, we refer to the Earth as the gateway of "our external body". We see it as no different from the internalised form of our individual body, merely a massively expanded external version One half of our form, concentrates inwards, condensed within us. The other half expands outwards, as the universe As we know limitation within the internal form and our lifetime, so do we find wonder in the unknowable intricacies of the external expanding form which seems infinite It is not by mistake that, if you take the "H" off the start of "Heart" and put it at the end of the word, you get "eartH" The alignment is very precise and clinical, but in no way as complex as many make it out to be Too many find themselves analysing their ability to analyse, which is akin to looking into a mirror, at another mirror behind yourself, and seeing infinite layers of possibility You need only analyse the first form, and its counter-reflection The first 6. The sphere, and the triangulation within Within such triangulation, a mirror of the sphere (eye) also exists Hence Ra (your mind) and the sun, both being one in the same The star of David is the meeting of the internal and external spheres Your internal body, or physical form, and your external body, or uni-verse Everything else is relative in form and structure. Regardless of how far removed and complicated it may seem The correlation of the greater external body (12 tones of the full octave), is as is shown in the diagram I posted earlier (below) An important consideration within this, is the confusion within terminology such as "Conscious" and "Consciousness" People get lost in the perspective of their own reflection, which is why it is important to simplify the reflection of self as much as you can It does not matter if you say "mind" as that which emerges from within you (that people mistake for "will") or as the reflection within which such can understand itself Or indeed, the reflection of that reflection, in which it is conveyed in concept to other people "Mind" is the same. Internally or externally. Regardless of which direction it is perceived from It is when you start trying to classify direction within this perception, that you get lost in your own reflection Keep it simple. It is all mind. It exists in phase when you analyse it. But it is experienced perfectly and seamlessly (for the most part) Conscious = Individual Consciousness = Collective Likewise, as mentioned before, we mistake things such a "Will" as being some type of divine force. When in reality, it is the shape of our own form and "mind", stretching out "before" us, in the same way that it stretches out "beyond" us Or returns to us, in consideration and reflection The "sources", which are the centres of spheres (the "un") are the same, regardless of where you consider them emerging from "Un" could be your own mind. It could be God. It could be the big bang. They are all the same The source exists across all spheres, in phase. But they are all one in the same I hope this makes sense. It is hard to put into words. But easy to visualise, once you understand it Within Illumination, when you re-wire your brain to think cyclically (or bi-directionally, when linearly applied), things such as will, are perceived for what they are. As little more than retrospect within the lines of probability I find myself drawn to pick up something I do not need, to take it with me before I go out. Because during the course of my day, I somehow come to need this thing It becomes more a type of sense within the mind What most people refer to as "will" we refer to as "Pre-effigy sync" Like water being sucked out to sea, before the arrival of a tsunami. It is space that appears within a cycle, based on the influence of the mind, as centre of gravity or force within the logos Within a sphere, if you apply force against the atmospheric constant, you also create "slack" behind that force This is the basis of what we know as "light and sound", which are two sides of the same coin The pressure we call light, against and over the constant, creates the counter pocket of slack, within which spectrum of waveforms such as sound can exist This is the basis of wave/particle and things like the double-slit experiment A phenomena that is very easy to understand, when you realise that all interactions, observations or absorption of medium, form a type of interference pattern within the equilibrium of a sphere/torus/cell If you absorb light "viewing" the experiment with any form of optical device, you also create a pocket of slack within the equilibrium of the vector exchange, which alters the way "light" behaves Most modern science, as well as spirituality, does not account for the bi-directional nature of influence, that is inherent within all spheres/torus/cells They see cause and effect. But they do not see that effect is also cause. Again, this is due to our linear (directional) perception, giving us the illusion that we live within a directional existence, rather than a cyclical one What people refer to as "will", or other forms of divine inspiration within the medium, work in much the same way They do not come first, they only appear to Mind always comes first, as it is the centre, nucleus or core One last thing I will point out in the numbers part you posted, is that the "4 truths" part, is horribly removed from the concept of alignment that any form of initiation is supposed to promote You are supposed to consider all possibilities. Regardless of how "impossible" they may seem Submitting to "Reality" subjugates you, disconnecting you from all possible alignment to your external body/spheres It makes you "subject" to the workings of the world, rather than intimately aligned to them at the source, inherent from birth I'll detail some of my experiences which brought me to this understanding, and why this concept of "truths of reality" is so horribly contrary to development of an individuals conscious soul You may not believe what I tell you here, as I myself would not have, had I not experienced it myself. But I will detail it anyway Take from it what you will, Within Illumination when we are first initiated, we are taught to understand the link between the spheres of the brain and spheres like the atmosphere of the planet We are taught to understand that they are one in the same. Not separate from each other, only perceived as such Gas - Mind Liquid - Heart Solid - Body We meditate for days, weeks, months on end. Sometimes days straight, up to 12 hours at a time. Stopping only for physical functions like drinking water or going to the bathroom This is during a process of self-annihilation, where we seek to "test the boundaries" of our physical from Here is something I wrote during my period of self-annihilation, related to boundaries and limitations such as "reality": "It took me a while to realise that all that I have become, is all of that which I used to think lesser. That I lost something while I was looking for something else Every time I opened myself to something, it opened me to that something. Like watering a plant I know is poisonous, to know why it seeks to kill Not to know the pain it brings, but rather the explicitness of its expression. Like opening a wound which may not heal, to see where mind and body meet We are slaves to our own limitations, whether they be met by expectation or regard. It is life meeting expectation through consideration. It is stasis but also stative You open passages which should not be entered, if no reason was given not to. Rules are the definition of their own necessity, or they need not be met Their application cannot be in “want” lest it be submission to such “Do what I say, not what I do” cannot be said, if I, or you, are capable of doing as is done. All who would restrict in such a way, should be contended as a matter of duty, if not of course Binding of the mind can cut just as deep as those of the wrists, though it is our choice if we bleed in such a way. We allow doors to remain closed, if none choose to try open them Holding yourself to the wrath of pain, makes you both more and less than its measure A boundary that isn’t sought and challenged is non-existent, and a boundary which forces itself unjustly can never be kept A boundary which shows no respect, will never receive it, and a boundary for preventing harm, cannot then be allowed to cause it What is one person’s wine is another’s poison, and the measure of a victim lies within perspective" -- During this period, we are taught to understand the electromagnetic influence of our bodies, as a sphere which surrounds us Over years, we align our biorhythm to a weekly cycle, rather than a daily cycle Staying awake for 4-5 days at a time, after which we sleep for 2-3 days The world, and your influence upon it, changes when are you align in such a way Meditating for 6-8 hours without moving, becomes a simple thing to accomplish It instead becomes much harder to keep track of time. Where you mean to lay still for an hour or two, to reach your mind out across the external (universal) spheres, you find yourself emerging many, many hours later than you intended. Aching within your body and mind, in ways which are hard to explain unless you have experienced it Within these meditations, we come to experience "whole" states, which I will not go too deep into in this post, as there is far too much background to explain first But basically, it all forms part of your "underworld" journey Within which, "reality" holds little meaning. Other than, as the anchor to which you are able to return, and remain, within your physical body There are times during week long meditations, where I have "bottomed" out, to the extent where my conscious mind barely recognises my physical form Colour becomes perfect, to an extent that is looks impossible perfect. Blacks, blacker than any you have ever seen. Almost like an holographic projection, or illusion Until I experienced this, I was not aware that our vision was awash with a type of electrical white fuzz. As I am sure that the majority of people, are also not aware When you close your eyes, you think you see black. But this is not the case. You actually see black, covered in a mesh of trillions of little white "electrical" dots". Like static on an old television Dots which I believe, are some type of visualised overlay, of the intricate connections of all the lifeforms which surround you Within self-annihilation, meditating for over a week, this electrical "static" thinned until it disappeared nearly completely, much like my conscious connection to my physical body If I closed my eyes, all I saw was impossibly perfect black. Besides 2 tiny dots of white, moving around within the blackness. Dots I assumed to be myself, and my blood-red haired soul mate (where ever she may be) There was a sense of "universal" understanding within this state. Where my mind was quiet as death. For a moment I found myself trying to seek any type of "question" on, or about our existence. But my mind was quiet It felt like was no point in seeking, as if all possible questions within existence had been answered A feeling of all-knowing. To the point where consideration itself, was a waste of time I had a sense of everything being answered all at once. To the point where the physical world around me, seemed like some type of stage, with little purpose. The world itself, felt like a waste of time I understood momentarily, that I needed to ground myself if I wished to stay in this world, as my conscious mind seemed to have been fully "unseated" from my physical form I went to the kitchen and forced myself to eat. Something I only then realised I had not done in many, many days (probably at least 4 or 5 days with only water) I struggled to eat, as my body seemed to have forgotten how to swallow. The feeling of food on my throat was painful, like sandpaper as it went down. As if I was doing something foreign to my form, putting food down, where it need not (or should not) go Eating in general was painful. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I had to force it down But when I did, I felt my conscious mind slowly returning to my physical form, as if I was bleeding through some type of dimensional barrier I felt my connection to the world bleed back in. Questions again forming in my mind, about the process, on things such as "what the hell did I just experience? Where did I go?" Within this period and the meditations, we are taught to focus a vortex above our physical bodily sphere, which allows us to connect with other dimensions of our externalised body, such as the ionosphere We focus this to the point where I sat in the the middle of an oval, and ended up having eagles circling around my head, flying around the vortex and connection I was meditating on An amazingly powerful, yet humbling experience. Beautiful in a way that few experiences in my life have been Not just one or two eagles, but a whole spread of eagles, circling above me, exactly where I had been focusing a vortex up between my body and the atmosphere Within these meditations, is where we start to understand the nature of things such as what people refer to as "will" Meditating in the middle of the field, we eventually obtain a type of layering within our vision, like a transparent rippling of pearl-shell. Possibly what many refer to as "Aether" It visibly ripples and pulses frequency around you in all directions You hear birds chirping to your left, and you also see it rippling towards you visually Within this state, if you close your eyes and focus on this rippling, you become aware of things before you sense them You feel a gentle pull in a particular direction, sensing the sounds, before you hear them It is more than this though. You do not just sense them, you know them. You share them somehow, as if they were an extension to your own form You feel they are coming, and within your own mind, you make the sound with them I found this state very hard to hold, as my mind expanded as far as I could hear and "sense" in every direction. Expanding my mind in such a way was very draining I would find myself thinking on how amazing it was, to be aligned in such a way, and by such consideration, the alignment would slip With more practice I think I could have gotten over the "wow" of what I was experiencing, but I saw little point. I understood how it worked and how to achieve the state But it did teach me, that our mind (as source) is intimately connected to all things which may "appear" to come before it. Including the illusion of divine inspiration or will This is not to say that there are not higher forms, states and understanding. The "Illusion" is only in our perception that we are subject to them somehow, or they lay beyond us in some way This is not the case We are able to sync intimately to any spheres, as natively as our own mind On many occasions I have found myself "remote viewing" through another person, as perfectly as if I were experiencing my own body I awake in their body, able to see, hear, smell, touch, taste, as real as if it were my own body I even experience their emotions and thoughts, as if I were them These types of experiences, as a woman, gave me very unique understanding of differences between how men and woman view the world Things that are otherwise impossible for us to know in this world, such as how we visually see the world I won't go into this now, other than to say there are very specific physical differences in how a man and womans eyes see the world I am happy to explain more if you are interested at another time Within deeper meditation, learning to understand these principles, we are taught to stretch our conscious mind up, to align it with the sphere of the planet (the ionosphere) Which allows the exploration of all possibility and probability. Across all time and space. Including exploring alternate lines, as other people. Things which did not happen, or may never happen. But experienced through their form as physically as if they had really experienced them This, as I will explain momentarily, came to be one of the things I realise is probably best not to play with. Just because it is possible to do it, does not mean you should Expanding your mind in such a way is intensely exhausting. To the point where you can only hold the connection for a maximum of a few seconds, to maybe a minute Doing this, you learn that things such as influencing and steering the jet-streams are possible The night before the Chelyabinsk meteor hit Russian, there was (coincidentally) a meteor making a close enough pass to Earth, that it would be visible to the West of Australia in the night sky. I went down to the beach late at night to see this meteor But when I got there, the sky was covered in cloud I worked out which direction the meteor was supposed to be, focused on the sky, and in frustration yelled at the clouds to "MOVE" And they did A perfect hole was punched in the clouds, as if my words had shot forth some type of invisible projectile (I found the meteor in the skies over Russia the next day, a very interesting "opposite" to what I had experienced, punching a hole upwards into the sky the night before. A type of unexpected, by interesting alignment) I realised from this, that the potential for creating a vortex between your physical body and the atmosphere, was much greater than what most would believe is possible I started expanding my mind to the atmospheric constant, trying to steer and manipulate its flow. "Playing" with clouds, basically At first it was incredibly exhausting, for very little effect Eventually I realised that I did not need to exhaust myself using incredible amounts of my energy and focus, expanding my mind out to align with the atmosphere. I could simply use the power within the atmosphere, to pull a connect inwardly to me With time, I come to realise, that there is very little difference between the spheres. I could pull influence from the atmosphere inwardly, as if it were my own body/mind pushing outwards The only real difference, is that it is much easier to use the massive potential of the planet, rather than exhaust myself I practiced pulling small vortexes of cloud down on myself, like pulling a funnel, or tornado, down above my head Realising I could spiral the cloud around, I increased my range each night. Trying to turn more and more of the sky above my head each night Till eventually I found I was able to spin all the clouds in the sky, as far as I could see in every direction, above my head like a plate But it was incredibly tiring, even when using the earth to connect Making them move in a direction other than that they naturally wanted to move, was mentally, like pulling an increasingly heavy weight across the sky I come to realise that this was because I was pulling against the constant of the rest of the planets atmospheric sphere The only way I could think of, to overcome the anchoring of the rest of the planet preventing my influence, was to try turning the entire sky of the planet itself One night, with some very heavy meditation, I worked my way up to turning the entire sky above me, then tried to expand out to "grab hold" of the whole planet and shift the sky around it When I did this, I felt my eyes instantly roll back into my head, as it felt like my conscious mind was being ripped from my body I nearly fainted and fell over I realised, by doing this, that aligning the sphere of my mind, to the sphere of the planet, meant that if I tried shifting the entire sky of the planet, it would also shift my conscious mind That momentary feeling of nearly having my mind ripped from my body, was rather unpleasant. So I decided not to try it again Later, whilst standing on a secluded beach myself late at night, steering clouds, I came to a more definitive realisation on what I should, or should not be doing, in regard to these types of things As a normal cloud rolled in from over the ocean, I focused a vortex up in front of it, spread it wide to block the clouds path, and pushed backwards on it hard This folded the cloud in half, backwards on itself, unnaturally, nearly instantly And as it did, the friction caused a violent discharge of lightning. Lightening which landed closer to me, than I would have liked it to I realised something very important from this about our ability to influence systems. One that taught me, that there is a very big difference between what we can do in this world, and what we should do Doing things like trying to steer the "natural order" and flow of the atmosphere, even in ways that seemed to me to be harmless, can have very powerful, unexpected and violent effects As with layering your conscious on another person and syncing with them. Regardless of whether you are trying to influence them, or merely a passenger checking out what they are doing These types of things should not be done They can inadvertently have very disastrous or violent consequences I decided after this, that I would no longer seek to "connect" myself in such ways. Unless possibly, it was in the unlikely circumstance it could be used to prevent some type of harm within the greater good Within this period my "teachers" allowed me, for the most part, to explore exactly what was possible within "reality" and do whatever I wanted, as to gain and understanding through these experiences as to why I should do the things, that they would prefer I not do The most I would generally get, doing what I should not do, or showing people things I should not be showing them are possible, is a pair of very unhappy barking owls landing, directly across from me. Screaming at me, one after the other, voicing their very obvious displeasure I fondly refer to these owls as "Ishtars pets". Beautiful (albeit angry) birds, who turn up when things get particularly violent, or out of alignment. To yell at me, for being involved Only on one occasion, did my teachers "censor" me, when I tried showing someone what was possible, so it did not work. But this, apparently, was to do with the person I was trying to show, more than it was me The lesson learned from these experiences, was that though you may not be able to control "reality", it is very possible to steer the pathways of "reality" towards what you want them to be, gradually and gently You should never consider yourself subject to reality, as was suggested in the "4 truths of reality" you mentioned This is akin to giving up your divine birthright, in control of this world You should never be subject to anything in this world. Not God. Not even the concept of will. Will is something you put forth consciously. It is not something which puts you forth You control the pathways and structure of reality. You just need to make it amenable to the confines of what is previously established and known, or can be known I managed to influence the sky, by the fact I understood how to massively expand and connect my electromagnetic potential through a level of meditation, and altering my biorhythm to a longer-count cycle, which is impossible to most people And through such, seemingly impossible things, are possible It was not magic. It is something which anyone can do, if they are willing to go through what they need to go through, in order to align themselves in such a way to understand the physics which make it possible But what you wrote is right to a certain extent, in that within this, you need go with the flow of the constants ... Or you find yourself fighting against an existential stream, which is the very source of your own soul. Like me, inadvertently trying to rip my own conscious mind from its physical seat/throne You do not swim against the rapids of the river, trying to get to shore. Or you will exhaust yourself and drown Instead, you need make small adjustments sideways, using the power of the river itself, to carry you, gradually, to shore But under no circumstances, ever, do you submit to a collective understanding, subjugation and confinement within "reality" You need do the opposite. Question everything we deem to be such, in order to find gateways unknown The reason such gateways are considered by most to be impossible, or not exist, is because they are not sought. Nothing more "Reality" is yet another illusion The real "reality "is, that there is only what is known, and what is yet to be known
  6. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    @Nungali did you compile the article about the numbers? Or did someone else write it? It is very good! Just woke from my half-day nap. Going to try finish reading now Not hospitalised. They cannot work out what is wrong with me. I've had formles countless tests. Ultrasound on kidneys,, liver, everything I have been looking at CTM recently, to try acupuncture, so your advice was much appreciated @Zhongyongdaoist pleased to meet you Thanks for your concise intro You sound like you have a good deal of understanding in the paths I lack, which is perfect Hopefully I can be helpful to you, likewise You have to forgive me if I take a little time to read that thread. I get exhausted feeding my birds each morning. I tend to do things at a slower pace than others, but I get there eventually 👍 *Back to reading*
  7. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    *Posted here from other thread for continuity* Illuminated initiates need experience death, to enter the underworld. Usually by suffocation or drowning Something which needs be carried out by your own hand, willingly. Meaning none will hold you underwater, you must do it yourself, as a test of your will, resolve and most importantly, intent It is said, that only those who give themselves selflessly, without fear, for the right reasons, such as love and the greater good, will be able to be revived You are warned, that if you do it "with fear in your heart", such as doing it for "self" (even reasons of self-improvement) or any of the wrong reasons, including curiousity, you will not be able to be revived. Regardless of the strength of your will or resolve. If it intent is flawed, the gatekeepers to the underworld will deny you access, and you will die The idea, is that this makes it impossible for the unworthy, or unready to pass As with Egyptian writings on the underworld, they measure your "offerings" to enter But this does not mean gold or riches, as is mistakenly believed. It means the purity and intent of your heart It is a dangerous process, which none should attempt to replicate outside of Illuminated council It requires very specific alignment, to attempt this type of alignment Like the fire of one torch, lighting another There are very specific processes involved to ensure that only those who will survive the process, are allowed to undertake it I will not go into detail here, for obvious reasons I will only warn that there are very specific "gatekeepers" who guard the heart gateway (the ark of the covenant) in this process So it should not be tried by anyone These guardians are called "the burning ones" for a reason. Not "the cuddly friendly ones" The modern Freemason "chamber of reflection" ritual, based on a ritual detailed in the Crata Repoa, is a symbolic recreation of this process Almost everything that is carried out "symbolically" in Freemasonry, we experience for real Affliction, basically, is a mirror process within the physical form, to the mental traversal of the underworld which is undertaken in initiation As we die to close one eye, entering the underworld to begin initiation ... So to, do we need open another (third) eye which is closed To overcome and mark our return to ascension It could be said to be the culmination of initiation The best way I could contextualize it, is that it is like having a weight, like a shifting (or our of alignment) centre of gravity pulling against your body One you need to pass and overcome Or possibly, like being turned inside out, and having your conscious "soul" ripped across all dimensions, unknown and known, seeking to balance itself again But within an external version of self, rather than the internal version of self There is very particular esoteric understanding about exactly what this world and the planets actually are, that goes along with this It is nearly impossible for most people to visualise effectively, unless they have traversed dimensionally, to be able to see each layer fluidly ... But I am more than happy to share any of this understanding as knowledge. If you wish to know We are not sworn to any secrecy. Merely taught to conserve our efforts in sharing things, with those who want to know, or are ready to hear it Told to most people, they would not believe you, or think you crazy. Because they have no basis for understanding But I am happy to share anything
  8. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    @Nungali thank you again Yeah, I posted something yesterday in the other thread responding to what you asked about enactment. I think you may have missed that post Response on Illuminated Initiation Process I did not finish reading that last part yesterday, as I found myself needing to sleep, as I do 😣 (watching movies or TV shows with me is a nightmare, unless you enjoy watch them in pieces over days 😆) What I can say from reading down to the description of number 4 and 5, is that what is being described is, nearly exactly, what we refer to as the primary sequence. The description is very comprehensive, albeit a little more over-complicated than it need be There is a very specific mathematic thesis based around this, that I am told was once common knowledge. Which today would be said to "not yet be written". Involving the nature of the trinity. Which is, when simplified, the ability to perceive, consciously, to understand things such as "self", through reflection It basically goes: 0 is unknowable. It exists only as mirrored context, for all that is known. Which is the primary sequence we call "numbers" Numbers are all that is known Numbers are creation, because they do not end. They merely get larger and incrementally more complex Within the Arcana, linked to Tarot, 0 (zero) is represented by the fool The reason being, that only the fool would claim to know, or believe they know, that which is unknowable by its nature This includes those who would claim to know and understand "God", or use such terminology to align their own understanding, as if it were truth. Outside of what is necessary to convey concept to others, who would use such terms In Illumination "truth" is a term that is only ever used for one thing, the individuals understanding of their own conscious mind Everything outside of this that people would call "truth" is considered "relative truth". Because there is no certainty on such things. Only a common level of understanding The Illuminated Primary Truth The only thing that you can ever know for certain in this world is that you exist Everything else is up for debate Personal belief is not the same as knowing Knowing is not the same as understanding The rest of the trinity, 1, 2, 3, is mathematically, only existential provable through its relation to each other 1 could not exist without 2 And neither could exist without 3 To simplify this It means that 1 cannot be said to be 1, unless there is something to compare it to, which is its second Without the second, it could not be "1 of". It would be a whole, or all Likewise, 2 could not be said to be a second, unless there was a first to compare it to But in order for the two to be contextualized as separated wholes unto themselves, there needs be the ability to "reflect" They describe this in the document you sent me as it being "space between the two", but in reality, it is more than this. It is anything which comes in between, which means it can also be a blockage or division The best way to think of it is as being a gateway, which allows "direction" 3 gives the ability to discern between 1 and 2 Without 3, it could be said that 2 is equal to 1. Or 1 is equal to 2. You could not determine with confidence which is which. Or more importantly, the order (direction) they come in Even if, in reality, such determination is an illusion of directional perception There is: 1 = 1 1 = 2 2 = 1 2 = 2 "Direction" within 3, allows the determination of which comes before the other, or which is dominant It also allows reflection, which is a very important aspect left out out at the start of the document you shared. As it is the seat of consciousness (throne of temple of Solomon) But 3 as a gateway, allowing direction, is always bi-directional in nature. Even if it can only be perceived in one direction We may "perceive" it to be linear, in one direction But the reflection of 1, 2, 3 is always cyclical and non-linear 3, goes both ways, always And it is also exponential. Meaning that all "reflection" within 3, is also a reflection of that reflection For every positive linear aspect, in direction, there is a negative counter To these, there is also a positive-positive, positive-negative, negative-positive, and negative-negative And so on, and so forth This is the gateway to all conscious alignment This is exponential in both directions, expanding outwardly, and contracting inwardly From the source of creation, to the very smallest building blocks within the creation If you learn to visualise and open this gateway, it can lead you anywhere in existence. Including time and space This principle is viewed linearly within things like fractal recursion and perceivable macrocosm, microcosm We are taught in Illumination how the mathematics principles of this connect to physics, biology, astronomy, and everything else An example would be: Our perception of H1 in chemistry We believe there is only 1 in Hydrogen, but the reality is, that there is an unseen negative counter to the positive H, which is merely outside of our perceivable spectrum Likewise, we also believe there to be 2 hydrogen in H2O, when there is actually only 1, which are the 2 sides of a phase-conjugated EM vortices. Similar to the 2 poles of the planet Within the microcosm sphere of O, the unseen negative H seat, becomes visible Water itself, is a visible microcosm manifestation of the gateway (3) principle All known matter can be made from water, by turning it either inwards, or outwards on itself, balanced within a binary sync (Alchemy) I can go more into this. We are given details on how to do it, etc This gateway within water, is also a pathway in the formation of planets, that the Illuminated refer to as "Astrospiration". Which is the "flooding" of a newly formed planet, to bring more life and more water in. Trigger the planets expansion and growth, and evolution within it Water is literally sucked into the atmosphere through hydrogen layers surrounding the planet In a similar way to which the Earth "breathes" across the spheres of its layers (the other planets) But I digress Within the reflection of the gateway 3, is the key to perception The ability to reflect to recognise what we would call "self" But also to then reflect on that reflection, to perceive self as something external Then reflect on that reflection, then reflect on that reflection And so on, and so forth This promotes cellular complexity, and is the seed of what we call "Intelligence" (Anunnaki) When I went through the Lesser Eleusinian mysteries, this concept was taught to us using (the oppressed, or internal aspect/function of) Demeter "Demeter" means "Diameter" or "Dimension". Depending on if you are perceiving it externally, or internally Demeter gives birth to Kore. Who is taken into the underworld by Hades. To be returned, in balance, as Persephone Translated: Diameter gives birth to core (or nucleus). Who is taken inwards by Radius. To be returned, in balance, as Perception Demeter = Diameter/Dimension Kore = Core/Nucleus Hades = Radius Persephone = Perception I'll include a few diagrams I made up which explain a few versions of this concept I have to go for now, but I will try my best to finish reading your posts today when I get home, if I don't fall asleep. If I do, I'll read later tonight Thank you very much for your help @Nungali
  9. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    @Nungali That post is awesome. Thank you. I am reading through it now
  10. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    It is a principle found within everything Mathematics, science, theology, mythology The 12 disciples, the 12 labours Almost anything containing 7 or 12, is aligned from/to/within the perceivable and measurable layers of dimensional frequency, by the fact it exists within perceivable spectrums Visualising this alignment is one of the most powerful things anyone can ever do in this world, because it makes your physical form amenable to the same patterns in both higher and lower forms of reality A good example, is visualising the planets as your chakra See the sun as your mind, and all the planets circling it as the chakra Forming a phased dimensional sphere, that is incidental to your body But do not just visualise it. Know it. Feel it as the external version, of your internal body It is not "like" you body. It is your body
  11. The Grades of Initiation

    @Nungali should we possibly continue discussion in the other thread where I introduced myself? It would probably be better, as I feel like I am hijacking an old thread Thread linked below, for any future follow Compendium - Illuminated Initiate
  12. The Grades of Initiation

    Illuminated initiates need experience death, to enter the underworld. Usually by suffocation or drowning Something which needs be carried out by your own hand, willingly. Meaning none will hold you underwater, you must do it yourself, as a test of your will, resolve and most importantly, intent It is said, that only those who give themselves selflessly, without fear, for the right reasons, such as love and the greater good, will be able to be revived You are warned, that if you do it "with fear in your heart", such as doing it for "self" (even reasons of self-improvement) or any of the wrong reasons, including curiousity, you will not be able to be revived. Regardless of the strength of your will or resolve. If it intent is flawed, the gatekeepers to the underworld will deny you access, and you will die The idea, is that this makes it impossible for the unworthy, or unready to pass As with Egyptian writings on the underworld, they measure your "offerings" to enter But this does not mean gold or riches, as is mistakenly believed. It means the purity and intent of your heart It is a dangerous process, which none should attempt to replicate outside of Illuminated council It requires very specific alignment, to attempt this type of alignment Like the fire of one torch, lighting another There are very specific processes involved to ensure that only those who will survive the process, are allowed to undertake it I will not go into detail here, for obvious reasons I will only warn that there are very specific "gatekeepers" who guard the heart gateway (the ark of the covenant) in this process So it should not be tried by anyone These guardians are called "the burning ones" for a reason. Not "the cuddly friendly ones" The modern Freemason "chamber of reflection" ritual, based on a ritual detailed in the Crata Repoa, is a symbolic recreation of this process Almost everything that is carried out "symbolically" in Freemasonry, we experience for real Affliction, basically, is a mirror process within the physical form, to the mental traversal of the underworld which is undertaken in initiation As we die to close one eye, entering the underworld to begin initiation ... So to, do we need open another (third) eye which is closed To overcome and mark our return to ascension It could be said to be the culmination of initiation The best way I could contextualize it, is that it is like having a weight, like a shifting (or our of alignment) centre of gravity pulling against your body One you need to pass and overcome Or possibly, like being turned inside out, and having your conscious "soul" ripped across all dimensions, unknown and known, seeking to balance itself again But within an external version of self, rather than the internal version of self There is very particular esoteric understanding about exactly what this world and the planets actually are, that goes along with this It is nearly impossible for most people to visualise effectively, unless they have traversed dimensionally, to be able to see each layer fluidly ... But I am more than happy to share any of this understanding as knowledge. If you wish to know We are not sworn to any secrecy. Merely taught to conserve our efforts in sharing things, with those who want to know, or are ready to hear it Told to most people, they would not believe you, or think you crazy. Because they have no basis for understanding But I am happy to share anything
  13. The Grades of Initiation

    Thanks Nungali, Pleased to meet you I know Steiner through some of his Rosicrucian works, but I have not anything of his regarding affliction. I will look into it, to see if I find anything helpful. Thank you My namesake Samael Aun Weor speaks of his own affliction, which would eventually kill him, as part of an ascension process which goes beyond the limitations of his lifetime Though I respect his work and path, I have come to believe the purpose of the affliction, It is to draw the light out from within you, which recedes inwards within initiation It is something that is supposed to be overcome in our lifetime. Or at the very least, it is possible It is one thing to pass through the flame within initiation. It is another thing completely, to cast that fire forth from within you - "I am sorry to hear of your 'affliction' . What level of initiation and what part of the body is affected ?" We have two stages: Initiation - "To go into" - The lesser mysteries "Kore, Hades and the oppression of Demeter" - Isis/Jesus - The Sumerian fish people / fisherman (Jesus) - Pisces Ascension - "To go out from" - The greater mysteries "Persephone and the liberation of Demeter" - Osiris - The Sumerian bird people / "baring water" (the "water barer Jesus spoke of following, meaning "Aquarius", coming after "Pisces") - Aquarius The simplest way, if you wanted to break our initiation down into levels, would be the 7 full levels, with 5 sub-levels, which are considered half-intervals of that before and after it. 12 layers in total These are, essentially the same as the 12 labours of Hercules There is a very particular reason for our levels being structured in such way, in that they align with what we know as the "Octave" of frequency 7 layers of perception. Which align with 7 layers of light. Which align with 7 layers of musical tone (with 5 semi-tones). Which align with 7 chakra. Which align with 7 planets (Mercury is not considered a planet in Illumination, but a "Solar moon", or what they refer to as "Solomon") If you look at a piano keyboard, they are the 12 keys of the octave. 7 white coloured keys. 5 black coloured "semi-tone" keys We align these 12 stages, with a simple aspect (or "degree") system, which explains the conscious alignment from center, in a way which is harmonic to the alignment of all other manifested existence All "Torus" spheres/cells, manifest in exact the same way, through the same sequence of 1-12 (with 7 dominant perceivable layers). It is does not matter if it is a galaxy, a logos, a planet, mind, heart, body, or any of the cells within the composition of these things. They all form in exactly the same way, using the exact same sequence The idea, is that by becoming intimate with the structure of one of these internally, as through the "underworld" in initiation (or more specifically, aligning yourself seamlessly with the "source" of this, as the source of creation), you become intimate with all of them Because they all work exactly the same way You can then mirror this understanding, to influence, control, etc You fill out your understanding of your inner form in initiation, you can then project yourself outwards to align with the world in ascension There is a little more to it than this, obviously. But this is the basis of the concept Our number system and the symbols that we use for it, are based around this process of the creation and formation of a cell, sphere or "Torus" In Illumination, we refer to the sequence of numbers and the meaning of their symbols as "The primary sequence" The primary sequence, is creation. A sequence, like the universe, which does not end, merely grows bigger and more and more complex The secondary sequence, is letters and words. Which are the opposite. They are "decay", limitation in algorithm, which allows us to condense relation of the primary sequence down into a relatable secondary, for the purposes of communication The Freemason degree system is based on this sequence, but as far as I am aware, they have no idea of the original meaning of the symbols Our "degrees", basically, are the same as those found in “degrees” or “arc” of any angle (archangel, very literally meaning “arc of angle”) Within our initiation, these are generally measured in units such as years. But are not limited to years. They apply to anything sequential or enumerated. As all such things are connected, from the source of creation They apply in phase across any incremental system of existence These degrees, as far as they are perceived by the initiate, are dimensional aspects of position and direction, which illustrate the alignment between the source of your (our) creation, and your physically manifested form Each "degree" represents a very specific "layer" of your attachment to the world, as the source of that which is able to think Even if you, as the source, are perceived as merely being a reflection of "God" as the true source, or creator. The system still works This perception goes back to a distinction between Sabaoth and Yaldabaoth Yaldabaoth - Empathy - Or empathetic system Sabaoth - Sympathy - Or sympathetic system The beauty of alignment within dimensional aspects (or what we refer to in Illumination as "The primary sequence" which is numbers and the meaning of their symbols) ... Is that those who say there is no God, are no more or less correct that those that say there is They are both right, and they are both wrong When you reduce everything down geometric enumeration, and aspects of perception, all there is, in reality, is your ability to either align with the source of your creation, or see yourself divided from it This is why numbers are used. They give an accurate and infallible pathway to the source. Regardless of whether you see that source as yourself, or you see the sun as the source, or you see "God" as the source, or the the big bang, or anything else As all cells manifest through the same sequence and process, all arguements as to "where" the source originates from, become null and void (Which is why religions are so terrified of the Illuminated order, and the "universal understanding" they know is coming) The geometry, is no different to the theology When the Bible is translated correctly, genesis is about biology (internalised cellular structure), exodus is about geometry (externalised dimension of spheres of centres of influence/logos). Leviticus is vectoring, the balance and exchange between the two "Numbers" follows, as the primary sequence (law) - Number and their symbol meanings "Deuteronomy" follows, as the secondary sequence (law) - Letters, words and algorithm within phonetics, phonology, morphology To answer your question, we basically, measure our initiation level in years. Similar to the Freemason degrees, except we intimately experience the association of the layering related to that number/year In that regard, I am what you would call 12th dimensional Meaning, I am one, in relation to another, as equal The aspect of sharing understanding, as knowledge to whoever may seek it, or wish to know My "Initiation" process began, Easter 2012. Which means, that by Easter 2024, I should have completed the process known as initiation, and be considered one undergoing ascension But ... In order to be able to align in such a way to say that I have honestly reached the process of ascension, I must first overcome my illness/affliction Or, I succumb to it Meaning, by Easter this year, I will either be considered one of the Illuminated. Or will be one of the fallen, which means I will likely die Not to sound dramatic, only to illustrate the general structure of the process Though I sleep up to 20 hours a day and feel destroyed if I do more than the minimum I need to survive, I believe I am feeling better and "lighter" every day The pain you asked of, is a pain within my chest under my right shoulder-blade, behind my ribs I have x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI. They cannot see anything wrong with me I have come to realise in recent years, this is because the alignment and pain is not something which is physical, rather, it aligns para-dimensionally across time I experience pains of surgeries, from long ago, as if I were awake during them. Pains associated, which stretch out across time Pains that radiate bi-laterally across my flesh, all the way to the bone I think, basically, the problem is, that my conscious mind was expanded dimensionally, in ways that then caused my flesh and bone to follow I experience on-going pains, that radiate through points in my body like the kabbalah tree of life, that I feel concentrate down through layer, after layer, until I feel them concentrated in the bones of my spine Likewise, when I manage to "let go" of certain pains, I feel them slip through gateway in my body, like a serpent uncoiling One that goes deeper and through more layers than you can possibly imagine Imagine the universe condensed into you body, shrinking in size at the speed of light to fit within you. Then imagine meditating on this for countless hours, after which, you seem to have gotten nowhere Like trying to pull a piece of string through a jumble of gateways within your body, that exceeds the size of the universe itself I meditate for days straight, up to 12 hours at a time, and I still cannot quantify the source of the pain. Or pass it through my form It is like an impossibly long serpent, hatched within my brain, when I began initiation. Coiled up within my pineal gland, like its egg It wrapped downwards around my spine I tried to push it from my body, it shifted into the right side of my chest where it got stuck It grew day after day, until it felt like I had an invisible tree branch slowly being pulled through my body and head. Horrifically painful beyond words With time over the years, it grew to be the size of the universe itself It became less and less physically painful, but more and more debilitating and exhausting to the rest of my form I have come to believe that it is the literally manifestation of the pathway, through which my mind, heart and body, are able to combine to be here The pain it passes, is no different to the pain I have taken on, or given in my time, being processed on levels, which it was not native to at the time, when my alignment was much "simpler" I need to pass the "serpent", to free myself from the limitation, within physical form I am hoping this happens by Easter I hope this answers some of your questions I appreciate your suggestion on Steiner His exercises such as "backwards review" are very similar to things we undergo in Illumination to rewire our brains to think cyclically/non-linearly Sorry if I shared things in this post that were of no interest to you, but I have no gauge yet, as to what would be of interest to you
  14. Compendium - Illuminated Initiate

    Hi Nungali and Cobie 👋 Pleasure to meet you both, I am happy to speak and learn with anyone, who is happy to do the same with myself Yes it was helpfuldemon I joined to find But it is because I saw they needed help. Something very specific, I may be able to offer them It is a pity to see that they are banned. But I can understand the types of confrontation they likely brought out The hostility you speak of, is part in parcel of a particular process of polarity, that I was looking to help them with Within Illumination, we isolate ourselves if/when we go through this process, because it is self-destructive by design and nature Certain people who would question everything (including the questioning itself) who peer beyond the veil in any way, find themselves locked in a struggle with a polarised image of self. A reflection of divinity, which can not be met in any certainty outside of what we refer to as "the primary truth", which is the understanding that you exist It is a very powerful process, as far as wisdom goes. But it is also probably the darkest of all paths. Filled with every type of horror or "demon" that can be considered As necessity, to balance a consideration on all possible good and beauty It is, essentially, what is described within the story of Pandora's box Except, "hope" can end up becoming the form of the torture, as the mirror reflects all such "good" things within you, as the key to your pain, fears and self-abuse. Which comes with a feeling of futility This is why we isolate ourselves in this time. So we cannot hurt those connected to us, whilst exploring the depths of all possible existential pain From what I read, they desperately need to begin a purge Generally, none are allowed to open the gateway they have, unless they have the ability to re-emerge So they will eventually come good ... A much lighter, calmer and positive soul I just hoped I could offer something to speed their journey Maybe, it was you I was supposed to find after all Nungali 👍
  15. The Grades of Initiation

    "Enlightenment" means to bring forth some form of light (or understanding) into the world, where before there existed only darkness or confusion People misunderstand it to be a title unto the individual, when "En", like "El" specifies a carrying forth You can understand the secrets of creation itself, but unless you carry that understanding forth in some way that changes the world for the better, or benefits the greater good, you are not "enlightened" The light itself is meaningless, outside of it overcoming and being carried forth Just as light itself only shines, through its ability to overcome the constant Hi HelpfulDemon, I am Compendium. I am an Illuminated Initiate I found this thread through a Google search and joined this forum especially to speak to you You have a detailed and specific knowledge of an initiation process, which is as close to Illuminated initiation as anything I have read online There is allot to unpack in what you have shared in this thread I can offer you a good deal of perspective on much of what you have written I have a few questions for you, on things I am confused about, within your own processes and experiences I will first, need to finish reading through the rest of this thread I will say, that you seem to have very important "keys" within the initiation processes missing At least, within what you described, when compared to Illuminated Initiation You also use terminology, which we very specifically avoid in Illumination, such as "truth" and "will" I will ask you about these things later But your understanding of some things, is as good as anyone I have seen. Honestly A few quick things I can ask straight away 1) Are you aware that "Initiation" (meaning "to go into", is only the first half of the process? (the Sumerian "fish people", or the Piscean "fishermen"). Which is supposed to be followed by "Ascension" (meaning "to go out from)? (the Sumerian bird people, carrying a bucket of waters symbolic of being a "water-bearer" ... One who carries the water of their initiation out to others, and "enlightens" with their understanding) In Eleusinian, these are the lesser (to go into) and greater (to go out from) mysteries 2) Are you speaking in terms like "Gods" for the purpose of the veil alignment of those reading? Or do you still think in these terms? I ask because you are supposed to gain a very specific understanding within ego death, by which you realise that divine hierarchy and nominum title is an illusion This is a very important key within alignment "You are all You are nothing You are both And you are neither Let God be as God as Unto you As to your divinity" 3) What did you seek in the underworld? When you "peered into the abyss", what was your path? What was the purpose? Was it done for yourself, including betterment of self? Or selflessly for the greater good? 4) Did you undertake anyprocessess to allow your mind to think non-linearly, bi-directionally? As you seem well aware, the linear projected mind is something that is easily measured, met and countered A type of existential prison, where one becomes their own jailer, battling a reflection of their own conscious mind, which is supposed to evolve conscious Did the gatekeepers teach you anything about how to map the "chaos" para-dimensionally? In both directions? "Chaos" is an illusion of linear perception, looking at cycles, from within the influence of those cycles The more you understand the layering, and are able to visualise it cyclically, the less the "chaos" and its mirroring of self (and intent) can effect you It ends up doing the opposite of limiting you, in that it aligns you as a centre of gravity within the logos I can elaborate, much, much deeper on this and how it is done, if you like 4) You make no mention of the single most important key to initiation, which is the purge (the labours of Hercules) Did you go through purge? Mind - Catharsis - Pain (Past) Heart - Purification - Fear (Future) Body - Cleansing - Impurities (Pathway) The reason I ask this, is that what you describe in great detail, is succumbing to existential blockages within you, that are supposed to be removed within the purge It is the single most important aspect of initiation You go into the internal Trinity of spheres (mind, heart, body .. Or "Entered initiate, fellowcraft, master mason" for Freemasons ... Or "Mind, heart, gut" for Rosicrucians ... Or "Father, son, Holy spirit" or the upper middle and lower dantien ... The list goes on) You need "go into" self. Peering into the abyss as you call it ... Or, in the case of Illuminatuon, dying and being revived, in order to enter and traverse the underworld Within this purge, you cleanse and remove all blockages As with the Egyptian depiction of the heart being weighed against a feather You purge your "soul" of all pain, fear and impurities, so that you can be aligned with the higher spheres The planetary bodies, etc Whilst the blockages remain, with you "fighting yourself" in reflection, you are stuck Subject to submission, or self-destruction (the fallen) You make no mention of any purge process within initiation Without this process, you will likely never return from the descent. You are weighted down I can assist you with this, detailing what is done within Illumination There is much more, but I will leave it at this for now ... Because I want to read through the whole thread when I get time ... Before going back to the start, to offer some perspective that may help One thing I can offer you now, from what I have read, is that you need to simplify the beauty you seek, within the world around you Regardless of how far removed your sense of wonder and love for this world may feel You are in the midst of the single most extreme polarisation (pole side) a persons mind can go through in this world But there is a purpose to what you are experiencing, as I am sure you know. Whether it seems worth it or not to you, from where you stand A depth of understanding that few others in this world will ever have. That is nearly impossible to explain, unless you have been through it I have been though everything you describe ... And much, much more It goes far, far deeper still You will find that, eventually, the deeper you go, more and more light begins to bleed though Whilst you are "bottomed out", feeling drained of all you used to be, and anything you could possibly think or feel, let the children and the animals be your guide Let their wonder and love for this world carry you, where your own wonder seems lost forever The simplest beauty, that you see, but most others would be blind to, is the key to reigniting the fire in you, which feels extinguished It is painful. It takes time. But they have the key you are looking for But within doing this, you still need let go of the blockages, which would prevent you from feeling what is being offered How often did you cry during your initiation? Light bleeds through the waters. Especially tears That taste you get in the back of your throat when you cry, is bleeding pain, which opens blockages and allows light to pass The blockages are usually felt, equal to their size, in a sense of futility You need start letting go of everything. To ensure that there is nothing which can hold you down Descent in initiation is the easy part Resurrecting your spirit in ascension is the hard part In Illumination we literally give up everyone and everything we love, and go into isolation, cutting ourselves off from the world for many years So that we cannot pain, nor be pained, whilst traversing the underworld (the hermit Odin, with one eye opened in the physical world, one eye closed in the underworld) I can give you very specific knowledge on how to carry out the purge process, that will help you I'll leave it at that for now, until I have read the rest of this thread It may take me a while to do this, as I am currently undergoing the "affliction" stage of the ascension process This means I am suffering from an unknown (undiagnosable) illness, which I may or may not survive As such, I spend most of my time chronic, in bed But I will get back to you, and hope to finish reading this thread in the near future It is nice meeting you Hope you all have a great Christmas and felt loved Compendium